
The Bug Hunter
Feb 21, 2017
Surprisingly good! Well worth the hour I put into it.


Uploader Fossil
May 2, 2017
Uploading mirrors:

Last edited:


Aug 5, 2016
Is the male on male content avoidable?
Yes, but save anytime something seems remotely questionable. The game has some definite kink to it.

Also, you can turn M/M images off for when you do make a wrong choice.


For this update, is the new stuff just the content after the party? The RPG game and smoking? There are no choices in that, and nothing at all about the girl I just fucked and hit her boyfriend with a bat. How have I not called that woman the next day. We need to talk. :p
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
Hey folks, no new update yet, just responding to some of the comments.

Text next to the Patreon link says 0.21 still... but the link is to v0.2.2

-Oh yeah, I just screwed up there, forgot to change the text to say v0.2.2, but that is the correct version in the link.

Is the MM content avoidable?

-Well, it's avoidable if you choose the correct paths to avoid it. If you don't, then no. I've gotten a lot of negative feedback related to the MM stuff, which I completely understand... I've also gotten a lot of positive feedback from it as well. The people who hate it, HATE it... The people who love it, LOVE it... The real determining factor is the supporters, and they are almost exclusively fans of the MM content. So, it is what it is. Personally, I've played a ton of these types of games and, suffice it to say, there is a lot of content I don't care for in most of the games, but I just kind of skim or skip through what doesn't interest me.

For this update, is the new stuff just the content after the party? The RPG game and smoking? There are no choices in that, and nothing at all about the girl I just fucked and hit her boyfriend with a bat. How have I not called that woman the next day. We need to talk. :p

-Yup, that's the new stuff... There are a couple of choices for the RPG setup, but that portion of the game is on hold for now, as it would have taken several RL months to complete even the first leg of what I had planned for the RPG, and I (as well as the patreon supporters) thought the time would be better spent focusing on the main story, the characters and situations we already know being progressed instead of introducing a whole new world, new characters, etc. I will come back to that part eventually though... YES :) There will be much more Kate stuff, and if you like the "kryptonite" path, somehow I think you will like how things develop from there, but maybe not, we'll see.

I've been out of the country for about a week now, and it will be another week before I get back, and then the holidays are coming up so things will be a little tight. As I told everyone on Patreon, even with the constraints on time this month, I will try my best to ensure we have a new update by the end of the month regardless.


Dec 21, 2016
Thank you both for the replies. I'm plenty used to such a situation from games like CoC and TiTS. Nope, I didn't lose that battle and get raped, reload! I have the Dagger of Time in all games.

And I'm definitely not being critical, I just was trying to ascertain if it would be enjoyable to me.

Allowing people to turn off the M/M images as you have is certainly a great compromise. A number of good games (HHS+ comes to mind at the moment, since I'm playing it) allow disabling or image blocking for specific sexual preferences and fetishes, which is really nice!

Thanks again.
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New Member
Jun 25, 2017
v0.2.3 is out on TF games. Can't post links yet or I would.



Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
Hey folks, version 0.2.3 is now available.

This will be the only public build for about 6 months in order to reward all the patrons from last year who supported the project with no expectation of reward. The regular updates will commence again after that point.


Public build:
3.80 star(s) 9 Votes