Your idea of "perfect game"

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The perfect game is yet to come, because the technology for it is yet to invent...

No one can honestly answer your question, because we only have an idea of what we dislike in game and what we want to see more. But, more of what we like will not make the perfect game, it will just make a game we like more than the other.
A perfect game is one that make you forget that you are playing a game, while letting you do what you want and build you own story. It's true for "regular" games as well as for adult game. And like I said above, the technology is far to be enough for this.

Now, if what you want to know is, "what game satisfy you enough", well, it's another question, but the answer stay, almost the same. To satisfy me, you've to make a game that almost make me forget that I am playing a game, that make me feel like I do what I want, and that let me tweak the story in my mind to adapt it to my actual mood.
And there's only one way to achieve this, having a strong, well written and well paced story. I do care about the CG and game mechanism but, as long as they aren't both totally shitty, if you provide me a story that goes directly to my mind, they'll be both good enough even if they are just average. I can be satisfied by a VN that let me (almost) no choice, as well as by a full "choice your own adventure" like game. I can be satisfied by a game drawn by the next Da Vinci, as well as by a game drawn by my cat. And at the opposite a game with beautiful CG can be a total no for me because the story is wrote by a 12 years old virgin or someone who still believe that girl's farts are rainbow smelling like unicorn.
Once again, this just because there isn't difference between "regular" games and adult games. How many time have you been deceived by a game you played in your youth and decide to replay now ? The visual is not "real life looking" like in your memory, the game play is not "totally natural" like you remember it... You thought that because, at this time of your life, the story was so beautiful, that it enhanced everything else, making it perfect to your eyes.
And, yes, it also apply to adult game. Provide a good and credible story, with characters that feel natural and you'll make a game that satisfy me.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Fetishes... I like milfs, big butts, and nice natural tits. I guess it's pretty much as vanilla as my skin tone.
All too few non-vn'ish games have milfs. Look at vndb* or any porn game retailer and tell me it isn't true.
The scope is even smaller if you want to play as a male. You know, actually getting with the ladies instead of being them cheating on their husbands, getting fucked by lots of fat dudes etc. and it's even more limited if you don't want to play as a small boy or be a cucked wimp. I'm not talking about games that has one "milf" (looking like a teen) and the rest of the "women" are teens or... children. Kind of freaking defeats the purpose. Out of thousands upon thousands of games you'll truthfully be left with less than a handful. Want little girls... "the world" is your oyster, but that's Japan. I know, it sounds like, I'm exaggerating. Take a look yourself and you will see, I'm not wrong. Remember it was about non-vn games with milfs as a focus with a male protag.

*I know vndb stands for virtual novel database, but it also includes the games of other genres, there's just not many doujin games in the database.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
I agree by large with AON and I think it was beautifully written. I'm just personally quite biased against VN's and point and click "adventures". The element is simply not engaging enough for me.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
I think it's a given that the perfect game would have good looking art and graphics, so I'll stick to gameplay.

I'm going to agree with the people basically saying the porn version of Witcher 3 or something like it. I spent a long time with Skyrim adding on different adult mods. While it can be a lot of fun, there is always a bit of jank as the mods fight against each other and the vanilla systems in the game. A simple example would be the mod that replaces vanilla prison with a prison where you are kept naked and fucked for entertainment. There's a quest mod around the Sisterhood of Dibella which is basically like religious whoring at that point. Another fun one is the mod that lets you use sex to resolve normal quests. Say you are supposed to sneak into a place, well you could just sex up the guard instead. There are plenty of others, but I won't list them all. The best part of most mods is being able to set the parameters. Maybe you don't want to be fucked over stealing a sweetroll, so you set the arrest threshold higher, things like that.

So my perfect game would be a full RPG with full nudity and quests that directly or indirectly involve sex. Sex as punishment, sex as rewards, sex as a shortcut, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be a fantasy setting either.

To answer your question in a more realistic way, my perfect visual novel is a bit different. Since we are saying "perfect" I'll include elements that generally aren't worth the effort it takes to realize them.
-Main Character Customization. Being able to choose the gender, appearance, and some basic qualities about your character.
-Story. Now I don't need a 1000 page novel, I'm actually not much of a reader. What I do like is an interesting plot that makes you want to see what happens next. I prefer my game plots thin on description with lore being optional. So you can pick up more background information if you look for it, but you aren't forced to go through it all if you don't want to.
-Characters. Not every character has to have a full detailed background, but I like them to be fleshed out a bit. I imagine it something like a radiance chart. In the center you have the MC (light source), you should have a lot of details about this person. The supporting characters closest to the MC should have the most light cast on them (details). So family members/friends/party members/etc. Beyond that, the tertiary characters have little bits of details. Then your random NPC tier doesn't need much beyond recognizing them and knowing their function. Obviously there could be one more tier of characters that are just ambiance or background that are barely there. I also don't like dumb characters unless their stupidity serves a direct purpose, like a dumb guard that's easy to trick or something.
-Options/Choices. I like it when a game lets me drive the story through my choices. I prefer paths to mazes and I hate game over scenarios (with a minor exception for game over rape games). Paths mean that you are picking which way the story goes, but there is never a "wrong" choice. There may be "good" or "bad" choices, but they should mostly change the tone and direction of the story. A maze, on the other hand, generally has one real path and a lot of dead ends that go nowhere (story wise).
-No time wasting. There are whole threads on this topic (written by me), but basically things like grinding. Aside from endless stat bumping, there are time of day elements that get out of hand. "You can't trigger that event unless it's Tuesday morning. What's that? It's Tuesday afternoon? Oh well." I can tolerate a small amount of these things, but I generally don't want them.