[Ren'Py] SU Re-Imagined, an UNOFFICIAL Proof of Concept Ren'Py Demo - Community Development Thread

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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Progress report on SU ReImagined v0.28.2


So, everyone that's helping at the moment has been making slow but steady progress on getting more content added.

The other gals shown above, yeah their cell content is at varying stages, Cheetah is just a Placeholder essentially, as is Mercy and Power Girl, the other gals have a bit more cell content, but essentially nothing new over the last couple of updates.

Audrey has all of her associated pre-capture dialogues coded, but these still need to have the image calls added. Thanks to joepe's efforts and a few minor tweaks on my part, most of her layeredimage sprites are set up, including some of her sexy fun time stuff! So hopefully Audrey's content transcription will go a little more quickly. Not sure how quickly Audrey's cell content will come together (someone else is working on this), but it's nice to see progress!

One other character has been discussed via the back channels, keeping my fingers crossed...

I've been bouncing back and forth between a few things, in my usual fashion. A few bug fixes here and there, a bit of code streamlining, that sort of thing. I keep wanting to set up the Meta Bordello, but keep getting distracted with other things. Not a bad thing, but the Meta Bordello is still something I want to make progress on.

Again, thanks to joepe's efforts, we have a few more layeredimages available for a few of the other gals, which should save a little bit of time for whomever wants to work on associated cell content.

Still lots to do of course, I am hopeful that v0.28.2 will be ready for release in a few days, keeping fingers crossed!

More help is always appreciated!

Back to it!


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So I've been working on Batgirl's Quarters Screen...


This doesn't reflect currently coded gameplay progression (more scenes need to be added first), but it shows how the costume picker is set up.

The six head icons at the left control hairstyle, with/without glasses, or mask type. Also, in the later game, some outfits may have 'slutty' and 'mostly nude' versions, the 'naked' button invokes the birthday suit, but remembers which outfit that Batgirl was wearing when you invoked 'naked'. The 'naked' outfit sets Batgirl to 'Birthday Suit' with no outfit chosen, so with the button switches it's a bit redundant, but the 'naked' sprite 'defaults' the hair to Long Hair so there's that (you can change the head sprite afterwords if you wish).

The empty box at the bottom will be used to show which girls that Batgirl has girl on girl scenes with, when those are unlocked (Kara, etc.).

The upgrade button adds amenities to the room, like furniture, a more comfy bed, etc.. This isn't implemented yet, as 'improved room sprites' need to be made for this, but that's the plan. Better accomodations increase Fatigue recovery when resting.

That's where I'm at so far. This template will be used for the other girls quarters as well, when the associated screen is added. Note that 'mandatory' conversations may preempt this screen, in which case it won't be shown until said conversation is completed.

Back to it!


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, just a quick update. No screenshot this time, I've been workng on boring under the hood stuff...


So, joepe and I have been going back and forth in PMs r.e. coding ideas. He's working on something, I'm looking forward to to seeing it.

In the meantime, I've been setting a few things up in Batgirl.rpy. The costume picker you've already seen (a few posts before this one), what you aren't seeing is the associated revisions to the code that makes this happen. Looking at walls of code text is boring for most people, so I'll go over what you'll see instead when Batgirl's quarters interface screen pops up.

1) Fight Crime button. This is a bit trickier than it sounds, so to summarize:

- If you've not done anything with Barbara yet that evening in her quarters/cell, you may send her out to fight crime, which helps reduce/mitigate threat level a tiny bit.

- Clicking on the 'Fight crime' button will give you a choice of outfits if you send her out to fight crime, Regular or Classic, just because...

- When Batgirl is assigned to Fighting Crime via her room interface, you'll see the dark room icon on the quarters screen, with a message (if you click on Batgirl's room) that she's out and about fighting crime.

- Each night, if you haven't clicked on Batgirl's room yet, you'll see an 'eye' icon in the lower left corner of her room icon. Clicking on her room thumb will give you the option to unassign Barbara from crime-fighting duties. Barbara will continue to fight crime until you tell her otherwise, unless fatigue levels are too high, at which point she will stay home instead (unassigned).

- You are allowed to do this once with Batgirl (click on her room icon to re-assign her if crime-fighting). If you choose to have her continue to fight crime, the eye icon goes away for the rest of the evening, and you'll get the 'out and about fighting crime' message for the rest of the evening if you click on her darkened room icon. Otherwise, Barbara will show up and you'll enter her room, and will be able to interact with her from there.

.... I decided on this approach instead of having a 'these girls are fighting crime right now, do you want to re-assign any of them' as that would be a completely different thing, and is kind of covered on the Assignments/Management/Profile screen already... this way, you can just scan for eye icons on darkened rooms when you visit the Lexcorp quarters, which will tell you who is fighting crime that hasn't been interacted with yet that evening.

2) Bedpost notch counters.

.... A lot of people have been asking for counters that track how many times you've had sex, etc. with girls in their quarters/room. Said counters are now implemented.

- Under the hood, counters have a default value of -1, which indicates that said activities are not unlocked yet. A value of 0 or higher unlocks the menu option under the "Actions" button sub-menus.

- Leash Walks work pretty much the same way, although these are tracked via a separate, unique variable for leashes.

- Counts for each unlocked activity will be shown on the Quarters/Room Interface screen.

3) Room upgrades.

- These are partially implemented at the moment, essentially girls get better rest (increased fatigue recovery) when sleeping in their Lexcorp quarters as rooms are upgraded. We still need artwork for this, but works in the meantime.

4) Batgirl's full activity progression is now coded.

- Note that the associated scenes may not have been added yet, a lot of the dialogues and associated scenes still need to be transcribed, but I wanted to have a 'full example' of how to code the associated variables and 'unlocks' for the activities.
- I still need to set up the 'Slut outfit'/'Nickname' triggers, that shouldn't take long. Associated conversations won't be transcribed until later of course...

5) Costume picker works.

- I just need to add the associated outfit unlocks to relevant scenes.

- There's a new variable, Batgirl_outfitlist.

.... Outfits (which are indexed by number) are added to this list as they are unlocked. Things are currently set up so that Batgirl_outfits sets the range (default outfit = 0, +1 for each additional outfit in order), but with Batgirl she has the 'Classic Batsuit' outfit which may or may not be unlocked before she arrives in her cell (Meta Bordello extra outfits thing).
.... Batgirl_outfitlist = [0, 2, 3, 5] allows for certain outfits to be 'skipped', while still maintaining the current system (outfits indexed by number) to stay in place. A LOT of SU ReImagined sprites have been set up to use the numerical index system already, so it'd be a major pain to change everything over to 'Alpha' character indexes...

- The quarterscreen outfitpicker system, as mentioned before, checks for variations of each outfit. Normal/Slutty/Mostly Nude/Naked. Naked is usually just the birthday suit, but this allows for extra flexibility down the road, i.e. say if she's just wearing a necklace...

6) Comments under the hood have been updated.

- Batgirl.rpy is intended to be a 'template' file for other girls to follow. As such, there's a lot of #This does this... comments in the file, so that coders have a quick guide of sorts r.e. why said variable is there (if not immediately obvious) and how it is set up to work.
- This is mainly just for coders/modders that want to set up new girlpacks for SU ReImagined. Players won't see any of this stuff unless they decide to look at Batgirl.rpy for some reason...

7) To be added... Sexy Fun time partners icons.

- The big box at the bottom is so that icons for girls (mainly Kara) can be added when scenes involving that girl are added. The idea here is 'click on Kara to invoke dual leash scenes, quarters scenes, that include Kara'. Clicking on Kara's icon will bring up a menu showing your scene options, i.. Dual Leash, Quarters scenes, other scenes when they get added...

8) Interaction counter added.

- SU ReImagined often allows up to three interactions with a girl each night in her cell, this counter just shows the current activity count. Note that initial dialogues cost 3 activity points, as do certain other specific interactions. Also note that once the counter reaches 3, you are kicked out of the girl's cell for the rest of the evening (which is 'usual/existing' SU ReImagined behavior).


This should be a big help to others that want to work on girlpacks for existing and new girls going forward.

Anyways, yeah this means that Batgirl's quarters stuff will have a significant update in 0.28.2. No new scenes necessarily, just a bunch of new placeholder text for later content, but progress nonetheless.

Back to it!
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just a quick note.

Per a request that was made a while back, I've been working an extended intro tutorial/guide, that highlights how to use the various screen interfaces. It has visual cues to highlight what is being discussed. It's easy enough to do, but it's tedious work.

It's also skippable, there is a dialogue choice that invokes this ingame already. For newbies to SU ReImagined, though, this may be rather useful.

You'll see this when I'm ready to share version 0.28.2, which should be soon. A 0.28.3 release will probably drop fairly soon afterwords, depending on how quickly more content becomes available. I can only do so many things at once...

Back to it!


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, interim build time.

Here are the links for the SU ReImagned Proof of Concept Gameplay Demo, version 0.28.2:

Edit: Links removed, new 0.28.3 links on next page.

This is an interim beta build. I'm sharing it mainly so that others that are currenty working on SU ReImagined stuff have an updated build to work with.

Those that are brave enough to betatest this are welcome, feedback is appreciated.

Details regarding the latest changes and additions have been covered in the previous posts. The 'quick rundown' that explains various gameplay elements is now rather extensive, for those that don't mind reading through such things.

Quick note for those looking for an Android version.

Hang on for a few more weeks, the plan is to reach out to the Android port types once a few more things are worked out. This particular version, as I noted, is intended to bring other coders up to speed r.e. where I have things on my end atm.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
Just fired up a new game to see the 'new game play mechanics be explained'. How the hell you programmed that hand to fly all over the screen is beyond me!! Very impressive work. I salute you.
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just fired up a new game to see the 'new game play mechanics be explained'. How the hell you programmed that hand to fly all over the screen is beyond me!! Very impressive work. I salute you.

I figured out how to do the hand thing years ago, when I was just starting out with Ren'Py. I started my projeects development thread on this forum around that time.

The code itself is fairly easy and straightforward. Coding each move and writing the associated dialogue took a long time though, about a day's worth of work to test and tweak each move, auto-reload is a godsend here. As I said, easy but tedious work.

Note that there will be a minor patch for 0.28.2 in the next couple of days. This will just be a couple of .rpy files with additional dialogue tweaks, bugfixes and such, no need to set up a full download when I'm just tweaking lines of text. This might also be a good time to show off an individual girl pack as a separate download as an example of how girlpacks can be added separately, depends how soon that content becomes available.
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Short form: Hotfix incoming soon!

Long form:
I cleaned up some button logic for contracts/legion hideout stuff, but apparently missed a logic loophole, and found an error and another issue (overlapping text) with the 0.28.2 code just now. I have a fix on my end, but am still playtesting and don't want to do multiple hotfixes if I can avoid it.

I'll have a couple other updated files as well in the hotfix, which hopefully I'll have ready soon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
Played that Cheetah Heist, that was like a DLC or something!!! Great work. Is the 2nd Cheetah not a recruit yet?


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Played that Cheetah Heist, that was like a DLC or something!!! Great work. Is the 2nd Cheetah not a recruit yet?
Her relationship with Lex will be... unique. Also, not a lot of art for her yet, the current icon is mostly just a placeholder, at least until a full set of sprites is able to be set up that's consistent and has sexy fun time sprites.

My current plan is to repurpose the vault as an archaeological lab of sorts. Don't worry, a replay/gallery function will be implemented somewhere someday! Maybe via the Lexcon Mobile Interface...


Another quick note. Chrisdarock19 and I were discussing stuff via PMs, and I mentioned my idea of making a glossary of game concepts so that people that didn't want to run through the intro tutorial again but wanted to go over something again could. Said glossary would be accessable via the Lexcon Mobile Interface, via the 'Access Options Screen' button.

Chrisdarock19 said 'Oh, you mean a Lexicon..."

We're calling it that:
The Lexicon(tm)!


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Another day, another thing...


Credit to Chrisdarock19 for the name of this screen.

As mentioned before, this screen will be accessible via the 'Access Info Screen' Lexcon Mobile Interface submenu button.

I still need to add a bunch of keywords, but you get the idea here.


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
A quick followup screenshot for this screen. Slowly making progress!


I ended up making more room for the description text. I thought that it would be enough room before, but I like to be descriptive when describing things, soooo... most entries won't have this much text, this is a 'worst case' situation...

My main focus with the Lexicon is to highlight newly added gameplay concepts, and also to note the differences vs. how things work in SU Unity.

This should be enough entries for now, I'll add more as the whim strikes. I'm hoping to upload a new version (with less issues), v0.28.2a, soon, just need to tackle a couple more things...

Back to it!

SAVE please (y)
This isn't really a game yet, it's more of a proof of concept demo. It's also still in a playtesting phase, so the idea is to evaluate the current state of the gameplay interface and gameplay progression and give feedback. A number of things still need to be implemented.

Also, my current saves won't work right with the currently released version, as they reference new variables that aren't in v0.28.2...

There's also not a lot of sexy fun time content, so I'd suggest waiting until more content is added if that's what you are looking for.

Be patient!
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May 16, 2023
A quick followup screenshot for this screen. Slowly making progress!

View attachment 3347261

I ended up making more room for the description text. I thought that it would be enough room before, but I like to be descriptive when describing things, soooo... most entries won't have this much text, this is a 'worst case' situation...

My main focus with the Lexicon is to highlight newly added gameplay concepts, and also to note the differences vs. how things work in SU Unity.

This should be enough entries for now, I'll add more as the whim strikes. I'm hoping to upload a new version (with less issues), v0.28.2a, soon, just need to tackle a couple more things...

Back to it!

This isn't really a game yet, it's more of a proof of concept demo. It's also still in a playtesting phase, so the idea is to evaluate the current state of the gameplay interface and gameplay progression and give feedback. A number of things still need to be implemented.

Also, my current saves won't work right with the currently released version, as they reference new variables that aren't in v0.28.2...

There's also not a lot of sexy fun time content, so I'd suggest waiting until more content is added if that's what you are looking for.

Be patient!
Understandable but still a save file would be appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
Is Indigo tied to the Injustice backstory? or will she pop up if another intro is chosen, same with the "striperella's" and 2nd cheetah..
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