Unity Completed None [REQ] Lorena and the land of ruins


Jul 15, 2019
Guess is time to grab it before everything even the archives get nuked. Just in case
So when it releases we can patch translation on top of the client


Dec 1, 2018
damn it, another good dev going down...

Well, let's hope some fan with merge the English official all age with the Adult JP content into one good English game.... (yeah, I know I'm dreaming).
That would be amazing, but unlikely for a long time.
Just hope that translation tools improve so that people can finally translate the newer Unity engine games like this one.
Then at the very least we could have a fan translation made if the new official content being merged with the old version's H content doesn't work out.


Aug 8, 2022
Here's a mod that decensors the gallery thumbnails, removes mosaics and also improves the body textures on the h-scenes a bit. Instructions are inside the archive. Enjoy!

Either the texture changes aren't noticeable at all or something isn't working, because only the mosaic works. Any ideas? A missing file, maybe?


Sep 17, 2018
Either the texture changes aren't noticeable at all or something isn't working, because only the mosaic works. Any ideas? A missing file, maybe?
If the mosaics removal is working then the textures should too. There are only differences on the genitals, though they're not radical, I only added a few details, tweaked colors, etc. You can press F5 on your keyboard to disable/enable the effect to see if it's working.


Aug 8, 2022
I'm glad to see someone else like me think its bull shit
It really is bullshit. Why even act like most people didn't fund and support because of the H content? Without it, the game is very generic and even janky. The levels aren't interesting to look at, the story is almost non-existent, the combat is average and there's not a single thing that makes the game memorable. If this was a game like Gravity Rush with a small budget but interesting mechanics, I'd be ok with the developer wanting to separate the adult content, but this game truly offers nothing. It's ok and playable, definetly good for porn game standards, but as all good porn games, the gameplay is just decent enough so you can get to the next H scene. No one plays these kind of games expecting to get fully immersed in the world or the combat, which is why they don't need to be special.

And apparently the listed reason for this is that the developer doesn't want to do more H content. That's ok, but that only means the Steam release will be a disaster since fans of TPS won't think it's anything special and the original audience has been cut out of this. By all means and purposes, everyone will know this is a porn game without the porn. Good luck with that.

And as much as I don't want to get into the morality of porn games, I do feel cheated since I did support the dev before the release. He used the H scenes as a big selling point after all, so is this out of fear of being cancelled by western audiences? Because even on release day no one really cared. I just don't see the point in trying to expand but also outing your audience while offering nothing for newcomers, the updated gameplay looks the same so I doubt the all-age version will have anything but more outfits.

I hope it'll be possible to move the assets from the updated version to the old one or at least have them as replaces.


Oct 10, 2020
Has any mod or something validated this link. I appreciate the link, but I'm also incredibly wary. lol
I validated myself in the sense that I downloaded the package, confirmed there's nothing weird about it and is a copy of the game obtained from DLSite by a legitimate purchaser, and then saved the link in case I felt like reposting it in other places such as this.


Aug 8, 2022

Yeah, this is gonna tank so hard lol
Someone raised a good point: the game already had an option to censor the adult content. Removing it from DLSite was also a terrible idea, since now people won't be buying the Steam release but also there won't be an alternative, which means people are going to pirate it. And if the dev wanted to get sympathy from western audiences to start a career as a respectable developer, I don't think he realizes there's a copy of the game with his name on it as the sole developer where the main heroine gets raped in a dozen scenarios. It's not like people won't remember if they want.

He could have just done this and then start new projects under a different name. It's not like there's info or a face atttached to the
しめなわん name. All there is is a VR porn game. And to make it even funnier, the Twitter account promoting the adult content is still out there, so this really is funny, the dev basically worked on the update only to tank every possible source of income. He could have sold the all-age version on Steam and the adult version on DL, then make a new name and start with it and leave all this behind with whatever funding he got from this. He had a possible win-win and turned it into a loss-loss.

At least the underwear options are still there so I imagine the clothing damage will only tear clothes but no underwear.


New Member
Sep 22, 2022
I've never seen a porn game developer making a decision to erase their history and start anew. If he's influenced by real life, it would be better to just leave it alone and move on. It would take a psychologist to find out how removing the 18+ version on all sites just to turn a new leaf is a good idea.

The sad thing is, if the quality of this game is excellent, the removal of porn wouldn't matter so much because it's more than an extra than the selling point. Instead, the porn part IS the selling point and he basically just took it down without any thought to backlash he's about to receive.

And if you ask me what the gameplay looked like, it's decent enough for me to play but I wouldn't rush out to buy it when it's released.


Nov 19, 2021
So far this is the artist's 2nd work and the change quite surprised me too. Not that I didn't enjoy the TPS gameplay, honestly, but the nudity actually adds difficulty a bit in taking larger damage per attack, not sure if the all-age version would compensate with that with the stripped-to-undies version. Personally I find the game over animations pretty meh but it sure doesn't feel nice to see what supposed to be also a H game be reverted completely to all-age.

There has to be some back-end situations that force this artist to ditch the H version, I don't believe it's completely on the artist's exclusive decision.