I think this needs to be said


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
He didn't have a meltdown. He got annoyed with people demanding he change certain characters in his game and stopped posting. He still talks on Discord.

He even kicked people off his patreon that were demanding changes.
I would never even hint he is out of bounds doing whatever he pleases on his discord or his patreon. That said, you have to admit his, "This place is worse than 4chan. Fuck you forever," goodbye message was just a teensie bit of a meltdown.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
I won't deny it looked like a meltdown but I was just pointing out it wasn't because of a few bad reviews.

He'd stated a few times the story was already laid out with the characters and none of that would change yet people kept demanding things and got pissy when he said no.

While he did go about leaving the wrong way I can see his point. Some people here are entitled twats.

This coming from someone who hates the word "entitled" as the pretentious buzzword it's been since gaming media used it against us after the Mass Effect 3 debacle. It just "fits" some people.
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Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
Female on female being NTR? Depends on the person, I guess. With me, it ranges from voyeurism (which is fun) to annoyance or frustration. So it's not NTR to me.
It's only NTR if a steady girlfriend has sex with a direct competitor (another male) just to make me jealous or angry. In that case, I'd tell her to leave within the hour and if she doesn't, she stays with me but has to re-earn trust. Now, if she's having an emotional affair or cheating, that's not NTR. That's straight up cheating. Cheating is where she is with the other male for her own feelings/wants. In that case, she's out the door within the hour and whatever's left goes in the trash.
I just don't personally see other girls as competition and they don't cause feelings of jealousy.
This is what was so unintentionally amazing about that Freeloading Family update. They had everything lined up in a row expecting the reaction you outline. It was just that they wrote the MC's inner monologue so that you could not escape it being hammered home that he was the proud cuck. If they'd done it intentionally, I'd have called it brilliant, as it would cause people who dismiss NTR out of hand to possibly rethink the matter. Unfortunately for them, it was simply a case of unintended consequences.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Look man, you appear to have no problem calling whoever you were just addressing a passive aggressive asshole snowflake but we've got to dig deeper into Ptolemy's psyche to figure out why he's had a meltdown after a poorly received update and excoriate the two or three 15 year olds who hurt his feelings? At least pretend we're all playing on the same game board.

These are fap games. Your less sexually open types will react poorly to playing a game one handed, getting strung along for a period of time, then getting the Slonique BBC Special when they don't dig that scene. If you put NTR into a game after seeing the rage and drama not just here, but everywhere online when it gets brought up, you do so knowing full well you are probably killing the boners of most of your non-Japanese/non-weeb players. The devs have the easiest, most accessible options available to them should they wish to not see the fallout - ignore or just don't read the criticism.

In the end, this site is for people who want to download, play, mod or just talk about fap games. The game developers have always been more than welcome, and I'm sure the life of the dev would be far sunnier if forum users were limited to reporting bugs and bestowing praise, but that really isn't what most users signed up for.
No one is telling you you have to like NTR though. We are simply saying that screeching about how you don't like the fetish any time there's a fucking rival for the MC's affections is nothing but destructive. It adds no value to the discussion. It is a person expecting the world to bend to their whims and desires. That is what makes a snowflake. It's one thing to not like something, its another thing to become a toxic influence every time you think about it. It's like walking into Panda Express and scrreching because you don't like shinese food. Fine, don't fucking go to Panda Express.

As a dev, and a story writer, I'm gonna have to disagree with everything you said in your "These are Fap Games" paragraph. If you want to fap go to Pornhub. Games are an opportunity to become invested in a way that traditional porn doesn't allow. As a result, its up to the dev to design a quality story. All stories need a protagonist and an antagonist. The best antagonist in a porn game is a rival lover. It's that simple. But go take a look at the thread for Babysitter, see all the screeching about NTR in a game where at every step you're given a choice to pursue the woman that might be stolen from you on your own and keep the Antagonists away, but they still complain because they can't manage to do that. It's not just extreme cases like Eric or Soloniques BBC.

As to your comparison, between the screeching antiNTR crowd and Ptolemy, there's a huge difference. The NTR crowd are inciting controversy by attacking devs, Ptolemy, or any dev who has a bad week and snaps because they can't handle people being assholes at that moment aren't out to attack anyone. They're stressed. Sure, you could argue that the NTR guy might be stressed too, but he's taking that stress out on someone else, completely unrelated to it. A dev snapping because they're being attacked is them taking out their stress on the stressors.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
All stories need a protagonist and an antagonist. The best antagonist in a porn game is a rival lover. It's that simple.
I disagree. The cheapest/easiest/cliche antagonist is a love rival, the best is subjective.

Depraved Awakening, no love rival but one of the better stories.

Love Blossoms, no love rival and a great story.

Love and Submission, no love rival and a great story.

Sisterly Lust, no love rival and the story is coming along well.

Dreams of Desire, no love rival with a good story.

Dreaming of Dana, no love rival and a good story.

Life with Mary, no love rival and story is coming along great.

Starship Inanna, no love rival but a good story.

A New Home, no love rival and a good start to a story.

Anything by Tlero and Moertze, no love rivals at all and some of the best stories i've seen in VN's.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Depraved Awakening, no love rival but one of the better stories.
True, as the game is not a sex game first, it is a noir detective story. The Antagonist in this is the shadowy organization you're investigating.

Love and Submission, no love rival and a great story.
The antagonist is the worst antagonist you can possibly write... The love interests themselves.

Sisterly Lust, no love rival and the story is coming along well.
As much as I love this game, I'd actually call the antagonist of this game the game itself. It's very easy to accidentally screw up a realationship with one of the sisters.

Dreams of Desire, no love rival with a good story.
While it presents itself as a sex game, this game's story is about the spell, its source, ant the evil group who wishes to use it for their ends. Yes, they have managed a game without a love rival, but where the stakes are the entire world being enslaved to someone else's lustful whims... so much better.

Dreaming of Dana, no love rival and a good story.
Again well written, but the antagonist is the game itself. You'll note that with Intimate Relations Ptolemy completely dropped the Life Sim elements that existed in DoDana.

With the game being the thing that works against you in both Sisterly Lust and DoDana, the argument that they are inferior from a gameplay standpoint is my main complaint. But don't get me wrong. I've praised both Ptolemy and Perverteer for their storytelling otherwise. Dana being the first female character other than GGGB's Ashley that I had played who wasn't the antagonist to the MC getting laid was a breath of fresh air, and her being a strong character on top of that made it all the better.

You'll hear no argument from me on Depraved Awakening being a masterclass in game design, however we aren't all going to write a genre piece and use the sex to support that. So maybe I'll revise my statement a bit. The best antagonist in a Porn game with a focus on Romance is a rival, unless you can manage a romeo and juliet story, which is possible with incest, but harder with other stories.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
No one is telling you you have to like NTR though. We are simply saying that screeching about how you don't like the fetish any time there's a fucking rival for the MC's affections is nothing but destructive. It adds no value to the discussion. It is a person expecting the world to bend to their whims and desires. That is what makes a snowflake. It's one thing to not like something, its another thing to become a toxic influence every time you think about it. It's like walking into Panda Express and scrreching because you don't like shinese food. Fine, don't fucking go to Panda Express.
The NTR death spirals usually suck, no doubt. But they are far more entertaining than sixty, "Walkthru?????" or, "What is the safe's combination?" questions over the course of five pages. The NTR bullshit usually adds nothing, but as long as it isn't a Report Post conga line annoying the mods, it really isn't taking much off the table either. I find them far more satisfying than that Starwarrior's cadre of simpletons shitposting endlessly or what the in crowd has been doing to poor @veqvil's thread.

Then again, I'm here to read opinions, download updates and try to be funny once in a while. NTR holy wars either engage my interest or I just ignore them. My day, my life and this community are rarely ruined in such instances.

As a dev, and a story writer, I'm gonna have to disagree with everything you said in your "These are Fap Games" paragraph. If you want to fap go to Pornhub. Games are an opportunity to become invested in a way that traditional porn doesn't allow. As a result, its up to the dev to design a quality story. All stories need a protagonist and an antagonist. The best antagonist in a porn game is a rival lover. It's that simple. But go take a look at the thread for Babysitter, see all the screeching about NTR in a game where at every step you're given a choice to pursue the woman that might be stolen from you on your own and keep the Antagonists away, but they still complain because they can't manage to do that. It's not just extreme cases like Eric or Soloniques BBC.
I mean, first rule of Write Club - an antagonist doesn't have to be a person. You simply need conflict, if you are looking for a satisfying story. So, no - I wholeheartedly disagree that a rival lover is the best antagonist. Given my druthers, I'd take the obstacles served up by an unsympathetic universe in a sex farce game, but that's just how I roll.

As to your comparison, between the screeching antiNTR crowd and Ptolemy, there's a huge difference. The NTR crowd are inciting controversy by attacking devs, Ptolemy, or any dev who has a bad week and snaps because they can't handle people being assholes at that moment aren't out to attack anyone. They're stressed. Sure, you could argue that the NTR guy might be stressed too, but he's taking that stress out on someone else, completely unrelated to it. A dev snapping because they're being attacked is them taking out their stress on the stressors.
I know what you are saying and I am often sympathetic. Many users of this forum are somewhat abrasive in written English. Some may have ignored that whole thing about 18+. But the mods generally kick the shit out of anyone that would legitimately "attack" a game developer here. Teacher's Pets is a fucking graveyard of deleted posts and banned posters, all stemming from Ptolemy's buddy Deem sending in shock troops to shit up the thread and whore endlessly. The mods cleaned house several times, wiping away criticism and banning naysayers. Most of those naysayers were shit and deserved it, but this is the common outcome when things get heated towards a game developer here - the antagonists get the bullet, generally speaking.

I guess what I'm saying here is that devs here definitely get some shit shoveled on them but name me one person on the internet selling something that doesn't. There are forums were the game dev is king, and while I believe you guys do get at least some consideration here normal users do not, it is not one of those forums. Speaking for myself, I prefer it that way.


Jul 13, 2017
I have to say that I think "I don't like fetish x in this game" comments are actually constructive, provided fetish x isn't the main focus of your game.

1. They serve as a counterbalance to all the people saying "This game would be so much better with fetish x".

2. They inform dev's that certain game elements are actually detracting from the story for some people. Whether a dev keeps something or not is totally their decision, but they're better equipped to make that decision knowing how it affects the players.

3. If you're smart enough to put together a story, learn the necessary coding and artistic skills, and do all the other stuff to to make a game I assume you're also smart enough to weigh the value of my opinion in terms of your goals (is your game made for people like me, or is my enjoyment of it a happy accident?). Assume every comment comes with the qualifier "that's just my opinion not sure if it matters to you or not."

Most people have things they like and things they'd rather not see. Invariably there will be conflicts when one persons favorite is another's 'rather not see'. How a dev balances these conflicts has a big impact both the size of your audience and their appreciation. And yes sticking to your original vision, making the game you want, and/or offering variations of "this game isn't intended for you" are perfectly valid approaches.

Think of it like going to a restaurant and asking for an ingredient to be left out or served on the side. They may grant the request, they may refuse it, usually with something like 'sorry, it's made ahead of time, that's not really possible' (this kind of describes games, but games respond to player input otherwise they're just books/movies), but I've never had somebody get offended by a request to omit or add an ingredient.
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Jun 14, 2017
A third mention and this time because your passive aggressive attitude makes me question whether or not you belong on the forum at all. Final warning man, you didn't come out and call the person who made this thread any name, but it's clear from your wording the contempt you feel for them, and your patronizing tone shows you to be immature. Keep it up and you'll be the one being reported for personal attacks.
I'm just going to specify that this post was for the comment just before mine and that I should have made a quote. Now does it change something ... Maybe not.

As for how I feel about people who have made comments here, absolutely nothing. I am only giving my opinion about this thread and the comments that compose it.

If you think that recalling a rule or giving my opinion on the thread can be considered a personal attack then do not hesitate to report me to the moderators.

I'm just going to add something about the rest of your message to me. If you think that when someone does not like a fetish or any other part of a game he just has to ignore it and move on. So it might be time to ask for a rule specifying that. It will always be more productive than hoping to change the way people act, even though they may not be reading this thread.

In any case, I will have tried to show the futility of all this. And that's all that matters to me. If I did not succeed, then I'm bad or it's just like that. I do with it and i move on. In any case I try ...


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I'm just going to specify that this post was for the comment just before mine and that I should have made a quote. Now does it change something ... Maybe not.

As for how I feel about people who have made comments here, absolutely nothing. I am only giving my opinion about this thread and the comments that compose it.

If you think that recalling a rule or giving my opinion on the thread can be considered a personal attack then do not hesitate to report me to the moderators.

I'm just going to add something about the rest of your message to me. If you think that when someone does not like a fetish or any other part of a game he just has to ignore it and move on. So it might be time to ask for a rule specifying that. It will always be more productive than hoping to change the way people act, even though they may not be reading this thread.

In any case, I will have tried to show the futility of all this. And that's all that matters to me. If I did not succeed, then I'm bad or it's just like that. I do with it and i move on. In any case I try ...
But futility is exactly the point. As I said in a later comment, you going into a thread and saying, "I don't like NTR" is like you going into a chinese restaurant and saying "I don't like chinese food" you're the one wasting people's time. And you might be right, it might be better to make that a rule. However, how do you think that a regular member, like the person who started the thread, is going to get the rules changed without starting a thread?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I don't think it's very constructive to tell people who are sensitive about NTR something like "Don't be a snowflake and deal with some competition." Some may enjoy this competition in a porn game. Others like me are ok with it, as long as the villain is female. Some just find it frustrating. NONE of these are truely relevant for the topic though.

There are people who are more immersive and who find it seriously disturbing (maybe due to their own personal traumatic experience) and they have every right to be sensitive about the topic. It's about these people. Calling a person who suffered from a cheating spouse a hyper-sensitive snowflake because he finds NTR offensive is cruel.

I'm not a fan of trigger warnings and save spaces, but labeling a porn game correctly is not an unreasonable demand. And again, this is not a question about applying real life logic or real life morality to a game setting. The other characters may have all the right and reason to cheat on an evil MC, but players should still have their fair warning if such content is featured.

I also don't think that a rival lover is per se the best antagonist for a porn game, only the most common antagonist. The antagonist could also be preacher who demands chastity, an evil overlord abducting the love interest of the MC, some characters who is in unrequitted love with the MC, the MC's love interests parents who are enemies of the MC or a demon possessing the MC. There is no absolute best choice but there are more villains for porn games than just rival lovers and not not every porn games needs an antagonist any way.


May 4, 2017
Would it still be NTR if it was a girl-on-girl?
Depends on who you ask. More and more people are saying yes to that. Just look at the Freeloading Family thread.

As a dev you need to balance between making the game you want to make and the game people want to buy or invest in.
I have to disagree. The dev should make the game they want. Full stop. End of sentence. The market will be there or won't be. If they are doing this with their own time and money, it should 100% be on them to make the game they want to make. The audience will find it and love it or hate it.

I do not agree that complaints or critique is ruining the industry
no one said critiques are ruining the industry. Attacks, rudeness, and hate are.

I still fail to see where's the problem with NTR in FF.
You and me both! but the thread for that game is FULL of people complaining that it's NTR. The newest update...
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I will say that the "i don't like NTR" comments aren't so bad, but again speaking of LLTP and FF, the comments there aren't simply "i don't like NTR". I saw someone yesterday comment on the FF thread saying "another game ruined by a shitty writer." Cool, so that was helpful how? making @V.A. Laurie feel like shit because they personally don't enjoy the game? That is the exact kind of comment I'm talking about. Those add nothing. Not only that, comments like those will be seen by others who haven't played the game yet and will make them think, "oh this game is probably shit. let me find another," all the while the game they are now ignoring may have been their favorite if they gave it a shot.

The "anti-NTR" crowd is the loudest on here, and I wouldn't dare say anything about your preferences... but I do think that some of the ANTR people are too sensitive about the topic. The moment there is a hint of something happening that they would call NTR, they are up in arms, not even waiting to see what happens next (as in the spoiler i mentioned above).

Should a game be tagged properly? Yeah probably. Are all games tagged properly? Nah, probably not. But is seeing something that you feel is NTR (or whatever) in a game that wasn't tagged as such an immediate reason to start posting "TAG THIS SHIT NTR WTF THE GAME IS RUINED NOW?" Fuuuuuck no. Again with FF; no NTR in sight. At all. And yet, the moment that someone finished playing the game, they ran to the mods here (who do great work trying to keep up with everything) to get it tagged with NTR. Now there are people commenting saying that they won't even try that game because it has NTR.

I don't know, people; it just seems to me that this site maybe getting a little bit too... congested? I am seeing more and more devs on their discord channels start to say that they aren't even reading the comments here anymore because of the ridiculousness, and I don't blame them. Focus on your craft, make the best product you can, and hope that the right audience finds your game.


May 4, 2017
One more thing that I've been thinking about...

I am actually getting kind of tired of seeing people say things like, "the devs needs the feedback." Maybe they need some feedback... but your feedback? probably not. You're a consumer, so you only talk about what you want. The Devs would get the best feedback from other devs who know about how to tell a better, more complete story, or know how to make their coding easier, or can give them tips and tricks for rendering. Instead of reading "the renders are pretty bad quality," the dev would benefit more from another artist saying, "I notice your renders are grainy. How powerful is the machine you're using? Maybe you could tweak these settings to see if that improves it."

Telling a dev your issues is not the same as helping them.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Depraved Awakening, no love rival but one of the better stories.
"No love rival", are you kidding me ? The mysterious man have only one idea in his head, transform Judy in a horny slut who will jump on any dick she find, exactly like Stella. It's the only way to put her on your dick and so make you shut your mouth and stop searching. To this, add the fact that Christina's mission is to make you hit on Judy whatever how she do it, and she clearly want to include, "I'll fuck her in any possible way", as her main course. Ok, it's not exactly "love rival", but the whole world is your rival concerning Judy.
Carli is an escort, there's a lot of guy who hit on her behind your back. As an obedient sub, Christina probably have some dicks behind your back either. Stella was still hooked by the mysterious guy until the release 0.6 (if my memory don't betray me again), and if you stay too far from her for too long, she'll take care of her urge with any dick near enough. Until the release 0.7 (0.6 ?) Mi Do was married and there was this guy, who wasn't the first one...
There's no NTR, nor directly visible rivals, but the story make it clear that, whatever the girl, you aren't the only guy on Earth and you aren't (or you can become, depend of the girl) just one of the many guys who have the girl. That's part of what make the story "good". You aren't some kind of sex symbol like in too many other games. No, you are an average guy in an average world, and at anytime you can lost the girl in profit of someone else.
In term of love rivals, it's the game which have the more of them, it's just that you don't see them, they just exist by definition, like in real world.

Love and Submission, no love rival and a great story.
Here again I disagree. The brother want to hit on your sister. It isn't really used, but you've the possibility to be happy that your mother have a date at the start of the game. Your mother's friend want to hit on her (here my memory can betray me) and one of the two sisters have "the power" and, if I remember correctly, seemed happy at the idea to use it on both your mother and your sister.
Oh, and don't forget the guy we see at the start of the game. We still don't know who he is, probably your, supposed dead, father, but we haven't seen it without reason.
So, once again, no NTR but it doesn't mean that you have no love rival. Like for depraved awakening they are implied by the story.

Sisterly Lust, no love rival and the story is coming along well.
Er... Excuse-me, but don't you have to go as far as illegally using a webcam to take evidences of Brody's cheating, to make the oldest sister envisage the possibility that she must stop her relation with him ? And still the day after the confrontation she have doubt and hesitate, should she go back with him ?
The story imply that you'll get ride of him, but it's the strongest love rival in a game after god Eric. Except pure NTR games and rape games, I don't remember a single girl in a western game who is so madly in love to someone else than the MC. Even in corruption games, the girls aren't this in love with their SO when they have one.

Dreams of Desire, no love rival with a good story.
Have you forgot that the father is still alive and the mother still deeply in love with him ? We never seen it yet, but some lines said by the mother in the first half of the game clearly depict him as a strong love rival. And the aunt, isn't she still married ? Anyway, she's clearly happy to fuck with you by her own, just displeased at first that she isn't the one who take the lead as she usually do. I'm sure that you aren't the first guy to do her since her wedding, nor the only one to do it during the story.
Yet no NTR but love rivals implied by the story.

I have to say that I think "I don't like fetish x in this game" comments are actually constructive, provided fetish x isn't the main focus of your game.

1. They serve as a counterbalance to all the people saying "This game would be so much better with fetish x".
Honestly, neither the "I don't like" nor "like" comments are constructive. If they come as part of the comment itself (something like, "there's this, that, oh and I don't like this fetish") ok, but alone they have strictly no interest.
Either the author already know his game from start to stop, and there's no place for the addition of a fetish, or he don't know it, and the addition of a fetish will just lead to an even more messy game.

Take Dreams of Desire by example. Where's the ass/boobs/feet things ? At start we've a, "hey, there's this, it will be used later, you'll see it's great", and now you can only do the mother in the ass if you lied to her, this even if you have a high value on the finally never used ass counter.
Same for the trust/lust counters. If you choose the dominant path with Tracy, you've only one trust point, then, because the end needed a twist, you've a sudden computation made according to your previous choice with her, because the point is automatic and one isn't enough for a real "bad end/good end" thing. It really feel like they didn't knew that they'll have to use the trust counter for her, or at least that they completely forgot to increase it in both path.
There's also all the sex scenes in the last update. There's eight scenes in it, and only one depend of your previous choice ; and yet it's only because of Daryl, not because of you. Whatever you've chose the dominant path or the love path, for the mother and sisters, you'll have the same scene. And it's not the first time, the mother is the only character who really used this ; it's also the only character who really increased the trust/lust counters.
Don't take me wrong, I love the story, but it was the only thing the creator had in mind from the start. He knew nothing about the game globally speaking, and it's why every single features and counters he planned are now completely useless, while the used counters weren't increased. I hope they'll go back when the story is finished, and redo each chapter adding the promised mechanism and counters increase, but I only have few hope on this.
It's why you can't have a real good game and in the same time a game which will adapt the fetishes to the request of the players. If you don't know all your game since the start, and if you don't stick to it, you can have a game with a good story, or a game with a good mechanism, but you'll never have a good game. That's why Asian games tend to be better than western games. The devs don't care of player's opinion, anyway most of the time they release a finished game, so...

2. They inform dev's that certain game elements are actually detracting from the story for some people.
Do you seriously believe that people saying, "I don't like this fetish", do it because of this ? The only time I did something like this wasn't because of a fetish, but because the author used the "average stupid mc which will act as a dick" Daz3D model. We've seen him enough in all the RPG Maker walk simulators and it make me hate a game just by seeing him. And honestly, I still wonder what crossed my mind to say this.
If the story is really good and/or really well wrote, it's not an disliked fetish which will change this. I said above that I can stop a game if there's NTR in it, even if I'm hooked to the story. It's true, but if I'm really hooked to the story, it must be really strong NTR to achieve this. Else I'll just endure it, because the story is what matters in this case.
And the opposite is also true. An added fetish will add nothing to the story, nor to the game. It need to be a really shitty game to suddenly improve because it have your favorite fetish in it. And in this case, well it'll just become an average game, nothing more.

But well, here it's just another proof that we are a community of communities. There's the guys who play games, and there's the ones who fap on games. For the seconds, what fetishes is on the game have a real importance, because their pleasure will depend of it. But the first ones care way less about this. Give them a really good story,

[regarding Freeloading Familly] You and me both! but the thread for that game is FULL of people complaining that it's NTR. The newest update...
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Yeah, I see it this night. And don't forget her, "not yet". It's more than obvious that you'll put it deep in her in the future.
Anyway like I said in a previous comment, you'll see the scene only if you choose the "pacifism" option, which imply that you want to follow either the "I'm a sub" or the "I'm a switch" path. In both case, don't complain if people around you act like you're a sub, it was your choice.
To this, I will add that they only close the door to the MC face if you peep on them too long, so if you act like a pervert dick. If you just act like a well educated guy, you stop peeping after they kiss, and everything is fine. I like to play all the options, so they closed the door on my face. But I wasn't mad, I knew from the start that clicking on this button was a dick move and could lead to a strong reaction.

I will say that the "i don't like NTR" comments aren't so bad, but again speaking of LLTP and FF, the comments there aren't simply "i don't like NTR".
That's what I implied above. If it's part of the comment, then why not. It will help the author know what his public like and what to include/exclude of his next game. But if it's just this, and even more if you expect the game to change according to your comment, this it's just an useless selfish comment.
This even more since there's the "like" button. I said it once in another discussion regarding fetishes in games. If an author saw that a "I don't like this" have 100 like, he will know that 101 persons don't like "this".
I'm even sure that it's more effective that 101 isolated, "I don't like this", because with time you don't care who wrote it and anyway you don't count them. For the author, in one case he know that there's a lot of people who don't like it, and in the second he just think that few people don't like it.

[edit to add this]
I am actually getting kind of tired of seeing people say things like, "the devs needs the feedback." Maybe they need some feedback... but your feedback? probably not.
It depend, generally when I give my feedback, it to point the bug and give the correction. So I tend to think that yes, they need my feedback :D
But more seriously, yes, our own feedback isn't better than anyone else feedback.


Sep 26, 2017
True, as the game is not a sex game first, it is a noir detective story. The Antagonist in this is the shadowy organization you're investigating.

The antagonist is the worst antagonist you can possibly write... The love interests themselves.

As much as I love this game, I'd actually call the antagonist of this game the game itself. It's very easy to accidentally screw up a realationship with one of the sisters.

While it presents itself as a sex game, this game's story is about the spell, its source, ant the evil group who wishes to use it for their ends. Yes, they have managed a game without a love rival, but where the stakes are the entire world being enslaved to someone else's lustful whims... so much better.

Again well written, but the antagonist is the game itself. You'll note that with Intimate Relations Ptolemy completely dropped the Life Sim elements that existed in DoDana.

With the game being the thing that works against you in both Sisterly Lust and DoDana, the argument that they are inferior from a gameplay standpoint is my main complaint. But don't get me wrong. I've praised both Ptolemy and Perverteer for their storytelling otherwise. Dana being the first female character other than GGGB's Ashley that I had played who wasn't the antagonist to the MC getting laid was a breath of fresh air, and her being a strong character on top of that made it all the better.

You'll hear no argument from me on Depraved Awakening being a masterclass in game design, however we aren't all going to write a genre piece and use the sex to support that. So maybe I'll revise my statement a bit. The best antagonist in a Porn game with a focus on Romance is a rival, unless you can manage a romeo and juliet story, which is possible with incest, but harder with other stories.
Think we have to clarify the term "antagonist" in this mini-discussion? Are we using it in the way of, a tangible being who is in direct or indirect opposition of the protagonist? Or is it being a force tangible or intangible being against the MC?

Taking a page from a dude whose opinion on games do I respect, good games are good because they are compelling and that generally you can fail. Good games usually have some sort of "fail-state" and so you work towards succeeding and not failing. Though you can have a good walking simulator or kinetic novel but they are good for different reasons. Those I count more akin to movies that you can somewhat control the pace of.

Seems a little off from the initial topic of "criticism and hate" but interesting nonetheless.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
"No love rival", are you kidding me ? The mysterious man have only one idea in his head, transform Judy in a horny slut who will jump on any dick she find, exactly like Stella. It's the only way to put her on your dick and so make you shut your mouth and stop searching. To this, add the fact that Christina's mission is to make you hit on Judy whatever how she do it, and she clearly want to include, "I'll fuck her in any possible way", as her main course. Ok, it's not exactly "love rival", but the whole world is your rival concerning Judy.
Carli is an escort, there's a lot of guy who hit on her behind your back. As an obedient sub, Christina probably have some dicks behind your back either. Stella was still hooked by the mysterious guy until the release 0.6 (if my memory don't betray me again), and if you stay too far from her for too long, she'll take care of her urge with any dick near enough. Until the release 0.7 (0.6 ?) Mi Do was married and there was this guy, who wasn't the first one...
There's no NTR, nor directly visible rivals, but the story make it clear that, whatever the girl, you aren't the only guy on Earth and you aren't (or you can become, depend of the girl) just one of the many guys who have the girl. That's part of what make the story "good". You aren't some kind of sex symbol like in too many other games. No, you are an average guy in an average world, and at anytime you can lost the girl in profit of someone else.
In term of love rivals, it's the game which have the more of them, it's just that you don't see them, they just exist by definition, like in real world.

Here again I disagree. The brother want to hit on your sister. It isn't really used, but you've the possibility to be happy that your mother have a date at the start of the game. Your mother's friend want to hit on her (here my memory can betray me) and one of the two sisters have "the power" and, if I remember correctly, seemed happy at the idea to use it on both your mother and your sister.
Oh, and don't forget the guy we see at the start of the game. We still don't know who he is, probably your, supposed dead, father, but we haven't seen it without reason.
So, once again, no NTR but it doesn't mean that you have no love rival. Like for depraved awakening they are implied by the story.

Er... Excuse-me, but don't you have to go as far as illegally using a webcam to take evidences of Brody's cheating, to make the oldest sister envisage the possibility that she must stop her relation with him ? And still the day after the confrontation she have doubt and hesitate, should she go back with him ?
The story imply that you'll get ride of him, but it's the strongest love rival in a game after god Eric. Except pure NTR games and rape games, I don't remember a single girl in a western game who is so madly in love to someone else than the MC. Even in corruption games, the girls aren't this in love with their SO when they have one.

Have you forgot that the father is still alive and the mother still deeply in love with him ? We never seen it yet, but some lines said by the mother in the first half of the game clearly depict him as a strong love rival. And the aunt, isn't she still married ? Anyway, she's clearly happy to fuck with you by her own, just displeased at first that she isn't the one who take the lead as she usually do. I'm sure that you aren't the first guy to do her since her wedding, nor the only one to do it during the story.
Yet no NTR but love rivals implied by the story.

Depraved Awakening.... They are trying to get you to fuck Judy, nobody else. Christina being involved isn't a rival, they want control not pussy.

Carli is already an escort, no rivalry there, she was doing that before she met you same as Christina. If anything you are the rival.

Stella was married up until recently and fucking around long before she met you, no rivalry there, she was already sleeping around.

Love and Submission, none of those are rivals. The brother you can tell to fuck off straight away same with mothers date. Caitlyn is a possible LI so no rivalry there.

Dreams of Desire ... the mother is married so, again, you are the rival not the father. You are cucking him not the other way round.

Sisterly Lust. She was in a relationship before you came along, no rivalry there.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
[...] no rivalry there, she was doing that before she met you same as Christina.
[...] no rivalry there, she was already sleeping around.
[...] you are the rival not the father. You are cucking him not the other way round.
[...] She was in a relationship before you came along, no rivalry there.
Alright, so as long as you are the one who try to conquer an already claimed territory, there's no rivalry nor rivals... Don't know, seem really biased and somehow selfish, but well, if you say so.
  • Haha
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Some people in this discussion use the word antagonist only for an actual character, while others use it as a synonym for obstacle or challenge? But does a game NEED an antogonist?

When it comes to regular (non-porn) games I think, in most cases a game at least needs some sort of challenge. This doesn't need to be a character (think of tetris) but at least some obstacle to overcome.

When it comes to porn games however I don't think that they necessarily need an antogonist or even a challenge, as they have good stories and characters. This doesn't mean that they can't have antogonist but they don't need them in the same way other games do.

If the developer makes a dad-daughter incest game and the players like that fetish, they will likely be able to enjoy the game, even if the dad and daughter couple are the only characters in the game and the player doesn't need to overcome any challenge but clicking through some dialogues. I deliberately use a genre I'm NOT in any way, shape or form personally interested in as an example, to keep the discussion as objective as possible.

The same scenario can have an antagonist in the form of a rival, such as the daughter's boyfriend, teacher or stepdad, which would make the NTR even more bitter, if the rival steals the MC wife and daughter. The same scenario could have an antagonist who is not a love rival, such as a gangster who kidnaps the daughter or cult leader who wants the daugher as a follower. The scenario could have an "impersonal antagonist", such as the moral convictions of the daughter or even the MC himself.

Is there an absolute answer, which is the best choice? No, because of different tastes. Some would enjoy all of the scenarios described, others only scenarios with or without an antagonist and some none at all.