Incest? Why?

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Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
I like it because it's different to the norm.

Why should I care about any other set up involving MC being in a house with other fuckable people?
There aren't really many logical situations with that that aren't also boring.
Like being a college dude in a dorm with girls, sex happens...exciting, it's not like that's an extremely regular occurrence in real life or anything.

Most other situations are just kinda convoluted like with non-incest Summertime Saga MC is just with...friends after his father dies? Why would some dude of anomalous age just be staying with "friends" after their father dies, at that age?
Even when you take a situation like that it's still the connection people have being warped that's exciting, for all intensive purposes the people a character lives with for an extended period of time are their family, blood relation or not.

It's just a bit more exciting than plain vanilla. Show me a popular game where the only sex positions are missionary and doggy style with one girl for the whole game. (discounting tiny flash games and such, obviously)


Active Member
May 2, 2018
Forbidden fruits tastes the sweetest (in theory). I think people have a natural inclination to do what they are told they can't do. You are left alone in a room with a shiny red button with a sign that says "Do not push." The longer you stand there, the more you want to push that fucking button. You have to remember that erotic content caters to fantasies. Things people would never do IRL (usually) can be played out in a game without consequence.

Convenience. Yes, family makes for a very easy scenario of an average guy living with super hot ladies. They already have a relationship. You don't have to explain why a mother loves her child, so you can spend time explaining why a mother LOVES her child. The protagonist can do terrible things, but they still live together. That makes it much easier to push the boundaries without having the girl run away (or call the cops) as she might do in a different kind of relationship.
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Jun 12, 2018
Well... bump.

I'm fairly new to this world of gaming but I have been completely assaulted by the overwhelming volume of incest in these games, the desire for incest to be normalized, and the "fix" or patch to put incest back into games where it has been removed.

It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Why is this such a big thing?
I was shocked to at first glance (I'm a newbie too) about that massive presence, it was like all the game here are about that, a think that I find totally disgusting and... out of the world. But then I remembered the fetishes that I have, and what I liked in porn games, and well, most of them could be considered in a different scale of immorality than incest by itself, as slavery and such.

But IMHO is still a big problem than the market is totally oversatured by it, likely the game I like the most (that is Mythic Manor) has none, but other that I really like (Long live the princess) pulled it in when could be totally avoidable.

All I can think is that its a lazy story writing excuse.

"How do I get a boy or man in the same house with two women? Easy answer? FAMILY!" <facepalm>

We all need to do better.
It is totally not like that. This is a trend, most game, even the most well done about this genre, are made just to follow the trend, with 0 real motivation behide. In the last years it exloped the bubble about incest or "step-incest" in the porn industries and it was sawn as the "chicken with golden eggs" by who create contents.
Most of them have no other reasosn to use this theme than the popularity of itself. There are lot of feticism, but this one it is saw as the most popular right now.

This thing remembers me the fenomenon of "elsagate", I don't know if you know it, but were made web series in youtube with of really weird themes all put togheter, and most creators of that shit didn't pushed any agenda, they just wanted money copied each other (it is still not known who started it).
Here if you want to know about it:

incest to be normalized
Even if most creator just follow the money, I believe that there is someone that is forcing incest in all media (as in elsagate). I'm not talking about porn games, but actually book, tv series and such.
In my country some writers told that there are NGO and cultural assiciation that offered them money to push in their last works incest dramas or even scenes.
May 24, 2018
As someone cleverly pointed out to me, Fetishes and Porn games can be compared to Movies/TV series. If you do not like it then you don't watch/play it. I also did not "get" incest and Futa at first but there is some eroticism in them and that is why we are mainly here.
To scratch an itch...or in most cases our ballz...


Oct 3, 2017
In my country some writers told that there are NGO and cultural assiciation that offered them money to push in their last works incest dramas or even scenes.
They are Illuminati's lobbyists. Didn't you know that?

