Storywriters for an Incest game


Oct 15, 2016
As far as plausible scenarios go with incest, I'm kind of surprised there aren't more stories written around half siblings. That isolation angle tends to come into play with a divorced and remarried family member, only seeing said sibling every couple weekends or for a month or two in the summers... Move in with your other parent (and said sibling) permanently after the first dies or somesuch, suddenly having to get used to seeing a budding college/high school senior in their prime every day that you'd never thought of in that fashion, but now have seen naked or in various states of undress on occasion, yourself potentially a late bloomer and dealing with repressed sexual urges and curiosities... Just seems like the story would all but write itself. Instead folks always seem to go either full sibling or step sibling. -shrugs-
It's probably because that sort of scenario invites the horror genre more than the pornographic. You are right, in that it's a good idea that would write itself, but the awkwardness and unfamiliar familiarity would get most writers thinking cheesy eighties slasher film.

It's why step-sibling is just an excuse for writers that don't want to go full on incestuous. The real scenario of a stranger living in your home is awkward, especially if they start doing perverted stuff.


Aug 22, 2017
Hey everyone.

I'm making a mom-son incest themed game. The models are pretty much done although I might add some more characters depending on the story.

I don't have any experience with writing stories and I want to avoid cliche or unrealistic stories as well as cheesy characters, so it's best if it's done by someone with more experience in this field.
The game will pretty much revolve around the slowly developing intimate relations between the mother and her son. There can be a few more characters to diversify the storyline, just a mother and son living in the same house might not be much of a challenge or give enough room to add the depth to the story, but if the storywriter can make it work that way, It would be alright.
It's going to be a dialogue based game like with stats, relationship levels, items, etc so they can come useful in the storyline.

Feel free to let me know if you're interested or if you have any feedback :)

Now time for some screenies.
I'm the best story writer here. Learn a lot from Channel Awesome, especially Doug on the subject. And I have a master's degree from university. I am best at young adult materials, which this can easily fall under as that is 18+ material. However, I tend to most of my work in relation to vore and sometimes futanari. However, I don't have to do either of those aspects. Also, learning what you shouldn't do from various existing writers like the ones behind the show of Game of Thrones (R. R. Martin is terrific) and the Prequels of the Star Wars Series. Further, I've seen my fair share of hentai games of this element, mainly Summertime Saga.

Trick in writing is theme and setting for the both place and character. This needs to be done in cooperation, which means you may be involved more so than you would have liked for story pacing aspects as well as screening and filtering materials to fit your ideals.

Some of what the other people here have said is correct, but not necessarily.

For instance, you can have a typical hentai incest story, but if doesn't offer anything original, no one will invest in it. So you need original material and a psychological deduction presented to the viewer that makes him accept it regardless of what kind of taboo or what level of taboo takes place. No story is necessarily bad until pacing and theme is ignored. <- This is why Game of Thrones (the show) and the Hobbit trilogy (especially the third movie) suffered so terribly in terms of storytelling. So did, Episode VII of Stars Wars, but don't let any die hard feminist here know I said that. *wink* *wink*

Therefore, I would gladly work with you to create said story, together and I'll do so for free so long as I am mentioned in the credits.
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Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Here's a story for ya...
She looks to be a confident woman who has been the unfortunate victim of people who call themselves "men". Man after man are horrible daters and lacking lovers. This results in this wonderful lady suffering from severe sexual frustration and craving a connection besides her and her son's love. Her son idolizes his mother and wishes the best for her. He puts her on a pedestal since she IS the queen of his world. His everything, his existence, and his muse. He slowly realizes what's going with his mother as she's leaving small clues in her frustration. Now, the young man resolves to meet her every need and then some in exchange for the good life he's had so far. He learns to give massages, learns to last longer, and scours the interwebs for sexual knowledge. A plan is in action...


Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
I'm working with a
I'm the best story writer here. Learn a lot from Channel Awesome, especially Doug on the subject. And I have a master's degree from university. I am best at young adult materials, which this can easily fall under as that is 18+ material. However, I tend to most of my work in relation to vore and sometimes futanari. However, I don't have to do either of those aspects. Also, learning what you shouldn't do from various existing writers like the ones behind the show of Game of Thrones (R. R. Martin is terrific) and the Prequels of the Star Wars Series. Further, I've seen my fair share of hentai games of this element, mainly Summertime Saga.

