Unity Spire of Slime - Demo out now! [Development Thread]


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Edit: The demo is now available to the public! Thread.

Welcome, in this thread I'll try to explain the game mechanics and main features of my upcoming game . I'll also explain the development state and what you can expect as a player.

Before starting I would like to make a few things clear:
  • We accept any kind of suggestions and ideas, I will read every single post here but the best way of participating in development is to head over to our .
  • I will keep this post updated with development progress, everything posted here will also be publicly available on our .
  • I will try my best to keep this spoiler-free, be careful while clicking content inside spoiler brackets, it might ruin your experience!
  • The game will be almost fully moddable, it's going to natively support for script patching and for assets/prefabs modding we will use , don't worry though, if you want to mod you won't have to purchase it, I will provide a unity package with the necessary assets and instructions for modding. Also, if you're a modder, please let us know if there is a feature that you would like us to support/add.

Characters (this is intentionally short as we want to keep things spoiler-free, the player will slowly learn about the characters as their memories start coming back)

The Protagonist - Cannon name: Ethel
A serious and focused rogue. Ethel's mind is in a constant war between self-awareness and pride, she is very protective of her younger sister and refuses to think poorly of her. For reasons she doesn't remember (yet), Ethel has impressive dexterity and as such is skilled on close combat.

Your sister - Cannon name: Nema
Curious is the best possible adjective to describe Nema, she desires to know and understand all - this often leads to unexpected situations and that is exactly what Nema wants. She doesn't remember why but she knows how to channel magic - the purest form of energy, although not in a perfect way and, combined with her clumsiness, can be quite troublesome.

Plot (once again, intentionally spoiler-free, the player will slowly discover the lore as the narrative progresses)


You open your eyes in what feels like the first time in forever. You are inside what appears to be some sort of metallic cylinder. You have no idea how you got here. Or where "here" even is. The only thing you know is that the person next to you, is your little sister. After you nudge her awake, she's just as clueless as you as to where you both are. After some rudimentary exploring; you set up camp as the daylight fades. Having barely had time to shut your eyes, you jolt awake as something rustles in the darkness. Whatever it is: It's approaching fast. You have but seconds to react...

Main Themes
  • Post-Apocalyptic: The main story will happen several generations after an apocalypse (no explanations yet due to spoilers!)
  • Corruption: For different reasons, each sibling might change the way they view things, this will be a fundamental mechanic of the game which will shape how you play, the events, endings, etc.
  • Role Playing: Your decisions and play style will affect what happens as the plot progresses.

Sexual Themes
  • Corruption
  • Tentacles (lots of them)
  • Interspecies (as if that wasn't clear enough)
  • Soft Vore (humans might temporarily get vored but no pain/death will occur as a result)
  • Humanoids
  • Bukkake
  • Male on female
  • Female on female
Sexual Themes the game will never have (please refrain from suggesting them)
  • Any fetish related to biological waste (pee, scat, etc)
  • Full Vore (meaning the swallowed creature dies in the process)
  • Gore
  • Ryona
  • Incest
  • Male on Male
  • Underaged/Loli

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay loop will consist of 4 main systems: the World Map, the Local Map, Combat and Visual Novel events.

  • World Map: If you have played Final Fantasy Tactics you'll see a lot of familiarity here, there will be several different locations on the map (represented by dots) and you'll navigate through them through paths (dotted lines).

    World Map WiP.png

  • Local Map: Unlike FFT, you won't immediately arrive at your destination when you click it on the World Map, instead the player will engage on the Local Map. It will be a proceduraly generated dungeon-crawling system with hexagons. Each hexagon may spawn specific events (such as combat). You will reach your world-map destination at the end of the dungeon.

    Local Map Wip.png

  • Combat: Here's where the action happens, it will be a mix of Darkest Dungeon and the final fantasy action bar system. The stress mechanic is replaced with the Lust stat - which will heavily interact with the Corruption the sibilings will be subjected to. Most of the sexual content will happen inside combat as part of a grapple mechanic. (The GIF bellow is an old WiP, most of what you see here as placeholders, I'll update it when I get to polishing the combat - which will happen before the demo is released).


  • Visual Novel: This is where most of the narrative/events will happen (no WiP yet as I haven't started coding it yet).


The plot will progress through events and quests, it will be somewhat linear with many branches depending on player choices. Unlike Darkest Dungeon, the player will get stronger by acquiring perks in a Skill tree ( each sibling will have their own perk tree), perks can give the character new activated abilities, triggered abilities and passive bonuses. We will have several "perk-paths" which you can decide on to best fit your playstyle: want to use the enemies's lustfullness? We have a tree for that. Want to use your sister as bait? We also have a tree for that. Want to protect her at all costs? Yep, we have a tree for that as well.

The team

Achieving a project of this size is definitely not something I could do by myself, so we have several team members working on different parts, each on their own specilization.

  • Houtamelo (me) : Project Management, programming, design and basically anything not included bellow.
  • Sr.Up : Writing/design, the one who layed the foundation of the plot/lore.
  • Kattlarv: Writing, one who will be writing a lot of what you're gonna read while playing.
  • ElizzyViolet ( , ): Writing, another one who also will be writing what you read.
  • Akaonimir ( ): Main artist, the one who draws a lot of what you're gonna see, especially during combat.
  • Zhero ( , ): Musician, the who creates most of what you will hear while playing.
  • Moisesf: Background artist, the one responsible for the gorgeous backgrounds you may notice while playing, also works on other miscellaneous art you may see.

Social Media
Roadmap / Pricing



That's about it, I hope you are as excited as we are about Spire of Slime!
If you're interested in the game, consider supporting us at our page, we would also love to hear your thoughts so let please tell us about them in the comments.

Special thanks to Ayzunote for providing invaluable help on the project.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2021
Oh look, finally a new game that is relevant to my interests that I might support! As for ideas it is a bit difficult without having a demo hands-on to see your execution, but once it's here I'll chime in for sure. I wish you the best of luck!
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Reactions: Houtamelo


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Tentacles and Female on female! Sold!
Seems you came to the right place, you won't be disappointed ;)

Looks promising, you seem serious about this project, so I'll follow it closely. Good job!
Thanks, it has been a long journey (I started development on november 2021) but we are finally getting really close to the demo.

Oh look, finally a new game that is relevant to my interests that I might support! As for ideas it is a bit difficult without having a demo hands-on to see your execution, but once it's here I'll chime in for sure. I wish you the best of luck!
Thank you! We don't have a release date on the demo yet but I can for sure say "Soon™".
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Reactions: TheDevian


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
So no hope for belly bulges/cumflation? (mostly tentacles..)
Bukakes are a thing so cumflation is indeed planned, however our priority is to make the base sprites first, after those are done we will look into extra stuff/variations.


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Updated the "Development State" section with our current status.

More info on our public post on SubscribeStar .
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Reactions: TheDevian


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Updated the "Development State" section with our current status.

More info on .

Next week I'll add a character section, briefly explaining a bit about the siblings (whilst trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible).
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Reactions: TheDevian


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Updated the "Development State" section with our current status.

More info on .

I decided to delay the character section for a bit as we are currently changing a lot design-wise.


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Updated Development State with our current progress, more info on .

Also posted the brief Character descriptions for the supporters, will release it to the public next week.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Question: Is the corruption in this game of the "natural corruption" variety (e.g. "girl has sex, decides she likes it, becomes a slut") or the "unnatural/induced corruption" variety (e.g. "girl is forced to wear a cursed necklace that makes her horny and gradually turns her into a succubus"). I ask because this site makes no difference between the two, and while you *could* identify the latter by using the Corruption and Mind Control tags together, many people just slap the Corruption tag on the game and assume you know what they're talking about.
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Reactions: Houtamelo


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Question: Is the corruption in this game of the "natural corruption" variety (e.g. "girl has sex, decides she likes it, becomes a slut") or the "unnatural/induced corruption" variety (e.g. "girl is forced to wear a cursed necklace that makes her horny and gradually turns her into a succubus"). I ask because this site makes no difference between the two, and while you *could* identify the latter by using the Corruption and Mind Control tags together, many people just slap the Corruption tag on the game and assume you know what they're talking about.
The corruption in the game will actually be a mix of both, getting in contact with the slime substance present in the world can affect the mind in many different ways (one of them acting as an aphrodisiac). However I can't say much about the "natural corruption" variety as it would include massive spoilers. All I can say is that both types will "work" together.


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Added character section, with a brief explanation about the protagonist and her sister.

Also made a pool on SubscribeStar asking how players feel about me sharing spoiler content, consider leaving a vote at: .
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Reactions: TheDevian


Game Developer
Jul 25, 2017
Weekly progress report: (public post)

OP development state section update delayed until next weekend.