VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Pleasure [v0.39 Elite] [Tasty Pics]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.. well crafted.. and has great buildup (esp with the "landlady")

    Love the characters.. their appearance .. their clothes.. quality of CGI.. and how everything takes the right amount of time to get to the sweet spot..

    dont miss it..
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    My Pleasure [v0.29 Elite] [Tasty Pics]

    • The initial chapters/days (until day 8 - finding that Villain is Cornell) Pretty realistic all the way; in all the sense; like the story and the dialogs story line and the responses, the game options all in all; pretty good
    • A nice story dominating the love than the sex (until day 8/knowing the Villain is Cornell); and knowing the lack sex will make it too dry, the author planed it with scenes like dreams / peep shows / extra contents etc,.
    • A nice story emphasizing incest & polyamorous. Incest approach with mom was very good, especially mom’s reluctance to give-up the morality was very well expressed.
    • Excellent quality of image renders. Pictures of characters are more realistic; more lively images and more expressive the feeling as the dialogues like expressing the females blushes and the reactions pretty well. The images are so finite to the extent that express the sweat on the body by the time they are close to orgasm.
    • Excellent quality of animations; Also, some detailed view of pussy & the ass hole being contacting as soon as the cock withdrawal subsequent to the sexual intercourse
    • Playability, performance and grammar are all just OK no issue

    • After day 8-chapter, little bit of dragging and more focus is given to the repeated sexual encounters with all the female characters
    • Lot of contents; not connected very well; this could be considered as advantages at the same time it leads to dragging unnecessarily
    Overall too good/interesting; looking forward for the next versions
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The visuals are very good. And that's kind of where the good stuff stops.
    The dialog feels like it was written by someone who doesn't actually speak to people for the first half of the story.
    You are forced into a lot of sexual encounters with characters, even if you have done everything to stay off of their route.
    Personally, the only LI that I had any interest in was Lori. Barbara was up to a point, but completely lost all interest in her after
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  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Derek Lamperouge

    [Version 0.28, My Pleasure]
    I only played until when Cornell hurts Haley and she confesses that she knew he caused Lori's father's death.
    I will wait for Julia and Haley's meeting to continue

    This game is very good, the art is very well done, although it is too light, but I just adjusted the colors on my monitor.

    I'll start with some negative points, that I hope the DEV will see, and take into point for the next att.
    I know that the dev is not making this game for me, so if you just ignore it, ok, the game is still good.

    It's about Haley.
    She is indeed very beautiful and hot, but her personality is no good.
    The betrayal he did with Cornell, I could eventually forgive. But that would be a bastardization of the other girls.
    In the end she only breaks up with him because he can't handle her. and not because he is a thug and a traitor.

    But the traitor part would be understandable.

    Another strange thing is, I know that a couple has sex. But the introduction scene of Julia and Cornell I think could have been avoided (not only knocking on the door, I would rather be late than hear or see).

    Later on, Julia says that it has only been a year since the two of them actually took things seriously, but then why on earth would she feel jealous of him and care about him, if he would just go to the bar and not pay attention to her anymore.
    This would even be a justification for him cheating on her, if they were still a farce, which in fact they were not.

    But regardless of my disgust, the game is very good.
    The art is beautiful, the atmosphere is also admirable.

    My ranking of who I like the most is.
    1. Lori, 2. Babs, 3. Cassandra; 4. Daphne 5. Julia and 6. Haley.

    Please DEV, correct Haley so we at least have a love route. SHE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL TO SIMPLY BE A SLUT
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    It is a nice setting with usual types which i really like and decent art but even in rabbit mode, this game requires immense iron will to continue. It is that boring. Nothing happens like foreverand whatever happens is always dark and you dont see anything. I never understand why it has to be dark when the scenes are at night. Dude, this is fiction make some light because i can't see anything. Anyway, stay away unless desperate.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The storytelling is kind of all over the place but the images are some of the best around bar none. The characters have some depth which helps the story along. The MC is a little bit weak in his backstory, which doesn't help the reader understand why all these women would want to be with him but what can I say, this isn't Shakespeare.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best games I've played. Great story progression. Animations and the models are top quality. Can't wait to see more content and support from the community on this project. Happy to see games like these being able to bloom and flourish before are very eyes.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Girls' models are very good.

