VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Pleasure [v0.39 Elite] [Tasty Pics]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    My Pleasure is a mish-mash of the good and the bad, and while the good is currently winning, it’s a tough ongoing battle that could tip poorly at any moment. The game gets off to a good start, but while well-intentioned, the poorly staged animations and meandering story that, in the last few updates, has almost completely disappeared and been replaced with some weird fantasy angle, have taken a toll to the point where the dreaded skip button is being applied more and more.

    There are a lot of points to go through, and so to avoid an overlong essay I’ll go with The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly approach.

    The Good:

    1. The renders. A strong use of shadow and light filters (that probably drastically increase the rendering time, so kudos for the extra effort!) are used frequently and to great effect. Adult and non-adult content are staged well. The characters also frequently blink which is a nice feature I don’t see often enough in games that aren’t in the Top 10.

    2. Spelling and grammar are quite good. There are errors here and there but they’re infrequent, and the dialogue is short enough that the game rarely feels laborious while being long enough to flesh out the story (and offer motivations for the adult scenes. This isn’t just porn after all!)

    3. There’s a significant amount of adult content. While there’s a focus on quantity over quality, there are still some good scenes that “work” quite well.

    4. The music. There’s not a lot of it, but it’s there, and that alone is a good first step. The opening instrumental that plays over the Menu is pretty catchy.

    The Bad:

    1. The adult animations are pretty bad. They’re smooth enough, but the author hasn’t quite figured out how to make the models move believably, so to account for this the camera is usually staring straight at the genitalia in a way that it’s the only thing you see. More than enough for a 16yr old boy to use, but once you pass 25 this isn’t going to cut it. I rather enjoy seeing authors improve their animation work as the game progresses and they learn more about the craft, but sadly this has not happened with My Pleasure. There are so many animations and probably over a hundred scenes at this point, but they’re just not showing me what I’m interested in seeing.

    If I were to offer some advice, I’d recommend a lot more renders in-between the animations, or even throw out the animations altogether. Great renders and good writing, which the author excels at, are more than enough to carry the adult content. Unfortunately, the current cycle is undress, insert, genitalia at regular speed, genitalia and double speed, one or two renders, different position staring at the genitalia at regular speed, then double speed, then finish. It would be far more satisfying if the animations were replaced with a couple dozen renders and a more free-flowing as opposed to formulaic layout. The renders done in-between the animations have, for the most part, been far more alluring than the animations.

    2. The story. It’s not terrible, but the pacing is kind of a mess especially in the most recent updates where it doesn’t seem to exist anymore. I feel like the game should have ended about 5 updates ago, but the game has shifted from dealing with familial drama to some weird “we’re sharing the same dreams” shtick that feels out of place. The current updates have been focused on the MC getting into different threesomes with different love interests in myriad different ways, which isn’t a bad thing, but the current state of the story feels like it exists just to give an excuse for why the game hasn’t ended yet. It’d probably be better to make, as some other popular titles have, a “non-canon” gallery as a kind of DLC for the game and just stop the story now that its run out of steam.

    The Ugly:

    1. Honestly, I can’t think of anything. The game has its flaws, but none of them are game-breaking or ruin the experience. The experience could use some significant improvement, but it’s still in my bookmarks list that I check every week or two for updates.

    If the author manages to improve the adult scenes and wrap up the story (sooner rather than later), I’d probably check out his future projects assuming he makes another one. At this point, I’m kind of phoning it in on this game. Not outright skipping story dialogue but I am skimming it, and going through 6 or 7 different adult scenes and not getting anywhere close to “wrapping up” is a sign that either 20 times a day is too much (hehe) or these scenes need more attention. One really good scene is worth ten shoddy ones, and I think we can all think of some titles that have done the former quite memorably. With a little luck, My Pleasure will alter course and end the game with some seriously memorable, well staged content that blows everything that came before away. Lock the doors, update the GPU, and put two full months into just one scene. Really knock our socks off! If you can do that, it’ll make all the flaws seem trivial in comparison
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    BaB Feeling

    Good game, nice renders, nice story nice behavor from the characters, a good MC that isn't stupid, the game doesn t feel stupid, the women are hot

    not giving 5 stars because i hate the LIGHT that the dev puts sometimes in the scenes and images, and i think the sex scenes could be better, when fucking you always see only the dick and the cunt, maybe another point of view in sex scenes would make it more enjoyable. (i played until day 5) if that changes i will edit
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Good renders but terrible animations to the point they just don't do anything at all for me. It's a shame to give this game such a low rating but it's a porn game with very lazy animations. I'd prefer a bunch more still-framed renders over these pathetic sex animations.

