Recommending My Favorites Games, With Summaries. Mostly story/romance centered.


New Member
Dec 27, 2020
Sorry don't mind me just commenting so I don't loose this brilliant thread along with the recommendations and reviews. Quick peak at a few and they look really good. I'm new and not sure how to follow this otherwise sorry
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Yes, I am actually playing Alexandria now, hehe. It's fairly enjoyable. There is enough of a story to keep interesting after the build-up part.

Since the updates are so infrequent, I am delaying playing the LoML update for awhile. I am sure I will crack soon and play it, haha.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
Yes, I am actually playing Alexandria now, hehe. It's fairly enjoyable. There is enough of a story to keep interesting after the build-up part.

Since the updates are so infrequent, I am delaying playing the LoML update for awhile. I am sure I will crack soon and play it, haha.
honestly i wont spoil anything but your going to kick yourself for not playing it lol its a "steamy" update, i loved it


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
honestly i wont spoil anything but your going to kick yourself for not playing it lol its a "steamy" update, i loved it
You are killing me, haha. I was saving the best for last while I play a few more games recently updated, but I will have to play it now. :sneaky:
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Jul 12, 2020
Thanks for the game ideas, so many that I haven't played yet. So relatable with the first game I played being Milfy city (I wish he would do an update, but no way in hell am I being a patron). So anyway, Cheers


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
so i know this is selfish but if you like any of my or @Smarmint recommendations please give a like its nothing really but i like seeing the numbers go up and makes anything said give more weight at times on this site and ill do the same
Very good point. I do give likes, but I really should write reviews for all of my favorite games. I post here all the time, but i've never actually written a official review. I practically wrote a review already in my post here, haha. I know good reviews helps people discover new games. I typically read a few reviews before I download something new to make sure there aren't any deal breakers before I waste my time, grindy, unlikable MC, no story, etc.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Thanks for the game ideas, so many that I haven't played yet. So relatable with the first game I played being Milfy city (I wish he would do an update, but no way in hell am I being a patron).
Thanks. I read a lot of recommendations myself when I first discovered this site, so I am glad to give my own now that I have played so many games here. My tastes tend to be pretty romance and story-oriented, so I don't really care much for corruption games, mind control, or the off the wall stuff like furries or futa. Trans is fine if dealt with compassionately, like in WVM or Midlife Crisis.

I think a lot of us started with Milfy City, or at least tried it soon after we found this site. It was one of the highest rated and recommended games here at least a year and a half ago, before the dev ruined it. Playing it for the first time, it seemed very original, and I was amazed, really, being the first VN I remember playing. I think I played a few flash games before, but nothing comparable to the graphics.

Now that I have played many hundreds of games, I am more jaded, haha, though I still enjoy the good ones a lot. But I remember the amazement when I first tried Milfy City for one, and later Acting Lessons.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
alright got another that ticks your boxes called
alright so just finished everything its got currently multi girl paths and solo and largely seems complete the only thing left seems to be a "what if" scenario based on what it says in the act selection menu
avalon the main girl and then 2 others with largely different personality's and story's honestly it was really well done
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Thanks a lot. I really like Avalon. I probably should have included it in the above. I haven't played the latest update, but I will definitively finish it up.

Thanks for the recommendation of Alison Fall from the Apple. I've looked it at a few times, but never played it much. I will revisit it based on your strong recommendation. Thanks.

Who is your favorite character? For either, Avalon, or Alison FFtA?


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
hmmm alison is going to require a spoiler kinda but ill just say alison on love route and it will be a bit into the story when you will find out why and hmmm her "menal problems" later on should be loved for most amusing results in a good way