    Sound exists but is not really related to scenes; it seems more of a randomly generated music list than anything else, and at some scenes, it just disappears.

    Plot... there is none other than: random dude goes to his aunt family for a week, and everyone he meets in this new place falls for his (unexisting) charms, and he goes for everyone of those girls.

    I'd say it's an average 3stars game but there are also "extra scenes" inside the game, which cuts the rythm/pacing of the story and I do not like those. So it could be a 2 stars game for me but the really good looking girls compensate and it remains a 3stars game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    My Pleasure starts out pretty ok for your typical family themed VN (applying the patch is recommended). The MC has to stay for several days at his aunt's house where the MC also meets his cousin, the scumbag current partner of the aunt, plus several friends of the family. The usual things happen, nothing that will surprise anyone. And of course the aunt's boyfriend is a complete scumbag and the first half or so of the VN is about two things: getting closer to the aunt, cousin and various other characters and exposing how much of a scumbag the partner of the aunt is.

    But then the VN dramatically shifts direction when the MC returns back to his mother's house. While the aunt, cousin and a few side characters follow the MC to this new setting the focus is now put on the mother. The plot about the scumbag friend of the aunt is mostly left behind and instead the MC will interact with the various love interests. Eventually the mother can no longer contain her feelings (that she has for no apparent reason, just like the MC) and you can guess the rest.
    And a weird and completely unneeded sideplot about quasi supernatural dreams that the MC, the mother and a side character share is introduced. This plot serves no purpose at all and is entirely skipworthy. It's a waste of resources.

    There are also various non canonical holiday events in the VN, you can skip them entirely or play them if you like. They offer the usual but none of the scenes actually happen. Maybe the effort should have been spent on furthering the actual plot instead of non canonical special events? The holiday scenes are nice though, so that's at least that.

    The renders are ok or even good, they are a bit overexposed, especially early in the game. There is music and background sound effects. The music is pretty good and the sound effects (ambient noise) are fine. Animations are merely "ok", they are fluid but not very long, the chosen camera angles are also not always that great, but the scenes do their job.

    All in all My Pleasure could have been a really good experience but it falls prey to various grave mistakes so many other VNs also have.

    Early in the game you do get choices for various characters, you can even reject a few. But once the MC moves back in his mother's house much of that is abandoned.

    There are a few unskippable romances. the mother cannot be avoided at all. At one point the MC can tell his aunt that he genuinely loves her and wants her as his only partner and she tells him she feels and wants the same. But the game doesn't acknowledge that and railroads you into various scenes you simply cannot skip or avoid making that scene pretty silly, but it is apparently a prerequisite for the (potential) aunt solo ending.

    At least you can eventually ditch the neighbor who lusts after the MC and avoid future scenes with her altogether. But if you didn't ditch one side character very early on (ditching her will punish you with not getting enough points early on for the aunt... unless you cheat) she becomes yet another unskippable mandatory LI you have no way of ditching. Even if you may really want to get rid of her, especially since the aunt is not too happy about the MC interacting with her friend behind her back (but she is of course ok with sharing while she's present, this is your standard trademarked VN character after all).

    A solo path does not exist, neither for the mother nor the aunt or anyone else. Maybe eventually the game will let you decide whom to choose, but that will probably only be close to the end.

    Another shortcoming is that there are a few unavoidable scenes with anal sex. Later on you usually DO get a choice, but several times before that you will have no input and the MC does what the script tells him to do. So many characters in the VN are anal sex fanatics for whatever reason, even the trademarked virgin character wants to have anal sex or fantasizes about it after her first time. I really wonder why devs make certain kinks mandatory and unavoidable and actually believe everyone wants anal sex. Yes, it does require more render time for animations when you offer options, but railroading the player into scenes is simply unforgivable.