    The story is just going absolutely nowhere on top of that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played, MILF lovers must try it
    The plot is not bad, the most important thing is that the picture is invincible!
    Musically, it's pretty good, but it can still be improved in this area
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: As all my short reviews go, I rate games mainly on its fappability, but may comment on additional aspects of the game if I feel like it. The quality of the MAIN STORY itself is something I usually disregard unless it plays a big part in enjoying the interaction between characters.
    I have not fully played through the .34a Elite update yet and there was a review about the decline in the quality of the sex scenes so I'll update this if it's that bad.

    So far it's A+ fappability with milfs, 3somes, light maledom, and teens with fine animations and dirty talk prior/during the scene itself. If I were to critique anything it would be the lack of angle options during the scenes.

    As for the story I kind of lost interest at some point and started to skip through a lot of it, but the dialogue/flirtation between the characters are pretty good. I would give the entire story a shot with a new playthrough for full immersion when this game finishes (please don't be abandoned).
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Kind of sad, started with a lot of potential, relatively default but good story, great looking characters and very good lewed scens,
    Unfortunately, the scens get poorer and poorer and very fast beome only pictures... Hopefully its work in progress since if not it would be a total waste.
    Also this game is NOT a HAREM game (yet it has Herem tag), so you must pick one girl to focus on per playthrough... The progress with the main two grils is so slow that a 100 gb game will be needed to actualy feature some content with them.
    Theres still a lot of potential but needs a lot of work.
    Likes: hisfs
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Kind of a "Meh" game in my opinion. It started out strong and slowly deteriorated over time.

    The visuals are nice and all but it seems like the dev completely forgot that he was making a choice driven game at some point.
    There are some variables here and there but you ultimately don't really have agency of the over the way the """story""" takes.

    Characters evolved backwards, as in they were interesting at the start and now they're not.

    Still it's not all bad and all, the sex scenes are nice.

    I hate to be this pessimistic but I feel like if the dev doesn't course correct his game as soon as possible, the ratings will tank even more month after month (mind you it was comfortably sitting at around 4,5/5 stars during the first releases)...

    Tldr : Good for a quick fap but not much more.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's A alright Game mostly a Visual Novel With choices that don't really matter in the long run besides asking if you want to sleep with this character or not. And the female domination tag should just be removed there is really no content and then halfway through the dev seem to go standard "This character can't be happy and be Dominate they can only be happy if there submissive" With Daphne but still has Dom or Sub Choices in the beginning. With the Very light bdsm scene's as few as there are the dev just seem uncomfortable making them and just ignores them right after. With the Love and Lust route I didn't really notice any difference between the two besides dialogue changes it has very weird out of place dream sequences and for some reason when it shows perspective from another character the quick bar is hidden. The positives are Great Images and Animation Lots of vanilla sex Two foot scenes a lot of optional Anal and eating ass Some threesome content with seemingly more in the future and probably Light Male Dom Dialogue (Basically just Dirty Talk) I wouldn't expect any More bdsm content Male or Fem Dom But does make little extra content but those have had no bdsm content either so if your were playing the game for that sorry.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders: 3.5 - 4.0 out of 5
    The thing I don't like about the renders are on the characters itself. I've seen games with facial structures, but these models look like the plain/boring Instagram girl with different filters over their faces. The Mom which is 40 something(?) doesn't look like her age.
    That's the whole reason why I can't rate it higher than 4/5.
    Render quality is still superior compared to 80% of all the other games.

    Women models: 5 out of 5. The neighbor (forgot her name) and the Barbara are not to my liking. If they would be alive and walk passed me I wouldn't turn around. I don't find them attractive. This is objective so I don't want to put down the score because of that.
    The other girl (forgot her name) is a generic school girl and normal, plain looking (also objective)
    Yoga bitch is hot. In her 20's(?), good looking with a great body( well.. What would be a porn game without anyone having big tits and asses?)
    The Aunt Julia looks hot. There's nothing more to add.
    The Mami is hot as well. She got big tits and a thick ass. The complete milf package. Combine that with my Mom kink and that's easily my favorite character out of the bunch.
    Usually all combined would be a 2.5/5 rating but I can give +points to the variety.
    Different strokes for different folks. So the highest score is acceptable.

