Comics Goblin Ambush! [2023-15-09] [Datamining]

Feb 8, 2020
Since the beast abandoned the female knight (Selene) whats she going to do? Thinking of having her pick up a stick and go to town on the goblins XD So good old fashion revenge
To be fair, between the fact that she can't be at 100% after what she already went through, that she is naked, and that her best weapon is a stick, I dare say that it will be a very quick revenge before the goblins put her back down.

But hey, then we can have greenskin revenge sex! REVENGE-CEPTION!

And I suppose it would be a good way to start her on the path of breaking completely: give her the ability to fight back, then have her fall again and suffer for it.

Very Goblin Slayer in grim darkness.

Though not full on Goblin Slayer, or the poor women is in for a BAD time.

Also, can I say that I like the way the girls get dirty, bruised and bloody because of the sadistic way the goblins are using and treating them? Very realistic and very well done, I love it.


Sep 26, 2020
Also, can I say that I like the way the girls get dirty, bruised and bloody because of the sadistic way the goblins are using and treating them? Very realistic and very well done, I love it.
yeah well the big beast did have his way with her in the last two chapters so it would seem strange to me if she was not somewhat bruised and dirty by now. Still I like to keep it only semi-realistic.
I plan to move the story on to the goblin lair in this one so maybe I will spice up the story a bit.
Feb 8, 2020
yeah well the big beast did have his way with her in the last two chapters so it would seem strange to me if she was not somewhat bruised and dirty by now. Still I like to keep it only semi-realistic.
I plan to move the story on to the goblin lair in this one so maybe I will spice up the story a bit.
Oh don't get me wrong, if you went full realistic things would probably go beyond what is generally seen in the Goblin Slayer anime, and reach manga/LN level of brutality. That kind of things tend to work for the overall story of GS, but not so much for porn/Hentai.

Still, a certain level of acceptable realism is a good thing (at least in my book).

Also, goblin lair! Now that's something I'm definitely looking forward to! :)


Sep 26, 2020
Oh don't get me wrong, if you went full realistic things would probably go beyond what is generally seen in the Goblin Slayer anime, and reach manga/LN level of brutality. That kind of things tend to work for the overall story of GS, but not so much for porn/Hentai.

Still, a certain level of acceptable realism is a good thing (at least in my book).

Also, goblin lair! Now that's something I'm definitely looking forward to! :)
Yeah lets not forget this is lowly smut XD

Also the lair is going to be fun and be somewhat inspired by Jabba's palace from Star Wars and then some GS caves / ruins



Sep 26, 2020
You know, I have to ask what the hell that goblin was thinking even attacking her in the first place, rather than just going for sex...

Seriously, why was he trying to kill her? I don't get it.
yeah, I think they sometimes go feral and they are violent little buggers. But I think this one will regret that rash decision in the next couple of pictures....
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