VN Ren'Py Completed Gargoyles, The beast and the Bitch [Alx & Khronos]

4.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Jun 26, 2017
New update (26 March 2018):

Hey guys

I crashed down last week, I was seriously overworked and I feel down… hard. So I took a few days off and cancelled my burlesque show; it should be easier for me to go through the usual schedule this week.
I’m still waiting for news of the debugging process, I’ll report as soon as have some

See you guys there


Sep 19, 2017
That alx sucks, i can't believe he's doing this again and again. Delay delay and delay, i prefer that he says ; i'm not working on the game right now because i have a life.
Always the same excuse, i crashed, i'm sick,...

It reminds me my worker, once a month i have a reunion with him, and when i ask him why are you always late, same excuse "i lost my dog", i don't want to be rude with him, he's really good in his job, otherwise i'll kick his ass out of my team

Alx is the same, i love his work, but it would be better if he says the truth.

Peace to you Alx


Jun 26, 2017
New update (3 March 2018):
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Apr 3 at 5:14pm
Hey guys,
Hope you guys had a fun Easter.

It was a slow week… but I did work

As I said on the last update, I wasn’t feeling right lately and I tough it was overworking ( part of it was ). I have this crazy head hake and by eyes physically hurt, every time I sit in front of my PC to work.

But I realized something yesterday morning… It's ONLY when I was sitting in front of my Wacom (that I use at my main screen), not in front of other screen ( to watch movie as an example ). And I figured it out: it’s the white. My Wacom is configured with a crazy contrast by default. It never bothers me because my Photoshop has a soft grey background, and I did not stare at white screen for longer than a few minutes at the time. But Office Word is another matter entirely. The bright, white, screen was hurting my eyes.

And so, I simply diminished the contrast, and last night (after my eyes stopped hurting) I managed to work for a few hours with no problem… Hopping this will be enough in the long run because I REALLY NEED to finish theses texts. I’m almost done, but the rhythm lately was way too slow for my personal taste, and the plan is to finish it this week. Crossing Fingers!

Also, I am NOT 100% happy with the texts… I’m usually ok writing, but somehow, this time around I always end up not knowing what to write. I think my problem come from the fact that I already told the story in drawings and the text seem redundant to me, it’s hard to shake it up. So I’ll need to have a second pass at them. And I am currently looking for a proof reader that will also be able to pimp them up a little without the images to limit them.

If someone here think he/she can do it, please contact me via email:

Next game will be written upfront, to avoid this issue. Learning everyday :p

As for the coding, I have yet heard any news from Khronoss, but I trust him entirely to be working as much as he can.

In the meantime, enjoy this pic of Olivia Munn I found on the net ^^

See you guys soon


Jul 3, 2017

(that guy just crack me up! )
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Life as a tendency to spiral out of control, but even under these circumstances, I managed to FINISH THE TEXT of BVB 2!!!!!!!!

We are not out of the wood just yet, The texts have been sent for proof reading, I now need to draw a few pages that I realized where missing in the narrative. And Khronoss is still busy debugging.

I’ll admit I never expected for me to still be working on it in April ( I was honestly aiming for a release in February ), but I am still very proud of what we did and I know all this time spent on it will ultimately show up in the quality of the game.


I also spent time writing down ALL my ideas for "The Therapy" in a 18 pages word document including all the characters ( and casting actresses for inspiration ), story beats, and releases orders. It is a juggernaut! But it was so much fun to imagine. Now it’s time to put it aside and let it stew while I work on, let say... EVERYTHING ELSE I’ve already announced first :p… it’s gonna be a LONG time until I can get back to it, hence why it was important for me to put it all in writing.

Now I'll need to do the same with Hogwarts… I got notes hand written all over the place and I got to make it into a similar document. But BvB2 first!

See you guys soon

PS: I will write to you all individually, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for all these amazing offers for proofreading. I did sent the doc to one of you and was waiting for his confirmation before answering all the emails… but the update came first :p
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Jun 26, 2017
New Update (13 April 2018)
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hey guys…
just to let you know where we are.
Things are a bit slow at the moment. Khronoss is going through a lot of stuff at the moment… and I mean a LOT ( he told me the whole list today and I was impressed with the fact that he managed to cope with all of it, at the same time! ). He’s doing well, so don’t worry about him, or the game; He’s still on it and from what I understood, I should received a new built soon for me to see his progress. But this is why things are going slower than I expected.

Also, I sent the texts to the proof reader last weekend, but I never got a confirmation about him receiving the file and taking the work… I sent him a reminder yesterday and I’m gonna wait until Wednesday… if I don’t get any news from him by than, I’ll contact someone else from the list of offering ^^

Meanwhile, In Hogwarts ( yes, I've actually started to work on it )...
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Stay tuned

PS: this image has nothing to do with the text, but I couldn't find anything sexy involving a snail. :p
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Jun 26, 2017
New update (22 March 2018):
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Weekly Update
Apr 22 at 11:57pm
I have good news!
1st, BvB2: the text have been proofread, corrected and just need to be integrated to the actual game ( Scribe actually got back to me last Monday ).

2nd, Khronoss tell me he should be back more seriously on coding the game by next week ^^

3rd, I’ve been making giants stride on Elves, Witches and Hippogriffs. I have about 60 pages of concepts separated in 10 docs so far with just about every main points cleared out.

Now I need to make a new Overall doc, which is just a little less messy, for whoever is going to code the game to have a clear idea of it. As well as isolate the first chapter to fill in all the details.

I’ll admit, this thing is starting to scare me, but I’m also very excited to start working on it. It’s a massive endeavor. But I have a clear plan, separated in bite size releases (that I can still cut in half if they also turn out to big), and I still have plenty of room for improvisation. I had to abandon the divided-in-chapters ideas (the non linear aspect was entering in conflict with it), but those chapters are still the basis for planning the releases, so the story should still be released linearly.

In the end it should be a big massive open world, with a non-linear play through, but still a clear narrative taking part over the whole school year.

See you guys soon

PS: the names you see on those docs up-there are all characters showing up in the first chapters, but they’ll be plenty more


Jun 26, 2017
any updates on BVB2?
Other than what was said about it in the update, no. He discussed his favourite porn games and a way for Patrons to be involved in the development of the new HP game in the last updates. So no new insights regarding the ETA of BVB2!
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Jun 26, 2017
New update (30 March 2018):
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Have you seen Infinity war yet? I did… it was AMAZING! What a cliffhanger! The whole theater gasped. Can’t wait for the next one (no spoilers in the comments please ). I needed a break from writing over the weekend: I went to the movies and drew a pic based on it, and I wanted it to be ready for this morning’s update… sadly, it’s just not that good and I scraped it. Here’s some sexy cosplay instead. sorry!
So… where are we?

Still at the same place. But Chronoss should be back this week. I’m gonna give him the time to settle in.

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That is it for now
See you guys soon!


May 8, 2018
ok so the achivements are (most are self explanitory)
3x the charm
anal queen
bj tramp
dildo lover
dp whore
dress riped
drunk bitch - bad end get her wasted and fuck her (regardless of her happiness or submission)
face fucked
taste of heaven
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes