VN House of Seduction (new game)


Game Developer
Jan 4, 2018
Here it is at last the Intro to House of Seduction

Last mega link wasn't working but this one should


Game Developer
Jan 4, 2018

Yes we are still here and working very hard to get the next version ready to be released at the end of June. $20 patrons will get it first followed by everyone else a few days later.

We will also be adding the game mechanics to this version and there two of them

One is 'Love Points' , these are gained through conversation choices and the more points you have the better the H-scene

The other is mom's 'Strictness Meter' and you have to wary of this one. If you say or do the wrong things the meter will increase and if you go to far mom will throw out of the house. That is game over

However if you do and say the right things you will gain 'Respect Points' with mom and this will reduce her 'Strictness Meter'. Saving you from having to pack your bags and finding somewhere else to live
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Game Developer
Jan 4, 2018
The release of V0.1 is getting closer and should be released at the end of the month as planned (For Patrons)


- First three days
- Introduction of all the main female characters (Cassie, Megan and Charlotte
- 3 animations (2 of them are very interesting, wink wink)
- Approx 17,00 words
- Game mechanics Love Points and Strictness meter
- Intro removed (style continuity issues)

Intro attached to this post if you want to play through it, I suggest you do as it has relevance to an event in V0.1



New Member
May 16, 2018
We are adding animation to the game and here is a little sample
The animation is coming along nicely.
Constructive advice on improving it, may be to animate the other hand, water ripples, or subtle motions such as breathing effects.
I have no clue the 3D animation application you are utilizing, so water animation may be difficult. alternatives could be particle effect motion, or a semi transparent water/ripple animation texture blended over the water material.

I only stumbled on the thread today and look forward to downloading the intro and acquainting myself with your ongoing story and soon to be gameplay.