Big Brother Torrid affairs pre-release discussion [locked]

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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Adding a quick question, for those interested in this project...

I am struggling with trying to decide if the default names for the characters should ALSO be used. My desire to change the names, is due to the fact that the stories are not similar. However, for familiarity, I was wondering if I should retain the original "English variations", of the names. Max, Alice, etc...

At the moment, I am doing the hardest part. Making the characters with selectable relations.

For example, before the story begins, you are guided through a few "fill in the blanks"...

Before I begin my story, I should tell you a little bit about the people I am living with.
[Eric]{Change name}, is the head of the house...
He is married to [Anne]{Change name}.
- were high-school sweet-hearts.
- were step-brother and step-sister.
- are cousins.
- are brother and sister.

Then there is [Kira]{Change name}.
She is [Eric's]...
- friend,
- cousin,
- step-sister,
- sister,
and she is also [Anne's]
- best friend.
- cousin.
- step-sister.
- sister.

You see, this information will be used to set-up the initial details of the story and will also be used to add the desired flavor to the situations that arise. Thus, the "Affairs" part of the remastered title. Yes, you can go full twisted, with Eric, Anne and Kira being brother/sister/sister, as well as Alice, Lisa and Max being sister/sister/brother. {Insert banjo-music here}

For those without the incest-relations, they can all be unrelated to one-another. However, in this version, Eric is always married to Anne. He is the focus of the story/game. While Max will remain the critical protagonist. (The non-related variation has them as foster-care and the aunt as a "friend of Anne and/or Eric", while the two girls can be part of the care, or exchange-students. They will all have an excuse for codependency on Eric, the house and the income provided.)

Max's story is what changes the most, besides Eric's long-term role-change. His fear is not boot-camp, it is the government, and a little bit of Eric. He has Max on a tight leash, due to his "situation", which is what made him forced to return to this home. (He gets into trouble, while training in boot-camp, which he volunteered for. Resulting in something to the equivalent of a Hollywood luxury "house arrest", without the ankle-bracelet. He has to try his hardest not to piss anyone off, who might tip the scales on his lenient arrangement. Thus, placing him into military-custody and/or military-prison.)

The catch... His "girth and length", depend on a constant replenishment of the military-grade experimental enhancement pills, which he must keep taking, until he is permanently "buffed-out". Something that requires a little hacking and some misguided deliveries. Along with some crafty bait-and-switch of the contents.

I will ask them, when I cross that bridge... I agree with you. They did great work with the renders.
here ya go


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Why not post the pictures I am sure some of us can come up with ideas
The pictures are just the PNG files from the game folder. (They are not encrypted. Can be seen with windows folder-explorer and "View" set to large icons.)

emo-0.png to emo-179.png

Generic renaming, for my version of the game, is as follows...
you = max
twn = lisa
sis = alice
ant = kira
mom = ann
dad = eric
grl = The blond girlfriend of lisa's crush
boy = the guy that lisa has a crush on
wmn = alice's girlfriend
??? = unsure of the rest yet.

The images get named...
"side you smile.png" {happy, thrilled}
"side you wink.png"
"side you pissed.png" {upset, disgruntled}

The {names are alts, which would also load that image, if used.}

They can't conflict with other names, so the best word for the image is set in stone. Dupe words move to best image associated with that expression.

I have all the max (you) images named already. The rest will be similar. I think the numbers all are the same, per emotion. Like I said... grunt work... clicking each name and renaming them to match.

Only grunt work with turning the images into an icon, is the process to get it into an icon, and still look decent. Only one per character for that... But I have changed the icons three times already, because I didn't like how they looked when stacked-up or overlapping. (Keeping in mind that in this version of the game, there will be up to nine people in a room at once. Not just two or three... ORGY!)
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Aug 12, 2017
The pictures are just the PNG files from the game folder. (They are not encrypted. Can be seen with windows folder-explorer and "View" set to large icons.)

emo-0.png to emo-179.png

Generic renaming, for my version of the game, is as follows...
you = max
twn = lisa
sis = alice
ant = kira
mom = ann
dad = eric
grl = The blond girlfriend of lisa's crush
boy = the guy that lisa has a crush on
wmn = alice's girlfriend
??? = unsure of the rest yet.

