RPGM Kuroinu: Rebellion [v3.8] [LionheartXIII]

4.20 star(s) 10 Votes

Muff Diver

Gaming Legend & LoneWolf
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
Update for creator

Kuroinu Rebellion: 3 Years work, Where is it!?
  • by LionheartXIII, 1 week and 6 days ago
  • Journals / Personal
Before half you guys freak the hell out before you even start reading the journal, No i'm not quiting at all, I just want to give you guys some Clarification on whats been going on with Kuroinu Rebellion and why its taken almost 3 years just to get Part 1 of 4 done.

BTW the Original Demo will be Available on my Patreon.

But what exactly has happened in those 3 years? Originally the Project was suppose to be 1 year per chapter, at the time I had a full crew of what I needed to get things off the ground. I had someone to do the Artwork, Someone for the Custom Sprite work, Someone to edit and proofread the writing and I myself working on the Game itself. When the Demo was released we were already 50% done (at least game wise) with the first Chapter and I had it scheduled for a full release of the first chapter in July. But things don't always go as planned, everyone basically up and left mostly because RL stuff starting getting in the way making it impossible for them to continue work. So it basically became a 1 man job, to make matters worse I had to move out of my folks place and be on my own with my brother so more RL stuff began to creep up. and lastly my Day Job changed alot of their polices and work methods IE They became a bunch of assholes so it kept me away from working.

So trying to Keep myself alive and continuing work has been incredibly long and difficult.
Not to mention all the stuff I have to do for Kuroinu Rebellion: I have to change and update all the Pictures (which wasn't alot) to keep the Art Consistent and also finish the Other Pictures that were not finished I.E Cutscenes and other Characters and Battle Sprites. Create New Sprites that were also unfinished, And Finish the rest of the first Chapter itself. If I didn't have that stupid day Job to keep myself alive working 7-10 hours a day This stuff could have been done in a few months.
This really has been a One man Job and I just want to thank all you fans for sticking with me all this time, and even to those fans helping out as little as they can with the game itself. I will not give up this Project even if its the last thing I do.

So let me answer some Questions I kept getting.

Where is the game?
The Game is still unfinished but to those who are on my Patreon can now get the Game Demo, Granted though it still has a ton of bugs

Why is it taking so long?
As Stated before it has been a 1 person Job almost sense the release of the Demo, their is still alot that needs to be done in the game.

Why are you redrawing everything?
Art Consistency, All the artwork needs to look relativity the same so things look very nice and neat, It like having half the Artwork being done by Akira Toryama (Dragon ball) and the other half being done by Shoji Sato (Highschool of the Dead) Its going to look messy and inconsistent.

Why not Hire a new Artist?
In another Time I would have, but now that I have rent to pay and such procuring funds to hire a full time artist is difficult, most Artists run their works between 60-200$ a picture and considering that this is a project featuring over 1000+ Pictures, you do the math on how much it'll cost. Plus They would have to redraw all the work's I've already done, PLUS Its not garenteed that they will be on the Project long enough for it to be finished

Why are you Redrawing your old works?
My Artwork has improved quite abit and some of the old pictures aren't "Well made" So to speak, lots of errors and uncanny valley stuff.

Where is your help I keep hearing about?
I do get off and on help by Fans such as yourself but they all have the same problem. "No Vision".
Let me explain: When I started this Project off I had written the Script Via Skype when I was discussing it with my original team, but on actually working on the game itself IE making scenes, I learned the Script only acts as a 'Guideline' what translates to writing dose not translate into a scene in a game, theirs all kinds of things going on at the same time. And this is the problem I have with the Volunteer help, I can't just give them the Script because its not going to work in the same way as writing text for a RPG. so most of the time you just have to use your writers instinct and vision to play a scene out. But heres the problem none of them use their vision or instinct and just expect me to hold their hand the entire way through. Instead of going "Hmmm in this situation I Know Alicia would do this" or "Claudia would do this or react this way" its more of getting the base bare bones of what the Script was into the Game and not giving any character to it. Thus this makes me have to GO BACK And redo the ENTIRE Scene for them and Add Hours apon Hours of Character and Fluff to make the Game more of a Game instead of a half assed fan game. Even worse that these supposed fans do not even do any research into the story lore and characters and base it soley on the Anime Adaptation, they do not even ask me on "How this character acts, reacts, or interacts".

Why not get a Writer to help with the Story?
Same Problem with the Artist but far worse. I get tons of people that say "Im a writer" but when I actually see their work its not really that good (Hell my Writing sucks as well), Its the Same Problem as the last question "No Vision" Even worse they also don't do Research as well or even ask for any Research material. even worse their writing is often time written worse than mine spelling errors and all.

When will the Game be Released?
When its done, It'll be released, simple as that.


Engaged Member
Respected User
Feb 12, 2017
Darn. Got my hopes up for more Kuroinu action, but then saw it was made for those who wanted something more vanilla. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.
Though in this case I suppose I would've lost even if it was a rape game. Since it's progressing so slowly. XD


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
Doesn't look like much activity going on with it either. So many other "web comic" projects going on this may not be getting much love.
Feb 21, 2018
This could have potential to be good. someone really needs to help him with his writing tho.
ii liked how there were choices which actually seem to effect the path of the story.
i do hope he finishes and polishes this.


Nov 7, 2016
This could have potential to be good. someone really needs to help him with his writing tho.
ii liked how there were choices which actually seem to effect the path of the story.
i do hope he finishes and polishes this.
it's dead mate


New Member
Aug 10, 2017
Not dead, just being worked on, according to his Patreon and DeviantArt pages. He hasn't specified a release date though, or a projected release date.


Jul 30, 2017
He actual got chapter 1 finish and says he'll be working on it as a main thing now. If you to his blog he has when he will release each chapter.

Darrel Caper

Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
He actual got chapter 1 finish and says he'll be working on it as a main thing now. If you to his blog he has when he will release each chapter.
Sweet. Really liked the game idea and was disappointed when he couldn't work on it very much. Glad to hear he hasn't given up.


Jul 30, 2017
sorry read that wrong he has the title screen done ch 1 won't be finish till september or thats at least what he plans to do.


Feb 26, 2018
I really hope he gets enough support from us so this project will go smoothly. I'm really digging this Vanilla take on the series.

Muff Diver

Gaming Legend & LoneWolf
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
looks like hes changed the image title and now says he is doing nothing but this from now on. NOW for the joke of the century here is his release dates.

First things first, If you want to support what I do, Help get Kuroinu Rebellion out faster and with more content, or just have a hand in everything I do subscribe to my Patreon so I can make this my Full time job and I can get loads of work done faster, Plus I can do alot of extra stuff not only for Kuroinu: Rebellion but other future Projects

Alright with the obligatory commercial out of the way news time!

Nothing But Kuroinu Rebellion from now on: I am sure you guys have noticed by now with the tons of updates to Kuroinu Rebellion recently that yes I am basically doing nothing but Kuroinu rebellion until the game is completed. So yeah no more belly aching from you guys that the game isnt going to be finished

Release date: I can finally announce a Release date for each chapter!
Chapter 1: September 31st 2018
Chapter 2: May 2019
Chapter 3: December 31st 2019
Bounus Chapter: March 2020
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4.20 star(s) 10 Votes