on harem rout probably shadow heheh

for avalon i liked octavias rout i liked the other girl for somewhat other reasons, but octavia fit the role of someone good for their family at the same time its like a lightly twisted mom dad daughter romance without it being wierd lol not sure when you last played so i dont wanna get more into why just in case
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
so this one is both a keep an eye on and recommendation sort of
its production value is through the roof and makes others using animation videos look like shit by comparison
its got great story progression but it feels short even if it may take a couple hours to get through, issue is its updates seem to happen like once a year, so its a keep an eye on as well as recommendation for that reason, its amazing but not everyone wants to wait a few years for a sex scene
i mention this all kind of because animations are better then anything available, but this game and from another's post next update is 3-6 months away and generously gave a 3 month duration but over all its amazing like an american AAA porn game in production quality that blows others away i love a lot of games more on story then porn, given most vaginas look like fleshlights these days with how renders go making me love innies due to the whole "virgin feel" i mean who doesnt love a sexy peach lol admittedly a nice camel toe never hurts either but the inner lips looking plastic looks strange
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
new great game recommendation hot off the press lul

its an end of the world game with some good writing its got 11 chapters currently so lots to enjoy where it currently is at don't wanna spoil anything so give it a shot

lol i know i add lots of games ive been enjoying but if it gets to be too "spamy" let me know and ill pull it back though im only sharing those that were great in my opinion also helps me keep track if im being honest
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Thanks! We have much of the same taste. I absolutely love Summer's gone. I think if it were not for the once yearly updates, it would be in the top 5 games here.

I have never played Now and Then. I will download it now.

lol i know i add lots of games ive been enjoying but if it gets to be too "spamy" let me know and ill pull it back though im only sharing those that were great in my opinion also helps me keep track if im being honest
Not at all. I love your recommendations. I am always looking for new games to try. Thanks!


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
alright ill keep sharing like truely one of the ones to keep an eye on writing is fun kinky "older sister" with alison and sweet innocent gf with emily with anger problems like a teen its got a fun development and mild humor based on path i love a good romance and such so was fun

ill admit this now i was a d-f english student who dropped out so speaking is fine but writing im a tad lazy with if you havent noticed >.> ill apologize now at any rate i just see it as speaking more then a formal letter


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
*sigh* sometimes i forget how brutal forums on here can be unless your ass kissing, makes me miss the informality of this thread


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I love Halfway House. I am surprised I didn't put it on my top recommendations. Emily is hilarious, and i laughed a lot at the interaction between Emily and Dr. Kunieda. If only the game it was updated more often.... I think it is one of the few games that is getting better with each update, as they introduce more characters. I hope we get to know Sam's friends a little (or a lot) better. :).

Ha. Don't worry about your way of messaging. I am more formal than most around here, that is just the way I talk, haha, but I certainly don't mind the more informal way of speaking. As long as I can figure out what the speaker is trying to say, it's fine.

*sigh* sometimes i forget how brutal forums on here can be unless your ass kissing, makes me miss the informality of this thread
Yes, I know. You have to have pretty thick skin to post on the forums here. I do it fairly often, but I often wonder why I bother, since all I get is a bunch of rude responses. It goes both ways. You can't say anything nice either without people jumping all over you.

Plus if you mention any other game, or some general comment only vaguely related to the game, some mods go crazy deleting it for being off-topic. I don't know why they are so strict. I understand if the game thread gets derailed over a political discussion, or some huge argument, or something like that that nobody wants to read, but just posting once or twice about some other similar game, as a form of comparison, shouldn't be deleted as being off-topic.

PS: Wow. I just saw what you are talking about on Hillside. That was ridiculous. Sometimes I think other users purposely try to avoid understanding your point, just so they can argue. You bring up a lot of good pounds, and he chooses to focus on the version number thing.

I have the exact same experience with few users on A Knight's Tale. I don't know if you've played it, but a lot of users are threatened because the wife of the MC, gets it on with her maid, before the MC gets to. Of course the MC has his squire on the side, so he is with her constantly. I don't see the problem, since eventually the MC will get all the girls, but apparently the idea that the MC's wife has some fun on her own on the side with another girl, gets a few people very upset, claiming that the MC is a "beta" and that the story should be called a Wife's Tale and that the wife is the real MC. I occasionally chime in saying that everyone is being ridiculous, and that if they get that threatened by the wife having some fun, that the MC knows about and approves, and will join in shortly, that they have a strange view of life. Every time I post, other users jump all over me for being blind and not seeing the obvious. I don't know why I bother.
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Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
I love Halfway House. I am surprised I didn't put it on my top recommendations. Emily is hilarious, and i laughed a lot at the interaction between Emily and Dr. Kunieda. If only the game it was updated more often.... I think it is one of the few games that is getting better with each update, as they introduce more characters. I hope we get to know Sam's friends a little (or a lot) better. :).

