Incest? Why?

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Active Member
May 31, 2018
It's something of a thing on user-updated real person porn sites to grab random videos and promote them as "real" incest, just because you'll get hits from folks looking for real amateur incest. It's the same basic idea as promoting everyone under the age of 30 as a teenager. You can't promote a video as scat unless there's shit somewhere in it, but incest ends up being a different animal--at least in real-world porn.

Unlike your average porn game with incest, though, since incest is illegal in some jurisdictions (and for other reasons, like the whole trying-to-look-unscripted-pro-amateur thing, or whatever) a purported incest video will just about never directly establish that the participants are actually related. It's understandable but presumably frustrating to people looking for actual incest, and it lends credibility to the folks who use incest as clickbait since, hey, you just can't expect rational people to unambiguously identify their blood relationships in a porn video.

Then there's incest fantasy play videos, where the participants are pretending to be related, and it's pretty much guaranteed that they'll go out of their way to make their supposed relationship obvious because, well, that's the point of the video. I guess this would be folks smearing each other with chocolate and pretending that it's shit while talking up how shitty the situation is. Production values in this case are going to determine how believable the incest play is (can I hire two girls who look similar enough that people will buy that they are twins?), of course, just like the quality of your fake-shit recipe determines how likely folks are to be taken in by your bullshit.

I guess that ends up being because incest is one of those porn things that doesn't necessarily communicate itself well in video or still image format outside of being established in the plot. It's like stinky-thing fetishists having to draw stink lines or use dialog or somehow establish that, yes, there is actual stink being experienced by the participants. For incest, you've got these two people, and then inevitable deep analysis in the video comments trying to establish just how likely it is that the video does or does not contain incest.

Anyhow, I forgot why I typed all that, but it's a fait accompli at this point so it's time to post.

EDIT: Come to think of it, when it comes to incest play, there has to be an element of the Pro Wrestling soap opera thing going on. It's not real, everybody knows it's not real, and yet everyone is committed to pretending that it's real because they all get something out of it. Except you'd substitute incest porn jollies and money for the joy of seeing people hitting each other with chairs and money.


Active Member
Nov 7, 2018
Another one of the reasons the incest tag is so big is that half these "developers" (i use the term very losely)..arent very smart.. are very horny.. and instantly turn every female in a game into a whore. Or she's superinnocent then experiences lust and.. immediately turns into a whore. They seem to have zero experience with women and view them as alien. Women are people. Period. The incest tag makes them unavailable but as its a game about exactly that.. attainable.

(on the no experience with women.. half these devs seem to think playing with a womans breasts will give her an orgasm???? wtf?)
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Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Another one of the reasons the incest tag is so big is that half these "developers" (i use the term very losely)..arent very smart.. are very horny.. and instantly turn every female in a game into a whore. Or she's superinnocent then experiences lust and.. immediately turns into a whore. They seem to have zero experience with women and view them as alien. Women are people. Period. The incest tag makes them unavailable but as its a game about exactly that.. attainable.

(on the no experience with women.. half these devs seem to think playing with a womans breasts will give her an orgasm???? wtf?)
Not a single, best selling porn VN (mainly made in Japan, in the west that market is tiny) was written by a virgin. While that information was pointed out a while ago as a joke (still real), it does make you think.
Going overboard based on sex stuff is fine (even orgasm from breast is fine, but there needs to be a reason: drug, magic or other crap), but to write about something, in a believable fashion, one has to experience it. Same with going overboard, hard to do if one does not know what in reality is overboard and what is not.
As for turning every female into a whore... Yeah, there is a difference in a girl falling for lust & desires and suddenly turning into a slut because someone massaged her butt. Amount of literal projection in some of those games is just way out of the window :D


Dec 26, 2018
I'd say it's the "taboo" factor of it. Some people may find it arousing since it's forbidden and frowned upon in most parts of the world. I personally think incest can be a nice addition to games if used the right way but it can also destroy the feeling of a game if it's just thrown in it without thinking.

Deleted member 1023239

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2018
Normally, there is or should be a barrier when you meet a "normal" girl / woman as well.
Not all women are sluts who spread their legs once they know you have a 12 inch dick...

Have a look at "Life with Mary": it's a pretty sweet romantic story between a older guy and a younger woman, who are not related. That game does a really good job at portraying such a barrier in a very natural way without involving incest.
that is what makes vengeancexxx got banned from patreon with their ethan's legacy, and daryce yet another good promising game without incest is burried alive along with ethan's legacy
Sep 2, 2017
Well, it is a complicated issue, like everything sexual. For some it is forbidden taboo that elicits titillation, especially common among people lacking a family member, ie having no daughter or no father but fantasizing about them, it is serves both as fantasy that doesn't attach itself to a real relationship, and as substitution for this relationship. Even those that have a family member that represents this relationship, tend to not fantasize about people that are actually like that person, often fulfilling a role the real person would not. To the unconscious mind sex is intimacy and lust, so no just because you dream of have sex with someone doesn't meant you want to have sex with someone. If you have domineering father you are likely to fantasize about a doting father, and vice versa. For other it is a substitute for a desired sexual relationship which they either are ashamed about or believe they could never achieve. These are generally the "that guy"s of incest fantasy community, as they are the one that never seem satisfied by the fantasy. It can also be stimulus based during the formative sexual years e.g. a teenage girl reads her mother's romance novels that where a common theme of brother sister relations are teased or even explicit might cause her to associate that situation as a psychological short hand for eroticism. She might have an actual brother but who would NEVER turn her on erotically, while pretending with her bf or watching some hentai, she will get turned on in a fraction of the time it normally takes her. All sexual fantasies have a web or origins and experiences. Incest did have a marked increase after Game of Thrones, likely in no small part because of the attractiveness of the Lannister twins. It also changed the porn industry, where before incest porn was predominated by grey-hairs and wrinkled "parents" with "children" in their late twenties, as if the porn makers believe it was about fetishizing old people with young people. Afterwards, we saw far more siblings, and even younger "parents" who could at least past for being in their mid 30s-mid 40s with "kids" who could pass for barely-legal to mid 20s.
Sep 2, 2017
that is what makes vengeancexxx got banned from patreon with their ethan's legacy, and daryce yet another good promising game without incest is burried alive along with ethan's legacy
Sorry, I am not familiar and I am trying to follow. Was there a Patreon member, vengeancexxx, who made a game ethan's legacy, which contained incest subject matter and all their content was destroyed by Patreon? Did Patreon change their policies, or did vengencexxx just ignore their rules? how did this happen?
Aug 27, 2021
I'm fairly new to this world of gaming but I have been completely assaulted by the overwhelming volume of incest in these games, the desire for incest to be normalized, and the "fix" or patch to put incest back into games where it has been removed.

It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Why is this such a big thing?

All I can think is that its a lazy story writing excuse.

"How do I get a boy or man in the same house with two women? Easy answer? FAMILY!" <facepalm>

We all need to do better.
It's all about taste. Some like incest genre, some don't. Like with everything. Some like strawberry ice cream, others mint. Is it something wrong? No. As simple as that, taste.