    So My Pleasure is your run of the mill family themed VN with unavoidable love interests and a few unskippable scenes with kinks you may not like.
    And the drastic change in direction and tone at the halfway point is also very noticable.
    Apparently things had become much too complex with too many branching paths that the devs decided to make things a lot easier and thus got rid of the love/lust points system entirely that was used earlier in the game and henceforth the game becomes a lot more linear with much fewer choices.

    But the character models are pretty, even if the mother is yet another big breasted female (however the sliders were only pushed to 10, not 11, at least and hips etc are normal sized), but the aunt, the cousin and various others look realistic and also very pretty.

    So My Pleasure is something you can have fun with, but expect nothing spectacular. The lack of an actual solo path is lamentable, forced love interests are also disappointing and forced kinks are almost unforgivable, but there are only few scenes like that and later there is choice.

    It's also a bit disappointing that later in the game the VN devolves into jumping from sex scene to sex scene with various LIs, the usual pitfall of VNs that have various (unskippable) LIs.
    And while the mother is "ok" as a character it's still not the best decision by the devs to make her such a huge unskippable focus, especially after establishing a connection with (most likely) the aunt in the first half, to the point even that the MC can tell the aunt he wants to marry her and maybe have kids with her and that she's his only one. But then the MC still goes on and merrily sexes everyone who won't be on top of a tree at the count of three five minutes later. Without player input of course.

    If you can live with that My Pleasure is ok. It's pretty. It has good music. Updates are very frequent, the VN has a good chance of getting finished which is always something that is noteworthy and something the devs deserve high praise for, and the last update finally evolves the mother/son relationship to the last stage - so the very long tease is finally resolved.

    Like so many other VNs My Pleasure could have been much better overall. I would have completely removed the mother from the equation and would have kept the story focused on the aunt, the cousin, a few of the side characters and the story about the scumbag boyfriend of the aunt. Nothing else was really needed. But devs apparently need to get projects going instead of finishing them - and thus more and more is added to the equation to the point that My Pleasure 0.26 is very, very different from what it used to be in the first half of the game.

    But still, you can have some fun with it. Just don't be surprised if later in the game you will feel that various things are entirely skipworthy.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    TM | Twisted Games

    I am reviewing My Pleasure as of v0.25 and I am sorry to say that the quality of this game seems to be in something of a nosedive.

    I will start with the good though:

    Renders - As one can see in the preview pictures, this game looks pretty great. Animations in it are no good, but there aren't enough to detract from the overall beauty of the game.

    The women are attractive, and for the most part have different looks...and, at least in the beginning, different personalities.

    The game is quite solid in it's opening phases...basically everything at the 'aunt's' house is quite solid. The writing isn't incredible, but it's solid, and the relationships are paced well.

    Then the MC returns to his mother's house and I don't know if the story got a new author, or the current one lost interest, but the bottom just falls completely out of it with an insanely long period of dancing around things with the mother, and a court case which is as deeply boring as it sounds.

    Even worse, previous choices made in character actions are being retroactively undone.


    Earlyish in the game you can have your aunt's friend Daphne be your sub, and establish an mdom relationship with her. Ok...all well and good.

    Later in the game, at your mother's house, Daphne shows up, and instead of resuming his role the MC goes on some song and dance about how their relationship needs to be romantic, and he's a gentleman and will take her on a date...blah blah blah. And you have no choice to prevent this undoing of your previous choices.

    *end spoilers*

    Beyond these schizophrenic character choices, the overall writing is less legible as well. Maybe an editor is the missing ingredient here to get things back on track.

    I'm not completely out on My Pleasure yet...there are still some building blocks of a good VN here, and if the issue with the mom wraps up, and they go back to interactions that build on previous actions instead of ignoring them, there are still some decent characters to work with.

    I wish the dev all the best with their future development.

    I'll be checking back and hoping for the best.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    My Pleasure is that kind of game which starts relatively strong but becomes more and more shallow along the way. And potentially has one of the worst, if not the worst incest relationship in incest games. How you can screw up mom/son relationship this badly i have no idea.