Ha. Don't worry about your way of messaging. I am more formal than most around here, that is just the way I talk, haha, but I certainly don't mind the more informal way of speaking. As long as I can figure out what the speaker is trying to say, it's fine.

Yes, I know. You have to have pretty thick skin to post on the forums here. I do it fairly often, but I often wonder why I bother, since all I get is a bunch of rude responses. It goes both ways. You can't say anything nice either without people jumping all over you.

Plus if you mention any other game, or some general comment only vaguely related to the game, some mods go crazy deleting it for being off-topic. I don't know why they are so strict. I understand if the game thread gets derailed over a political discussion, or some huge argument, or something like that that nobody wants to read, but just posting once or twice about some other similar game, as a form of comparison, shouldn't be deleted as being off-topic.

PS: Wow. I just saw what you are talking about on Hillside. That was ridiculous. Sometimes I think other users purposely try to avoid understanding your point, just so they can argue. You bring up a lot of good pounds, and he chooses to focus on the version number thing.

I have the exact same experience with few users on A Knight's Tale. I don't know if you've played it, but a lot of users are threatened because the wife of the MC, gets it on with her maid, before the MC gets to. Of course the MC has his squire on the side, so he is with her constantly. I don't see the problem, since eventually the MC will get all the girls, but apparently the idea that the MC's wife has some fun on her own on the side with another girl, gets a few people very upset, claiming that the MC is a "beta" and that the story should be called a Wife's Tale and that the wife is the real MC. I occasionally chime in saying that everyone is being ridiculous, and that if they get that threatened by the wife having some fun, that the MC knows about and approves, and will join in shortly, that they have a strange view of life. Every time I post, other users jump all over me for being blind and not seeing the obvious. I don't know why I bother.
amusingly i just played a knights tale just now and finished it started last night but yeah it was a sweet story although a bit bland with writing but i have no issues with the wife granted id rather "pop" the cherry myself but i can somewhat understand it with the handmaiden being closer to the wife and what not alice is more dominant so her being the tomboy and what not played well with the story as its going i honestly was expecting her to plow the wife before the update ended but was sad when it finished i was really getting into it to the point i knew my time was coming to a close lol

as for hilside im done bothering as i said i made my last post i wont be replying or posting again fk em lol i know we got the whole "shit never to mention" topics on here but fuck my life it gets old i had a few drinks and vented more then i usually would and got attacked like i was calling them all ugly trash lol

Edit: honestly i give my opinion only on games i enjoy because of that everyone feels like a brown nosing teen not including present company, but gets old i mean im 30 been with around 40-50 woman (lost count) and most were vergins wanting their first time to be from a good guy who knew what he was doing so compared to most these story's i got a good handle on whats real and whats bullshit lol not attempting to brag i just dont like tip toeing id rather be blunt as i got older lifes too fucking short to be a prude and as long as another man isnt involved ive had fun sharing girlfriends with other woman some with some without lol but i enjoy these visual novels its more like a horror movie with lots of sex, i enjoy the scene but its not about the "porn" usually haha though i love the innies and cute little peaches in knights tale, open pussys in these tend to look like the woman has a fleshlight attached and the men look decent without complaining overly about bullshit, but cant say i enjoy foreskin being circumcised looks wierd but thats all personal opinion more then anything i had no choice grew up with it so i find it more attractive i guess lol not that im gay just yeah

edit 2: honestly i find a mild dom woman hot i always found it more fun to have a woman who knew what she wanted then the shy girl afraid of what to ask for cute has its attraction but having a woman tell you what she wants is just as hot

edit 3: on another side point in a knights tale the wife is the main anchor and the MC is reluctent to fuck up his marrage by fucking other woman nor is he a prick wanting to force himself on others so always relying on her hardly means hes a beta hes just respectful and she gave approval that makes the wife a great catch more then her being the "mc"
dont let them get to you, you can tell who hasn't had proper sex listening to the idiots and their insecurities
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