To be serious this is the most hilarious conspiracy theory I've heard this year.
Could you provide some contacts of these NGO? I'll write them hell ton of this shit for $.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
You might as well be asking why some people like watching certain positions more than others, or why some people like anal, or watching oral, or like cosplay sex, or any number of things. It's just a preference.

I'm personally not into the incest part of it, but I am into mature women. So I play incest games because they always have that mature woman archetype in the form of an aunt, or a mom, or even both. And since they most frequently have that archetype, incest games are the easiest way to find that kind of woman in a game. Since a lot of games don't have that type, and stick to younger women who are barely legal teens or in their 20s. Even when there are mature women in other games, they're generally relegated to a small side character.

Not to mention that the whole taboo thing isn't anything new, and isn't localized to just games. It's everywhere, and it's been a recurring theme in porn basically forever. Just look at some of the older movies from the 70s, like the ridiculously famous one Taboo and tons of more recent videos have it too. Like ones about guys banging their dad's girlfriend or friend's mom, which is essentially the same as a mother/step mother, or how younger women are banging their mom's boyfriend or even straight up stepdad. A lot of it isn't explicitly incest, but it's essentially the same, except the labels given. There's also a lot of straight up incest roleplay out there, just not much professionally done.

At the end of the day, it's just a fantasy. Tons of people fantasize about things that they would never want to actually happen. Like, lots of people have rape fantasies or fantasies about their spouse being stolen, but would never want it to actually happen. It's just a fantasy. It's not hurting anyone, so who cares? If you're not into it, then just don't play games with it. There's plenty of them out there.


Jun 12, 2018
To be serious this is the most hilarious conspiracy theory I've heard this year.
Could you provide some contacts of these NGO? I'll write them hell ton of this shit for $.
If I'll remember the name of those writers and find the quotes I will, btw it is not illegal do something like that and it was common for stuff like product placement or whatever political cause here in Italy, "if I pay you you put whatever I want about something I tell you".
Why always scream about "cospiracy theories"? I just told a rumor.


Oct 3, 2017
Because those rumors are the same shit. Someone is starting rumor about some organisations are making incest mainstream, and then proclaims that there are many threats for children and families, and other normies they should fight. They are starting a problem to solve it later with tightening the screws. For example you can read thread about changes in Patreon's policies.
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Aug 19, 2016
It cut on the Bullshit. Not always , plenty of incest story who are stupid as fuck but most off the time it changes the paradigm of seduction. You move away from the classical trope and play with person who are already familiar with each other and who through either some rather unhealthy decision if it where real goes beyond.
I am going to draw a parallel with what I once read on a NTR topic or the FUGLY phenomenon where you often see a beautiful woman end up choosing a ugly sac of shit because he makes her feel so good. Well with the incest taboo it's a bit that who plays too, the relationship and the sex is so good you trow away the social repercussion of such a relationship. It's even better.
But in reality as always incest are often real ugly story, but those are games.


Jan 9, 2018
I'm not that into incest, but I do understand the appeal of it.

Incest is a play with expected roles and relationships that turn into something unexpected and naughty. From life-long platonic relationship that suddenly discovers sexual attraction that has to be dealt with. There is the taboo aspect as well, so this new and unexpected needs to be hidden from sight and be treated secretly.

IMO its similar to 'role-reversal' where women behave like man and the other way around. Its a strange and new situation that brings spice to otherwise pretty boring ideas.

Boy-meets-girl stories quickly become boring when they are told the same a hundred times over without any bumps and hurdles in the way. A likely trope is that the relationship needs to be forbidden for some reason or another, like they come from rival families, from different races in a segregated society or just from the same family.

While I expect that many fans of these tropes don't necessarily are also fans of incest, searching for 'incest' to find more of these is pretty easy.

