Incest? Why?

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
As far as I'm concerned, I think my interest in incest porn came from the idea of having "that kind of relationship" with someone so "close" to you. And of course because it's a taboo and taboos are by definition alluring... most of the time.

It depends on people of course and it's not an infallible logic either. You can certainly have just as close if not a closer relationship with someone who isn't related to you by blood. Especially if you weren't especially close to any member of your family like in my case.

I do agree that h games play the incest card way too much though. It pretty much lost any interesting part it may have had in the beginning because every other game has you banging your mom, big sister and little sister. There's nothing left to explore in this and so the whole appeal kind of isn't there.

Main issue being in my opinion, h games suffer from a lack of variety in general. Most obviously in the fact a lot of games use the exact same daz3d models for exemple. A lot of time I would rather something a little less good looking as long as it has a style of it's own.


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
Actually political/cultural movement do legalize incest do exist.
Yeah, Big Incest has invested interests all over the world, toppling governments and what not. They clearly own all the porn sites and porn games too, since incest is prevalent in all of them.
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Sep 6, 2017
I'm fairly new to this world of gaming but I have been completely assaulted by the overwhelming volume of incest in these games, the desire for incest to be normalized, and the "fix" or patch to put incest back into games where it has been removed.

It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Why is this such a big thing?

All I can think is that its a lazy story writing excuse.

"How do I get a boy or man in the same house with two women? Easy answer? FAMILY!" <facepalm>

We all need to do better.
1- Incest is a fetish, I would like to believe that no one thinks about their real family when they play with this fetish, but i can't speak for everyone, as you can't just remove a genre/fetish you personally don't like.
Even if you self-insert as the main character or what ever you like to do when you play them, it all rounds up in that we play them to enjoy a good time. You don't like it? Then don't play them, quite simple. This doesn't have to be transformed into a political/philosophical topic...

2- There is no desire to be normalized in society, nor in games. Why would you think that? Just because the most well known games have it? Maybe because as you just said, you are new on the "porn gaming world".
The fact that a game gets more attention that others is simple. PATREON and the always growing communities.
Since Patreon's creation, it became a nest for developers to express their ideas and get some public to monetarily appreciate them, and then is when communities show up. When a certain product appeals to bigger communities, it gets recognition easier than others. For example: A furry game is way more likely to receive money than a romantic one.
So to summarize it, NO, incest as a fetish is not normalized, it's just that appeals to some people that are majority.

3- The incest patches or "fixes" as you called them, are just because the people that got into a game for its incest fetish, that later on after gets cut from it because of Patreon (I've yet to see a game that a fetish from it and not because of Patreon) wanted it back. There is no other answer; also, thanks to the base of the engines that those games use, most of the patches are really easy to make, so there is like not like a "I've got to be a computer engineer to revert the game to it's past state" vibe to make said patches.
By the way, i don't know of any game that has an incest patch not beign created as an incest game first, so there is no such thing as "hur dur lets make this normal game into an incest one with our fixes"

4- And with the "Why is this such a big thing?" "All I can think is that its a lazy story writing excuse." "We all need to do better."
What do you mean? The story writing doesn't depend of if they are their family or not, if the story is good or not doesn't involve them being family or not. (obviously you should think that gameplay and art are also fundamental things in games too, so don't forget that. Not everything is story, because we would just be reading erotic books instead...)
As you could see with the latest games updates being incest-forbidden, the same story applies with different roles.
Your mother tends to be your land-lady, your sister is your room-mate, your aunt is your neighbor, etc.
So i don't see feasible to start complaining about incest is a "All I can think is that its a lazy story writing excuse." because it's not true. Story is a thing, if you can't write it right, then it doesn't matter what roles the main character and the surrounding characters take.
And with the "We all need to do better.", who are those "WE", that sounds kinda pretentious and child-like if you ask me.

Personally, i just think that you are only whining because you don't appeal to something that other people do. Just let it go, and enjoy your life. I don't appeal to the furry fetishes, but i don't want it to die as a fetish and ruin some other peoples desires (obviously speaking if those desires/fetishes won't harm other people in real life).
Let it go dude...


Jun 12, 2018
Yeah, Big Incest has invested interests all over the world, toppling governments and what not. They clearly own all the porn sites and porn games too, since incest is prevalent in all of them.
W8, w8.
One thing is the festish, another is the political and cultural movement that is pushing it (and actually it is pushing whatever they find they can push). There is no need to be so sassy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2018
I think Incest is in the top 10 of the most common fetishes, but why do people have that in his mind? And all because of the lack of sexual life, because I'm sure you yourself understand how difficult it is in our time to get acquainted with a normal girl, and that she would not be against sex, and not as a friend =) Therefore, other spheres of access to sex are born.


Jun 14, 2018
Do you think people who like incest content become patrons more often than others? I understand that part of the developers probably like this fetish. But incest in adult games seems to me so widespread that I feel as if most developers included it to tick the mandatory item on the list.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
The great thing about Incest is the natural barrier. I love how in most Incest Games everything develops pretty slow. If its just a random Girl then there is really no barrier and its nothing special if you Kiss etc...


