Ren'Py Abandoned Teacher's Pets [v2.06.1] [irredeemable]

3.20 star(s) 40 Votes


Don't know why criticizing this dev is so problematic on this site when people do the same all the time with big ones like Dark Silver or Gumdrop for example.

As I predicted, the whole thing has been a complete mess and the criticism was more than warranted. Allowing it wouldn't have made so many people so angry as is the case right now. If the forums don't allow criticism of the devs then they should make it clear and act consistently, otherwise one would have to conclude that there was indeed favoritism towards this one.


Active Member
May 30, 2017
Don't know why criticizing this dev is so problematic on this site when people do the same all the time with big ones like Dark Silver or Gumdrop for example.

As I predicted, the whole thing has been a complete mess and the criticism was more than warranted. Allowing it wouldn't have made so many people so angry as is the case right now. If the forums don't allow criticism of the devs then they should make it clear and act consistently, otherwise one would have to conclude that there was indeed favoritism towards this one.
I think your understating the "criticism". Criticism on its own is fine, its to be expected and can sometimes lead to things improving. What happened on this thread was not "criticism" it was out and out bile spewing hatred filled vitriol. THAT is what the mod's/staff got upset about and started deleting posts/handing out thread bans for. It is possible to voice criticism over a game without resorting to personal attacks on the dev and people with a different view.

Also before anyone attacks me, accusing me of white knighting or whatever, I'm simply clarifying how bad things got in here.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Things have reached a sad state indeed if one needs to throw a "protection" statement on a simple clarifying post. Misdirected anger doesn't help anyone. (Virtual) yelling at other posters isn't going to make the dev suddenly release a new update. If you're mad, make sure you focus it where it matters.

Or, like me, just move on to other terrific projects, of which there are so many.
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I think your understating the "criticism". Criticism on its own is fine, its to be expected and can sometimes lead to things improving. What happened on this thread was not "criticism" it was out and out bile spewing hatred filled vitriol. THAT is what the mod's/staff got upset about and started deleting posts/handing out thread bans for. It is possible to voice criticism over a game without resorting to personal attacks on the dev and people with a different view.
It's true that a few did that, but multiple dev lackeys also targeted people who were simply expressing skepticism and disaproval of the dev explanations. Among those lackeys, one of them was caught lying and only then banned. How is it admissible that lies are needed to ban people who favored the dev, but barely aggressive comments (note that the aggressiveness wasn't one sided) to ban those who disagreed with them, or remove posts expressing that?


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
It's true that a few did that, but multiple dev lackeys also targeted people who were simply expressing skepticism and disaproval of the dev explanations. Among those lackeys, one of them was caught lying and only then banned. How is it admissible that lies are needed to ban people who favored the dev, but barely aggressive comments (note that the aggressiveness wasn't one sided) to ban those who disagreed with them, or remove posts expressing that?
Since irredeemable told me to fuck off for questioning his BS story about being hacked, I'm going to assume that alot of this has to do with him reporting people to mods. Deem pretty much expected people to buy his stories so that he had time to milk subscriber bucks and couldn't take the heat of questions. I'm going to guess that a lot of his time was spent on forums fighting with people instead of making his game.

Also, considering what Jmolle2 said about Deem binning content and lying to the testers about the final build, I'm going to guess that his disappearance may be due to other matters. You don't just lose your biggest supporters for no reason. I'm going to guess that he was planning to further milk updates in small doses, but in the process, lies caught up with him and he's burned too many bridges.

I think the 2 best options for the future are: 1. He could be working on the game, but no longer trusts anyone so suddenly an update will appear out of nowhere, or 2. He's simply milking for everything his subs have left.

Honestly it sucks, if anyone needs to go down for bullshit, lies and milking it should've been gumdrop before deem


Respected User
Former Staff
May 6, 2017
I realize that I've kinda "Piled On" on the Dev here. I'm just venting my frustration like many other ex-fans. As far as a supposed jihaad (spelled wrong) is concerned, isn't that what the "report" button is for? After his patron page was shut down (I would argue That's when he had the melt down not from some criticism) he tried to re-work the entire game rather than make some simple changes to make that site's moderators happy. Months and month later he release a game with a lot less content and lots of new bugs. Finally Users HERE restored most of the content he hid, including Kaitlyn and removing "Fez" renames.

So I'm going to quit commenting on this here until some new content is released, If that EVER happens.
Totally agree with you. I was a mid-tier Patreon for several months and cancelled after the v2 fiasco. Setting aside all the drama & theories, bottom line is I was not getting what I paid for. Which sucks ass because I really like a lot about this game, and the few times I interacted with the dev, he was very pleasant. Those are the kind of people I want to support - devs who interact with their supporters, accept feedback, and have a sense of humor in and about their game.

But I reached the point where the reason it wasn't getting updated not longer mattered because the result was always the same. :(

@adultUser - the "Popular Games" goes off views/responses, not votes or review scores.


Jan 6, 2018
The whole patreon crackdown i can imagine has hit alot of games hard.
Though if i were to give a probable reason, for patreon´s actions, i would say that it has probably something to do with the abolishment of the safe haven for most services.
Before the individual services couldn´t be held accountable for their user actions, meaning if somebody used Patreon or some other services to perform illegal acts, well it would be the one who performed those acts who would be held accountable.
The service itself could not be held accountable for their users actions, they just provided a service and that was that.
Now with more and more countries abolishing the safe haven for various companies, they CAN be held accountable for the actions of their users.
So in order to avoid a shitstorm Patreon did what they did.