    At the beginning My Pleasure was a somewhat pleasurable game. We have dialog choices which gave us points with different girls. Each girl have two different points which ultimately determines our relations with them. This part of building our relationships with them i think was rather good. But then we hit the point where all our relationship were well established, so basically all those dialog options giving us points just disappeared completely from the game. At this point game becomes more and more shallow. The only choices we have after this is whether we want to play with someone's pussy or ass. Nothing more. We play as some boy who is going to stay in her aunt house for 10 days because reasons. There we engage in our aunt and her daughter (our cousin) lives. The writing is rather better then worse, the actual relationships with them seem fairly believable and progress we make feels natural. All other characters are also fairly interesting. There is also an actual not bad, quite serious plot going on. Our relationship with our aunty is one of the best MILF/incest romances i have ever saw. But then, after those 10 days we're going back to our home. And there is the mom. And this is where shit hits the fan. I dont know but i think she was supposed to be like icing on the cake or something? Mind you, at this point we already have very established relationships with 5 other girls. That not bad plot i mentioned earlier? Put on hold. Now we are engaging in boring and slow relationship with her which gets more and more cringey down the road. Like seriously, how badly you can screw this up? I'm huge mom/son fan but what happens in this game just infuriates me. It's just so bad. It's so badly written. All dialogues with her are just bleh. Who wrote this? You have this great romance with aunt but mom is just huge letdown. This game would be better without this mom character. Just let me stay with my beloved aunt and her daughter. I don't need this mom person. She makes me sad and angry at the same time. Why i can't dump her? Why i have to endure this endless pain?

    Renders are nice i guess. Nothing too crazy. Animations are very basic but they do the trick i suppose. Girls models are a mixed bag. Some looks better than others. Some have more detail than others. But sometimes skin looks very plastic, very unrealistic. And the biggest mixed bad is ironically our mom. She seems to have the most detail body but her face is easily the worst. Sex scene for the most part i would say are sufficient. They provide a bit of fun. Dialogues during the act are also not bad. There is not a huge number of those scenes but they have some variety and overall there are nice. Music is nice, thats always a good thing in this porn genre. Always appreciate devs who can put something into their game.

    Just scrap the mom character completely, it ruins the game. It was a very nice game until mom appeared. Now it's just a huge and mindless slog and zero pleasure. Aunt Julia and other girls were giving me My Pleasure but then mom entered the room and just killed the mood. I spend around 20 hours with versions 0.23, 0.24.5 and 0.25a and while i was definitely enjoying this game in the first few hours the more i played the more i was disappointed.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    yeah that's it im dropping this sht. it was good but now it's turning into harem with no plot and there's a out of nowhere a scene with barbara. i dint pursue that btch because i don't like her. this game is going downhill
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    My Pleasure:
    Beautiful renders, good story, plenty of lewd stuff. Tastypics' stories are always highly recommended. and worth a follow.

    If you also enjoyed this, please support the author on Patreon or elsewhere.
    Likes: Loys
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    awsome game. mom is wonderful, classy and hot !!! also the other women are very beautiful. story very good. developer is fast, updates every month. I wish it was more animations, but that's enough good for now
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I haven't played the game in over a year
    And after returning to her
    The story started pretty and got much worse
    or it just disappeared
    Good quality renders and models
    Some questions I have that I can't find answers to
    No advances with the mother
    no secrets revealed yet
    Who touched the mother at the beach???
    And what about Daphne is Dom now
    The game makes you sub Like it or not
    you have no choice but to obey and call her MIstress???
    lesbo turns into straight with mc
    And what about fake choices
    I hate the games withe fake choices
    Things are not encouraging at all for
    The mc
    What a mess And the worst is yet to come
    Dev will not give mother to mc
    to keep the game alive and milk it
    At least add new characters
    or focus with the story
    And don't force us to do something
    we don't want Give us choices
    2 star is more enough on her
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Where to start with this mess. The story? Pretty much nonexistent because out of nowhere some improbable scene happens to change the story and the MC is fine with it. Don't want to be a sub to some idiot in an open lesbo relationship? Too bad because down the road she will show up and start it up with the Mc and he just goes "oh ok mistress, my dick is pathetic and I deserve to be shit on".

