RPGM Abandoned League of Corruption [v0.3.0b] [Yeehaw Games]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Yeehaw what will you do against stolen patron release?
Well, there’s nothing I can really do. Patreon doesn’t have a mechanic to prevent this as someone can become a patron, download content and then cancel their pledge. In all honesty, it boils down to player’s support – if the community wants to see more, they’ll support the creator. If the game is interesting enough such “thefts” can’t hinder it much.
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Hi, guys. I want to talk about changes to the reward/tier system.

Let’s start with the reasons for such a change. This is my first Patreon campaign and while I tried to present the game as best as I could, yet it didn’t work out well. Such outcome could be caused by two major factors: tiers are priced too high and LoC is not interesting or good enough to be supported in comparison to other projects.

By lowering all tiers except the last one I’ll be able to pinpoint the problem and work further with gathered results. To be completely clear, the new lineup of rewards will be 1$ - 5$ – 10$ - 15$. Also, all releases will be available for free after 2 weeks from the release for patrons.

So it’ll be like this: November 1st – 15$ tier patrons get links for download, November 5th same for the 10$ tier, November 8th same for 5$ tier and finally November 22nd – public release of the same update. This is just an example and exact dates can vary from one release to another but will follow the same schedule.

The 0.0.5 version will be available for public access October 22nd.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 16, 2016
@Yeehaw Games

Can I speak freely? I've played your demo. It is ok, I suppose. However it is like any other hundreds of porn rpg games so far. I'm not saying that it will be not a good game, but at present or you are a huge fan of LoC or imho there is no reason to be a supporter.

So don't be worried if you have very few supporters now on patreon. Release a couple of good new versions of the game and the support will rise for sure. It is only to early now.
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Hello! It’s time to release version 0.0.5 for the public. You can download it here: and .

0.1.0 is scheduled to arrive for patrons in early November.
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
After releasing 0.0.5 to the public we got some disturbing feedback about laggy dungeons with dynamic lights and a critical crash during the fall into the dungeon under the keep. Removed lights plugin and fixed the crash caused by sneaky non-unicode characters in the tileset.

If you encountered described problems, please take a look at this release. This update also includes some improvements to the UI and the album feature to replay unlocked scenes with girls.

You can download the fixed version from and . I also changed all the older links on Patreon to point to this version.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Last edited:
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Aug 5, 2016
When I try to enter the Mansion in Town after getting the invitations I get: "Failed to load:img/characters/!Flame....png"

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
When I try to enter the Mansion in Town after getting the invitations I get: "Failed to load:img/characters/!Flame....png"
RPG Maker gave me another nasty surprise – maps with the faulty tilesets (the last problem with non-Unicode characters) tried to find the faulty pngs even if they are set to transparent/none state in the editor itself.

I had to deploy a virtual machine with a minimal language support to test out this build and scour through all event tiles. All zones work as intended without any problems or load errors. Guess I have to test each new build in this way from now on to guarantee a spotless release.

If you encountered map loading problems get the fresh release here – and . I also updated all the links in the first post.

Once again, sorry for the trouble.
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Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Version 0.1.0 is ready for testing, still waiting for the last (6th) scene’s art tho. I decided to post a quick summary of the current content, before November 1st which is the planned release date:

5 scenes (if you count in the starting one) with 29 images, 7.5k words and 11 quests. This release also has new features, some of which I already showed in 0.0.5 hotfix, but let’s review them:

Scene album – now you can replay your favorite scenes via a book on the second floor of your keep. It also allows you to check your progress and see if there are scenes to unlock in the current content pack. Don’t worry if you started playing before the album. Simply replay the scene in the album and it will add up to your total score.

Save/Load/Delete option for your saves right in the in-game menu. Just because exiting to the title so you can use load function is a pain in the rear. Now you can manage your saves without the need to hop between different screens.

Sleep function. Players asked for a place to recover their strength and prepare for future adventures. Using your bed or an inn fully restores your party including KO’d characters. You can sleep inside your room in the castle or visit two inns – one in the Townsville’s main area and another one in the port.

There is a lot of new stuff and minor fixes/adjustments from the 0.0.5 version but I’ll post the full changelog on the release date. Thanks for tuning in!


Life's pretty Straight without twisties
Nov 16, 2016
what version of rpgmaker you using yeehaw by far mv seems to be the best because rpt is inbuilt so people don't need to download rpt to play all sdo you should make past moths versions free to public since they are old versions and the current version keep as patreon only till the end of the moth and make it free come next mouth and you are aware you can set your patreon to one time payment way that way if sombody pleagesthan cancels than thay Must pay agen to get accesws to the curent version

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
what version of rpgmaker you using yeehaw by far mv seems to be the best because rpt is inbuilt so people don't need to download rpt to play all sdo you should make past moths versions free to public since they are old versions and the current version keep as patreon only till the end of the moth and make it free come next mouth and you are aware you can set your patreon to one time payment way that way if sombody pleagesthan cancels than thay Must pay agen to get accesws to the curent version
Hi Wayne. Yes, I'm using RPG Maker MV at the moment and don't plan to switch to older versions. Yep, since the rewards tier change I adopted a similar approach - the 0.1.0 update will be available to patrons only until the end of the month (November 22nd) then it'll go as a public release to replace 0.0.5. After that - the same deal with 0.1.5.

Dunno about the Patreon feature; looks like it requires a certain "on air" time to be activated because I can't find it anywhere. But it's alright - if players will love LoC they will support the game regardless of the leaked content :)

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Version 0.0.5(early) -> 0.1.0 full changelog

Total summary: 1h+ for the complete clear. 6 scenes (if you count in the starting one) with 36 images, 7.5k words, 10 custom soundtracks and 11 quests. 0.1.0 has the first of the group scenes with several girls, Nidalee and Ahri this time.

You can get the update . 0.1.0 version will be released to the public access November 22nd.


The first of teleportation crystals sits between the Townsville and the port area. Use it to cover the ground faster and check what’s new in your keep. There will be more in upcoming updates because no one wants to waste time just to get to their camp.

The functional second floor of the keep. Now you can talk with your companions about recent events, participate in party banter; get to know your teammates better and even unlock scenes.

Scene album – now you can replay your favorite scenes via a book on the second floor of your keep. It also allows you to check your progress and see if there are scenes to unlock in the current content pack. Don’t worry if you started playing before the album. Simply replay the scene in the album and it will add up to your total score. Oh, and don’t forget you can use Enter to skip the dialogues.

Decisions and consequences. In the 0.1.0 players will get their hands on the second shard of power and you will decide what to do with it: use it yourself or give it to the spirit in the orb. Both ways influence what skills and options you’ll get down the road. All the remaining shards will use the same decision mechanism.

Various user interface tweaks like Save/Load/Delete option for your saves right in the in-game menu. Just because exiting to the title so you can use load function is a pain in the rear. Now you can manage your saves without the need to hop between different screens.

The first puzzle/mini-game in the dungeon. I want to add more optional yet interesting stuff further in the game, so it will be more than “stab ‘em all” simulator. More on this in the upcoming development plans.

Sleep function. Players asked for a place to recover their strength and prepare for future adventures. Using your bed or an inn fully restores your party including KO’d characters. You can sleep inside your room in the castle or visit two inns – one in the Townsville’s main area and another one in the port. You can find the right buildings by the sign above the door.

Fixes and improvements

Fixed possible screen flicker after using AOE skills on some video cards. Yes, I’m mainly looking at you, Intel.
Fixed an overlooked issue where you could start the cutscene in Hump’s mansion without speaking to the guard first.
Fixed a problem with Hump’s mansion quest part if player would leave the party rapidly after the opening cutscene.
Relocated some impassable map blocks in the castle to make it more comfortable for players. Plus, tweaked some of the older maps to look slightly better.
Evened up the volume level between combat and system sounds to be more consistent.
Fixed some typos and spelling errors. Thanks for reporting them!
Fixed some party skills and tweaked animations for them. Nidalee’s Focus now properly provides a small heal on use.
Quest NPC who reward you an invite for Hump’s party no longer mention it during the dialogue if you already completed that part of the quest or have enough invites already.
Added more people to the Townsville both before and after Hump’s party to liven the place up a bit.
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Sep 11, 2017
Hi all,
i just wanted to ask a thing about the game.
Am i stuck or is the game supposed to end here ?

I got both girls. Nindalee is in her bed sleeping, and i and Ashe must go to the port.

I go to the town, then i go down and Ashe tell me that " we need to rest" or something like that.

I can't advance in the game after that dialogue. There is no inn in the town, only the Pub ( mushroom quest ).

And i tryed sleeping in the castle, but nothing changes.

Could you help me?

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Hi all,
i just wanted to ask a thing about the game.
Am i stuck or is the game supposed to end here ?

I got both girls. Nindalee is in her bed sleeping, and i and Ashe must go to the port.

I go to the town, then i go down and Ashe tell me that " we need to rest" or something like that.

I can't advance in the game after that dialogue. There is no inn in the town, only the Pub ( mushroom quest ).

And i tryed sleeping in the castle, but nothing changes.

Could you help me?
You cleared all the content for 0.0.5 public version. I make this clear in next updates by adding a textbox with a warning that the main storyline will continue later.

Yeehaw Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Before diving into the development plan for November I want to point out how the early access posts for patrons will function. It’s simple – I’ll change the requirement on the early access download link according to the pledges and corresponding release dates. November 1st – 15$, November 5th – 10$, November 8th – 5$ This way it’ll be nice and tidy without spamming the same post with different requirements each month. So, don’t forget to check the early access post later.

Now for the November development plans – version 0.1.5. Yes, there will be the usual new maps, quests, scenes and finally a way to leave the starting island. But let’s start with another feature announcement – this time it’s the parallax mapping. Ok, what it will bring? Parallaxes replace the standard squire-to-squire maps, so creators can draw locations in their own style. Here are some examples of what I’m talking about:

The game will still use the traditional squares for internal logic like moving, interaction with NPCs, etc. Yet the picture players will see is no longer bound by those squares. 0.1.5 will have its new locations prepared in the parallax way and after the public release, I’ll make a poll to see what you, the players, think of it. If it goes well, I’ll replace the old maps too, not in a single update though, as parallax is more time-consuming.

Alright, what else? I want to add optional minigames and puzzles to LoC, so the gameplay won’t feel like a standard hack'n'slash RPG if the player decides to get involved. Let’s start with minigames - I want to add a card game for pubs and inns, something easy to understand and implement. Can’t name the exact type at the moment but blackjack sounds pretty good.

As for the puzzles, button/levers puzzles are great but sort of standard. I want to try something new, like a puzzle where the sound is the key to solving it. Many RPGMaker games are almost completely silent except for battle sounds while LoC has a decent soundtrack. Why not expand on this even further? Of course, it doesn’t mean that I’ll ignore more common puzzles in the future but this seems like a nice touch.
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes