Mod Ren'Py Seducing the Devil [v0.12b] Multi-Mod [Sancho1969]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


New Member
Aug 2, 2022
If you aren't installing into a clean copy then I can tell you the 99.9% reason the ChoiceGuide doesn't show up for folks... You have unarchived the scripts previous to the install which simply won't work. RenPy uses rpy/rpyc BEFORE accessing rpa. If you have rpy's or rpyc's inside the game directory then delete them, everything is archived in the included mod. If none of what I just typed makes any sense then simply install the mod into a fresh installation of the VN downloaded from this site and it will work 100%, I assure you. Please advise on if you get it sorted, I will assist in getting you going bud. Regards.
Although totally unrelated to THIS mod, this is fantastic information that'll fix at least half a dozen complications I've experienced with other JoiPlay installations (yours & a few others). Great information here. If you don't mind, send me a link to buy you a coffee. & maybe a bagel, donut, bear claw, or what?


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
Just running on MacOS. Dropped the files into the game folder and got that traceback. Also tried running through Renpy as a launcher and got the same traceback. Do I need to edit a .RPY file or something?
I don't have Mac, I have PC and Linux but try this method from another Mac user (Haywire7) who uses SanchoMod on a different VN (but the process is likely identical) and offered this bit of instruction to another who was having Mac issues in my University of Problems mod:
  • Right click the Seducing the Devil application
  • Click ”Show Package Contents”
  • Open Contents>Resources>autorun
  • Duplicate the original “game” folder in case of corruption and store it somewhere safely
  • Rename the mod folder to “game” in case it isn’t already named that.
  • Press the option key and drag the mod folder (renamed to game) into the autorun folder
  • When the pop up box comes up notifying you of a folder in autorun already named “game”, it should have the options “Cancel, Merge, and Replace”. Make sure to click ”Merge”
  • The mod show now be installed.
I know I have SanchoMod fans running on Mac but again, I don't have a Mac. It works on it or all those users would all be pinging me.


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
Wait...I was a bit distracted & glossed over your response when I replied earlier, but now that I have some time I need some clarity. When you say this game runs on RenPy 8 do you mean 8.2.1 or 8.1.3? & if you mean the 8.2.1 version is that only compatible with JoiPlay 1.20.500. I'll look for the post you referenced regarding this while awaiting your response

Edit: The 'about' section on the main menu of StD 12b cites v8.1.3.23091805 as the RenPy version used. Shouldn't the version I've been using (8.1.3_7.6.3_001-patreon) be sufficient? (I expect by now that I appear to be too heavily focused on a trivial matter, but full disclosure: I'm just really interested in learning coding & writing. & just in case it's not blatantly obvious by now, I'm a complete noob. So if you have any references or recommendations on where I can learn more, that would be awesome. Assume I know very, very little)
Don't miss the forest for the trees. This isn't about specific version of RenPy 8, it's about the combination of any version of late RenPy 7 and/or RenPy 8 along with SanchoMod. Android does not support emulation nor can it process Win APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), this has always been a Google problem, they refuse to address it. JoiPlay does NOT emulate Win so it cannot process APIs either (as stated on the main page of their website clearly):
So, the operating system (droid) is the root of the problem, not RenPy, not me. If SanchoMod was a simplistic mod with no features (green text choice is best choice type of bullshit) then all would be fine but I can't pull off the feature sets I offer without API assistance, especially in regards to GL2 which is mandatory. If you're game on rewriting GL2 to work on Android while "learning coding & writing" then please, be my guest. It will be no easy feat though with Google working against you.

That should give you some base info to look into if you desire. For the meantime (until I resolve the issue) SanchoMod and droid are not compatible, use a different OS. Regards.


New Member
Nov 12, 2018
I don't have Mac, I have PC and Linux but try this method from another Mac user (Haywire7) who uses SanchoMod on a different VN (but the process is likely identical) and offered this bit of instruction to another who was having Mac issues in my University of Problems mod:
  • Right click the Seducing the Devil application
  • Click ”Show Package Contents”
  • Open Contents>Resources>autorun
  • Duplicate the original “game” folder in case of corruption and store it somewhere safely
  • Rename the mod folder to “game” in case it isn’t already named that.
  • Press the option key and drag the mod folder (renamed to game) into the autorun folder
  • When the pop up box comes up notifying you of a folder in autorun already named “game”, it should have the options “Cancel, Merge, and Replace”. Make sure to click ”Merge”
  • The mod show now be installed.
I know I have SanchoMod fans running on Mac but again, I don't have a Mac. It works on it or all those users would all be pinging me.
That is how I normally install the mod. Worked fine on the previous version, but now it gives me that traceback that I attached. I am very limited in coding and what the error actually means as far as what problems the program is encountering. Thanks for the response and for all your hard work on updating this stuff. I know it must take a lot of time and I appreciate you spending the effort making things like this for the community. I'll check back and see if things have changed at the next update.


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
That is how I normally install the mod. Worked fine on the previous version, but now it gives me that traceback that I attached. I am very limited in coding and what the error actually means as far as what problems the program is encountering. Thanks for the response and for all your hard work on updating this stuff. I know it must take a lot of time and I appreciate you spending the effort making things like this for the community. I'll check back and see if things have changed at the next update.
For what it's worth I've seen folks having issues with this VN update's Mac in the VN's thread that are unmodded (just the VN itself)... so there might be an issue with the Mac build. Try there bud.


New Member
Aug 2, 2022
Don't miss the forest for the trees. This isn't about specific version of RenPy 8, it's about the combination of any version of late RenPy 7 and/or RenPy 8 along with SanchoMod. Android does not support emulation nor can it process Win APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), this has always been a Google problem, they refuse to address it. JoiPlay does NOT emulate Win so it cannot process APIs either (as stated on the main page of their website clearly):
View attachment 3636518
So, the operating system (droid) is the root of the problem, not RenPy, not me. If SanchoMod was a simplistic mod with no features (green text choice is best choice type of bullshit) then all would be fine but I can't pull off the feature sets I offer without API assistance, especially in regards to GL2 which is mandatory. If you're game on rewriting GL2 to work on Android while "learning coding & writing" then please, be my guest. It will be no easy feat though with Google working against you.

That should give you some base info to look into if you desire. For the meantime (until I resolve the issue) SanchoMod and droid are not compatible, use a different OS. Regards.
Great info, & I appreciate the lead(s) here. I'll follow them up ASAP. I am not surprised by the exclusive & black balling tendencies of current Android products & the path they've taken since Android 12. The steps they've taken to bar users out of their own APP & OB folders blinds me with fury. This is my f****** phone & my apps, & it's insane what little control I have over them anymore. Half the developer options don't work, & the OS doesn't even tell you that it isn't an option. I HATE iPhone w a loathing that's almost pleasurable. But Android has gotten incredibly worse. & to add injury to insult: they still try to sell you on the shittiness. "No, you can't move apps to the SD Card (who'd wanna do that? Why?) but YOU CAN add all the pics & vids you ever wanted to". My last phone was a Moto G Play, which you'd think is geared towards gaming. Right? Spider solitaire crashed all the time. Insane. "Here's the pretty coloring book you bought from us, full of rainbows & shiny baubles for you to be creative & make as beautiful & as unique as you are! But you can only use the dark brown, white, & grey crayons. Have fun, & we think you're an idiot".
(Wow, totally off topic. Apparently I needed to vent. Sorry. Feel free to delete)

But more importantly: forward me a link that will enable me to buy you a coffee & a bun. Not just for your help here, but I have employed your mod (successfully) on other games & was impressed. Happy gaming


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
forward me a link that will enable me to buy you a coffee & a bun.
I can't bud. That'd make me a massive hypocrite. See my profile's (very old now) "about" page as to the reasons. Your thanks, comradery, and good karma is more than sufficient. I'm simply sharing the toys I make for my personal use with the rest of those on the playground. I sincerely appreciate the offer though, I know you are being genuine. Regards.
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Jun 6, 2019
How do i make textbox transparent in gallery, it's annoying? and please add back button when playing gallery replay scenes to roll back.


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
How do i make textbox transparent in gallery, it's annoying? and please add back button when playing gallery replay scenes to roll back.
In SanchoGallery when playing a scene use the little vertical bar at the bottom-right of the screen (normally changes opacity of the MiniStat while in-game) to change the dialogue box opacity. This is identical in all versions of SanchoMod for all VN's.

See this thread's FAQ for details of this feature under "SanchoGallery" which is the 5th bulleted item in the FAQ list.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes