Brainstorming Ideas for New Game


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Sep 25, 2016
A little of column a and b i was thinking. But yes having the extra source of income should allow you to start skipping some of the generic clients and focus on the unique collectible ones with more developed story.
and ofcourse things cant be made too good. perhaps permanets are a 1 time use and half the effectiveness of standard industry treatments. and because they are experimental chance of failure to boot. maybe even some irreversible complete character changes. ( would be a good way to bring in bimbo or pet fetishes as well )
Yeah that's what I was thinking it could be a great way to bring more fetishes.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
Yeah that's what I was thinking it could be a great way to bring more fetishes.
Ofcourse the key would be that it couldnt just make someone do or be something but overexagerate things that were there in the first place. which ofcourse we would have hints about from discussions in therapy


Active Member
Sep 25, 2016
Ofcourse the key would be that it couldnt just make someone do or be something but overexagerate things that were there in the first place. which ofcourse we would have hints about from discussions in therapy
Exactly. (That's it dude you are reading my mind somehow!! Stop it!)
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Sep 25, 2016
Hey @grev I think that between what we discussed and what you got here there is already a solid first version of the game or at least a tech demo/proof of concept thing here. Hope to see something soon.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
Hey @grev I think that between what we discussed and what you got here there is already a solid first version of the game or at least a tech demo/proof of concept thing here. Hope to see something soon.
HAHAHA sooon.. thats a relative term i already have the house mapped out and have started working on the prolgue ( a three day story to introduce MC Sister Mother and Receptionist ) but there is no naughty stuff yet and i still have to map the rest of the city out it will probably be a few weeks before i have something worth looking at
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Jun 10, 2017
Alright so here is what i have so far on the mechanics ideas. the basic principles of how progress is made

Player Stats

Cash - Self explanatory money for purchasing items, renovating house, research into therapy drugs and more
Dominance - Players ability to influence characters naturally
Hypnosis - Higher skill reduces the number of sessions needed for suggestions to become permanent
Pharam - Measures the strength of the buff/debuff from medication and a check for the ability to research and employ experimental medication
Corruption - a measure of sexual deviance and the likelyhood of character to engage in Unorthodoxed sexual behaviour ie BDSM Incest Pet Play etc
Morality - a measure of players altruism and the likely hood of player genuinely helping people for the sake of helping.

Character Stats

Relationship - A measure of the progression of the MC's relationship indicating the characters trust and acceptance of the MC
Corruption - A measure of the characters sexual deviance ( or for clients the strength of their problems that they are visiting you for
Submission - Secondary check against Player Dominace the more submissive the more likely they are to accept Players suggestions
Hypno Progress - XP bar filled up through hypno sessions higher player hypno skill the faster it fills and the sooner the suggestion takes route
Pharma Progress - Countdown until buff from medication wears off

Of course this is very rudimentary and only applies to unique characters in the game

For unique clients it would work something like this
for a pure route the player would be focusing on building up their morality which will reduce the clients corruption essentialy progress towards curing them. conversley you could increase their corruption via your own to progress towards collection or through negative morality.
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Jan 21, 2017
Not sure exactly what else you have in mind and I recall seeing that someone( maybe even you) mentioned there may be a character involved with legal advice and help, say if the heat starts to also pick up way too much looking into your questionable ethics concerning clients, but have you also thought of the idea of having a fixer of sorts to help ease unwanted attention from the cops? sort of a right hand man( or woman, depending) to help both get the cops looking in another direction, or if there's unhealthy competition? For example a client that comes in( yeah this'll sound like the Sopranos for a few lines), either a Mafia hitman, a Gang LT or someone who tidy's up things for larger criminal organizations, and due to some horrible event that befell them, they ended up in your office, virtually a wreck, and basically a slate to mold backup, maybe take care of messy jobs, assist in corruption exercises, or even take care of the sperm donor that messed with the little sister. Only a thought


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
Not sure exactly what else you have in mind and I recall seeing that someone( maybe even you) mentioned there may be a character involved with legal advice and help, say if the heat starts to also pick up way too much looking into your questionable ethics concerning clients, but have you also thought of the idea of having a fixer of sorts to help ease unwanted attention from the cops? sort of a right hand man( or woman, depending) to help both get the cops looking in another direction, or if there's unhealthy competition? For example a client that comes in( yeah this'll sound like the Sopranos for a few lines), either a Mafia hitman, a Gang LT or someone who tidy's up things for larger criminal organizations, and due to some horrible event that befell them, they ended up in your office, virtually a wreck, and basically a slate to mold backup, maybe take care of messy jobs, assist in corruption exercises, or even take care of the sperm donor that messed with the little sister. Only a thought
While I dont want too much peril ( as it will take away from the focus on fixing your family ) there is already a Lawyer Planned thanks to @Thailf who starts as your client but can be developed into an ally.

as for peril. the frumpy wife's daughter has the potential to be a cause for concern. and i have plans for including a journal in your home that tracks client progress that your mother or sister could find and freak out about.

what i really need right now is a slew of low level client ideas with mild problems ie maintaining a relationship ED bipolar disorder ruining marriage. id like the generics to include a mix of men and women as well


May 19, 2017
Of course with the use of Pharma, the risk factor of law enforcement and perhaps blackmail should be considered. Your secretary/client or perhaps another dr could black mail you.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
Of course with the use of Pharma, the risk factor of law enforcement and perhaps blackmail should be considered. Your secretary/client or perhaps another dr could black mail you.
this would only be the case should you utilize the experimental drugs assuming you go that route and develop them though you wont be able to develop them without the assisstance of the receptionist so it wouldn't make much sense for her to blackmail you. before the development of "new drugs" you will only be using industry standard and approved treatments. the other doctor idea is an interesting consideration that i will keep in mind.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2016
this would only be the case should you utilize the experimental drugs assuming you go that route and develop them though you wont be able to develop them without the assisstance of the receptionist so it wouldn't make much sense for her to blackmail you. before the development of "new drugs" you will only be using industry standard and approved treatments. the other doctor idea is an interesting consideration that i will keep in mind.
You should consider having the doctor, in this case, to be a patient. Therapists have to talk to other therapists, and she/he being a therapist would give a story justification of how she/he knew what you were doing.
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Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
You should consider having the doctor, in this case, to be a patient. Therapists have to talk to other therapists, and she/he being a therapist would give a story justification of how she/he knew what you were doing.
So you are seeing her professionally or vice versa?


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
if the player is seeing her professionally (perhaps as a last ditch cry for help as he notices the changes in his behaviour) it would provide an interesting option, either revert from the corrupt path or continue on and risk reprisal from her


Active Member
Sep 25, 2016
So you are seeing her professionally or vice versa?
I guess either one would work depends on how much you want to develop it. For a longer development I would go for you are seeing her, for a shorter quest I would go with she is seeing you.
It could also be a he, I mean a guy that wants to use your stuff to get "stuff" or something in this line.
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2016
if the player is seeing her professionally (perhaps as a last ditch cry for help as he notices the changes in his behaviour) it would provide an interesting option, either revert from the corrupt path or continue on and risk reprisal from her
Yep!(You are doing it again, already told to stop reading my mind!!)


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
I guess either one would work depends on how much you want to develop it. For a longer development I would go for you are seeing her, for a shorter quest I would go with she is seeing you.ff"
It could also be a he, I mean a guy that wants to use your stuff to get "stuff" or something in this line.
i'd have to be careful if its a male doctor as it would be too easy to write in NTR but its a thought


Active Member
Sep 25, 2016
i'd have to be careful if its a male doctor as it would be too easy to write in NTR but its a thought
Oh but I meant he will use in like his own clients and people around him, not on you or your clients and people around you. I guess this way it wouldn't be NTR.
Maybe he takes the clients you failed to help and corrupts them, if you couldn't, it would be a way to share some content with people that fail on the game, like a tease if they were succesful on the corruption this way they would want to replay to see the full content. I don't know just throwing stuff out there.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
Oh but I meant he will use in like his own clients and people around him, not on you or your clients and people around you. I guess this way it wouldn't be NTR.
Maybe he takes the clients you failed to help and corrupts them, if you couldn't, it would be a way to share some content with people that fail on the game, like a tease if they were succesful on the corruption this way they would want to replay to see the full content. I don't know just throwing stuff out there.
that would negate the whole whistle blowing though if he is going to start doing exactly what he was threatening to ruin you for.. though perhaps its more of a share with me or Ill ruin you threat. would also give reason to need a lawyer. i like the sneak peak idea. maybe you meet once a week or once in a while to compare notes on accomplishments :D
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2016
that would negate the whole whistle blowing though if he is going to start doing exactly what he was threatening to ruin you for.. though perhaps its more of a share with me or Ill ruin you threat. would also give reason to need a lawyer. i like the sneak peak idea. maybe you meet once a week or once in a while to compare notes on accomplishments :D
Yeah the "share with me or I'll ruin you threat" is if you want a bigger quest. Although if he is just squeezing you for money or whatever you could also make a quest in which you would have to ruin him before he ruins you, like using the lawyer or a P.I.(?, you know for people who couldn't get the lawyer) to find his weakness and you exploit it by ruining him (bad) or bluffing him(good) or maybe lie that you won't ruin him then when you are in the clear ruin him for extra bad points. So I guess it depends on the way you want to write it.
Also if you have a P.I. and the lawyer maybe the P.I. could open content with the lawyer kinda like marylin opens content with janice on Wife Trainer.