May 4, 2017
Breeding with a close family member = Bad (yes really. Spare me the DUH). So the activity has been ... discouraged. (Example, so is Cannibalism otherwise, well - cough)
It is Very much Human nature to want what we cannot have. It is Not Sinful (Sin only exists in religion) or wrong. Just have to be careful. Also, your sister/aunt whatever is usually more convenient.

Always seem to be those giant egos that feel they need to protect us from ourselves. Damned do-gooders.


The great thing about Incest is the natural barrier. I love how in most Incest Games everything develops pretty slow. If its just a random Girl then there is really no barrier and its nothing special if you Kiss etc...
Normally, there is or should be a barrier when you meet a "normal" girl / woman as well.
Not all women are sluts who spread their legs once they know you have a 12 inch dick...

Have a look at "Life with Mary": it's a pretty sweet romantic story between a older guy and a younger woman, who are not related. That game does a really good job at portraying such a barrier in a very natural way without involving incest.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Normally, there is or should be a barrier when you meet a "normal" girl / woman as well.
Not all women are sluts who spread their legs once they know you have a 12 inch dick...

Have a look at "Life with Mary": it's a pretty sweet romantic story between a older guy and a younger woman, who are not related. That game does a really good job at portraying such a barrier in a very natural way without involving incest.
Compare how long it took in DMD before your first Kiss and compare it to Life with Mary. Incest has this whole Taboo, Secret thing going for it. Dating just a normal girl is somewhat boring compared to dating your Sister/Daugther/Mother.


Compare how long it took in DMD before your first Kiss and compare it to Life with Mary. Incest has this whole Taboo, Secret thing going for it. Dating just a normal girl is somewhat boring compared to dating your Sister/Daugther/Mother.
I'm not sure if DMD is the right standard to judge all incest games by...
Especially regarding the pacing.,,


Active Member
Nov 7, 2018
Incest and corruption games are the most possible because they key core sexual desires.. not incest.. not corruption but Forbidden/unattainablle as well as psychological issues. I used to run an adult web business that was very successful and the key was to figure out what peoples fetishes were really about. You can all go type "porn" in google and be inundated with billions of petabytes of free porn by real people.. and youre here. Because that stuff is industrial generic and porn producers dontget desire or sex. Theyre pumping out a product.

You all, even the most unattractive, reclusiv e, socially challenged of you.. get a woman/man/whatever that you dont. Because you dont want that person/people. But youre here. Because these games fulfill deep desires/needs that you dont understand. Ive figured out i like corruption/incest because it's unattainable, forbidden and cannot result in a commitment. my own particular issues. Some people are into interracial because to them it's a taboo..somewhere deep they stereotype though they me be virulently antiracist but it clicks one of those buttons. "oh miss good proper white girl sees dirty black guy and turns into a ho" or " racist white bitch wants me bad deep down(if youre black) " etc. Our fetish's address our deepest issues. Id never touch a family member... especially one younger. And am not remotely attracted in any way.. and i like the incest fetish. Im the opposite of someone who'd manipulate anyone.. ive walked away from sex with women i wanted Badly because they were hammered and i had to know they wanted me and made a choice.. not were so drunk they couldnt make decisions. Yet corruption, mind control, drug games are hot to me. These fetish's games arent what they appear on the surface


Jan 12, 2018
That's ok, gay sex makes me cringe, so I see you point only difference is gay sex is normalized where incest is a taboo fantasy. Anyone who acts on anything like that in real life needs help. Same with beastiality but I bet many have seen a video like that just to say wtf did I just watch lol joke or not it's a mental illness or something.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I'm not a fan of incest but plenty of people are. The only time it bothers me is when i'm playing a game that's been out for a while and people demand certain fetishes regardless of whether the dev wants to add them or not or they try to push a game in a certain direction.

Twists of my Life was one that rubbed me the wrong way. Some guy demanded his roommate was turned into his sister then recently someone claimed the dev originally planned that when he didn't, he said no incest from the very start.

Then you get those absolute jackasses that turn up saying "no incest no download" and I have to force my fingers to stop typing "THEN DON'T DOWNLOAD IT THEN, DICKHEAD".

I don't blame the fetish for that though, it's just a few vocal anal cavities that seem to think their tastes should be put before anyone else's. It's also the same for other fetishes that end up with huge debates.

My main issue with incest games is a lot of them are generic, boring trope riddled snooze fests that seem to follow the same formula. Young MC, shower spying, sleep groping, younger sister loves him while older sister hates him and mother gets horny at the first sight of her sons overly large penis.

I love romance stories and someone who used to a friend recommended dating my daughter. That is the creepiest thing i've seen in a long time. Starts off innocent enough then suddenly this guy is grooming his daughter into his own personal sex toy.


In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
I don't think most people who play incest games are actually there because they want to sleep with their relatives. It's just that incest games usually have some sort of tension/build-up due to the very nature of the relationship. The tension itself is very sexy. This tension can exist without the genre being incest, but this takes more work as a writer which is probably why incest is the easiest and most common route. Not all of us are Phillygames or Hopesgaming.
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