Trick in writing is theme and setting for the both place and character. This needs to be done in cooperation, which means you may be involved more so than you would have liked for story pacing aspects as well as screening and filtering materials to fit your ideals.

Some of what the other people here have said is correct, but not necessarily.

For instance, you can have a typical hentai incest story, but if doesn't offer anything original, no one will invest in it. So you need original material and a psychological deduction presented to the viewer that makes him accept it regardless of what kind of taboo or what level of taboo takes place. No story is necessarily bad until pacing and theme is ignored. <- This is why Game of Thrones (the show) and the Hobbit trilogy (especially the third movie) suffered so terribly in terms of storytelling. So did, Episode VII of Stars Wars, but don't let any die hard feminist here know I said that. *wink* *wink*

Therefore, I would gladly work with you to create said story, together and I'll do so for free so long as I am mentioned in the credits.
Here's a story for ya...
She looks to be a confident woman who has been the unfortunate victim of people who call themselves "men". Man after man are horrible daters and lacking lovers. This results in this wonderful lady suffering from severe sexual frustration and craving a connection besides her and her son's love. Her son idolizes his mother and wishes the best for her. He puts her on a pedestal since she IS the queen of his world. His everything, his existence, and his muse. He slowly realizes what's going with his mother as she's leaving small clues in her frustration. Now, the young man resolves to meet her every need and then some in exchange for the good life he's had so far. He learns to give massages, learns to last longer, and scours the interwebs for sexual knowledge. A plan is in action...
I've starting working with a few writers and even put down some of the events.
Thanks for the offer though :)


Hey Gaussian Fracture, I'm writing again just to say keep up the good work. Your stuff is looking awesome! I too have started an ambitious project and am getting close to demo release. Can't wait to see your game on the list. One question though. How will you get paid if its not on a pay site like patreon? I ask because I am on patreon but I dont think they deserve my money.


Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Hey Gaussian Fracture, I'm writing again just to say keep up the good work. Your stuff is looking awesome! I too have started an ambitious project and am getting close to demo release. Can't wait to see your game on the list. One question though. How will you get paid if its not on a pay site like patreon? I ask because I am on patreon but I dont think they deserve my money.
I'm not in this for the money really. I'm not sure why I haven't set up a patreon yet but my time schedule is kinda messy and I don't want to force myself to come up with quick content every month just so there's an update. I just want to take my time to create a mom-son incest game with a fusion of visual styles I hand-picked over different doujin and western erotic art, which are accompanied by a nice taboo story. So I guess I'm doing this for the sake of art :)

I'd like to take a look at your project btw, can you add a link to it?


I'm not in this for the money really. I'm not sure why I haven't set up a patreon yet but my time schedule is kinda messy and I don't want to force myself to come up with quick content every month just so there's an update. I just want to take my time to create a mom-son incest game with a fusion of visual styles I hand-picked over different doujin and western erotic art, which are accompanied by a nice taboo story. So I guess I'm doing this for the sake of art :)

I'd like to take a look at your project btw, can you add a link to it?
Well, so far all I have out in the public are a few pictures. They are on my I actually feel the same way about the money thing. I'm doing this because I enjoy it. If I get paid its just a bonus. And even if I do get patrons for my patreon I don't plan on doing monthly updates or rushed releases. More than likely people wouldn't hear from me regularly. Until I had some kind of infrastructure set up its completely not feasible.


Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Well, so far all I have out in the public are a few pictures. They are on my I actually feel the same way about the money thing. I'm doing this because I enjoy it. If I get paid its just a bonus. And even if I do get patrons for my patreon I don't plan on doing monthly updates or rushed releases. More than likely people wouldn't hear from me regularly. Until I had some kind of infrastructure set up its completely not feasible.
Yeah, sam idea here. If I had all my time to devote it to this game, I'd definitely set up patreon and do periodical updates. But this is just a hobby really. No pressure, no obligations, just enjoying the perversion :)
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Jun 22, 2017
I went to college for Creative Writing (with about 10 years experience) if you want some technical advice :D But seems a lot of people here are enthusiastic about putting themselves out there, and you said you're working with a few writers already xD In any case, I'm free over the weekends :p Good luck with your project!


Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
I went to college for Creative Writing (with about 10 years experience) if you want some technical advice :D But seems a lot of people here are enthusiastic about putting themselves out there, and you said you're working with a few writers already XD In any case, I'm free over the weekends :p Good luck with your project!
I've got a writer but I'll keep that in mind.

release date?
too soon to tell

Cant wait for this
here's a little teaser for you then :)



Jul 25, 2017
i always wanted to create my own erotic game, but i lack of skill in drawing xD, sad but true, i have dream about making some story like this

A boy Nathan (15 yrs old) live's alone with her aunt, her aunt works for an pharmaceutical business finding a cure for a random weird disease. It started 13 years ago affecting all the males in the planet, its effect happens when they turn 16, this affect the males to behave anormal, lost interest in womans, the world population right now are decreased due to this problem, and he's a bit curious about her aunt works, so he get into her room, and seeking his project folders, finds some document about his passed away mother. Her aunt always tells him her mother die as young when she gave him birth. But sadly he continue reading this folder, and now he know that weird disease was his mother project working for some shit company who wants to create quimical weapons.

He's start to hear some footstep nearby her aunt room, so he try to hidde somewhere. Lucky for him seems to found some hidden button behind a small library stand, an door opens, he jumped right into it. He can't believe what his eye are seeing. Labs experiments, wierd fluids, tubs, etc. (you know, lab shit).

He step behind an enormous wall, and continue reading that folder, and here is when we got complicated... He know everything what gonna happen to him when he turns 16!. Scared as fuck, started to shake.

He continues reading that folder documents, and finally at the last pages, found some experimental pills, her aunt was working on it. Sadly it says, there wasn't tested yet, and don't know what their secondary effect will cause. It's say they are hidden in a green glass vase with security code, he's running out of time!, her aunt know he was in there. So suddenly when she appears, he takes the vase, and crush it all over the floor. There was like 5 or 6 pills, and he's take everything... yep, he swallowed all of them...

Her aunt can't believe what he have done!, not for the fact he eated the pills was working for trying to find some cure to help humanity, owever she cared about him, she don't want to lose him.

Seems to be working fast those pills, cuz in seconds he fall asleep.
He wake up at the next day, with her aunt sitting next to his bed, she brings him a truly and lovely hug. He don't remember anything from the last day, it's due to those pills he takes. Now there's some silly problem down there, He got a hard on!, and a massive one!. Her aunt flush red, and he don't know what to do, so he suddenly go to the bathroom, and try to cool off. Later he goes to school and meet with is best friend, some weird dota game lover... Name's Josh. Nathan (he's like more lol).

Josh invite him to his home to play some video games, and watch a movie, its his birthday!, yeah 16yrs old! bravo!(he gonna die virgin,cough, cough...)
Later that night josh talk to nathan about to stay the night and sleep in his house, he happily accept. Nathan sleep in the guest room, At 3am wake's up with an massive boner, he doesn't understand whats happening to him since the morning. He goes to the bathroom, and while he was passing by the hallway, he sees his friend josh room something flawless. Josh mother's sucking her son cock... His step wasn't something loud... but he broke some vase next to that door in the shock!, Josh mother's look back at him, and he run for the bathroom and lock herself, can't imagine what he gonna explain, at high hours in the night walking, and after what he saw...

"toc, toc, toc" sounds in the bathroom door, he know that was josh's mother.
He reply "i'm sorry, i never wanted to see that, i was in an hurry to the bathroom, and then i heared some weird sounds coming from josh room"
Josh's mother was crying because of that, she was desperately about some intimacy, because it passed a long time since she had a man touch, thanks to that disease, she can't handle the fact that, his boy was turning 16 and started that anormal behavior. She's feel lonely, she ask for an hug and wants a little talk, so Nathan came out of the bathroom to console her

Well it all kinda worked well, except...
he was still hard like an rock! She saw it's boner from the floor to the moon!!!, she started breathing heavily, and suddenly ask him, how he's that big and why have that boner. He reply, this started last morning and don't know why it happens, he say its hurts like crazy... So...
she in all of her horniness. Like a good lady, a good willing help human being, say she's gonna help him to get rid of that "thing". After that Nathan experiments his first blowjob, titfuck, he's touching the heaven with pleasure!!(and with his dick and Josh's mother lips)

and i have thinked a few endings, 1 marry aunt / 2 fuck every milf an make the world great again / 3 test the project Ex0RL (Aka time machine) and go back in time and save your mom and bring to the present where you are, obviously this would lead to fuck your mom soon or later, with aunt in milf combo...

