
Nov 23, 2017
I'm going to be honest, I don't mind him changing it at all.

I've been beging and pleading for translators to get rid of things like that and honorifics in English translations for years. I'm not Japanese, we don't use them, they look ridiculous. I realise that's only my view but when a translator does remove them it gives me the happy.

I live in the UK, nobody here is sensei, chan, san or whatever other silly title they give each other that makes supposedly intimate friendships and relationships look formal as fuck. For me it completely ruins romance novels. When you have a couple that are supposed to be in love addressing each other with surnames and titles they don't look in love to me.

Where I live, if i meet someone called Dave then it's just Dave and my big brother is my big brother. If I called him onii chan I think he'd disown me. I've never heard anyone use that word unless it was to take the piss out of someone.

I know some people disagree vehemently but i'm English and i'm reading these novels in English. We don't use honorifics or titles I don't like them and they have no place in an English translation.
Partially disagree and partially agree. You have to preserve some aspect of the type of relationship between the characters in the original, which is conveyed by the use of honorifics. Randomly changing all honorifics of some type to "dude" just ruins the relationship between the characters. You could change it into something more fitting, like "friend", "big brother", whatever it might be. Then you're still losing some nuance but at least you're getting the gist of the relationship between the two. But overall there's no getting away from Japanese media always feeling a bit different, more formal in some ways and less formal in others, than e.g. American stuff, and I think that's a good thing. It's good for people to realise that there exists interesting cultural differences.


New Member
Sep 24, 2017
If someone's completed a route already, can you upload your save file? I wanna play 'dude' girl first but she and the idol girl are unlockable heroines.

Why have unlockable routes in a moeroge? I'm not sure. Admittedly I haven't played as many as some others, but I don't see much in the way of plot happening any time soon.


Oct 15, 2017
You're basically just arguing about the difference between translation and localization. Of course those two are very different. I honestly can't speak too highly of localization, it works decent for simple prose and writing but the moment things become even a little bit nuanced it falls apart.

Sure, you can do away with honorifics, replace English with Spanish (which of course alienates non-US audiences) and try to remove as many references to specific culture as you can. In the end the story is now full of cracks, little bits that just become jarring out of the context it was created in. Imagine if for the localization of Harry Potter they changed the British rail system to a more local one, where people are segregated. Suddenly all those formative interactions early on make no damn sense anymore because swaths of it had to be rewritten to suit the new setting. Now Harry Potter is by no means amazing literature but that hopefully showcases how damaging localization can be to even a simple narrative.

For something as simple and dumb as Nukige that could work, but for actual writing, why destroy it?


Jun 7, 2017
So.....does the restoration patch remove the "dude" issue, or are we still facing that horrifying mis-translation?


New Member
Dec 15, 2018
So does anyone else's game crash right before the opening? Mine keeps crashing and I've disabled movies, any advice?


Aug 9, 2016
Here is the issue, you are debating a point I don't like as if it's going to change my mind in explaining why they are there, it won't.
Haha, it's impossible to change someone's mind, especially on the internet. I was just offering another perspective about the subtleties of localization and why I prefer honorifics are kept. Whereas the language seems too formal to English readers, that's actually just how some languages and cultures work. Formality exists even in intimate and loving relationships, despite your opinion that it's unbelievable. It truly is a foreign concept and simply removing the language won't change that people interact in those stories in ways that simply seem foreign.

Also, I agree that changing a single sentence might not matter. But in a culture and language where everyone constantly reinforces social structure in how they address each other, the impact often spills over into the story. If you looked at my join date and decided I should be your senpai and referred to me as such, I might feel a certain amount of responsibility to you, and we might both behave differently. If instead I looked at Avaraon1974 and thought that means you are older than me, I might decide to call you senpai, or use san. Or if I didn't use those, it could mean I am being disrespectful or assuming too much familiarity. Those kinds of social interactions don't exist as much in English, so it's difficult to translate. If I said, "Haha, we're just having fun here, Avaron1974-chan", people might be really surprised and think we must be longtime friends, which would change the tone of the whole conversation. Using an honorific can show how characters think of each other and what their standing is. Simply removing them might remove meaningful context that explains why characters are doing what they're doing.

Anyway, foreign stories are foreign. Localizers can try to strip that out, but something really is lost in translation when they do that. I still think it's better to appreciate stories for what they are, prefer to have the honorifics included so I can pick out additional meaning, and find it patronizing and insulting to have them removed with the assumption that since I read English, I don't care about the nuance of stories from other languages and cultures.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
It matters whether or not you knew it from the start. Would you like it if, as your name is Zastinx, people called you Zastinky instead? It doesn't have the same meaning, but who cares that it's insulting you by calling you stinky; it's close enough that people understand, right? That's what your argument is, at its core. That it's close enough and you don't care for it to actually be accurate.

Bowdlerisms, like YOU SPOONY BARD!, came about because of heavy-handed censorship of Japanese culture forcing Bowdler to recreate the script as best he could in a way that was still internally consistent. He did well with what he had to work with, but that should NOT be considered the gold standard for translation- especially because it IS NOT translation, but re-writing, aka "localization", which falsely purports to change things to make them easier to understand, when it's just trying to scrub cultural references that the ignorant won't understand or even bother trying to educate themselves on, least of all when there's an in-media note that actually explains it, like Viz Media do with the manga they translate.
Firstly not a good example, I wouldn't give a damn what some guy I don't even know or care about says about my profile name because I'm not some sensitive snowflake who can't even deal with something so petty. My argument there is you'd be none the wiser if you didn't know in the first place especially since Yuki and Yuuki sound so similar.
The ignorant aren't obligated to have to bother educating themselves in the facts behind such things. Chances are they've got more better things to do in their life then learn about that and if they do want to, then they can find proper access to this knowledge in this day and age easy. It's not an educational game, it's a dating sim and it isn't about the culture.
Also take this into account if it really is supposed to be as you say, the devs would have made it so the translator HAD to do it that way.
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Bored moe/nukige consummer
May 31, 2017
Anyone can tell me how to obtain Cupid Flowers ? I already get 4 endings (Ayame,Yuuki,Mahiru and Chicha) and still have only one flower . Can someone tell me what i need to do to obtain another ?


Sep 2, 2017
Seriously, now coming myself to the part where the "dude"-Girl appears I just cringe, reading dude, while the Audio clearly plays Onii-chan.... really hope a patch will fix this in the near future...

Save files get corrupted, might be related to the patch.
I have the current patch installed and got none of the problems of the game not running, getting stuck or corrupt save files. Playing on Win 10 64Bit


New Member
Jun 21, 2017
can't open the game anymore it closes instantly after it starts :/
The problem come for the file "majiro_system.mss". If you remove it, you can open the game but you'll lose all the CG. At least it was the issue for me


Nov 24, 2016
Anyone can tell me how to obtain Cupid Flowers ? I already get 4 endings (Ayame,Yuuki,Mahiru and Chicha) and still have only one flower . Can someone tell me what i need to do to obtain another ?
It's very un-intuitive but once you've completed a route, start a new game and choose sleep once. QP will give you a new cupid flower then. Dunno if you'll get all 4 since I haven't gotten that far, but I got Ayame's "Love" Cupid Flower this way.
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