What do you consider the most anticlimactic tropes in porn games?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Well all I can say is prepared to be disappointed as unless the game specifies otherwise, 90% of the time if the MC is a female warrior type she is gonna get smashed and hard. Especially for Japan H RPGs.
I rarely have encountered Japanese porn games but I will avoid them then. I absolutely can't stand any sort of media where an attampted rapist has even a chance of surving an encounter with a female warrior atchetype protagonist. They should be slain without great effort as in any true fantasy setting.


pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
  • NTR
  • Oversized bodyparts (Cocks, Tits, Ass)
  • Bimbos
  • Lesbian turn straight
  • Female protag get's gengbanged and raped twentyquadzillion times and automatically likes it
  • Having to see the male MCs fugly face in every fucking scene - especially sex scenes (how am I supposed to immerse myself like this god dammit!)
  • Having to play foot fetish scenes - yeah, I know, it's not as bad as other fetishes, but I played too many games where you're forced to watch these scenes and it does nothing for me, it's just getting really annoying sometimes lol
  • Standard Daz Models - There are sooooooo many games using the same characters/models. Devs don't even care to create their own distinctive looking characters. They could even go the easy route and take some of the lesser know Daz Models, but no, they are all the same >_<
Of yourse there are exceptions for all of this, and it's my personal opinion, so take this list with a grain of salt ;)


Jun 14, 2018
  • Oversized bodyparts (Cocks, Tits, Ass)
Don't you know, oppais are filled with men's hopes and dreams~~~!

But honestly you won't find any normal sized tits in H RPGs, its either F size and below or it is straight up washboard most of the time.


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Well, now thats just trying to be realistic ;)
realistic for a first time... and even tho, in real you mostly cum even before being touched lol. soo many girls get that when they start with a virgin guy XD


May 5, 2017
Mines will be for male MCs because that's what I play the most.

1. Mindless MC
In a lot of games the MC is really dumb without any idea of their own. Their single thought is usually to have sex but they have absolutely no idea how to achieve it with any NPC. That is, until 1 or 2 NPCs shows up and hold the hand of the MC through the whole game telling them exactly what to do. Worst is, many games like this act like you have a choice but in reality you are being railroaded by an NPC. It is very anticlimatic as a player because we are not allowed to think. In fact our character is freaking dumb.

2. Magic Dick
This usually comes paired with the MC having a huge dick, too. Every women who sees it or tries it becomes instantly in love with the MC. My main problem with this that it usually highlights other issues like the 1st point. The MC has literally no other quality than their giant magic dick. It also often breaks the character of NPCs who start to act way too differently after trying out the magic dick even once. The lack of character consistency is another problem this usually causes.

3. Demographics News: 90% of the female population is a slut
Many games to appear as actual porn games have a large number of side cast who are beyond being a slut. They will have sex with the MC as soon as they meet or the very least suck their dick.
This is a trope born from the problems of creating a porn game. It can be observed here very well. Games are updated slowly month by month and if you don't have something sexy in the first 30 minutes the players will just drop it and check it out in half a year next. If you are trying to make money on Patreon with your game this is a bad route so creators throw in sluts periodically. They are easy to write, the players have something to fap to and the creator can focus more on some natural development of the real characters. This is a trope that can turn out really good if the creator is really good at writing but it usually just ends up being filler sluts used to avoid the loss of interest from the playerbase.
The character inconsistency here comes when later on the road the slut turns out to be more interesting than the intended main cast and their behavior takes a 180° as they are being rewritten into the main cast.

4. Eric
People who played Big Brother knows him. He is a good example of a really bad trope: some guy shows up out of nowhere and every female close to the MC will take this guy's side in every issue. It is especially glaring when these females are family members who suddenly forgot all their family ties to the MC. This trope is another one that often breaks character consistency. Even characters that were introduced as being close to the MC will drastically change their behavior just so the game can have this badly forced problem for the MC to overcome. But the 1st point usually applies here, too, and in reality it is an NPC that overcomes the Eric of the game.

5. You fucked the girl, now what?
Many games have no idea how to proceed with the relationship between the MC and the NPCs he wanted to fuck. Some are great about how you get them avoiding all the other problems mentioned here but once you had the girl it falls apart. This can be caused by many things:
- the creator didn't plan ahead and just wings it release by release
- the creator doesn't want to end it either because it is making good money (fans of anime might know this is as the shounen-syndrome) or they just like their game a lot
- some kind of poll decided this outcome and the creator clearly doesn't feel it
- and of course they might be just bad at writing actual relationships
This issue is really bad mostly in incest games where the MC have fucked every women on Earth except their mother because the game has a big build-up for that. And when it reaches that point the game is like "now what?" and the player is like "that's it?".