That´s the only explanation i can give that defends patreon´s actions.
All other explanations doesn´t speak well of either Patreon or silicon valley.
Basically if youtubers like The Quartering, Sargon of Akkad and Computing forever, is to be believed, both patreon and silicon valley has been infiltrated by extreme leftist moral busybodies, who cracks down on anything they deem offensive and removes it, this includes people leveling critique against them.
And one of the things hit it the crossfire is games like this.

Though i can´t help but wonder, i have heard of other services like makers support or hatreon, where the rules should be more relaxed, so maybe switch to one of those and get the money to continue making the games we all like to see ?


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
It's likely there will be other potential landing sites for non-censored game developer funding, but there's inevitably going to be the same problem.

It generally goes like this: little guy comes in and fills the hole in the market (in this case, non-censored devs); little guys becomes moderately to wildly successful; grows big enough to be noticed and has to change its policies to avoid losing all its now significant income.

Outside of independent websites of the devs, it's difficult to see how there can be a sole source of dev fund collection akin to Patreon that would NOT end up in the same financial dilemma.

Morality and profit have ever been uncomfortable bedfellows.


Jan 6, 2018
It's likely there will be other potential landing sites for non-censored game developer funding, but there's inevitably going to be the same problem.

It generally goes like this: little guy comes in and fills the hole in the market (in this case, non-censored devs); little guys becomes moderately to wildly successful; grows big enough to be noticed and has to change its policies to avoid losing all its now significant income.

Outside of independent websites of the devs, it's difficult to see how there can be a sole source of dev fund collection akin to Patreon that would NOT end up in the same financial dilemma.

Morality and profit have ever been uncomfortable bedfellows.
Maybe maybe not, depends on what the site gets popular on.
If it is the kind that says: "So long as you aren´t doing anything illegal or we get a note from the authorities demanding your removal."
"We don´t care what you are doing."

Most privatly owned businesses only care about one thing profit.
And as long as profit doesn´t go down, most sites shouldn´t care too much about morality.
I think what might be the problem here is that alot of businesses can´t tell the difference between a vocal minority and a silent majority.

IDW and Marvel is both an excellent example of this, they started to cater for the vocal minority and profit started to plummet, as the silent majority simply left and didn´t buy any more comics from that studio.
As Patreon starts to remove users for "hate speech"/ being critical of the left and calling them out on their various bullshit.
I think they might start to lose support and profit might go down.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Maybe maybe not, depends on what the site gets popular on.
If it is the kind that says: "So long as you aren´t doing anything illegal or we get a note from the authorities demanding your removal."
"We don´t care what you are doing."

Most privatly owned businesses only care about one thing profit.
And as long as profit doesn´t go down, most sites shouldn´t care too much about morality.
I think what might be the problem here is that alot of businesses can´t tell the difference between a vocal minority and a silent majority.

IDW and Marvel is both an excellent example of this, they started to cater for the vocal minority and profit started to plummet, as the silent majority simply left and didn´t buy any more comics from that studio.
As Patreon starts to remove users for "hate speech"/ being critical of the left and calling them out on their various bullshit.
I think they might start to lose support and profit might go down.
That actually probably depends more on the devs than the "silent majority". If devs decide creative integrity is more important than safe money generation, then they will leave Patreon and that will lead to a revenue/profit drop.

On the other hand, if they simply alter their content, it's pretty well proven that patrons will hang around and just wait for a fan mod, meaning both creator and host (Patreon) keep their income, even under the blanket of censorship.

Business models mature when they go mainstream. Patreon is testing how far it can creep into the mainstream without losing a section of its business. I don't know the percentage NSFW is of their total revenues, so I can't even guess what impact a "developer revolt" would have on their profits.


Jul 14, 2017
I really liked this game for the potential it had up until 1.6.
A shame it seems to be abandoned, but I second the calls to add that tag to the title of this thread.


Are you really going to use your first post on the site to ask if it's ok to shitpost and cause trouble? If you are a patron and have issues, take it up with the Dev on Patreon. If you are not a patron and want to complain about the timely delivery of the game you are pirating go complain somewhere else. If you want to discuss the game with other game enthusiasts then enjoy your stay and remember to follow the rules of the site.
So I still can't complain about a game I'm pirating on a forum dedicated to pirating games. Makes sense.
If it's in the rules, they suck.


So I still can't complain about a game I'm pirating on a forum dedicated to pirating games. Makes sense.
If it's in the rules, they suck.
Then let me show you the door! Your usertitle tells me as much as using your first 2 posts to test the waters...
To all others that haven't got the message yet, stop your bullshit posts about Patreon, that has nothing to do with this site. We are here to share, discuss and play games, not provoke anarchy and fling shit at developers like a bunch of unevolved simians! It is most likely that the garbage posted in this thread has led to the possible death of this game and that is on you.
Read the fucking rules of which Rule #1 states:
Be respectful. Opinions are fine, attacks are not This includes trolling, belittling, etc...
Iredeemable is a member of this site, like you and me, yet other members feel that they can say whatever with impunity because he is a game developer. As I have said in the past, if you are a Patron and have issues with the game's author take it up with them on Patreon. If you are a pirate and have no stake in the game, calling devs liars, milkers whatever... is irrelevant!
This is a final notice cause if I gotta clean this thread and read all the posts in the last 100 or so pages a bunch of you will be joining Former Member "Lenor" on the outside of this site!


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Heh. Actually, that's rule #5, but it probably should be #1.
3.20 star(s) 40 Votes