Big Brother Torrid affairs pre-release discussion [locked]

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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I was looking for opinions on the potential "Title Font", for the game...

I didn't want to use his font, which I plan to use for his "credit of mention", underneath the title.

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Max Headroom

pauper commilito CtSH
Sep 27, 2017
"Big Brother", is copyrighted in America and in many other countries.
Yes and no Big Brother the SHOW is maybe copyrighted but the brand or idea of "Big Brother" itself is from Georg Orwell.
Always remenber the roots. ;)


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
For the initial launch, there will only be two possible options...

Related and Unrelated. (All or nothing)
- Unrelated:
- - Aunt is... just a "Best Friend".
- - Siblings are... Max = Fostered, Sisters = Exchange-students.
- Related:
- - Aunt is... Ann's sister.
- - Siblings are... Eric and Anne's children.

I am avoiding the fraternal twin relation, at the moment.

Here are the extended and proposed relations, as "Family-trees".

Adults Unrelated / Kids Unrelated

Adults Unrelated / Kids Related (Normal)

Adults Unrelated / Kids Related (Twins)

Adults Related / Kids Unrelated

Adults Related / Kids Related (Twins)

Working on the selection and text to go along with it... For the introduction. This is another part of the introduction, as it is doing the selections for relation and names.



Active Member
May 28, 2017
love the idea, i love the models in the original game (specially lisa) it would be good to see them in game with better story and more content. also eric is going to be my father? that explains why i hate that guy a lot :FeelsBadMan:
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
love the idea, ... also eric is going to be my father? that explains why i hate that guy a lot :FeelsBadMan:
I loved having Eric as the bad guy... Having him related to Max, in my opinion, helps explain the conflict and also the animosity. (Willingness to sustain a certain level of creeping, from him, and with him. Before you do your own thing, when he invades your own comfort/conquests.)

It should be a little harder, you would think, to turn on a parent... But when a parent is this fucking evil... You use their trust in you, against them, to get justice.

However, for the non-related part... The sympathy takes another role. He has still helped to raise you, but not a biological link to sever in the process.
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Active Member
Aug 22, 2017
Max: "Why use the existing art?"... Because that is half the battle... Including the "fan art", which extends the game, which will also include my own renders. (It, quite honestly, isn't stealing, when it is "given away" for free. However, it is a form of plagiarism! But so is "big brother". There is nothing new in there, except the renders, as a whole. I am not going to get into the question of whether or not the artist actually paid for the rights to the models and materials he used. :p) ***snip***
Release it as a mod and not a standalone game, credit the original author and don't change the title unless you add something like 'A Big Brother mod' to it. Anything else is too shady in my opinion because right now it is to close to the original. It actually doesn't matter if Big Brother is already a rip-off or not.
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Something that might be fun for Eric, if you wanted to stay somewhat close to the original story, would be to flip things around a bit. The son/mc develops a relationship with mom and family first, then figures out that she's working for a rather well off single guy. The family is falling behind on bills, so they agree to seduce said guy to improve the financial situation.

This way, you could re-use a lot of the existing renders, just reshuffle the 'order of appearance'. And the MC/son could then have a different reason to peep (i.e. how are things progressing, instead of damn now he's sleeping with...)

It's a thought anyways.
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Lightning Emperor
May 14, 2017
if possible lower the reliance on kira,let the mc do most of the new/other means.never understood the movies as route for corruption when ann was suceptable to being could turn eric into a real puppet to do the mc's bidding rather than crumbs from the table
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Apr 29, 2017
For the initial launch, there will only be two possible options...

Related and Unrelated. (All or nothing)
- Unrelated:
- - Aunt is... just a "Best Friend".
- - Siblings are... Max = Fostered, Sisters = Exchange-students.
- Related:
- - Aunt is... Ann's sister.
- - Siblings are... Eric and Anne's children.

I am avoiding the fraternal twin relation, at the moment.
I think this is probably the best choice. TBH my head was spinning with the combinations with unlimited user potential to generate familial (or non familial) connections between the characters. From a story telling POV, it might be simpler to just have a related/unrelated option.

Side note, I know a lot of people who have foster siblings / non blood relatives and they always just go by 'mom' 'brother' etc.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Quick reply... I am at work. :)

To the comment about modding... Already explained why it is a conversion and not a mod, and art credit... I hope that your mind changes when you see the end result.

Eric will be a lot more involved, artwork permitted... We are all on the same page when it comes to the content desired for the conversion.

The ability to rename and set relations would be more for those who want to see a specific arrangement that would normally require a whole rewrite or a mod... Certain dialogue will open-paths with some genetic relations that would not make sense otherwise. Like with twins vs normal bro-sis...

Some people just don't want to think about fucking mom... or aunt's... or sisters... all at once. Baby steps there... Not going to totally smother the readers with millions of possible role-play options. Just a few of the highest in demand. The rest I will let modders play with.

