Big Brother Torrid affairs pre-release discussion [locked]

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Lightning Emperor
May 14, 2017
most comments i read on bb were negative regarding eric,even if you made him your puppet he still seemed to have the power so the only way forward was to get rid of to avoid this eric routes need to alter from bb ones.either the mc becomes erics helper and is rewarded by him or eric becomes the mc's helper but this time the mc should dictate to eric which for things like punishment ect makes more sense.i dont really see a neutral path for eric but this is just my opinion


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Well, in BB DS basically removed him due to some vocal outrage except for an early stages of game. You cannot be friendly with him. Now players are negative about most of the aspects of it (plot, inconsistent behaviour,date,shop, whole gameplay). In my opinion you should be faithful to your own ideas and not be overly obedient. Even DS seems to know his game isn't going in a good direction after he ditched his own ideas away
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
He probably meant to have ways of eliminating Eric or letting him stay as Ann's husband. In BB to get the latest content, you have to get rid of Eric, if you don't expand both sides, people won't be happy
Oh, yes... Having him there, or not, will only change some interactions. Obviously, if he isn't there, then he will not be joining the orgies.

There is even a voyeur path, which Max is only focused on watching everything unfold. (Causing them to interact with one-another, without participating himself, much.) {If Eric is there, Max is also seeing Eric in those scenes, without himself in the picture.}

Here are the current desired pathing options...

1: Expose Eric (Main continuous objective)
- A: Assist Eric {You are approached, before you expose anything, but know something is going-on. You see this path as a potential way to uncover his secrets faster... But you don't NEED to expose him to others on this path. That is still a possibility to divert off the "assistance" path.}
- B: Belittle them {If you do NOT take the Assist-path, you have your second branch of the story come into light. This path, like the assist path, can be diverted back to the original main-path. You are manipulating the girls into doing things, similar to what Eric wants you to do in the Assistance path, but you are doing it without him. The intentions being, to have Eric removed from the house.}

While on the "Assist-path", there comes a three-way intersection. Based on how you responded to events, it favors one of three potential outcomes...
1: Greed-path (Me, all me!) {You assist Eric, but use the exposure to "keep him in check", dominating the household. It is your income which is now the primary source of finances. You clear-up Eric's debts and keep him on a tight leash.}
2: Share-path (Tag-teaming) {You and Eric, both, command the household. Clearing his name, earns you equality. Keeping the apple near the tree, so to speak.}
3: Switch-paths (Back to the main-path) {You expose Eric for what he is... Hell-bent on getting him out of the house and letting everyone know all of his secrets. Freeing them from the grasp he has had on them.}

While on the "Belittle-path", which can only be done if you are not assisting Eric...
1: Greed-path (You owe me) {Still working to push Eric out, you begin to expose him prematurely. The intentions are to get help from the others, while bringing the situation into full light. The cost for them, to have you fix things, is heavy. You demand a lot in return, or leave them to the fate at hand, which they don't want.}
2: Isolate-path (The silent observer) {You focus on peeping and psychological manipulation of the household. Doing this while you drive Eric out without much help from others. Though, it will be clear that you are the one pulling the strings. Your reward is a high tolerance for your peeing and some exhibition from them.}
3: Switch-paths (Back to the main-path) {You are not greedy and not just "the man behind the curtain". You return to taking credit for your exposure of Eric, while fully interacting with everyone. Getting them to assist YOU in driving him out, without expected payments in return.}

The primary difference of a diverted path and staying on the main-path, is...
1: Never attempting to assist Eric, at all... (Assisting him at-all, will instantly fork the path.)
2: Not getting "over the top" with belittling anyone in the household... (A little will not fork the path.)

The two "switch-paths", will return you to the main-path, but... because you have "assisted Eric", or "gone overboard with belittlement", there is a different set of outcomes for that ending. (Mostly, there will just be dialogue-changes, as they will respond, respectably, to the events in the past. Events from the two various paths.)

This is a little diagram of the paths...
(NOTE: The numbers in the paths are of no relation to the numbers above. They just indicate the various path-ending relations. See the ending outcomes below.)

2b: Max rules everyone, Eric is still present.
2a: Eric rules, with Max at his side (equal affection option)
1a: Assisted-diversion, Eric gets booted and more dominant Max
1b: Belittled-diversion, Eric gets booted and Max stops playing head-games
1c: Main path to get Eric out. (More of a loving path of full equality.)
3a: Eric booted, Max treating everyone like he is a pimp. (Everyone owes him.)
3b: Eric booted, Max perving {peeping}, while others play with each-other.
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Quick update on the GUI... (The part where I lost a few people in a prior post.)

This, for the moment, is a rough outline of what the GUI will look like. The three top buttons may be settings/stats/???. (Not 100% sure on that, at the moment.)



My reasoning for doing a setup like this...
1: The art was not rendered with consideration for overlays. Everything seems to block all the good stuff. So, I scaled the artwork down to about 80% of the original size. You now see it all, unobstructed.
2: The navigation being on the bottom-left, felt odd. Everything you have to click is now all on the right side. No more having to swipe left and right, over and over, from dialogue to navigation.
3: Dialogue was actually quite annoying spread across the whole screen and demanding constant selections, even when there was only one option to select. I don't program like that. If there is only one selection, it's dialogue, not a selection. Now, it is clearly one person or another talking, back and forth.
4: Choice selections... RenPy is horrible for that, by default. By logic, someone, or a narrator, poses a question. That is always on the left-side. Followed by your choices to select, on the right-hand side. The list expands up into the screen, only if the list is large or multi-line verbal. (Small price to pay for good selections. It only covers the screen for a moment, then returns to dialogue conversation again.)

Still need to make the "Town" places to visit. The locations will just replace the "Rooms", and the "Town" button will then say "Home", to go back to selecting locations in the house.

Now to make it look that way in the actual game. Blah...


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I didn't know how bad the original was until I looked at this, you're doing God's work!
That, my friend, is one hell of a motivator. Keep in mind... I am still "playing" with the look of the GUI. (Graphical user interface. For those who I lost with my technical-babble.) This is sufficient enough for release, so tweaking can be done later.

Hopefully this will be universal enough for others to create original works from. Provided that they look at my code and formats, and can figure it out.
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Oct 8, 2017
Have you consider having Eric as the MC and Max as the person trying to stop him having sex with everyone else
blasphemy repent repent

jokes aside its a interesting angle but lets be honest you want to be the under dog in this situation more satisfying in the long run plus we all no why we play a BB and eventually this ;)


Lightning Emperor
May 14, 2017
we hated eric for sticking his fingers in our pie,imagine the possibilities when we are eric and max is trying to stop us eating all his for thought here(god im hungry now)
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