Ren'Py Daz [InGirum] Making a sandbox Renpy prototype (and failing spectaculary)


Mar 3, 2024
View attachment Michel_Berger_et_France_Gall_Ca_balance_pas_mal_ParisArchive_INA.mp4

Kinda wasted my time forcing the prologue. I hate it tho.
I'll come to it back later, once more fresh with better ideas.

Anyway, started with the "sandbox" part, and saw few problems.
So now each location has 2 states :
-There is people, so you talk to them (click on people)
-There is no one here, so you can look for items (click on the book)

Would like to change the mouse pointer between the two state but I need to look into it.
I have zero clue.

It solves a lot of underlaying problems (and probalbly introduces a lot more).
Everything use imagebutton, cross finger 'flicker' crap is kinda fixed.

Another thing was tracking icon part.
Like if the someone in the room, there is a small icon of that person under it.
I don't like the idea but somehow I have to.
So now tracking icon are just on the map.
Making player to check any rooms in said location.

Phone. Call me crazy, I have every screens done for it, but fuck it.
I made test I just don't like it. The hub, everything, afuera. It's just bad aesthetic.

Story. Let say it's the last wagon. I really need to do better.
That said I did saw a thing that made me change my mind.
I was not really sure in which foot to dance but it's more clear now.


Mar 3, 2024
Got a little time and wasted it trying to make post-process shader for Renpy (lol).
Looked into and tried translate some film grain for Renpy, but everything I try just tank Renpy to no end.
I'm not sure why, even smallest post-process make Renpy commit sudoku.

Code for posterity :

init python hide:

    renpy.register_shader("FilmGrainShader", variables="""
        uniform float u_time;
        uniform sampler2D tex0;
        attribute vec2 a_tex_coord;
        varying vec2 v_tex_coord;
        v_tex_coord = a_tex_coord;
            vec2 uv = v_tex_coord;
            vec4 color = texture2D(tex0, uv);
            float strength = 8.0;
            float x = (uv.x + 4.0 ) * (uv.y + 4.0 ) * (u_time * 10.0);
            vec4 grain = vec4(mod((mod(x, 13.0) + 1.0) * (mod(x, 123.0) + 1.0), 0.01)-0.005) * strength;
            gl_FragColor = color + grain;

define config.detached_layers += [ "PPshader" ]
image PP = Layer("PPshader")

transform FilmGrainPP:
    shader "FilmGrainShader"

label start:

    show PP at FilmGrainPP
    scene postprocess onlayer PPshader

    "You've created a new Ren'Py game."
    "You've created a new Ren'Py game."
    "You've created a new Ren'Py game."
    "You've created a new Ren'Py game."
    "You've created a new Ren'Py game."

5 fps sudoku:



Game Developer
Aug 29, 2023
Maybe you should move this to a devlog in offtopic, as most of your posts here are diary entries, and not a help request.


Mar 3, 2024
Finally implemented the sandbox part and the 2 first events/chain-quests but it was by forceps (I really need a break), still rough on the edge but not that awful. I realised I prepared way too much locations, lot comes from other prototypes (re-used lot of kitbashed old scenes). At least they are ready to go if I need it, but severly down-sized everything.

Give up on post process shader layer. Sadge because by far the funniest experiment of all (shader coders are truely insane tho). Images or transitions are (mostly) fine, but from a whole layer... I must miss something critical, may have some use for say pushing chromatic aberration but so far any proceduraly animated loop is dead-end (at least I don't know how, or even if it's possible).

VN is supposed to be a porn game with esoteric element. But no vampire or werewolf, nor some drastic lovercraftian abomination. From "Les revenants", need to stick somewhere close to that overall creepiness:

vlc_MVwEsdfVDF.jpg vlc_MNqELSWk0S.jpg vlc_KxfIBDhr6A.jpg
vlc_ZbogAaHwPL.jpg vlc_oDNcGTdIwU.jpg vlc_Ios4c8HItb.jpg


Mar 3, 2024

I did nothing. Just sit there and ponder what I have.
And I have too much NPCs. It's too diluted, I probably don't need half of that.
Visuals are not bad, but that's about it, the Novel part need some serious work.

What story need is a more huis-clos (closeness?) setting. Incest is central to the plot.
I remember that game Gray Area (Areas of GRAY), clean direction.

I need to focus on the main protagonist o/

Last edited:


Mar 3, 2024

Did little but it was honest work. I'm in a rush at work, it will probably be like that until late june/july, and just want to relax when back home.

More or less locked the story, should not change significantly. Started a design document, I didn't want to start one until UI/Features/NPCs/Locations/Story were fully fleshed out (I once made the error to start one too soon).

Gameplay loop is quite simple, world is divided in two states : speaking to npc when they are here (and you're kinda locked) or looting key items when they are not (they trust you enough when they are not here).

You start as Gwendoline, a failed writer that fill horoscope and necrology on the local newspaper. Game start arguing with husbando and a car crash o/


Mar 3, 2024

>Gameplay loop is quite simple, world is divided in two states : speaking to npc when they are here or looting key items when they are not

It's of course more complex but somewhat can be reduced to that.

Puzzles. I don't mean mini-games, but puzzles.
Combine X with Y then then use it on Z.
It's giving me headache ;_;