I can see a potential for another ending with Eric still remaining in the house... But with my story, it will take a little more effort and demand some renders that don't already exist.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Brilliant idea, but it all will depend on how well it gonna be written. With enough development time it might be a much better standalone game than actual BB. Would love this sandboxish feeling I had with the initial versions of BB. Without silly incest base it can have a decent plot as well. BB right now is pretty much linear harem VN so I have some hopes for this project.
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Another quick question, for those interested in this...

In relation to playing the story... Should this have a time-base form of advancement, like the original game. That is kind-of a love-hate relationship for me. However, I think I may be able to reduce some dead-space. (When there is nothing to do, it auto-advances until there is a potential to do something.)

Otherwise, it will be more like a story. Things will take time to do, but you will not be looking all over the house for things to do. It will simply lump all actions into one area. Grouped by the characters, not grouped by room-locations. They are, where-ever they are, when doing that action.

EG, more like the big-brother game, or more like a true visual-novel selection setup.

P.S. The character introductions are functionally complete, with the renaming parts. Almost done playing with the "relations" selection... Then I can start the actual story component and release something playable. I have the next two days off, but my free time here is currently spread thin with other family duties. Once I start writing and doing less coding, things should move a LOT faster.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Hmm... In my opinion huge part of BB's success was its gameplay at early stages so I would opt for something similiar. VN has its own merits but for BB I would pick more complex gameplay. But it all depends on a complexity of this project and number of routes/outcomes you wish to have.


Apr 29, 2017
Then I can start the actual story component and release something playable. I have the next two days off, but my free time here is currently spread thin with other family duties. Once I start writing and doing less coding, things should move a LOT faster.
Re the family stuff: The struggle is real.

Re the writing: is there anything you could bring someone on to help with, or is that something you'd rather not do?
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Re the family stuff: The struggle is real.
Re the writing: is there anything you could bring someone on to help with...
Thanks for the understanding...

Yes, when I get going, there is room for help. I have a general, and liberal, set of constraints to work within. However, that freedom has plenty of wiggle-room to do complete 360's and 720's, in the story. I am starting with the general concept of the original game, roughly, as the artwork kind-of limits the story to the actions. (Everything is page-rendered. As opposed to the way a visual-novel is layer-rendered, for recycling and alterations. However, I am changing some of that too. Just to reduce overhead bloating of the game.)

The only real complex thing to deal with, is the "schedules" and "events". (code) As well as the considerations for relations and substitute rewording.
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Oct 8, 2017
even if eric is your dad so long as i can get him gone (preferably to kill the cunt myself) ill be a very happy chappy........just me then >.>;

Edit:before you ask yes i am insane but who doesn't love a bit of variety
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I almost had a little panic-attack, reading the latest notice about Patreon's over-zealous enforcement of, "suggestively incestual content". (Failing to follow their own guidelines themselves. Allowing "Game of Thrones" {Brother/sister incest}, and "Lolita" {portrayal of a minor having a sexual affair with an adult}, but suspending others with the same content.)

Then I remembered... I'm not posting this on my Patreon. :p

However, I do have to remove similar potential conflicts with my existing page. Bummer... That was one reason why I went there. For the honoring of artistic freedom of speech, as it is protected by the supreme-court. :(

Killing kids and adults, in literature and games... totally fine... But, go fuck your third-cousin, or sister... or have a minor pleasing another minor in a story, and all hell breaks loose. :p

In any event... The current standing with the game is as follows.

Just finished the "Classes", for the characters. This is what manages and tracks each characters relation from one to the other. Still, the only prefab options are "no relation" or "fully related", at the moment. Just so I can test the code/writing at both ends of the spectrum.

Next comes the texting of the "Hourly game-play", versus the typical, "Limited action hopping", which is what most visual-novels tend to use. (Like DarkSilvers "Big Brother" style of play, versus MrDots "Dating my daughter" style.) Though, I intend to make the other style play kind-of like "Big Brother", just with less grinding and dead-clicks for advancement.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Patreon seems fine for you as it's barely incest at all if you pick no relation. It's only about the worlds you put on your main page and your reward system. BB is BB but your mod doesn't really have to be afraid of anything so keep it up man.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Patreon seems fine for you as it's barely incest at all if you pick no relation. It's only about the worlds you put on your main page and your reward system. BB is BB but your mod doesn't really have to be afraid of anything so keep it up man.
I was actually talking about my two other games... Not the conversion.

I had a video which was posted, which had mention of incest and potential under-age content, as being "possible", within the final production. But, that was more for the mods, and less for the original creation. Still... Better to cover my ass from the start.

"Torrid Affairs" will not be mentioned on my site. (Unless I get permission from the original creator of "Big Brother". Dark-Silver, himself. I am not at the point of needing to ask him, yet...)

UPDATE: Got the "schedules", code all setup. Now everyone can have a LOCATION and ACTION, which they are doing within the novel/game. Working on the "If nothing to do, then SKIP", portion of the code, at the moment. This will smartly, remove a LOT of clicking, when there is nothing to actually do within the game. (I just have to watch-out that I do not have an infinite-loop of nothingness... Using a daily, "You need sleep", at the stopping point, for now... Later, it will also auto-sleep, until some new event exists to interact with. Simply taking note of the "days/hours" which have passed.)
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