4.50 star(s) 14 Votes


Jun 19, 2017
Are there cheats or ways to cheat?
In my experience, you don't really need the cheat, you'll be able to roll your way to win everytime in no time at all. Just take a note on what each girls like, and be sure to go snag as many extra skills as you can. The game does get harder as the girls level up with you though.

Also, this is one very great game, really love Jewel and Angelica's character designs and writing.
The other 4 girls are also good...
I haven't unlocked the other two though.

The mod version has vastly more items and actions, but also much more bugs.


Jun 1, 2017
Last time I played this game, it was all text... looks like it's come a long way. It's nice to see things on Patreon actually get developed.

You can add/remove perks and stuff via save editing as well. As near as I can tell most of the perks are just their name. For perks that are two words, there's no space.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
It's nice to see the Silver Bard here with this game. Don't worry about the length of the changelog. The game isn't rushed out every month to meet some self imposed goal, it has a much longer development cycle. It's usually several months between releases so a lot of time for changes. Silver Bard watches the mods to some extent and has grabbed some features for the main game. Both versions can be found in the forums over at Fenoxo.

Night Games can be a very effective time waster. You can go through several weeks of game time pretty quickly and there is no "right" way to complete the game. Near as I can tell, there is no endgame, everyone just continues to advance in levels and unlocks new skills. The only thing that I find somewhat disappointing is that the random events that occur during the day are very limited so you get to repeating blocks of text as you play through the game.

There are lots of ways to build your MC. You can pick from a great deal of talents and skills to develop so every play can be different.

The Silver Bard

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2017
I personally prefer a Cunning build with high Mojo and Arcane as an advanced attribute. It provides a lot of versatility and multiple ways to strip opponents.
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Jun 1, 2017
What does cunning even do?

edit: nevermind, the game tells you when you hover over it. Basically just gives you more options for positioning and traps.
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Oct 21, 2016
after unlocking samantha, she just appeared in once battle then she dessapear, did i miss something?

The Silver Bard

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2017
after unlocking samantha, she just appeared in once battle then she dessapear, did i miss something?
She'll be back. To keep the arena from getting crowded, there are only 4 NPCs in each match. When you unlock additional NPCs, it randomly picks some to sit out each night. Whichever girl you have the highest affection with is assumed to be your favorite and will be guaranteed a spot every night, but all the others have an equal chance of participating.


Oct 21, 2016
how can you increase affection with samantha? since i cant visit her, another question too, how do you unlock kat??
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The Silver Bard

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2017
Samantha and Eve don't have any daytime scenes, so there's currently no way to increase their affection. I'm planning to add some scenes for Eve in the near future, but I honestly have no idea what to do with Samantha. She was created by one of the guys who worked on the mod, but he didn't write any non-combat scenes for her. I can't really get a handle on her character or her motives for participating.

Kat's background is connected to the magic trainer, so you need to buy information about that before Aesop will tell you about her.

The Silver Bard

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2017
Happy New Year from Silver Bard Games

The following is part of a 2017 recap and 2018 preview post. For the sake of convenience, I'm just going to include the preview portion:

In 2018, we can predict a much higher budget than I’ve been used to working with. Half of that is earmarked for art, which we should be able to put out at a faster rate than usual. I am working on something on a side project, which I’ll talk about later, but I expect most of our art production is going to continue to be for Night Games.

I’m happy to report that the sprites for Reyka and Eve are complete and will be in the next update for the game. Before you get too excited, there’s still plenty of work to do before that update is finished. I asked AimlessArt to finish the sprites first because they were a Patreon goal, but I always plan multiple months worth of content for each update.

Meanwhile, I’ve already told people who have asked what the next gameplay change I’m adding is. Currently participants have matches all seven nights of the week. I figure that’s probably pretty exhausting, so I’m giving everyone Sunday nights off. On this night off, players will have the opportunity for longer, more involved events than they get in the daytime. I haven’t sorted out all the mechanical ramifications of this, but I’m working on it.

In proportion to the whole of Night Games, that’s a fairly minor addition. The big obvious thing the game still needs is an end. I’ve already laid some groundwork for the game’s neutral ending, which is going to focus on investigating and meeting the mysterious Benefactor who is funding everything. However, I figure that’s less interesting to most players than the character specific routes, so I don’t want to implement it first.

A long while back, I storyboarded the events of Mara’s routes and implemented her specialization skillset. I ended up shelving that when I added more work to improving usability, but she’s still probably going to be the route I finish first. I have Cassie’s and Angel’s routes mostly planned out along with their specializations, so one of them will probably be next. The biggest question mark is Jewel. I have some ideas for her, but nothing concrete yet. I may make endings for some of the unlockable opponents, but that’s not planned yet.

On the subject of Night Games, people occasionally ask me for the source code so they can extract scenes or develop mods. I decided to upload the source to Gitlab, since they’re apparently more tolerant of adult content than Github. I’m not storing any of the art in the repository, so you’ll still need to come to either the blog or Patreon to get new builds. I’m also not sure how frequently I’m going to push my local source to the repo. However, if you want to look at my code for whatever reason, you should be able to clone and build from .

However, Silver Bard Games is more than just Night Games. Before Night Games is done, we need to figure out what will replace it as our main project. To minimize downtime, I plan to start development of the next major game as a side project. As many of you may remember, I’ve put off finishing the 3rd girl for Seven Minutes in Heaven so long that it’s essentially a running gag. I will eventually finish that. I’d also like to add some more endings to Trounce Tickle Tease. However, those are both nice compact games without a lot of room for expansion. Neither of those is going to replace Night Games.

I’m currently working on a proof of concept for an RPG about monster girls, taking a lot of design inspiration from the Monster Hunter franchise. Thematically, it plays with the idea of a non-combat focused adventurer. In most fantasy video games, the vocabulary of the adventurer is all about fighting. However, high fantasy is full of intelligent magical humanoids who probably require more tact than simply hitting them with swords. This is a game about playing a specialist who finds creative solutions to conflicts involving monstergirls, often with seduction.

Mechanically, this will be a turn based RPG, but I want each enemy to be a unique puzzle with multiple solutions, similar to an Undertale pacifist run. Much like the Monster Hunter games research, preparation, and observation of each type of enemy will be critical. There will be no random battles, only quests, so you’ll have the opportunity (and expectation) to prepare for each encounter.

When I say I’m putting together a proof of concept, I’m not talking about a demo. I’ve never seen this type of combat does in a turn based RPG, so I actually do need to make sure it’s viable. If someone else has seen RPG combat done like this, please send me the game title so I can use it as reference. If this prototype is successful, it’ll have plenty of room for expansion and will be a worthy successor to Night Games when that is finished.

There’s probably more I could talk about for the upcoming year, but this post is already incredibly long. If you have any questions or comments, I’m always listening. If you’d like to support Silver Bard Games ongoing work, our Patreon is at . I’ll end this post with a friendly reminder that all $5+ supporters gain access to a premium version of Night Games containing more than a dozen bonus event CG.
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May 22, 2017
Why is the Java Runtime in the same folder? 70mb JRE and 14mb game. Game only download would be nice for future versions. Thanks
4.50 star(s) 14 Votes