VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Haley's Story [v1.1 Pre-Patched] [Viitgames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    story went from perfect romance and comedy between two lovely siblings to a dark twisted place where main theme of the game is now RAPE. first Haley gets raped by a pedophile when she was a teen now you find out your current gf was abused/raped too.not getting into anymore details but if you wanna play this game be prepared for a 180 turn of events.the happier you feel at first the more disgusted you'll feel when shit hits the fan...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Maybe not my favorite game of all time but really enjoyable. the story moves on a bit slow pace and i think there should be more choices provided for the player. other than that everything is great, specially the character of Haley, unlike most main character she is quite believable.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Asmodeus Daeva

    If you are in the incest love stories, this is a game you need to follow.

    The story is good, and make you want to happen more, but that is what is good to be, other games take the sex scenes so fast that you lost interest in the characters and therefore in the story. Haley's Story is not the case. The story has funny moments and you really can love all the characters.

    This game has paths so you can decide what girl or girls you wanna be, and that makes the game more enjoyable of how you wanna take the story and not just pressing bottons.

    In other words, Haley's Story is an incest/love story with very sexual scenes and you can feel attach to the story and, of course, the characters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game and I liked it a lot.
    The characters are interesting, the girls are pretty (in a girl-next-door way), the dialogue is funny. The story is sweet and very well done.

    I am glad I hopped in the game when I did ( version 0.55) as it seems to be a major point where Haley's corruption of her brother has progressed to a relationship.

    Without giving spoilers, I think it is more of Haley slowly seducing the main character than the opposite.

    Now, the slightly bad keeping in mind that I loved the game:
    Some scenes are so dark that you can't see much. Not the naughty scenes thankfully! But if it's night or a club and there's no light on, you can bet you will be barely able to see outlines. This is a dark spot (pun intended) for this otherwise great game.

    Another "problem" if I would call it that for me is... The Brother-Sister romance is done very well in this game.
    Haley is so sisterly that the whole relationship feels... somewhat creepy. You really feel that this woman is the MC's sister, a beloved friend and companion for many years which explains the MC's reluctance to do anything.
    As such, it feels downright dirty.

    And last, a personal peeve that I doubt many would mind:
    Haley's trademark braid seems to defy physics.

    TL;DR: Excellent game, good story, pretty girls.
    Brother-sister romance is done so well that if it's not your cup of tea it would seem creepy.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    While the animations in this aren't particularly amazing, the writing in Haley's Story is solid. Now that it's developed enough that choices actually change what happens I'm going through it a few times to make sure I get all the content, which isn't something I normally do unless the art is real spicy.

    The pacing stands out as well, it doesn't unnecessarily speed up or slow down, and unlike a lot of adult games there isn't really any padding or filler. If something happens, it's contributing to character or plot development.(or lewdness)
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 446419

    The game has been progressing very well. There is much that hasn't been said in the praise of this game but I am still gonna say it. Here is my review:

    The game has a good story even though the Brother-Sister troupe has been run into the ground by the shitty games. I am a sucker for well-written romance in incest games. Although the story completely focuses on the relationship between MC and Haley and there is not much conflict present in the game, the story is still captivating.
    I love the slow pace of romantic development in the story. The palpitating sexual tension between these two is incredibly well executed. It is a joy to see them finally giving in to their feelings for each other. The pay off for all the wait was worth it, not to mention that the wait wasn't boring on its own anyway.
    The fact that we learn that Haley is also tainted like us, adds so much color to an already colorful story (Although I sincerely hope that we either fatally injure or kill Mr. Klaus in the next update).
    What can I say about the art style? Haley's iconic braid is enough to get 5 stars from me. It's VN with no point farming (I hate point farming in adult games) so in my books, it a perfect game.

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    As the title suggests this game is really about Story. There is plenty of sex, nudity and depravity to go around, but it's all done with a certain level of story-telling. This makes the game stand out from so many others - so even though the graphics and all else is great as well, then really the highlight of this one is Haley, her story and the way you interact with it - for better or for worse.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The mc and Haley story is excellent, up to a point even people who find incest unappealing will find it compelling. Haley as a character is really well written with depth and complexity, and the dialogue flow feels natural with some good humor and drama. The renders and intimate scenes are well made, but all other characters are mostly just for background, so if you expect some deeper story for others than Haley, there probably won't be.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game does exactly what it says on the tin so I don't feel like its spoilers to say you eventually bang the main character.

    That said the VN actually doing a halfway decent job of maintaining the illusion you're actually seducing a real sister. It doesn't just have the sister go from nought to railing her brother in the space of one romantic night... It somewhat cleverly sets itself up in such a way you uncover her long standing attraction. So rather than turning your sister to incest she's always halfway been there.

    Surprised few games actually use this route... suppose it's harder to write than "girl becomes sociopathic whore overnight."
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    First lets start with the good, renders are top of the line, animation is well made, and the characters are all gorgeous. The story is a bit of slice of life, may not be very exciting but it’s definitely enjoyable to read.

    The thing that makes this game stand out for me from all the others is Haley :love:. I would gladly play this game even if it was set in a barren apocalyptic world with only the MC and Haley. Not to say that there aren’t any other option, there is one other romanceable character (unavoidable) and bunch of flings available, if you so choose. But all the other girls pale in comparison to Haley. Personally, I think Haley’s character is a real gem, even compared to all the other adult games out there. It’s been a long time since I found myself so attached to a game character.

    Finally, all I can say to the dev is that I hope Haley and MC get a very happy ending otherwise I’m going to be crying my eyes out. One of my favorite games at the moment, I look forward to getting my fix every month. Keep up the good work (y)

    EDIT: The game went off course half-way through. Put unnecessary drama for the sake of drama not to mention the endings just felt rushed, unfulfilling. Still an OK game, but a far cry from what it could/should have been.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.55:

    This game is fantastic and I totally adore Haley for both her model and personality. The rest of the game is really good too, story flows nicely and never seem to get lost to long on anything. There are plenty of h scenes but nothing major with Haley before this version launched, that is not to say that the game does not deliver. Oh no, it totally does and even the side characters have their own well established personalities, that really spices up the whole thing.

    So I'll leave this review short, the game is fantastic, the story is not the center piece but your relationship with Haley is and the people around you and her, and it evolves nicely throughout. Give it a try I totally recommend it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story line with brilliant way to play with player feeling and mind with Haley past story and beautiful graphic. Good story telling. Amazing work. Looking forward to see how they love unfold.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really wasn't sure how I'd like the game, but I really enjoyed it. Wasn't a huge fan of Sandra, but I quickly came to love Haley. Bit of a slow build up, but ultimately quite satisfying. Looking forward to future installments.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Incest stories are exceptionally difficult to write well since the situation is extremely uncommon and against human nature most of the time. This is the BEST incest story I've read so far. Fluent story progression, deliberate subtle emotional changes of characters, right-in-place relationship depictions, plus the hilarious, skillfully written dialogues involving a LOT of memes, all together result in this enjoyable masterpiece.
    There are downsides, though. (The following review is based on version v0.50 of the game.)
    1. It claims to be choice-based, but the choices you need to make are 1) binary most of the time, 2) have the "one correct answer" that seems pretty obvious and the other answer totally redundant, and 3) the story is basically linear without branching. So this game doesn't really provide much of an interactive experience. Just a novel.
    2. Sex scenes are rare (up to the current version) and not of a very high quality. In other words, not a very "fappable" game in my opinion.
    3. No music or any sound effect, a pretty common problem with indie VNs, which damages the experience a lot.
    It barely deserves a 4-star as a fappable game, but as a VN this is absolutely beyond 5 stars. This community needs more well-written stories like this.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Good game with sister fetish, but know that the relationship with her is imposed and thus it's a bit lacking in choices. The sister character's relationship with the protagonist is quite good an humorous, but she is not really attractive.
    The animations aren't good and take time to load, breaking the rhythm, the author should stick with still images.

    There is also a crossover where the MC of another game come to solve a problem in this game. This is an extremely bad idea : crossover are already bad, they are advertisement, prominent product placement, but using it to solve one of the most important plot in the game is truly awful.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of good in this game but nothing great.

    Most of characters are one or two facets and a disorder and they start to wear on you pretty quickly. The story is almost non existent and totally about developing relationships which mostly are ridiculously slow progress explained away with tired and worn cliches with an occasional random fuck thrown in with no real justification.

    The renders are average and the dark bedroom scenes get tiresome fast. There are animations but again nothing that above the norm.

    There are funny moments but the relationships are just tedious. The insest two steps forward with desire then three steps back with guilty angst is repetitively tiresome especially as behavior simply doesn't match dialogue and might as well go masturbate with cheese grater. Final point on incest, Why the hell use Daddy endearment? Having a father fixation while fucking your brother....seriously?
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story... even without that many sex scenes this game is just absolutely fantastic... This is one of the games you play not because of sex or nudity... but rather for it's AMAZING story! So if u are new to Adult games and would like to try some... this game is perfect for you. So my advice is: Download it, play it for some amount of time and if you liked it (ofc you did) go smash that "BECOME A PATREON" button because this game deserves your support... and you should definitely rate it 5/5.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright i'm not gonna lie at first I thought Haley wasn't very attractive that was until the first couple of interactions and I fell in love. The writing and game design really play out like a really good movie I was fully immersed in minutes. Well done the characters are truly a pleasure to spend time with and the story is believable and entertaining.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is, without a doubt, the best VN out there. If you like bro-sis incest this is YOUR game, and even if you just like well written adult games and don't dislike incest you're gonna love this.
    The writing is excellent, the story is pretty cool, although reliable, and the characters are written so goddamn fucking well you might forget this is an adult game.
    The renders are well done and the characters models are different from the usual adult games (sorry huge tits lovers) but they have some of the most developed personalities I've seen this far. And I played A LOT of adult games so trust me on this one.
    There aren't that much of sex scenes as now considering the lenght of the game but this only makes sense to me considering the story and it honestly help creating a sense of reward once you get there.
    The game is pretty vanilla when it comes to fetishes, (besides incest of course) but it's a nice change for once also just to enjoy some good old erotic writing.
    All in all this game should be tried at least once from everyone to set a standard on how good adult games can be.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The most beautiful incest bro-sis game u ever gonna play
    The plot is amazing and new nothing u heard or play ever
    Characters are beautiful and not look a like
    Decisions can impact ur future
    secnse are hot AF
    nothing to think of or i just love the game 2 much i didn't see anything bad in it
    my opinion you should defiantly play it and then rate 5/5 and thanks the dev for the amazing content xD