Story or just directly into fucking?

Story or just pics and jerking the shit out of yourself?

  • Story

    Votes: 37 15.0%
  • Fucking

    Votes: 25 10.2%
  • Story/Fucking

    Votes: 184 74.8%

  • Total voters


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I will still prefer a good story over just fucking nude-fest. 90% of the time I quit games just because they did not have a good story or I can fuck all the females from day 2 or 3 without putting any real effort to them. If I just want to see nude cgs I will just watch some hentai or read some H-manga.

But the opposite is also true. If there is too much story without any real rewards then I will get simply bored and stop playing. I don't want to go through multiple hours of text before I can get a juicy scene. I would rather read some actual novel then.

The human mind works in a risk/reward system or in this case time-invested/reward system. You want to get a perfect balance between them to make a successful satisfying game.

Just take two big games in this genre "Big Brother" and "Dating My Daughter". Both games start slowly with good character progression and it will take you a long time before you can personally get a naughty scene with your loved ones. But both of those games hook their players with peeking system and side character sex scenes. That way players won't get bored while they play through the story when they finally get their dream girl it would be a satisfying achievement in their mind. Just look at DMD, after so much story they are still far from sex. But meanwhile, Other side characters keep you engaged. But in future when they will finally have sex think how great an impact it would create.
I think DMD does an acceptable job of offering a story... That said, it does a terrible job of presenting its female cast. D is dumb as a box of rocks. Elena is has less dimension than she does breasts and your secretary, to me, seemed like an interloper. Later in the game she even admits as much, that it was seeing the daughter in his life and the way he cared for her that made her decide to make a move. I don't know if her story is better if you invite her in, I avoided her since my goal was the title character.

D is obviously meant to skew much younger than she actually is in game. This would be fine, if that age seemed 12-15 but in reality it seems more 8-11. As a result she's too dense and you have to kind of set up the idea of a romance with her. If she skewed higher, she'd have urges of her own. I think the story would have worked much better if the first few days of the game are purely a chance for the characters to catch up after the time apart, see a few movies together, take a walk in the park. Remove the sexual tension from the first few days. Then, on the day you go to the beach have D ask F to apply suntan lotion to her back. Have D react to this positively, have F notice. Then when he has that crisis of faith after the dream where she services him it makes so much more sense.

As a result it would also remove almost all the earlier, creepier corruption aspects. I'm a fan of corruption, don't get me wrong, but I think corruption works best when the corrupted isn't completely oblivious. They need to understand and still go along with it. I'm a fan of incest manga where a brother slowly but surely turns his sister into a slut. In these, the little sister almost always shows a healthy dose of Tsundere tendencies. They don't trust the character implicitly and they force everything to happen on their terms. That isn't what is going on in DMD.

In DMD D seems completely sexually oblivious. Sure, we later learn that despite her being 18, she's never brought herself to orgasm. But it doesn't play that she's so close to Elena and is that naive. As a result though, she's learning about all of this through this tenuous and creepy lens of, it feels good and he's my daddy so I trust him. Whenever he pushes the line to see how much he can do its always in this vane of "can I get away with it and still have her trust?" The result is creepy.

If instead of being a lecherous old man corrupting his innocent daughter it had been a curious daughter seducing her father, the story would work so much better. Yes, there's still an element that he'd have to get over, where he'd think to himself, is this wrong. But as she would have been the aggressor in this situation, it removes the blurry lines of consent.

That's DMD... don't even get me started on the failings of BB. In both cases though we have what are supposed to be character driven dramatic stories that fall flat because of their 1 dimensional characters. Even if the overall story of DMD is ok, the characters are so broken that its a mess.