To TL;DR my problems are not fetishes presented in the games but the quality of the stories and the tropes that derail them or make them inconsistent.
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Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Well I dream of woman who DON'T have water melons as breasts xD
thanks god its just renders....

i saw soo many freaking animation (like source filmmaker gif or else) where the girls have huge tits and .. in addition to that... thoses are just total water ballon or helium or wtf its inside that make them bounce at 50G strength when the girl just idle breathing.

that's the worse.. i hope i wont ever see this in games like ren'py or else in animations...
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Jun 14, 2018
thanks god its just renders....

i saw soo many freaking animation (like source filmmaker gif or else) where the girls have huge tits and .. in addition to that... thoses are just total water ballon or helium or wtf its inside that make them bounce at 50G strength when the girl just idle breathing.

that's the worse.. i hope i wont ever see this in games like ren'py or else in animations...
That my friend is what we call the phenomena of Gainax. Granted if used sparingly it is can be pretty hilarious at times.


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Wait why is the word anticlimatic in the title? Most of these are just straight out tropes that's there from start to finish (e.g. Shota MC), happens at the beginning (e.g.the creeper MC who goes around at night masturbating on people) or are obviously going to happen unless you quit the game (e.g. Turning the lesbian straight is pretty much the objective of games like Alexandra).

While I definitely hate many of those mentioned by other posters too, shouldn't anti-climatic mean "it was building towards something good at first...and then took a nasty turn?" You know, like, you thought everything was going well and then suddenly one girl effing DIAF, literally! (heheh, for those that know which game I was referring to, I'm kidding, that was one of the best adult games ever :D).
well it is...

"game look good, description and pics seems ok.. i try... and BAM !" you discover that its not what expected in final and even if you give it a try, it turn to be what you not like.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
The usual sequence of MC that masturbates in the shower. Except in case of fempro.
The "we go to the store to try clothes" and it ended in peeping or fucking .
I feel like I've seen these sequences a billion times :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
I don't like what I don't like but I just can't call a game shit(If its technically sound).Devs work hard to create a game and many people find joy playing them.I just don't like badmouthing a game if the story tropes are not for me.
There are good games and there are bad ones, some people put a lot of effort while others don't.

It isn't badmouthing but stating the truth.

P.D: Bimbos, NTR, certain characters... aren't tropes, those are just your personal dislikes. Tropes are developments that are usual in hentai games, a lesbian that ends up having sex with the MC is a trope, but lesbians itself aren't.
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Active Member
May 10, 2017
That any woman who sees a penis is immediately filled with lust and unable to resist wanting it, even if it belongs to someone they have never had any interest in, or worse, are related to.

Most women do not like looking at dicks. Dicks are not pretty. Women don't tend to spend any time on porn sites looking at dicks. They could, and they don't. The natural reaction for most women looking at a dick is to laugh.
This is true but I don't actually begrudge porn games for using this.

It's either this or because he's good looking and even then women aren't as attracted to men for their physical qualities as men are attracted to women for theirs.

Women are attracted to men who are powerful and have resources so for the ideal man we would end up with some variation of Dorian Grey in every game.

Women being as horny as men is just part of the fantasy.


Apr 16, 2019
There are good games and there are bad ones, some people put a lot of effort while others don't.

It isn't badmouthing but stating the truth.
Yes,but can you define truth subjectively?Someone can go to a thread of a highly popular game say-'This game is f.....g garbage/This is horseshit..etc',Is it not your personal felling projected as objective facts?Clearly the game is objectively not awful as its liked by a considerate amount of people.You can then say,those who like the game are brain dead 12 years old.What can you do?Not everybody played 100 different games on different genre's and obtained the true knowledge in adult gaming.Thats why different standards of adult games exist to entertain different knowledge niche.If a game is technically sound,then I say every game is good for different niches of people.


Oct 10, 2017
Oversized body parts.
In your face incest.
Creep-magnet female protag.
Over the top porn logic/world.
Corruption into mindless slut.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Yes,but can you define truth subjectively?Someone can go to a thread of a highly popular game say-'This game is f.....g garbage/This is horseshit..etc',Is it not your personal felling projected as objective facts?Clearly the game is objectively not awful as its liked by a considerate amount of people.You can then say,those who like the game are brain dead 12 years old.What can you do?Not everybody played 100 different games on different genre's and obtained the true knowledge in adult gaming.Thats why different standards of adult games exist to entertain different knowledge niche.If a game is technically sound,then I say every game is good for different niches of people.
What defines a good game from a bad one is the work done in the multiple aspects of the game:


Those can be seen clearly, of course some people may be more lax and easily satisfied while others you would need something divine for them to be satisfied.

There is a difference between liking a game and that the game is a good one. I don't critic that you like a game, but I can critic the game quality.

Having said that, not all games are good, but all games can be liked, even the worst game may have someone that enjoys it.

But what I mean to say is, to define a game as good or bad can be done objectively, but liking the game is subjective. And all you said is based on the subjective side and yeah, it's true, that's why it is different to critic a game and to be an idiot.

P.D: this is an example of a good game based on RPG maker:

First of all I always see the details, if you want to make a good RPG maker game you will have to cover those, I see the menus, see if the font is changed, the distribution, the stats...

Next I see the portraits for the characters and compare the CG's to the characters portraits, a good game needs armony in those, different styles or even mixing styles can result in an overall bad quality.

After that I see the combat, the changes it has, scripts...

Then I see the writing and the overall story, if it's a bad one, average or a good one. The difference is that in the bad one, it just doesn't make sense, the average it just gives enough information to motivate the player to advance the story, the good one requires to be interesting and that people can enjoy it.

Obviously you have to see the art and the assets used in the game, there are many free resources for RPG maker games, even more some can be bought.

Finally you have to see if the game introduces something different to the usual, for example side activities like having a farm or doing various things.

Those are general lines that I follow before I can say a game is good or bad, as a summary those are:

-Care to detail
-Common art style for all aspects, or that there is armony between different styles
-Changes to the scripts, menus and overall changes over the basic ones given by RPG maker
-See that the writing follows logic and it isn't all over the place
-Existence of unique assets or use of the free resources that are for RPG maker
-Existence of other interesting or unique activities outside the main plot.
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Oct 27, 2018
4. Eric
People who played Big Brother knows him. He is a good example of a really bad trope: some guy shows up out of nowhere and every female close to the MC will take this guy's side in every issue. It is especially glaring when these females are family members who suddenly forgot all their family ties to the MC. This trope is another one that often breaks character consistency. Even characters that were introduced as being close to the MC will drastically change their behavior just so the game can have this badly forced problem for the MC to overcome. But the 1st point usually applies here, too, and in reality it is an NPC that overcomes the Eric of the game.
While I agree with everything else, I feel the need to drop a few comments on that point.

Of all the Erics in games, the original one is probably the most realistic case (tho I never understood why everybody hates the MC there and it have been years since I inflicted that mess of a game upon myself). In very rare cases there is a reason and Eric exists. Tho to be absolutely honest, if a game is not NTR-focused if you meet an Eric he will be called Eric and he will be there to be abused for fun (honestly considering how few of the games let the MC hit anyone, the amount of punches I've landed on Erics is crazy). The problem comes when a dev has no fucking idea how to an antagonist to the MC. Slick, manipulative people do exist, but most writing in adult games is just not on par with them. Not to mention the constant problem with many starting writers that tell you instead of showing you.

Most problems you write about are problems coming from people working without any form of plan. Very few games here seem to have had even the slightest hint of design document, story write-up or anything else. It's why even well-meaning devs often times re-write a bunch of the game mid-production.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Many users in this thread certainly didn't care much about the word anticlimactic. I put it in the title for a reason in case someone wondered. A certain type of protagonist is not anticlimactic e.g. as this element of a game is obvious from the start.
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Carpe Stultus

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2018
Drugging your family members because you want to grope or rape them while they sleep, risking their wellbeing because you want to grab their tits, bonus points if the family member is starting to be sexually interested in MC.

The sexually shy girlfriend turning into a slut when she's with other dudes, completely erasing every single bit of personality she had, as a cheap way of introducing NTR.

Confusing lesbians with bisexuals.

A 20+ y/o MC giving a twenty pages monologue about how much he likes a girl's cleavage and all the stuff he would like to do to it. Has he really never seen tits in his whole life?

Blackmailing family members, everything that involve doing something hurtful to them and then magically making them all "fall in love" with MC.
But, but, but SL and Bellas blackmail route. :(
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