
New Member
Sep 15, 2019
Hey guys, long time lurker here.

I'm bilingual, fluent in both Russian and English. I also really enjoy QSP games, since I feel they usually provide the most immersive and complete experience when it comes to porn games.

Like everyone here I have a deep hatred for MTL, there's no bigger boner killer than reading a chunk of text which sounds like it came from someone trying to have sex while having a stroke, so I wanted to try my hand at translating a QSP game into English. Originally I wanted to try Rubedo, but that game is A. Abandoned, and B. Fucking massive, so I decided to try this game as it's actually quite short when it comes to text.

I haven't translated much yet, but because the game is quite short it shouldn't take me too long to fully translate it (no promises though!). I'll include an example photo at the end of the post so you guys can get a feel for how the rest of the game would sound once I'm done.

TLDR: Working on some properly translated porn.
examobed.JPG examstud.JPG exampleopening.JPG


Jun 11, 2018
Hey guys, long time lurker here.

I'm bilingual, fluent in both Russian and English. I also really enjoy QSP games, since I feel they usually provide the most immersive and complete experience when it comes to porn games.

Like everyone here I have a deep hatred for MTL, there's no bigger boner killer than reading a chunk of text which sounds like it came from someone trying to have sex while having a stroke, so I wanted to try my hand at translating a QSP game into English. Originally I wanted to try Rubedo, but that game is A. Abandoned, and B. Fucking massive, so I decided to try this game as it's actually quite short when it comes to text.

I haven't translated much yet, but because the game is quite short it shouldn't take me too long to fully translate it (no promises though!). I'll include an example photo at the end of the post so you guys can get a feel for how the rest of the game would sound once I'm done.

TLDR: Working on some properly translated porn.
View attachment 1060108 View attachment 1060107 View attachment 1060101
I think a previous poster is already working on something similar for this game (check page 16).
You could maybe work together, or dont. Im sure most will be happy that someone is working on a translation either way.

Thanks for your contribution.
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Sep 4, 2017
How do i become a slave for the rich man? Its still september 2014, but what is the quick overview for what i must do?


New Member
Sep 15, 2019
I think a previous poster is already working on something similar for this game (check page 16).
You could maybe work together, or dont. Im sure most will be happy that someone is working on a translation either way.

Thanks for your contribution.
Thanks for the recommendation!

I'm not experienced with coding outside of some basic scripts on python and even I can tell that this game is pretty badly coded in some areas just from looking at the way it functions. Seeing as that person isn't fluent in Russian, and I don't know how to code, us working together would make up for those issues. I'll see about trying to contact them.

Quite frankly the writing in Russian isn't brilliant either. Russian's my first language and I still had trouble understanding some passages of text, but I've elected to not alter them unless they make no sense at all to keep the experience as intact as possible.

A pretty big issue with MTLing Russian is that Russian sentence structure is radically different from English, so I have to completely rewrite sentences to be grammatically correct, which makes the process longer than tidying up some typos or translation errors like the fact that it kept translating "master" as "the wizard" for some weird reason.

Some more previews:


New Member
Sep 15, 2019
Translation work is going well. Threw in some minor tweaks and corrections too. Most of the UI finally makes coherent sense, and I fixed the "Wait 15 minutes" button (it was looking for a "wait15 minutes" button not "wait 15 minutes"). If everything goes smoothly I'll probably be able to finish the translation before the end of the week.

A lot of the Russian names got Westernized by the MTL, like Andrey into Andrew or Katya into Kate. Would people here prefer me to keep the Western names? Or translate them back into Russian? I'm happy to do either. Might split this off into its own thread if I end up throwing enough QOL and code tweaks in, like making the corruption go faster than a paraplegic snail.

I'd love to add a poll in to see your guy's thoughts but I'm not convinced there's enough people to warrant that, and I can't actually figure out how to do that.
examp1.JPG examp3.JPG


Sep 4, 2017
A lot of the Russian names got Westernized by the MTL, like Andrey into Andrew or Katya into Kate. Would people here prefer me to keep the Western names? Or translate them back into Russian? I'm happy to do either. Might split this off into its own thread if I end up throwing enough QOL and code tweaks in, like making the corruption go faster than a paraplegic snail.
I would prefer the Russian names, gives game more flavor than English names which (in English) are (of course) used so much more.

Thank you for doing the translation!
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Sep 4, 2017
Oh shoot i think i have played trough everything this game has to offer (that i am interested in) :(
I wish someone would keep adding new content into this. I guess girl life is the better option but this is really nice game, it just does not have excessive amounts of content in it. At times grind can be too long between interesting events.
Still one of my favorites.


Mar 16, 2020
Seeing as that person isn't fluent in Russian, and I don't know how to code, us working together would make up for those issues. I'll see about trying to contact them.
Hey SherPrince, do you want us working together?
I'll be bold sorry: if you don't want to redo everything, you should wait I isolate all text into a separate file.
Contact me if you plan to actually work with me and not just considering it.So we will be able to sync and perhapsfindaway for you to start working even with unfinished text isolation.
Otherwise, you can work in parallel if you want. You seem to have more bandwidth than I have. Let's hope you finish first :)
I will still plan to deliver a multilingual version of this game, with script update for maintenance, bugfixes, save migration from original game and improved EN translation.

Also I have contacted the original author before starting this work. He is ok and kinda hyped for the multinlingual version. He is kinda open to other taken lead onto his work and even propose me at some point to share resources (images) if we want to add contents.
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New Member
Sep 15, 2019
Hey SherPrince, do you want us working together?
I'll be bold sorry: if you don't want to redo everything, you should wait I isolate all text into a separate file.
Contact me if you plan to actually work with me and not just considering it.So we will be able to sync and perhapsfindaway for you to start working even with unfinished text isolation.
Otherwise, you can work in parallel if you want. You seem to have more bandwidth than I have. Let's hope you finish first :)
I will still plan to deliver a multilingual version of this game, with script update for maintenance, bugfixes, save migration from original game and improved EN translation.

Also I have contacted the original author before starting this work. He is ok and kinda hyped for the multinlingual version. He is kinda open to other taken lead onto his work and even propose me at some point to share resources (images) if we want to add contents.
Hey! Thanks for the response. The reason I didn't contact you was because I uh, I kinda have no idea how to direct message people on this site, or if you even can (complete lurker). Like I said I have absolutely no idea how to code, so I'd be happy to work with you. Tell me how to contact you and we can start discussing this. I've had a busy week so I haven't been able to get any translation done, but I can do 4 or 5 sections a day which shouldn't take that long. I can't make heads or tails of this code, so I'm more than satisfied leaving that in your hands.

Hope we end up working together!
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Mar 29, 2018
Ok, I am doing something wrong. At the beginning of the game I'm grinding for cash and grinding my stats with volleyball and hiking and reading the textbook. But I am too shy to talk to anyone. Can't talk to any of the guys at all. How do I change that?


Mar 16, 2020
You have a corruption stat. At first you will need tu raise it and I think the easiest way is to buy book and reed them. When it pass the first level of corruption, you will be able to buy erotic/porn magazine that will raise it a lot (at start). Each time you raise your corruption, more action will be available to you.
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Feb 25, 2020
Ok... so this sucks. I really like this game, but can´t get out of exhibitionism 0. The mc is already a nympho and submissive... :(
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