Daughter for Dessert is still an early game. However it seems, already, to have a much more approachable and robust cast of characters. The father, far from being a deadbeat loser who lucks into poon town is actually a struggling businessman who is devoted to his daughter and to protecting the business that he feels is the rock in their relationship. The daughter is an active participant in the story as well. She wants her father to come to her. To rely on her. And its implied, to see her sexually. Further, the two other female characters we've met seem pretty cool as well. The daughters friend is an erotica author and is adventurous while also seemingly damaged, I can't wait to learn more. The bartender is you, only, as far as we know, she doens't have a daughter. Honestly what little I know about her so far has me happy I met her. There was one other character that I didn't experience in my playthrough, the woman at the bar on the second trip there. However I went for the bartender because I cant resist a hot ginger.


May 7, 2017
I've read: "rpgm games are shit. i don't need to run around in a fucking porn game."

I would like to know what most of you guys are mostly into. Do you read and want to experience the STORY. Or do you just click the text away and want to see tits and fucking and stroke the shit ottta you?
Running around isn't story. Most RPGM games involve to much running around in between bits of story. I tried a few and bits that stand out are a bit where you have to talk to everyone on a beach. Have to take multiple objects inside house. This isn't story, it is time wasting.

A regular game "The Bard's Tale" has after a short bit of story/figting/puzzles its first dungeon, a tower with plants. I checked a guide online, saw I was on the first of three levels and just quite the game. The first level was taking longer then the entire first section and it was just corridor after corridor of the same fights.

That is not story, story is story. It is the same with grind and mini games.

So your poll should have read
  • Story
  • Fucking
  • Filler
Filler has little place in a porn game.
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Reactions: hopeless


Oct 29, 2017
Running around isn't story. Most RPGM games involve to much running around in between bits of story. I tried a few and bits that stand out are a bit where you have to talk to everyone on a beach. Have to take multiple objects inside house. This isn't story, it is time wasting.
I for myself find it is a part of the story. And that is why i wanted to know with what most of you guys are into here.
I have read some reviews like in the Grindpart is over 9000. But only a few complain about it. The story can't compare with a novel bestseller but it has a good Story/Fucking ratio. And it seems most people here want this balance, doesn't matter if there isn't a acurate story. As long as Fucking/Story radio is 1:1 it's seems all fine.
At least for the wankers in this realm here.


Game Developer
Jul 16, 2017
I have read some reviews like in the Grindpart is over 9000. But only a few complain about it
If maps ain't used the right way ( kept small, without need for a map whatsoever...)
it is best to stay away from the's pointless to expand a game by meaningless and aimless walks
around a city which has nothing to offer...RPGMaker is best used with more than a few NPC's...if
it is LoQO, Roundscape, Noxian Nights, the last Sovereign or quiet a few other prime examples of "meaningful
walking around" which does add to story...RPGMaker certainly is no run-around grind feast in every case if used


Ninja By Sea
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
Both was my vote, who wants to grind for months just to get a handjob? Some call it milking the game to drag it out longer. It's not needed just create a new game when that one has ran it's course, maybe do a spin-off but for God's sake quit with the long drawn out stories!


May 7, 2017
RPGMaker is best used with more than a few NPC's
The problem is with the vast majority of RPGM games, they're incredibly linear story wise with few characters and things having to be done in a certain order. There is no real freedom and it's essentially just walking from scene to scene or walking from point to point to collect certain items and back again to unlock the next scene.
Side quests are a big part of RPG's, as they can distract from the monotony and give you a sense of freedom since you're not on rails and simply along for the ride.

It is very easy to make a bad RPG and difficult to make a good one.
Due to there being very few good ones and lots of bad ones, it is also easy for people to completely dismiss RPGM games (like myself).


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Story, but less so than in other games. A story, e.g. about breaking taboos, seducing/corrupting someone might spice up a porn game, but it doesn't need to be as complex and nuanced as for other RPGs. Sex between actual characters is hotter than between nameless dummies, but they don't need a background story telling every significant moment in their live. A married housewife having her first lesbian encounter with a mysterious stranger is far hotter than just one woman dildo-fucking another. The descendant of a dark lord corrupting his mother and sister is more than just an MFF threesome.

However when it comes to gameplay, I have to admit I really don't care much and I don't really need much of it in a porn game. Solving puzzles or fighting enemies just doesn't go well with only one hand, if you know what I mean. Porn games are the only games I usually use cheats on.


Jan 3, 2018
Story or just directly into fucking?

Story. If I was interesting only about fucking I'd just go to pornhub.


For me the reason I prefer games, comics, etc over other more popular mediums is the story. An emotional payoff makes the sex better. That said, RPGM games aren't usually that great on the story. Don't get me wrong, I've played a few which I enjoyed the sex in, but I wasn't engaged in them. Furthermore, I'm doing this as an escape from reality. The last thing I want to do in a game is simulate having to worry about going to work and saving money.

As a developer I'm avoiding work, for the most part, in my first story because my characters are still living at home. They'll need an income for immersion, so when the time comes they'll get a modelling job. Taking sexy pictures is anything but mundane, so it allows for income and a sexualised environment. In future projects, when I use adult characters, the work element won't be a grind. It'll be there as an environment in which the character interacts with the story, not as a senseless grind for resources.

I think the reason I prefer the VN format is that it allows for this more structured story that continues to evolve. I think the setup of most RPGM, wherin the character is jobless prior to the start and has to get a job that will serve their sexual adventures in the future is simply a drag on story. In reality getting a job is a stressful and time consuming experience. Maintaining that job becomes your entire world. As a result it seems like the games who use this mechanic use it so that there's some artificial tension in your character's otherwise leisurely existence. It makes for a less engaging story.

Coming back to what I mentioned about what work will be for my games, imagine even in an RPGM game, if your character started already having a job. Then imagine if the time spent at said job wasn't a minigame (thinking MotH here) or a thing to click through (Thinking My summer with Mom & Sis and I'm sure plenty of others that I've ignored for this mechanic alone.) But an environment that you have to interact with. Dreaming of Dana, and The Gift Reloaded use work in this way, you chat up your coworkers, you get some work done, you even trigger some public sex and dating options through work. Both of them use Ren'py, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't use their idea similarly in an RPGM.

Then we have the way RPGM tend to approach resources and stats. In almost every RPGM you begin the game as a scrub. You are now, and were nothing before this game. It's almost as if you suddenly spring into being with other people having memories of you. MSwM&S is a perfect example of this. You have no charisma, no intelligence, no strength to start. You somehow lucked into college without apparently doing anything your whole life. This blank slate concept bugs the hell out of me in all RPGs, not just porn.

A quality writer will give a character a base, something that they are good at. An example of this in mainstream games would be The Witcher. You are a Witcher. You know your monsters, potions, spells, and swordplay associated with your class. You have skills according to your class, like his enhanced senses. As a result, while you do start out at a lower level and progress through the game to gain greater strength and skill, you don't feel the grind, because it all happens naturally in the course of the character's story.

That doesn't mean that you can't have a character start as a blank slate. That's essentially the crux of the heroes journey. However, in the heroes journey a mentor character sets you on a defined path and teaches you the basic skills necessary, so that as the story naturally progresses you continue to evolve a specific set of skills. So lets apply this to your basic RPGM. Rather than having your kid have a shit father who wants to get rid of him, make that father his mentor. If he doesn't have a father, have him find a mentor elsewhere. Give your character a job at some place and his older coworker can give him pointers and challenges to increase his skills.

Don't make these about grinding on nonsense. If he sends you to the library to do some research make a unique topic that you have to research, have a small quest in which you have to talk to the mousey librarian about finding something. Make that the impetus for giving you a reason to go to the library. Have him slowly convince her to open up to him. Get rid of silly things like intelligence and strength and replace them with practical knowledge and tools. If your character doesn't begin the game athletic, then rather than making them go to the gym to gain a stat, have them outthink the situation. If a girl's car is stuck on the side of the road, don't force a strength check, have him use a tow line to get her to the gas station. Then, if she's an option, have him ask for her number then make them date, don't play games with she will only date you if your strength is high enough to move her car.

Lastly, make your supporting characters just as proactive as your protagonist. Too many games, not just RPGMs, force you to constantly convince people that you're worth their time. There should be give and take in every relationship, and spending 5 days grinding to afford a rose so that you can give her a gift that leads to her being willing to give you a handjob isn't an equal relationship. In real life there are few times in which you grind and grind in order to be able to afford to date someone. You date people who are in your league. If you're working minimum wage you're either dating someone who can take care of themselves, or you're dating someone who doesn't expect you to buy her shiny things.

While we are back on the subject of money. RPGM games and all games really have no sense of value. In most of america, unless you work for tips, any minimum wage worker working no less than full time is making no more than 15k annually. In other countries you might be able to get away with having a character who doesn't pay bills work 15 to 20 hours and make that much. But this is $288 a week. So, make the game world reflect that. If this is what your character is making then they need to live in a world where it's possible to buy normal items on so little. You can't make a character who's working for so little save up $1000 for lingerie, they would never even consider shopping somewhere where it would cost that much. Seriously. look at Victoria's secret. Plenty of sexy lingerie, most of which ranges from 30 to 70 bucks. A person that has no other expenses could reasonably buy their love interest lingerie.

So many games make this mistake of treating money like it's no object and having characters shop in fancy high fashion shops. Teddy bears costing 150 dollars from the local shop, 1000 dollar pieces of jewelry, 500 dollar range items like perfumes and sex toys and so on and so forth. If a character has less than 300 a week to work with, those stores are invisible to them. They're going right past them to a more reasonable place. You can buy a sexy wardrobe and makeup and perfume and gifts for the price of most of the things these games make you grind for.

Now, you might say, well yeah, but what if she really likes that bikini and so you decide to save up and buy it for her? This isn't the kind of thing that happens often in the real world, and when you're not already in a relationship a move like that will backfire soooo fast. No girl that isn't willing to give you more is going to accept such an expensive gift. They'll refuse. When you insist you will actually harm your chances with them because they become suspicious of your intentions, and have shown that you think their affection is for sale.

I know, this is a long and incoherent rant, but these mechanics bother the hell out of me. They aren't entertaining. They're stressful and infuriating. Like the millions of gambling simulators out there posing as mobile games on itunes and google play.
Seems like you have a good grasp on story-telling. Id be interested in playing your game. Best of luck.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Story, but less so than in other games. A story, e.g. about breaking taboos, seducing/corrupting someone might spice up a porn game, but it doesn't need to be as complex and nuanced as for other RPGs. Sex between actual characters is hotter than between nameless dummies, but they don't need a background story telling every significant moment in their live. A married housewife having her first lesbian encounter with a mysterious stranger is far hotter than just one woman dildo-fucking another. The descendant of a dark lord corrupting his mother and sister is more than just an MFF threesome.

However when it comes to gameplay, I have to admit I really don't care much and I don't really need much of it in a porn game. Solving puzzles or fighting enemies just doesn't go well with only one hand, if you know what I mean. Porn games are the only games I usually use cheats on.
I prefer a bit of length to my games. I also find it easier to be invested in a character's growth if you know where they came from. That said, everything in moderation. My own story starts with a shared traumatic event between our main cast of characters and then moves forward three years.

That event is what causes the characters to have to leave their home, mice to a new place, and start their lives. I flash forward a few years for multiple reasons. 1, the characters are young, can't have the erotic sex between such young character. 2, the event is extra traumatic, and while I think that trauma will very greatly assist the story, my story is meant to be a blooming romance. Those 3 years serve to allow the characters to move past it without having lost it entirely. 3, in real life, an event like this doesn't ruin you overnight, instead it snowballs until eventually you're buried in it.

So, my point is, backstory can be an incredibly powerful tool for defining character motivation without too much blatant exposition. A good prologue can work wonders in hooking your audience early.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I've read: "rpgm games are shit. i don't need to run around in a fucking porn game."

I would like to know what most of you guys are mostly into. Do you read and want to experience the STORY. Or do you just click the text away and want to see tits and fucking and stroke the shit ottta you?
If I wanted to watch porn, there are litterly millions of various live action, pre-recorded, profession grade, b-rated, and animated porn movies and/or videos to watch for free on the internet, and plenty of smut magazines to buy... I don't need to read an Erotic Visual Novel that is more a B-rated porn fest then actual story... Or play a game with no story, just a bunch of porn sex scenes...

I want some substance, some story that makes sense, a mix of deep meaningful story along side the sex scenes/animations... Sure I do play some games with a ton of sex content, but they usually have some good story elements as well... The actual best overall VN/Games out there tend to have a good balance of erotica and story that play out at a steady pace and compliment each other... I really hate it when a VN/Game starts off well balanced, but then suddenly changes gears half way through and becomes back to back porn, with the story taking a back seat... That is usually a sign that the author/s are either running out of ideas, stalling for more money from patrons, or have given away too much creative control to a boisterous minority...

Even if the story out weights the sex content, I don't mind it, if the story is deep and immersive, with well developed characters and plot... Not too much melodrama or over the top sub-plots, but a nice entertaining story with erotic elements now and then works for me as well, as long as it's good... You can tell the good story tellers from the bad, usually pretty quickly into a visual novel and/or game... Not always, but usually...

A lot of the times I begin to feel that the older and/or more mature player/reader is looking for a good mix, whereas the younger and/or more immature crowd just wants to get their jollies as quickly as possible and could care less about story... And of course, hormones sometimes gets the best of that second group, and that is what drives their desire, not their brains... Of course that isn't always the case, but it sure feels like it... :p
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
A well balanced mix of both for me.
As for RPGM, I must confess I tend not to even test them as I'm not a fan of the concept. One of the few I like is 'College life' and even then, the grind, the necessity to pass time, can be frustrating for me.
I enjoy the fullscreen HD aspect of a traditional VN too, even if sometimes it can hurt the eyes a bit ^^
I'm more story oriented, but of course I don't play an adult game just for that, so I answered the third option.
I totally agree, I usually don't even try most RPGM games... They remind too much of older Nintendo RPG games, and the game mechanics of that engine focus more on the game aspects typically, more so then the story telling... I'm just not a fan of that engine...


Game Developer
Jul 16, 2017
I think the reason I prefer the VN format is that it allows for this more structured story that continues to evolve. I think the setup of most RPGM, wherin the character is jobless prior to the start and has to get a job that will serve their sexual adventures in the future is simply a drag on story
It depends on the setup...if you talk about RPGMaker games that are basically nothing more than a platform for 3D renders plus mini-games I can agree but than again most VN formats tend to do the example (while everyone knows it by marketing ever...) Big Brother...
the money/item ratio is off...the grind is incredible frustrating...and personally speaking I consider the story to be flat at best.

A good story can be written in any engine even if the word "novel" isn't in it is what I am saying.
RPGMaker, Ren'Py, Unity, matters little to me...what matters is what the creator can do with it.

I usually don't even try most RPGM games... They remind too much of older Nintendo RPG games
For some a map and walking around within it adds to immersion for others it does nothing...every engine has it's pro's and con's but if you generally say no you might miss out on something actual done right.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I for myself find it is a part of the story. And that is why i wanted to know with what most of you guys are into here.
I have read some reviews like in the Grindpart is over 9000. But only a few complain about it. The story can't compare with a novel bestseller but it has a good Story/Fucking ratio. And it seems most people here want this balance, doesn't matter if there isn't a acurate story. As long as Fucking/Story radio is 1:1 it's seems all fine.
At least for the wankers in this realm here.
The problem you sometimes run into, is with some of these types of games you have the radical element of a fan base, who feel it is their sworn duty to protect the game they love till the bitter end... So when you get a mature review or reasonable opinion on a given game/VN that is counter to a fans opinion, they become outspoken and sometimes outwardly aggressive... This then tends to drive away folks from giving their opinions in the first place... Hence you don't see as many complaints after that... That or you see a devout fan base over promoting a product as a defense mechanism to criticism... Or maybe even a developer who is over sensitive to criticism of their work...