So for now this is how i managed to create my story for some day create my own game , of course there will be some side storys, like helping and loving auntie in home, some teachers in needs, and lot of milfs! in needs!(heat...). Sorry if my grammar is horrible!, i try my best to make it can be read normal. Ok good night folks! greetings from argentina =)

Rando Civ

Game Developer
Jul 31, 2017
Hey, nice artwork.

The question is, do you have a story to tell and is an RPG the right ludic venue?

I've lately spent a lot of time thinking about incestuous relationships and I've come to the conclusion, that if you want a game with the core concept of mother-son incest, you should write it from the mothers perspective. In most of these games you have a walking dildo-boy whose cock might as well be a third leg for how small the boy is, and because it is a game he is the active person. But realistically, mother-son incest does not work that way. There is an absolutely huge power disparity between a mother and a son. The mother cannot "seduce" the son because the son is too sexually inexperienced to even understand such avances - And there is no possibility that a son will do anything to the mother that she doesn't approve of. In short, MS genre is almost necessarily abuse. This one-sided nature is sometimes played quite transparently by MS incest games, who revolve around exploration and breaking of taboos, which are exciting things to play with certainly, but because of their nature with the son as the player avatar, action has to be initiated by the son, which invariably ends in hackneyed scenarios designed to end with sex. Plain Magic, Mind control, magic pills, or equally absurd blackmail scenarios come to mind. This is why people just fast forward through this dreck, because by reading such "storylines", your brain cells commit seppuku en masse.

Real MS (or MD / FD / FS) incest cases aren't usually of this nature, they are often of the "family fun" or the "be nice to mommy" variety, where the taboo is simply not brought up until long after everyone is fucking everyone. You watch a movie together, get a blowjob, stroke moms pussy. It may have started when the kid was 7 years old, or literally at birth. These are likely the majority of IRL MS incest cases, various grades of hippie style nudists who think giving your son a blowjob or even pussy as reward for good grades, as an "OK and natural" thing to do. Somewhere in the teens the kids realize that basically they're being raped they can be angry at the parents and may or may not bring them to justice, (usually not) or just can't see the harm and continue doing it even to old age, because it feels good. But there's no game to be made here, unless you want your MS incest game start in the maternity ward where you play the mother and suck sonnies dick and cheer when it gets hard. There's no challenge, no excitement to be had here.

So the MS genre as we know it revolves around the taboo and the breaking thereof, that is a sexually maturing son and a lonely mother who now all of a sudden takes a sexual interest in him and vice versa. If you play it from the perspective of the son, you will either be a relatively passive observer in a realistic story, or have to contrive said hackneyed scenarios for the son to be the active part. The mother however can actually take an active part without it becoming unbelievable - a son is almost always going to try to make his mother happy in any way possible, and again it would be too easy, if the son were not old enough to know about the taboo. In which case he will become deeply conflicted about his mothers increasingly forward requests, and the abusive nature of the relationship becomes very transparent.

And that's the sort of shit you want to make a game about? Are you sure? If so, I say, embrace it, go with it. Let the game be about a sick fuck of a mother who basically rapes her son and drives him to madness. Beats him into submission. Pimps him to gay men and watches & masturbates as her son is being raped and shat upon in exchange for money. Make it dark, make it vile, do not sugar coat the horrible stuff. Make it a "do abominable stuff simulator" that will churn the stomachs and harden the dicks of even the most cold-hearted perverts.

If you want to write a game about a nice hippie mom that is open to relieving her sons sexual tensions.... I guess you can do that, but it's not going to be very interesting. You can make up for that with nice artwork though.
You do realize that porn is fantasy, right?