Others - Completed - Glare1more [Kurenaibook]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It feels strangely extended by guess-the-keywords author has in mind minigame, it could be packaged as plain VN and nobody would complain. And I'm probably among majority that would prefer it this way.

    It's about 1h game if you manage to find appropriate keywords - probably more, because some of them are obsured. And through playthrough you will be accompanied by silence and occasional bleeps. The only thing that will ever move is Glare, your maid robot, and after you make your way guessimating keywords you'll be rewarded by few 2D-live H-animations.

    I'd give it a 3 stars, max, but because this silly kind of minigame was deemed unfun even in 90' Amiga games, Shadow of Beast 2, to name a one. It's easy to make, but makes enduser not to enjoy game and immerse as usual, but rather be on constant lookput for keywords to input later. The worst part it often forces player to follow thought pattern of an author so there you go, many players will be discouraged early, rest might sunk hours to figure out what the fuck should they do. And in this case reward is not so rewarding.

    This should be a VN. 2/5 get a Steam walthrough if you want to play - or better - a real VN, with visuals, novel and actual audio.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Wao, this game's theme might just be "mildness".
    It's probably made by a single person though, so it's good enough by itself I say. I have no qualms about it ambitiousness.
    Not that I regret playing it, it was fun in it's own way.
    Reminds of those Tads/Rads games I used to play, when you type your way through your adventure.