VN - HTML - Completed - Tonight is the Night [v1si0n4ry]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    my rating (23/50) average game

    for quick review
    the story(2/10)
    rendering (8/10)
    sex scenes(6/10)
    total : (23/50)

    for details
    playtime: about 15 minute for route

    the story(2/10)
    don't expect much this game contain 4 different storiesone of them threesomes
    all you have to do just seduce the woman and fuck her then the game ends

    -quality of the story (1/5)
    -duration of the story(1/5)

    total (2/10)

    the animations(5/10)
    good animation not great but good enough for this type of games
    every girl have at least one animated scene

    -quality of animations (3/5)
    -amount of animations (2/5)

    total: (5/10)

    the rendering (8/10)
    one of the best render ever just like dreams of desire
    -quality of rendering (5/5)
    -amount of rendering (3/5)

    total: (8/10)

    sex scenes(6/10)
    hot sex scenes with animation make it better
    -quality of sex scenes (3/5)
    -amount of sex scenes (3/5)

    total (6/10)

    just sucks (make the wrong decision and there will be no sex)
    you have to just make the decisions that the devloper want or no sex
    -quality of decisions (0/5)
    -amount of decisions (2/5)

    total: (2/10)

    -this is a short (very very short game)
    -this game contain good animations
    -this game contain no story
    -this game is one of the best rendered games i have played
    -this game contain very very bad decision system

    my rating system
    (41-50/50) excellent
    (31-40/50) good
    (21-30/50) average
    (11-20/50) poor
    (0-10/50) terrible