RPGM Abandoned Keepin' It In The Family [v0.5] [Greebo]


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
When I'm in the replay scene room, when I replay a scene, when the animated scene comes i'm stuck. Clicking, enter, esc have no effect. I don't know what i'm supposed to do to see the rest of the scene.

Muff Diver

Gaming Legend & LoneWolf
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
Title and OP needs to be updated needs moderator or the like plz
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Muff Diver

Gaming Legend & LoneWolf
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
Another game done abandoned/Hiatus read this from Greebo


I am creating this post to inform everyone that I will no longer be developing Keepin' It In The Family, at least for the time-being. The short reason being that I have other things I want to focus on in life, and no longer have time to continue the development of KIITF, therefore I am going to cease development on the game.

I however would like to thank everyone that supported the games progress up to where it got to, and I was overwhelmed by all of the support that the game got. I never would of thought it would have got as far as it did.

I am going to try my best to find someone that would be suitable to continue development of the game, and I won't give the game to anyone that I don't believe would be able to continue the story how I would envision it going.

Don't worry, I will be refunding all of the money from this month, and you will still be receiving the game. You will also be receiving v0.6's scenes rendered, however they are not in the game as I have not been able to make time to add them in.

Thank you, and I apologise.
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Muff Diver

Gaming Legend & LoneWolf
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
there not in game, but sure will post them as soon as he sends them out :)

Muff Diver

Gaming Legend & LoneWolf
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
Renders now in OP pls read OP on what happened to game


Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
It's insanity that these relatively well funded games just fall apart. Hell, give me $600 a month for a spare time project in RPG Maker and I'll make you any game in the world that you want.

One of those things that probably seems like a great idea at the time but in a year when they're actually trying to build things in proper game engines they'll come to realise was incredibly foolish.