    Character depth: 1 out of 5. I try to keep it short. They all start with different personal traits but end up all together as nymphomaniacs. I liked the first impressions but they are all gullible and simple minded. Easy to corrupt without any own will.

    Story: I really want to give a 1 but that would be too harsh. I give it a 2 out of 5.
    The plot from the beginning caught my interest. I wanted to find out about the criminal aspect of the story but it felt more meaningless after each update. It just watered down and probably was just implemented to have a plot at all. The story evolved into a fuck fest. Its just industry porn with dialog about feelings. Basically if a cheesy romantic movie fucks with a hardcore "I'm stuck step bro" porn. 9 months later you get this game.

    Sex scenes: 4 out of 5. Variety when it comes to positions, settings, places etc. I'm not a fan of the harem-rat King fuck scenes which are more like playing twister. Naked twister. But I'm cool with it. A lot of people like that.

    Animations:1 out of 5. I simply can't give a higher score. The animations are mostly focused on a dick penetrating an asshole or pussy from close view. There's simply no anesthetics to it. It's not erotic. It's again, just like a camera man in a hardcore porn filming from close range with the danger of being jizzed on his face.

    Overall : Idk how I can give this game a 3 out of 5 but maybe because the game had potential. Also, it's still better than the majority of other games, which tells a lot about the porn VN niche we are in. But like I said, the game has it peaks but the downfall is bigger.

    Last words: put on sunglasses while playing otherwise you run in danger to get blinded. The game is bright af for no reason. Thanks for the 2 people reading that.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    the banner and the screenshots don't do the game justice. THIS is a porn game. plentiful scenes that come fast and hard. the story is honestly forgettable, i found myself skipping through a lot of it after a while, but the art carries so hard i don't even care. if you're looking purely for scenes this one is for you.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game started out awesome. It had everything I liked. Great renders, an interesting storyline, and good paced development.

    At some point, it seemed to have lost its mojo and turned into a gratuitous sex scene after sex scene type of game. I wouldn't mind quite so much if the scenes themselves were more varied. The same old threesome moves get tiresome. At least have some good woman-on-woman action during them. It's bloody boring now when it's simply rinse and repeat. The one on one sex scenes are boring now too.

    I mean seriously, change it up. How about some serious lesbian action? How about some strap-on fun during a threesome between the ladies? Some more 69s perhaps. Maybe some bondage, spanking, a little of what seemed promised but hasn't been delivered. Some creampie eating?

    Anyway, my complaints aside, I still give the game 3 stars because it's worth playing. I would've given it 4 or 4.5 before it got a bit muddied with his juggling of sex scenes.

    Hopefully, it gets back on track.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 301317

    I am kinda surprised about the low ratings, I am not trying to say this is a perfect game but it kinda satisfies me for what it is, a porn game!

    So the only thing holding back is the story.I mean the story is not bad as there is no logical blunders except maybe all females are smitten by mc but hey it is to be expected from a porn game.But this game could have been more perfect if they worked hard on the story.

    And all the renders are beautiful except barbara. i dont like her maybe due to the hairstyle.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    one of those games where everyone sees the mc and immediately wants to jump his bones. but i won't hold that against it.

    aside from that: the plot starts fine -> shifts to overly long backstory dumps and attempts at intrigue -> degrades to barely connected sex scenes where the path you had previously been on barely matters

    renders are above average, so put that in the positive column
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game over. Super hot models, and it scratches that inc itch if you're really into that. The story is decent, but it's mostly about building up relationships with the love interests.

    The game gets updated much more frequently than any other game of this quality, so that really benefits the players.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    So having the benefit of playing from the beginning to v0.32 its noticeable that the plans for LIs changed at some point, and I'm not saying its entirely a bad thing, if you want to fuck everyone all the time, then this is the game for you.