Especially on sites like this were you have a rating system for reviews... You may get one honest and deservingly critical review, covered up by a hundred short positive review by the fan base, in an attempt to average it out in their favor... Not that it happens like that very often, but I'm sure it does happen sometimes...

As to the matter of story over balance vs balance over story... I think that in most cases, story wins out regardless of balance or not... For me balance is great, but if the story is good, it can have more story then erotica, and I'm fine with that too... As long as it's fun and entertaining, I'm golden... It's when there is not enough story or not a good story, mixed with too many sex scenes that I feel like I wasted my time...

I've played some games where it is primarily sex scenes, but the story was still good, or a lot of humor was added, and still enjoyed it... But that is not the norm... Typically too many sex scenes includes a rotten story or bad character development, or maybe even no story at all... And I also hate it when the plot moves at lightning speed, or goes slower then a snail...


May 21, 2017
Running around isn't story. Most RPGM games involve to much running around in between bits of story. I tried a few and bits that stand out are a bit where you have to talk to everyone on a beach. Have to take multiple objects inside house. This isn't story, it is time wasting.
Those are RPG staples though. If you have no freedom to waste your time talking to random people or thieving in every house, you might aswell play a VN or the equivalent.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
For some a map and walking around within it adds to immersion for others it does nothing...every engine has it's pro's and con's but if you generally say no you might miss out on something actual done right.
I've tried a couple popular RPGM games a few times here and there, but usually ended up finding they had too many meaningless mini-games or too much running around gathering this and that before any story occurred... They typically play out more like RPG's that you may get some story now and then in, but not all that quickly and sometimes not for a while... It varies... If there is more game play then story text then there is a misbalance in my opinion... That is the typical issue with RPGM, it was never really intended for Visual Novel type story telling... It was intended for making Role Playing Games... Now, I know it can be adapted for VN play if the author/s are skilled enough, but I find most of them focus more on the RPG aspect then the VN aspect, a majority of the time...


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
It depends on the setup...if you talk about RPGMaker games that are basically nothing more than a platform for 3D renders plus mini-games I can agree but than again most VN formats tend to do the example (while everyone knows it by marketing ever...) Big Brother...
the money/item ratio is off...the grind is incredible frustrating...and personally speaking I consider the story to be flat at best.

A good story can be written in any engine even if the word "novel" isn't in it is what I am saying.
RPGMaker, Ren'Py, Unity, matters little to me...what matters is what the creator can do with it.

For some a map and walking around within it adds to immersion for others it does nothing...every engine has it's pro's and con's but if you generally say no you might miss out on something actual done right.
I completed View of Family recently, similar design to games like BB and MotH and to be completely honest, it might be the best of the format I've played. Better renders and there are even animations. Still, it only registers as mediocre to me because there is an arbitrary grind. I've come to the conclusion that grind shouldn't exist at all in porn games. Even a money system is kinda dumb, unless it's a game that is specifically about someone who spends all his time and money getting laid, but really, as long as its clear the MC has a job we as the players aren't going to be more or less immersed when they spend money. I don't think I remember there being any money system in what has recently become my favorite, My Sweet Neighbors. You go on a fancy* dinner date, take the girls shopping and pay for it all, buy pizza etc. At no point was I taken out of the game. I saw the quality of his apartment and assumed he had a great paying job.

It's not like I'm opposed to role playing either. My favorite games are all sandbox RPGs. I simply think that at the scale we are making adult games the RPG format only serves to be a frustration. As I said, I recently played through View of Family, and it kept my attention with its incredible imagery, however outside of the little sister Mia, I felt the grind so fucking hard. Both mom and the other sister had fewer overall chances for interaction and therefore you were trying to rush through the game to get to the point where you could again interact. Mom's line clears up a bit after the first time she makes you cum, but I think I then had to bring her points up by like double what they were. So it still took a few days to get her going again. Mia's grind is hidden behind a relatively acceptable and believable premise, the sex lessons are a reward for her studies. So you have to repeat the studies and then each lesson as she progresses. Plus each time you take it a step further each of her scenes step up.

I will say though, I recommend view of family in spite of its format. The money comes easily enough. I missed the first mom date queue because I'd been wasting what little money I started with on the older of the two sisters (I think they're both younger than you, as she's in college and you're out) That said, I had more than enough when the next queue came up, and aside from a few opportunities to buy things for your love interests, my money was relatively untouched. The little sister, Mia, is simultaneously one of the cutest characters I've ever seen in a game and the sexiest (granted I'm a siscon so I might be exaggerating). What really makes me recommend it though is the mom story line. The way that you get it to happen with the help of the psychiatrist is amazing, i'd say more but i'd spoil it.

That is how I would suggest you play this game too. Pick a girl, follow her story. I suggest starting with Mia, because hers flows the most naturally, then go on to the other sister and your mother... If you do play it make sure to have fucked the hot blonde at the bar before you get going on the mom storyline... you just have to be a charming dom and buy her a few drinks.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Those are RPG staples though. If you have no freedom to waste your time talking to random people or thieving in every house, you might aswell play a VN or the equivalent.
I said this in my longer post above, but I feel like the small scale of most porn games makes such RPG elements more noticeable. I played my share of old school sprite based jrpgs in my youth. Almost everyone has played pokemon at the very least. It isn't that we don't understand the format. Its that the format requires a larger scale. I tried Incest Story, because it was complete and I thought oh cool, a complete game. This was the first one I came across. I stopped playing and deleted it in minutes because I just am not interested in doing all the insane shit that comes alone with the format.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to make a good game in RPGm format. I'm simply saying that its a huge handicap on the development. Because not only do you have to make your characters engaging, but you have to tie this world together in a way that makes it worth exploring. The best of these for me was My sweet summer with mom and sis. I really enjoyed the art so I played longer than I normally might have. But I won't be following the production and downloading the next release. It was fine, but it wasn't noteworthy.
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Game Developer
Jul 16, 2017
but I find most of them focus more on the RPG aspect then the VN aspect
I stopped playing and deleted it in minutes because I just am not interested in doing all the insane shit that comes alone with the format
I too couldn't play Incstor's games as most of these little mini games are simply repetitive and add nothing to the game + his maps are way too big resulting in aimless walkabouts...but renders and animations are without a doubt the barn burner of this day an age.
I also agree that RPG elements do not mix well with VN story-telling...but it's not the only way to tell a good story.
Learning from Baldur's Gate and other epic timeless titles one can instead make it all optional using a map...the events you wanna run you run if engaged enough you don't wanna miss a thing anyways...if not...take what you like and progress forward...that is the real advantage RPG style games can have if done right....if it's a book laying on a table...a memory...a accessible computer...a npc that really has something to say...again RPGMaker isn't meant for 3 - 5 characters hell I use
over 50 and it still could use some more.
Than again a few exceptions I wanna mention that are using RPGMaker and tell a good story using VN elements are :
The Humbling Experience ( the writing is just that damn good ) Gates of the Opening ( although it gotten a little too harem style lately) and College Life ( only played a bit ( being preoccupied with A.L.E.) but a unique approach and real effort in this one makes it one too watch)
The way that you get it to happen with the help of the psychiatrist is amazing
I might try it than...incest ain't a main seller to me personally but I've yet too see a believable take on the subject so
that really does sound interesting.