The images get named...
"side you smile.png" {happy, thrilled}
"side you wink.png"
"side you pissed.png" {upset, disgruntled}

The {names are alts, which would also load that image, if used.}

They can't conflict with other names, so the best word for the image is set in stone. Dupe words move to best image associated with that expression.

I have all the max (you) images named already. The rest will be similar. I think the numbers all are the same, per emotion. Like I said... grunt work... clicking each name and renaming them to match.

Only grunt work with turning the images into an icon, is the process to get it into an icon, and still look decent. Only one per character for that... But I have changed the icons three times already, because I didn't like how they looked when stacked-up or overlapping. (Keeping in mind that in this version of the game, there will be up to nine people in a room at once. Not just two or three... ORGY!)
S there any possibility for personalizing the names? If you were able to pick names at start it would give it a bit more personal feel. Use the standard names for coding, but masking with player selected names. Just a thought.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Like the one face max makes that I can only assume as "I just finished an ice cream cone and there's a little bit left on the corner of my mouth" ? I know what you mean.
side you wink.png

Yes, I was going to name that one... "side you there is a bug in my eye and some jizz on my upper-lip.png"
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Is there any possibility for personalizing the names? If you were able to pick names at start it would give it a bit more personal feel. Use the standard names for coding, but masking with player selected names. Just a thought.
Yes, here is the page where you rename "Max" to what-ever you want. (The smaller image is just a test-shot of the image-overlay animation. That is not part of the screen.)

The dialogue goes like this, at the selection screen... {Relations screen is first. It determines if Dad is DAD or just your GUARDIAN. Lisa is your sister or just a foreign exchange student... etc...}

This is the narrator speaking, at the moment. The game is not in third-person.

"This is... (You, the protagonist)"

"This is [YourName], before he got booted from boot-camp."
"I'll tell you more about that situation, a little bit later-on."
"First, let me tell you about his current living situation."

"This is... (Your [YourRelToDad])"
INPUT-BOX [ Eric ]

"This is [DadName]."
"He is the head of this household and [YourName]'s [YourRelToDad].
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Apr 29, 2017
View attachment 32333

Yes, I was going to name that one... "side you there is a bug in my eye and some jizz on my upper-lip.png"
Yeah, that's the one.... I HATE that picture, it looks so creepy and unnatural and I think in my entire 40 years of life I've never seen anyone make a face like that. Is he smiling, is he licking his lips, is he licking his teeth, is he winking, it's none of those and all of them at the same time.


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Yeah, that face is wierd. It's like an actual example of how their kids may look like if they won't stop inbreeding in BB


Aug 6, 2017
I don't know if any of these will help
emo9 shit she's biting my cock off
10 cumming feels so good
11 you will take my cock bitch
12 yeah that's it take my cock
14 oh come on don't go limp now
15 why won't you get hard
16 fancy a good tonguing wink wink
20 I'm not impressed
21 I'm the boss
24 fuck that's a big cock
26 fuck that's stretching my pussy
27 no I will not fuck you
28 well maybe I will
29 oh that feels good
30 fuck Max that's a big cock you have
31 I like that idea
33 Hmm nice idea
34 Fuck Max your cocks tearing my pussy apart
42 You want to do what with your cock
42 Your cock would bring a smile to any girls face
44 no Max you cannot stick your cock in my pussy
48 oh Max you've made me so happy
50 Fuck Max I didn't know a cock could be that big
62 Does Mommy make you hard Max
63 you want to what Max
64 no Max Mommy will not give you a BJ
65 Fuck Max you have the biggest cock I've ever seen
67 that's it Max be a good boy and eat mummy's pussy
68 Oh Max I can feel your tongue on my clit
71 oh Max you are going to make Mommy cum
73 so Max is standing at the door with his cock out thinking I cant see him


Aug 6, 2017
emo101 Thats a big cock you have there Max
102 Fuck I've seen horses with smaller cocks
105 careful Max you're supposed to stick it in my mouth not poke my eye out
106 Mmm I tihkn I'm in Heaven
108 Motre Max give your auntie Kira more
109 be a good boy Max get your cock out for auntie Kira
110 Fuck max you're over excited you nearly poked my eye out again
113 Thats it Max, in out in out shake it all about
114 Oh Max you sure do know how to eat a girl's pussy
120 look no hands
123 I can hit the toilet from here no hands
141 Do you like Olive Oiled
142 I see your cock is pleased to see me
143 Yes I lkie your tongue in my pussy
144 carefull Max push it any futher up my cunt and you'll be hitting the back of my teeth
145 Thats a cock, I thought it was your baseball bat
146 Wow max I thought you had an anaconda in your trousers
147 Fuck Lisa Max's cock would bring a smile to any girls face
148 Lisa stop being a cock hoarder it's my turn
151 Max do you really think I am going to let you stick that thing in me
152 Good girl Alice now slide your tongue inside
154 Fuck Alice you never told me Max had an enmormouse cock
156 Come on Alice you can lick me better than that
157 Oh Alice you're so good I think I'm going to pass out
158 No Max I'll never let you stick that thing in my pussy
159 Oh Max I never thought being fucked by a boy could be so good
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
are you going to release this in bits or all in one go?
I am going to do this in bits. Mostly due to the time it will take to convert all the content, write and code all the story-elements.

I will try my hardest to make this "upgradable", if possible. I hate having to keep redownloading shit over and over. Then again, I also hate complex updating crap too. Some parts will unavoidably require a full redownload, when the core-contents change.

To lessen the initial pain. I will be releasing the initial downloads with reduced graphics. That is always going to be the biggest chunk of downloading. There will be an additional download for the full HD graphics. It is just a direct image-swap.

Using a few graphics tricks, I can make a HD download of 1.5GB, reduced to about 0.5GB, without any real noticeable loss in graphics quality. Pushing that to a Low-Quality graphics pack, I can further reduce that to 0.1GB, which will obviously have a noticeable quality loss. (But not horribly so.)

There are a LOT of rendered images which should be components, but they are not. Thus, there is a LOT of fat to trim from the original game.

WARNING: Geek Math Ahead!

For example... from what I have done so far, this is the final values of the work I have done...
My versions HD = 4.27 MB (54 Faces PNG)
Original images = 16.81 MB (54 Faces PNG)

Direct example... emo-0.png
Original PNG = 299.00 KB
My HD PNG = 73.10 KB
My HD JPG / Mask = 16.00 KB + 9.23 KB = 25.23 KB (jpg @ 5% reduction)
My LD JPG / Mask = 6.90 KB + 9.23 KB = 16.13 KB (jpg @ 25% reduction)*

* 15-20% is the typical reduction/quality level used in most places. (Mask is the same 256 grey-scale image for both.)

Orig v.s. HD PNG ~300 - 73 = ~24.3% of original data-size
Orig v.s. HD JPG ~300 - 25 = ~8.3% of original data-size
Orig v.s. LD JPG ~300 - 16 = ~5.4% of original data-size

Sooo... The initial "test releases", will be about 5.4% of the original games size, when it is equal to the current content contained in the game "Big Brother". Soon his will be 5.000-GB to download, while mine will be only 0.270-GB with the same exact content. However, mine will have much more content, in actual comparison.

The upgrade pack of images, will roughly be, 8.3% of the original size, or another 0.415-GB. For a total of 0.685-GB to get the full HD version of my game.
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Roman DeVil

Sep 18, 2017
...i can't wait to play this version of the game! Sounds definitely less prude than the original one... ;)


Apr 29, 2017
Sooo... The initial "test releases", will be about 5.4% of the original games size, when it is equal to the current content contained in the game "Big Brother". Soon his will be 5.000-GB to download, while mine will be only 0.270-GB with the same exact content. However, mine will have much more content, in actual comparison.
I approve of this. It's one of the main reasons I've given up on Dreaming of Dana. Even though I don't have data cap limits on my downloads I just don't want to re-dl ten billion gigs every update.


Oct 8, 2017
I approve of this. It's one of the main reasons I've given up on Dreaming of Dana. Even though I don't have data cap limits on my downloads I just don't want to re-dl ten billion gigs every update.
i wanted to play that then saw how big the file was and thought fuck that i'll gladly take a lower image quality to shrink the file size any day
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