    At the end of the current version i felt overwhelmed with just sex scene after sex scene to the point i lost interest in it. I wish there was more focus on the storyline,

    There is so much potential here I'm really enjoying the story when it happens.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I edited my rating as this has become something of a disappointment. The story has devolved into just a simple fuckfest. It also didn't matter if there were girls you were avoiding, you ended up with them anyway.

    I like the story line fine and the models look pretty good, especially Lori and Julia for me. I put a lot of emphasis on writing and stories and so far it's been entertaining.

    I'm not a big fan of Daphne or Haley but that's me personally. Something feel off about both, I don't think either can be trusted, have to see. This is one that I watch for updates.

    I also like playing through better with scrappy mod than without otherwise I found sometimes I'll miss scenes I like.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    People like it or not i like this AVN ... I know i know ... This game has many noticeable flows to such as ... Choice doesn't matter that much ... I mean thier only few choice... That can bring change in story
    As i am "Harem genre" fan... And this game is worth with giving me enjoyment of Harem
    No doute in it
    Sex scenes are also amazing in here
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent incest game.
    Some nitpicks here and there and not in the top tier of DAZ games but a must play for anyone that likes incest.
    The writing is solid. While the narrative is nothing special it is handled pretty well and it is interesting enough to not distract from the game's stronger points.
    The characterizations are done well and most of the LIs are engaging and likeable, if sometimes drifting into stereotype territory.
    The sex scenes are well written with solid dirty talk.
    The visuals are well done too, while the animations are basic they are not janky, nor do they detract from the sex scenes. The still renders are excellent and the LIs are all attractive in their own way.
    There is a bit of gameplay, in that there are LI paths and you can get locked out of content with certain choices, so playing with a walkthrough is recommended if you only want to playthrough once.
    Negatives: the paths are not super differentiated. Most LIs have a Lust and Love path and there is a bit of difference in the dialogue and some choices, but the MC always puts on the breaks when scenes start to drift into hardcore corruption/humiliation or BDSM. The paths end up being more love and slutty love.
    The narrative overall doesn't have a lot going on outside of the one antagonist and the MC trying to fuck every girl he meets so anyone looking for a really entertaining story will probably be disappointed.
    Dispite the negatives this is a very good porn game and one of the better incest games out there.
    Definitely highly recommended for anyone who likes incest games and I'd also recommend it to anyone that likes DAZ games.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to like here and it wouldn’t take a lot for me to give it 5 stars, so let’s start with the cons…

    The story started out pretty good but the underlying story/mystery was resolved pretty quickly. Then it just becomes a slog between the women in the MC’s life and his interactions with them. Suffice it to say, the story just becomes tedious. I also don’t like the fact you can’t opt out of everything. Daphnie is a prime example. As much as I tried to get the MC to ignore her, he still ends up messing around with her. In fact, if you ignore her completely, at one point the MC, out of the blue, decides it’s time to visit her and when he gets there he calls her “Goddess Daphnie”… and I have no idea why. I think that’s the biggest problem I have with the story. There are just enough choices that have impact on the story but yet there are plenty of times I wanted the MC to have a choice and there was none.

    As far as the good stuff, well there is plenty to like. All of the women are beautiful and each of them have different personalities, history and kinks. The dev did a nice job mixing all of that up so that you don’t feel like the MC is with the same LI each time. All the “content” is really well done. There is no animation really, but frankly the animation in these V.N.s rarely work for me. There is also A LOT of content and the paths to get to certain scenes are not obvious and require some experimentation. You can have multiple LI but it limits the amount of love and lust points you earn for each and that in turn limits the scenes you get access to. To get all of Julie’s content, for example, you really have to devote the MC to her and basically ignore the others in the game. I like this a lot as I have become bored with all the harem style games out there and it adds a bit of realism to the events.

    In addition to this, there are regular releases and the play time is significant. I have yet to play it through all the way to the end as I keep going back and trying different paths and choices. The last thing I will say, is I did not particularly care for the MC at the start of the game, but you can change his behavior, to a point, and I appreciate watching the MC “grow” a bit during the story.

    Anyway, I could go on, but I will leave it here. If you have never played it, this is a definite download and try kind of a game. You will not be sorry.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    John Bon Clay

    Started good, with femdom and all, and that later felt forgotten, I like a cock tease just like the next man but, when it's only a tease of a tease.. Sorry! You wasted my time!

    tl;dr: This game is not for people who enjoy femdom, go find another game!