Like in war, all is fair in love and especially fantasy.
Nov 14, 2017
Storywise it is incest, but in reality it is not. If a beauty comes out of nowhere and tells you that she is your mother/sister (while you stile have a real bloodrelated mother/sister), do you think that you can abstain from having dirty thoughts about her? The best you can get from those characters in games is a step mother/sister feeling, and that is not incest imo.
Well, if such a time comes where you can play a game with characters that have same face and body as your bloodrelatives, and you still wanna bang them? You are into incest mate :)


Jun 14, 2018
And is not the main reason for the popularity of incest in games that games from independent developers are one of the few opportunities where people with this fetish can find satisfaction, because it does not have a place in mainstream production? Something similar, perhaps slightly lesser extent, could also apply to bestiality. I also see audiences' demands for bestiality in many games and I wonder if it's really such a widespread fetish.


Nov 10, 2017
I have been completely assaulted by the overwhelming volume of incest in these games
Every game is not going to be crafted to fit your preference. Why are you seeing an increase of it? Judging by patreon numbers the vast majority of people that play these online games or either OK with it, or that is exactly what they want. That said.. there is still a HUGE amount of great games that do not have incest and more will come.

It makes absolutely no sense to me.
You either like or don't like the taboo incest genre.. No one can convince you why it makes sense to them or vice versa.

All I can think is that its a lazy story writing excuse.
This is kind of a backhanded comment..The definition of Taboo is literally -proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable. How is it easy to write something that should not happen?

We all need to do better.
Again backhanded.. It sounds as if you know what WE all need. If that is the case I would suggest making your own game.. Who knows you might be the next big hit?


Jan 27, 2018
Why is this such a big thing?
I think it's because incest is one of the most vanilla of fetishes.

For instance I'm in some aspects a vanilla fag, penis in vagina procreative sex in a loving relationship are my favourite scenes. That's not really a fetish though, that's just romance. So how do you spice that up? You can of course add humiliation, violence, corruption etc etc ... but those are all negative. The most vanilla ways to spice it up is by using a context which is culturally prohibited, but victimless.

In short, blame vanilla fags. Who want to have something with a whiff of the forbidden but who just don't have the stomach for NTR/rape/BDSM/etc etc.


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
I'm fairly new to this world of gaming but I have been completely assaulted by the overwhelming volume of incest in these games, the desire for incest to be normalized, and the "fix" or patch to put incest back into games where it has been removed.

It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Why is this such a big thing?

All I can think is that its a lazy story writing excuse.

"How do I get a boy or man in the same house with two women? Easy answer? FAMILY!" <facepalm>

We all need to do better.
Mainly because of that being seen as a negative thing in society. Rarer cases are just oedipus complex that didn't go away during younger days, can be treated, but is rare.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Maybe it's also partly because it's the fetish with the largest difference between imagination and reality. With other fetishes, such as bdsm, spanking, anal etc, chances are, that, if you like them in porn and jerk off fantasizing about them, you may also try them out in real life. On the other hand, while it's not so uncommon for a boy to jerk off thinking of his mom at one time or another, it's extremely rare for someone to even remotely consider such an act in real life or even openly talk about it. Therefore, incest is the kind of fetish that usually remains in the imagination.
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Jul 24, 2017
As a lot of people have said the taboo aspect of it has a lot of appeal. I think, at least for me, it's that combined with the reluctance involved. There's something about convincing someone who's apprehensive the whole time and then they end up loving it.


May 25, 2018
The thing that I find most humorous about incest games is the people that defend it being in so many titles for whatever their favorite argument is and then turn around and complain about so many games using the same art/art style/3d models/engine/font/whatever. Can you imagine if we had as many games out there using the exact same 3dcg characters as we do using incest? The nerd rage would be unfathomable!

Anyway, can we move on to the next mainstream fad already? My sister is getting sore...

Yeah I'm salty because my kinks are either poorly/under or misrepresented in games :)


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
Evic, we already do have the same few 3dcg characters in every game. The Daz Gen 3 base models are in a lot of games. So tired of seeing Michael and Victoria together. Mother? Better use Lilith! Black guy? Has to be Darius!