HTML Abandoned The Enslavement of Theresa Simpson aka: Bastard Made Mom a Sex Slave [Ch. 1B] [Fugue]


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
Seems way more linear than Dr Diggler, though the cameo's were nice, not much here other than some flashing.

Not really into pee and urination either...I may just skip this one entirely.


Mar 22, 2017
I think the dev's building the story (mc says time and time again to help him etc.) and fueling the rage good so far lol. I hope there will be options other than hopelessly getting cucked.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2017
I think the dev's building the story (mc says time and time again to help him etc.) and fueling the rage good so far lol. I hope there will be options other than hopelessly getting cucked.
Yeah if this is just the asshole acting like an asshole and the son not being able to do anything about it might just give it a miss. Honestly I think I'd kill the fucker and worry about fixing the mom once he's out of the picture. I'm a bit worried that after Fugue's littel comment at the end that this is all going to go to shit without anyway to have a positive ending. Not quite sure what the attraction for that kind of thing is . . .


Dec 27, 2016
Anyone have link for the new release?
I was about to make a request thread for this in the Game Requests section, however, there's no version number attached to the release - it's just "September update". Looks like an incremental update rather than an entire chapter.
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
tyvm @Firefly for pushing that game a bit. The dev is very talented, I'd really like to see more people getting curious about the work.

We got a request for an update, who ever is interested please head over and support it - :)
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Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
I thought this game was always released as a gull version, that's how Fugue typically does his games. Though I lost interest in this one, but his updates are slow so why is there a request thread for a game we already have? I'm a bit confused on that point.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2017
Dev is not giving up on the projects, like that. I wish Fugue the best, maybe bc there is a homepage already the projects aren't that exposed to public view on P. Thumbs up for the heads up @Firefly. :)
I read his post but I'm really confused by how he's going to continue any of this. Diggler is explicit with mother and son so I would expect Patreon won't be happy about it. Enslavement doesn't appear to have any of the incest angle (at least now) but runs counter to the mind control stuff so it's out. So if he continues Diggler on his outside page there cant be any links (according to Patreon) to his P page. Glad to see he's planning on finishing DrD and that he is planning some closure for E but will be curious as to how he evolves.
Feb 1, 2018
So far, this is more story than game. You have absolutely zero chance to actually affect anything that happens, which I, personally, dislike intensely. That is a criticism. The rest of this short review is not.

Incest, where this game seems to be headed, is not really my thing. Older woman/younger man is really not my thing. But again, these aren't criticisms. I make these statements only so the reader will understand, when I say the following, that I had to overcome quite a few factors I really don't like in order to say this:

The humiliation "play" here is amAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAzing!! The author gets it exactly right.

So even though it's really not a game (at least not yet), and even though it involves a lot of play that really, really doesn't interest me, I'm going to keep following this one.

Because good humiliation scenes do it for me every time.
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