VN Ren'Py Completed Gargoyles, The beast and the Bitch [Alx & Khronos]

4.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Jun 24, 2017
There is a small chance i will get to play the sequel before i die, i know i will never get to play the Harry Potter one.

Which makes me so sad because i would love to play it


Jun 26, 2017
Yes, but tbh, this is a pirating website. Which means, in my humble opinion, we don't really get to complain about devs taking longer than expected to finish a product we (well, most of us anyway) aren't even paying for. Besides, you can't rush perfection!


Jul 3, 2017
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Hello boys, I’M BACK!!!!
May 14 at 9:00pm
Hello everyone!
I gotta tell you, this short brake felt amazing!
It started a little weird, with a client getting back about a contract I had promised him and was alreaddy paid for but had simply vanished, Just to ( ofcourse ) get back to me over the weekend, telling me he needed it 2 days prior ( of course ) … So I rushed through it, but kept it simple so that I didn’t have more than a few hours to do over 2 days… still not the best way to start a vacation. Luckily this was the only thing that got in the way.

I feel refresh, and I’m pretty happy to get back to work. In fact I think I’ll reserve the right to take a week like that every 3 months or so. Planning it upfront should give me something to look for and well as plan something a bit more distracting than reading for a week. Gotta keep the moral up and the juice flowing. I'm not 20 anymore.

I read A LOT! All Star Wars, all Timothy Zan : I finished the 3rd tome of the classic “Heir to the Empire trilogy”, Read the new “Trawn” canon book and I’m now in the second book of the “Hand of Trawn” series. I also bought “Tarkins”, “Ahsoka” and the first 2 books of “the Temis Files”… Yeah I was afraid of running out of books before running out of resting days and kidda got carried away on Amazon :p

I also marathoned “Rick and Morthy” (expect a pic in the future), watched a few movies, saw my doctor ( I’ll have a shit load of tests to go through this month )… and by the end, I felt so much better; inspiration was flowing back in like crazy and had to I wrote down the main lines of 5 shorts comics I think would be fun to draw between games.

As for where we are with the games? I didn’t got news from Khronoss :( And while I still don’t want to push him, I will contact him later today to see where we are and hopefully start to plan a release schedule.

See you guys soon

King Monkey Mon

The Perverted King of The Harem Masters
May 16, 2017
Yes, but tbh, this is a pirating website. Which means, in my humble opinion, we don't really get to complain about devs taking longer than expected to finish a product we (well, most of us anyway) aren't even paying for. Besides, you can't rush perfection!
no offense but i hate when people say "Yes, but tbh, this is a pirating website we don't really get to complain about devs taking longer than expected to finish a product we (well, most of us anyway) aren't even paying for"

thats like saying people who throw their money away (giving donation to something that you possibly wouldnt get anything in return for that month) are the only ones who have the right to complain :noexpression: but w/e the game has been in development for over a year so im not that really concern about it just wanted to point out how annoying that statement is


Jun 26, 2017
no offense but i hate when people say "Yes, but tbh, this is a pirating website we don't really get to complain about devs taking longer than expected to finish a product we (well, most of us anyway) aren't even paying for"

thats like saying people who throw their money away (giving donation to something that you possibly wouldnt get anything in return for that month) are the only ones who have the right to complain :noexpression: but w/e the game has been in development for over a year so im not that really concern about it just wanted to point out how annoying that statement is
I do see where you're coming from, however, I didn't mean just the Patrons have the right to complain. I guess I stated it a little too strong. It's just that complaining doesn't do squat, especially on a pirating website. I know this game has been in development for much longer than was originally intended and I want it to be finished as soon as possible as well. Definitely meant no offence @Morkar. I'm just as much looking forward to the game as you are, but what's a couple more weeks on a year and a half? And like I said: you can't rush perfection! It better be a hell of a good game :p
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Jun 26, 2017
And on a better note:

NEW UPDATE (May 19, 2018)

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It’s been a while,

but I knew that this week would be a bit rocky, so instead of working on something to complicated, I worked on a picture for you guys… An ambitious picture, but still something I could complete in between medical test ( don’t worry… it’s mostly a series of checkups in the hope to help me lose weigh in the end, and to be sure the gain I had this year didn’t affect my health to much. )

See you guys soon


Jun 26, 2017
And just as some clarification on Alx' side, he commented this on his Patreon:
(Not covering for the guy, I still think he took way too long, but at least it puts the long wait in a bit of a perspective)

Honestly dude, I'm considering to stop the support. I understand it takes time, and I definitely doesn't blame you for taking a vacation, but overall it takes just too long. Almost no updates. Everytime it's just kronos didn't do something. 8 really enjoyed bvb1 but this is becoming awkward. Main bonus is that you are not greedy and allow $1 pledge. But well take that as a feedback.

