VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Ecchi Sensei [Day 22-23 Final] [BlueCat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really fascinating, has a great storyline and characters, but should be freer for the player to explore scenarios, characters, clothes, fetishes, and could make options that lead to all scenes instead of choosing just one
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 21439

    Ecchi Sensei is a game where you play as a middle aged man who was born as a pussy magnet as he goes on with his daily life fucking anything in sight, even his daughters. Except the 13 year old one, I couldn't make myself fuck a 13 year old, although Mika is fine.

    After playing Waifu Academy, I was looking for similar games and stumbled into this masterpiece.

    Let's get on with this review now shall we.

    Story: While being non-existent, the writing is pretty well done. Everyone is mentioning how it's cringey, but since I' m a hardcore weeb, I didn't even notice it. I thought the usage of Japanese words was pretty cool, maybe just me though.

    Characters: Undoubtedly the best part about this game. HUGE cast of characters, yes some are the typical anime stereotypes, but I think that they are really fleshed out. Also why does everyone like Mika? I don't understand that at all. Usually I'm not a fan yendere characters, but Fuyu is best girl, easily. Kaede is a close second though, she's so cute, I wanna protect her. Sloth-chan is very interesting and Tomoe is so adorable. Every girl is different and all are very likable except Kaede's sister, she's annoying.

    Art and Animation: Though the sex scenes could be vastly improved, the animation is still top notch. The art is amazing, almost all the girl are pretty as fuck. Mika, not so much, she looks weird. I especially love the eyes in this game. They're so detailed and pretty.

    Music: Everyone's saying music is bad, so it probably is. I always mute them in every game because people live in my house and I don't want them to hear sound of moaning when I'm playing this type of game. There's that.

    Why am I giving it a 5?
    - because it's arguably the best game in this site. The amount of content this game is fucking huge. There are so many girls to fu- I mean hold hands with and you won't feel guilty for cheating. There are so many kinks here as well. I hope Bluecat adds more, like hand holding and headpats in the future, that would be amazing . I don't know what else to say so I'll end it here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    For a fairly linear visual novel, there is a surprisingly large amount of content covering a wealth of different fetishes. While the dialogue and narration is sometimes cringe-inducing (particularly the unnecessary random injection of Japanese words and honorifics; followed by explaining what they mean) and aspects of the plot are a bit contrived, there are a lot of character moments and dialogue that make many of the characters seem more fleshed out and interesting than in other games with high amounts of sexual content.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Points :
    Some really good models (some others not as much but I suppose it depends on your taste)
    Lot of enjoyable characters
    Best Girl and Second Best Girl of all game here with Tomoe and Sloth- Chan :D
    Great writing even if there is no plot
    Lot of content (and not content just to make think there is a lot) with great replayability
    Content for everyone, lots of kinks are present here

    Neutral Points :
    The Cringe, I find it most of the time to be rather amusing more than annoying (even if some of the most cringey factors could be removed it would be a good thing)
    Sex scenes are ok but not that great
    Files are a bit too big but with compressed version that's not a problem

    Bad Points :
    Animation is not good on most cases
    Some bugs sometimes (but mostly on older versions of this game)

    So a 5 stars for what is to me the most promising game of this site

    (Rated on Week 1)
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The renderings have real issues with the scale.
    MC, objects or persons change their size clearly visible from scene to scene.
    It really hurts my eyes. I think they need much rework to get enjoyable.

    About the story I can't say much. I'm not sure if I will find out as long the scaling does not get better.

    Sex scenes have one big issue. It does not look like the penis is entering the vagina. It moves direct through the flesh, instead of getting in between the pussy lips.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    This is a review of Week 1, so it may or may not be true for future releases (should there be any).

    Honey Select + RenPy = win
    Some creative ideas
    The UI is not bad, although not extremely functional either

    Some characters are ugly
    The music is REALLY annoying
    The writing is... cringy at best

    So, I'll be honest, I've been avoiding this game like fire forever. Just one look at character faces made me go: "nope, that's just ugly".
    But then I just thought - you know what, f it, I've got nothing else to play, may as well give it a try.
    And so I did. And I... did not hate it.
    While the characters, with a few exceptions, are still quite ugly, you get used to them. And their personalities, while mostly cliche, still make them somewhat likeable. Plus, the bodies are fine and varied. So ultimately, the adorkable butterfaces don't annoy me as much as I expected when I first saw this game.

    The sex scenes don't look much better as well. To be fair, most of them just make me want to load some scene in the source game, with similar, but better looking characters, and fap to them isntead of this.

    What does annoy me though is writing. Look, I'm an anime fan. And I love Japanese culture. And this will be the first time I get to use this term. But holy hell, this game was written by an honest to god weeb that keeps inserting useless Japanese trivia all the effing time, and putting Japanese words mid sentences for no reason at all.
    Plus the amount of completely useless text like "muah!", "gulp!", stuff like that, that's just "water" that bloats your text for it to look bigger while bringing no substance at all is just ridiculous. And don't even get me started on all the "LOL"s...

    The music gets annoying very fast, but thankfully you can turn it off, so, whatever.
    The animation - I wish it wasn't there at all, because it's simply bad (at least pre day 5, but even then there are some pretty bad examples).

    The size of the game is, obviously, atrocious. There is absolutely no need to download the uncompressed version and I strongly recommend against doing so. There's virtually no difference, the images often look like they've been upscaled in any version anyway. So just get the lightly compressed version and save yourself a ton of space.

    So, why am I not giving it the worst review possible?

    The amount of content, compared to many-many unfinished games out there is astonishing. Sure, the quality varies, but still, this is admirable.

    The non-butterface characters are quite gorgeous. Which means that the decision to make them look like that was not simply bad taste or lack of skills, but a desire to bring variety, which is also cool. And there are also various gorgeous close-ups, even when it comes to uglier characters, to make them look way better, which also takes some skill. Great.
    And then there's often a smart ratio of image to text bar, so that it doesn't close anything important or even stresses the good parts even if you don't hide it.

    And I'll admit, as bad as writing is, the idea behind it is still fairly intriguing. I'm sure, it'll end up being another cliche by the end of it, but I'm still curious. Some jokes are funny (but really, you don't need to stress them with "lol" every bloody time) and some scenes are rather touching, even though the characters aren't particularly well developed.

    The pacing isn't bad either. You would think that with a daily format you'll be dying of boredom and craving for some erotic content, but no, mundane scenes are filled with a lot of teases and there is usually enough payoff to not feel like you've wasted your precious eroge time on a game with no ero in it.
    Sure, a lot of the events feel forced, since they happen in such a short amount of time, but I can live with it.

    This game is a dumpster fire that I need to see to the end. And hey, maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is almost perfect. I can only support the developer behind this game. And also he uses the best engine RenPy.
    And with the first merge of week 1 he did a fantastic job.
    Ecchi Sensei is my most favorit RenPy game!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on Week 1

    In Ecchi Sensei you play the role of Matsu Matsumoto a man in his early 30s with a loving wife and four kids (the oldest of which is not your biological daughter). He works as a teacher and is so passionate about teaching that it’s an obsession. If you’ve ever seen the anime Great Teacher Onizuka it’s basically a hentai version of that. Matsu goes above and beyond for his students and helps them out with their personal life problems so they can achieve their dreams and improve their lives.

    The story starts as the Matsumoto family moves to a new town where Matsu works at an all-girls school. Matsu is basically Chad incarnate, he’s intelligent, physical fit, good looking (or so they say) and highly proficient in martial arts. When he enters a room women’s panties immediately become drenched. Which is probably good because as noble and caring as he is he’s also a massive pervert who doesn’t mind giving his female students some hands on sexual education. The game in its truest and most purest form is a harem game where you slowly build up secret relationships with numerous women and optionally impregnate a number of them.

    The story is much like a slice of life anime as it follows Matsu’s life teaching, meeting people, helping and seducing his students. The game so far is fairly linear and choices are fairly thin. Most consist of “do you want this girl” while a small number have a larger more meaningful impact. The dialogue and story are extremely well done. The large cast of characters some of which are odd or quirky keeps things interesting especially when their personal problems are brought to light. The game is extremely slow to start and the first 2 days can feel like a bit of a slog as you’re introduced to everyone and everything. After that however things quickly begin to pick up pace.

    Graphics wise the game is not the most impressive. Character renders look fairly good as do sex scenes and animations. The scenery however can look a little dated at times. All in all though it does the job well enough and the important parts are well done. There’s not much to say about sound as it’s not heavily used but the music choices are top notch. Upbeat piano music and soothing anime music tracks fill the game which provides a lovely atmosphere that fits the game.

    All in all the game is top notch and one to definitely play if you’re interested in harem games or slice of life anime.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game was not my cup of tea at all. I played through day 1 and gave up after that. You play as a married man and you have to cheat on your wife to get with any of the girls in this game. Personally, I'm not a fan of my character doing the cheating, though I am okay with girls in a game cheating on their significant others to get with you. However, looking past this premise, there was still very little to like here. The models are nothing special, and a lot of them looked weird to me. I guess what everybody likes is the sheer number of girls to fuck, but the 10 or so that I was introduced to didn't leave any sort of impression on me.

    And that's what brings me to what I disliked the most about this game: there was nothing engaging or interesting to grab me or make me invested in the story or the characters. Only a few of the girls seemed to have interesting situations, but the rest were just there. Plus, the dialogue was absolutely piss poor, full of grammatical errors, and cringeworthy at times, which really took me out of the whole experience. Everybody just tells the MC that he's an amazing teacher, which is why he was recruited to the academy, but his dialogue makes him seem stupid. And going back to the whole not being a fan of cheating thing, the MC even says something about being fine with cheating on his wife to get with all of the girls in the beginning, without any rhyme or reason. Does he have a history of cheating? Does he need some fresh meat because he's going through a midlife crisis? Give me some justification. There's even a scene where he's at home and him and his wife seem really happy with each other. So why does he want to cheat from the very beginning? There was no attempt at justifying this, which made me dislike his character even more. The only girl I kinda cared about was the oldest daughter because she is clearly going through some shit, but this MC just left her alone the whole time. What a shitty dad.

    I'm not sure what the hype behind this game is. I've seen people say that it apparently gets better in the later chapters but I don't believe in suffering through the beginning of something that's supposed to be entertaining to get to the good part. A good game should be good from the beginning. This one wasn't.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So, where to start. Well, the renders, character design and animation may not be the best out there, but there is something charming about them. You’re not going to be blown away, but it’s likable.

    The sheer number of romanceable characters is far greater than any other game I’ve seen and grows by the update. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it’s definitely interesting. There is also a large selection of kinks incorporated in the game. Some are a bit extreme for my tastes, but all of them are easily avoidable and you’re given warning just in case.

    There are plenty of choices to make and the outcomes are usually straight forward, not like some other games where you have no hope getting scenes without a walkthrough.

    When playing this game, I get the sense that the developers really enjoy what they’re doing. I feel that they are having fun making this game and as such it makes it fun for me to play.

    In conclusion, great storyline, great characters, plenty of content. Something that I believe most of us would enjoy, a must try if you haven’t already.

    Keep up the good work dev. I look forward to seeing what's in store for us. (y)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game! Great story line, great characters, great creator who is very active, its just great! For only being the first in game week (there is gonna be 365+ days) there is a lot of content. The animation isn't as great as some games, but i actually kind of like it that way. I definitely recommend trying this game. Did i mention how great this game is? :)
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Review based on content up to day 6

    Renders - average/bad
    Animations - average/bad
    Story & writing - bad/horrible
    Sound - meh
    Coding - bad

    I honestly do not see the appeal of this game. At all. People are showering Ecchi Sensei with glowing reviews left and right and it does absolutely not make sense to me. Is it because there's ephebophilia and rape in it? Are you guys actually enjoying the writing? This game is no better than average on any metric I can think of. It may be unique in some way I have yet to figure out, but I can't because the game only keeps crashing a bit into day 6. Working around the bugs and crashes is a real chore with this game.

    The first two chapters were absolute garbage. The characters have hair in every color imaginable and the "cat girl" has cat pupils. They feel like plastic dolls and not in any way human. The MC is an unredeemable piece of shit with no positive qualities.

    I would maybe have given this a 3-star rating if I wasn't forced to play the first 2 absolute piece of garbage chapters.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Gaming 19

    It's honestly one of the best VNs I've ever played, it's get a good amount of content and the text is fun to read and enjoyable. The story so far was confusing with all the characters right off the bat but after the second day that kinda went. The amount of characters in this is something I haven't seen in many games and gives me the sense that there could be many endings. I've really enjoyed the current 7 days and hope to enjoy any future days
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Good :
    Large cast of characters
    Different characters with their own issues, etc
    Much content despite being only 1 week (out of 1 year in-game planned)
    Much potential
    Nice graphic
    Much kinks etc

    Bad :
    You need to shut off your whole brain while playing
    Relationships are messed up (too fast, quite ridiculously)
    You need to install the pedophilia patch to get the full experience
    Much weeaboo stuff, kinda get boring after a while

    My opinion on this ;
    Honestly, if you take out the interesting characters & the 'nice' graphic ; it's just a stupid game with no feel to it, it's nice to fap, it's a pain to enjoy.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Read and Skipped through most content, from 1-7. There's some charming points but most is blue ball crap, how many blowjobs can you take overall? Intercourse is rarely seen, basically I would ignore bitches who tease and get to the meat and potatoes with others who put out. This is not a feeling I want in a game. I was going to give you minus one star but Dark Minds is the only thing that makes this game playable.
    I really like day 6, it's a day that deserves a four star rating but every other day pretty much drags it down to a two.
    This main character has to know his limitations or else he'll end up like the other teacher he replaced, dead or much worse. Not all girls are worth fucking, most should be taken in back of the school and put a couple of slugs in their heads. The cliche has been done to death but I guess you got to kick this dead horse as the others have before right?
    I do like the day to day thing, but it's quite the memory hog of a project isn't it?
    Now how do I see this ending? Some inbred babies, massive amouts of child support debt and, finally, is dick will fall off from all the cock teasing. Oh, btw, about 300+ years in prison from rape charges and his wife finally leaves him for appearent reasons
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    ecchi sensei is a fantastic game that i would happily recommend to anyone that enjoys VNS. I have played all days and am extremely excited for day 8, bluecat is also a wonderful host on his discord and i can tell he enjoys talking with his fans, so i also recommend going there and joining it.
    As you you can see it has a vast amount of fetishes and content that will keep u constantly invested and coming back for more

    pros everything
    cons none
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of content for a relatively young game, with lots of different fetishes that you don't normally see in games on this website. I just played day 1, and I am loving it so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure how to rate, or even describe this, but it is easily one of the top 5 games in terms of quality/diversity. Whatever fetish you want (unless it is murder, scat or furry) it is here, it is well written, and it looks gorgeous. Whatever this is (perverse, yet mostly "sweet") it is of the highest quality. Top five in writing quality. Top five in render quality (if you can enjoy a more "anime" sort of style). Top five animation quality. Top five in content size. Top five in sexiness (that one is totally subjective). It is just top caliber.

    What appeals to me most is that the characters, including the MC, feel much more realistically dynamic than the vast majority of games. Considerable effort has been put into making these characters feel genuinely "human", and it produces a unique experience for those willing to empathize with others.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    Certainly not the best, but still a good VN. There are a huge amount of characters and each one is fairly unique with a defining personality, though the models are pretty similar. Animations are decent, h-scenes are sexy though there are not enough of them in my opinion. Dialogue can be funny and sometimes even hilarious, however it is riddled with grammatical errors and other annoyances like using "xD" and "lol" during conversations. That last point really takes away from the polish of the game and makes it feel like it was written without care, although it is obvious this project has been extensively worked on.

    Considering the sheer size of the chapters, the H-scenes are way too far and in between for my liking. I understand there needs to be a certain amount of build up, but 85% of this VN is teasing. I stopped on day 5, just feeling frustrated. Another frustration is that the later chapters are riddled with bugs. I had to reload multiple times because of errors, and it seems to stem from the cellphone that is implemented but never really built upon. It starts out and ends as a glorified contact book. You get various notifications of "New Contact" when interacting with girls, and you occasionally have to read a text message to progress, but besides that it feels very shoehorned in and just more trouble than its worth. Then it is just completely disabled shortly after.

    Overall I want to give this a 3/5 for the unpolished and buggy features, but the character interactions can be pretty enjoyable and the artwork (this game's most redeeming feature) is very appealing, if a bit monotonous after a while. If it ever gets to its final stages and fixes the technical issues, I think this VN will be worth playing. Unfortunately the segmented chapters and bugginess really brings this game down... but still a 4/5.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on here period.

    - Story while not outstanding is promising and so far is one of the top 3 on this website. Period.

    - Characters are fun enough for a porn game. They could be better (Besides the MC and his wife whom are pretty fleshed out so far.) But to be honest for a porn game there written very well and assuming he actually is able to complete the game i'm sure this slight criticism will be addressed with time.

    - Setting is nice, it works as a vehicle for the story and it works well.

    - Now for the good stuff, the Porn. It's Prime material man. A+