    The whole slow burn between the MC and Cassandra gets so ridiculous too. One minute she is taking the stalker girl to the shower and feeling her up, the next she is talking openly about incest with the MC. Next she is letting the Mc jack off while she does yoga but still isn't sure, but still says "one of these days she will go all the way". I guess the whole Daphne thing will be some hidden trigger for her to join the league of oyster lickers before she declares her undying love for the MC.

    The art isn't bad though but honestly the story is so bad I had to drop this.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has the best, fantastic and well written milf romance story I ever see on f95. Julia is just lovely and I love her. And it seems it is not a harem game (I hope).
    That is enough for me to give it a five star rating.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    My Pleasure is definitely a good game, no doubt about it. Story is pretty solid and decently written, which manages to keep interest. Choices are impactful, even if some early choices are way too impactful in ways you don't have a way to see making some plot lines evolve in the opposite way I'd like because I didn't know that choice would send me down that path as it is very loosely related to that. So it may be worth playing with some mod to know what consequences have, especially during early stages of the game.

    Renders are very good and so are character models. Animations are frequent but, though they have a decent level, it's not as high as in other games or the renders when they're still. And, as far as I've played, haven't found any bug.

    So, no doubt, a game worth playing and could reach an even higher rate if the game continues improving as it has.

    Edit: as the game has been advancing I'm losing interest in the story and plot development quickly and in latest patches it seems to have lost all focus. I'll still play one or more updates beyond 0.30 but it's not looking as well as it did when I first wrote the review.
    Likes: lTTMl
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Been watching this for a long time, gotta say I keep coming back, and playing from the beginning every time. Excellent!

    Hot MILFs everywhere, that are ACTUAL LIs, its rare that you dont get pushed into the younger LI path and the MILFs become side pieces.

    Story is good, engaging and not boring, people talk like people, the english is good, and you do not feel your brain frying reading the conversations.

    Nice build up, its a sex game so that happens..a LOT, but there is a nice build and relationship development. So much so I have saves were I pursue all the girls, and saves just for individual Julia and Cassie.

    Only beef, lots of point trackers that block you out of some scenes, where the path to get those points are not very obvious and confusing. Even following the walkthrough, there are times I had to go back to a previous save to find out where I missed a point...redo, redo..find it and proceed. A better tracking system, and relationship sheet would be nice.

    Great game, lots of replayability, awesome graphics, engaging characters.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    So, i played it some time... to day 8, than i stopped cause i was very annoyed.

    First the Good things... or better say, Thing.

    The Renders are very nice, and its kind of a unique look too, never saw the models in other games or so... and the houses and the environment is something "fresh" too, cant rember that i saw the rooms or so in other games... so not so much recycling on this side.

    Yeah thats the good part...

    Now the bad.

    The writing is not that good. In many ways. The dialogues are a bit off, cant think of any humans out there talking like this to each other, or react like that to the things they say. There are no excpetions, all of them are acting very strange, the MC, Julia, Lori, Barbara, Cornell, Daphne... it feels completly off and is not believable in any way, not even for a porn game. The grammar is a bit off too by the way, but i dont judge here, cause there is much worse out there and english isnt my native speech either.

    Than the Animations... they are... bad? Unneccesary? Something liek that, in this bad quality i would prefer no antimations at all. Saw worse, for sure, but they are far away to be good or a plus to the game...

    Now the worst thing, Choices... to be frank, there are none which matters, the game is just ignoring everything you do when it comes to sex with the girls, you dont want daphne? No Chance, you will fuck her, if you want or not. You love Julia, yeah the game will force you to let daphne suck your cock right besides sleeping Julia, and the MC likes it a lot, if you want or not...

    To make it short, you have no fucking influence on the realtionships... yeah there are lust and love points, but what for? Why is the game ignoring the fact that i decided to not chase anything with daphne in the first place and showed her the cold shoulder? In the very next scene with her it was as i had done everythign with her... but i didnt even talk that much to her... i really really hate game that does that, why give us the illusion of a choice, if the DEVs dont want us to choose and force the outcome anyway on us?

    Ant this point i stopped the game... dont see any point in going on, cause it doesnt matter what i will do.