I can’t blame you for being frustrated… I am too. This game was supposed to take maybe 6 month, we’ve been on it for a year and a half, because mostly of my own inexperience. During that time I had to struggle through a depression and some serious health issue. And Khronoss was there for me, waiting patiently, helping me getting through it, he even sent me the little money his own Patreon had made when my computer broke down and I had to replace it ASAP. Now it’s his turn to go through a rougher patch, and the least I can do is not to add to it and let him work at his own pace. I don’t code, I cannot afford to hire a programmer either. And even if I could, I wouldn’t, Not for BVB2, because it’s his project and I respect him too much to take it from him. And because we are almost at the end, we are at the debugging stage: NOT the best time to change my man. Yes, I did take an impromptu brake for a week, but it’s not like I stopped working ever since I sent the art for BVB2. I’ve been working my ass off on Hogwarts, outlined other smaller projects ( comics and games ) and I want to go back to drawing soon. All this time, I keep updating you guys 2 times a week ( most of the time ) so that you have a clear, and truthful, idea of our progress. Our up and downs. Because the last thing I want is for you to think I’m just coasting on your support. I respect you guys way too much for that. This is the main reason why I changed the infrastructure of the Hogwarts game, to brake it in smaller bites so that I can give you significant portions of the game on a regular basis. Something that was impossible to do with BvB and BvB2. I try to learn from my mistakes. But I understand. Everything I just said is empty promises if we don’t deliver… if you decide to leave; I won’t blame you. The game will still be free when we finally release it. I consider your support as a gift, a privilege, and I thank you for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016

I do not look for perfection because that does not exist I only look for a MINIMUM of seriousness

2º I know that alx's work is very good and the game will end up being great but after promising it would come out at the beginning of 2018 it has been one and another and another and another and another and another and another delay and one and another and another and another and again for 5 and a half months I repeat 5 MONTHS AND A HALF

and for someone who earns almost $ 1500 a month with his patreon could stir a bit for the game to come out since one thing is one or 2 specific delays and another a constant because this week will not be we'll see the next ...

It is also counterproductive because we all know that as soon as his 2nd game comes out his patreon revenues are going to double easily but only if he shows a minimum of seriousness and are no longer just delays is that we have not seen a new trailer or a demo or any new image we have long since where we have not seen anything of the game itself

if we were in February I would not mind if you tell me a couple of weeks but it does not happen but today would make us literally plant in June and it would be 6 months late because it is a more than considerable delay too much I would say
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Sep 14, 2017
Come on guys. Who cares? This game will be out eventually.
Just mange your expectations . I gave up waiting like six months ago...
It's obvious that Alx is not about the delivery but about something else .
He has his work ethics but since the end product is free delays sound reasonable.

Let's just wait for good news and stop bloating this threat with sour comments.


Jun 26, 2017

Hello people
Not too sure what to tell you this Monday ^^

I’m about half way through the SW comic. I hope you guys are enjoying it. I sure do!

I also received the file for BVB2 where I need to copy paste the dialogue… so things are advancing, if slowly.

This is it :p
See you guys really soon with a new page.
Since its NSFW, it will have to be behind the paywall. But a usual, you'll find it on my HF.

So I guess we still have to wait a bit.
You can find the full SW comic here: , , , , , , , , , , . (Or use his HF link below)
And here's the link to his HF, in case you'd like to pass the time waiting for BVB2 to come out:
Is this available for Android
No, unfortunately it isn't.


Jul 20, 2017
Regardless of the wait I am so excited for this. Loved the first one and the way it was drawn and animated. Just the way they thought of everything, every different situation was perfectly presented by the art and the coding. Some of which you don't find until you play it a few time.

You have my support and once I get my finances nailed down you get my actually support as well.


Jun 26, 2017
New update (June 4, 2018):

I had a great week. But I again forgot to give myself a weekend :p, I really have to be more vigilant on that, this is probably why I tend to crash down on a regular basis. Anyway …

I’m almost done with the comic, I still have 2 pages to draw ( 4 to publish ) It has been stupid fun!

I still have 4 other scripted written for different IPs, I also have a follow-up in mind for this one, I had the idea for almost as long as the original story, but I wasn’t happy with the ending. Last night, IT came to me, so as soon as I’m done with this update, I’ll get on word and put it on paper. ^^ which mean, till Khronoss is ready, I’ll still have a shit load of material for you guys.

Although I’m thinking of changing my publication method for the next ones… maybe keep the new pages for the patrons ( and HU ), until the whole book is ready and then publish the free PDF comic a la Tracy Scoop.

At the same time, it has been a great publicity stunt ( even if it wasn't planed as such ), so I'm not sure it's worth it. Tell me what you guys think about that in the comments.

As for BVB2 ; it is moving on. Last week I received the narration files from Khronoss so I spent 3 days copy pasting 70 pages of texts in the game files. It is a long and boring process where I needed to interprets the code to be sure I put everything in the right place, enter codes that mimic the presentation in the dialogue, put everything in one long line, copy/paste it from word to a notepad (to be sure that no residual format isn’t carried on from word.… Microsoft is a pain) and then copy/paste it again from the note pad to the actual file; BOOOORING!!!!!

And after all that, Khronoss will still have to go behind me just to make sure everything is working properly. But we did it, and we are now even closer to testing.

See you guys soon, with the next page.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
ALX Patreon is censoring and closing many patreons with content creators for adults like Akabur
personally I would make sure to monitor what is in your patreon lest you also end up being another victim of this fascist censorship that is taking place lately on the internet
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes