
New Member
Mar 13, 2019

Evil crew 1-2 (Templeton.)
Classmates 1-2 (KITTY HAND)
CHEERLEADERS 1-7 (Fernando.)
Is Cheerleaders 1-7 hard to find nowadays? They were very easy to get several years ago. I got them (1-9) if anybody wants it.


Sep 9, 2018
People with 1 or few replies begging for the latest comics are probably Dof spies don't share comics with them.
Ragnar (Rutger), yeah some of these first time posts ("posters") begging for links certainly raise my radar when it comes to looking suspicious! But hey I am paranoid, so maybe I just need to up the dosage of my medication (lol). No, all jokes aside I think your onto something! Their are obviously some accounts set up just for "playing shadow games" for Dofan!
Patience please, sharing is not so easy nowadays.
Don't know if i'm in the right topic but the question is: Does dofantasy has the paper copies of their comics or it's just the digital copies? (my english is bad if there's some mistakes)
Melwill, well written (both content and reasonably grammatically etc), totally agree with you...."All we need is just a little patience" (GnR).
Your "English" came across as totally understandable, don't doubt yourself.
As far as I know Dofan only do digital versions of comics. If you want paper copies you'll need to find a good printer.
I use to have access via a past employer to excellent photo quality laser printers at a large corporation a few years ago. I printed some comics when I could out of hours (on overtime..lol!). Roberts, Fernando etc art does look good on paper. But I wouldn't recommend going to a printer / copier place (lol), the store people get a bit funny with you (lol)!. But with tablets, readers, notebooks and small laptops, paper books etc are going the way of the dinosaurs now!

FYI - All the Fernando Cheerleader series 1 -9 can be found in JPEG version on 8muses (scattered from 0 - 400) -


Active Member
Nov 11, 2016
People with 1 or few replies begging for the latest comics are probably Dof spies don't share comics with them.
Those were immediately my thoughts too. That's why when I somewhat asked for the copy, I also said that he should be careful. I don't think he should share it, well, at least not until it's safe. We don't know what new anti consumer bullshit dof came up with though. And yes, they are super anti consumer. All this doxing, problems with payment, blacklisting, blackmailing, impersonating consumers who "accidentaly" shared, acting smug, doing shady shit behind their consumers backs and overpricing the comics is way more inconvenient to actual buyers than to pirates. If pirates enjoy some products, they usually come back and actually buy some other stuff, because they want more and when they got the taste, they are willing to pay for something they are familiar with. You can mostly see this in the gaming industry. On the other hand, if you do some underhanded shit to your consumers, the pirates will never buy your shit and still pirate it.


New Member
Feb 18, 2019
So when you do a search on one of the many torrent sites, I don't seem to find the illustrated comics. Anyone help with the search criteria. I've seen a few one offs if you do a search engine search but not sure what I'm going to download if its junk or a virus.

Spoils of War
Taming of Julia Chant


New Member
Jan 26, 2018
Honestly, sorry if I rusteld someones jimmies.

I usually simply find whatever I need on this forum and keep to myself. So yeah, that was my first post. I am on the same page about dof, I like the comics but I don't like the way they treat their customers.

Tried to buy once, got denied because of the same blacklist shit.
So I refrain from buying their comics until they change their behaviour, which will probably never happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS: This account is a little bit too old to be a spy account, not worth it.

quid quad quo

Jul 5, 2017
isn't that what i'm trying to say here people? If you have the clean files, put them up the torrent sites. They can't do any legal action against you that way or delete the files on the torrent site.

Deleted member 2514

So when you do a search on one of the many torrent sites, I don't seem to find the illustrated comics. Anyone help with the search criteria. I've seen a few one offs if you do a search engine search but not sure what I'm going to download if its junk or a virus.

Spoils of War
Taming of Julia Chant
Here have someones.


New Member
Sep 20, 2018
i have almost all complete until 480 but I miss some in the last, I would like to share those I have but I have neither the knowledge and not a lot of time to do it.
If a person has the courage to do it, I want to share it, so that he can make it available

sorry for my english i use goog trad

and I could not follow up on all the requests

bst regards


New Member
Mar 13, 2019
Honestly, sorry if I rusteld someones jimmies.

I usually simply find whatever I need on this forum and keep to myself. So yeah, that was my first post. I am on the same page about dof, I like the comics but I don't like the way they treat their customers.

Tried to buy once, got denied because of the same blacklist shit.
So I refrain from buying their comics until they change their behaviour, which will probably never happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS: This account is a little bit too old to be a spy account, not worth it.
I get your point, and I agree, but at the same time I understand if people don't want to share something that hasn't been fully cracked to anyone else than close acquaintances. From what I get now, that guy got his friend's version because his friend trusts him, but it is not safe per se. In those conditions I would actually recommend to keep it to himself as it's obviously not right to expose your own friend.

Sorry for missing that point earlier x(


Jan 29, 2018
Hey there! After this post I guess I'll have the first comment at this site, so it may look like I'd be dof's spy (xD), but I made my account just to ask if someone can share with me the newest comics (492, 499 and 500 are the most important) via private messages. I know that isn't easy to get them, but perhaps someone who's reading this have these ones in the library already :p.
There are no need to share this comics by PM. If someone has them, he will share them for everyone. That is the meaning of a forum.
And no, at the moment i doubt anyone has them without DRM.
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Sep 9, 2018
Tombfall, I love your imagination and sense of justice! I'd certainly never want to get on your bad side (lol)! :):p:cool::D:LOL::giggle:
Soldano, spot on, could not have been better stated!
Admin / anyone, wondering why the posts (2 or more) asking and replying (one was mine) about what Dofan comics are still outstanding / waiting to be "cracked" and shared, were deleted?
What was wrong with those posts, what breach of the thread rules had been committed?

I've had posts that were considered "political" pulled, it was not the intention they just swayed off topic, so I understand deleting them, but I was told why!
So can someone please advise, so we know what we did wrong this time, if posts just disappear without a reason, how do people work out what they did wrong and learn from it? I understand posts that ask for links are supposed to be just deleted without notice! I didn't see any links being requested in those posts! We know that's a no no, even though every other (second) post on this thread is a link request, and a lot don't get deleted, a lot by "first timer posters" who should be on probation any way (three posts before an upload etc)!
It was a discussion of Dofan comics we all want to get a hold of that as yet have not been "cracked" and shared.
People were just confirming outstanding Dofan comic numbers 467 etc etc etc against what they have in their collection.
Some may have said what numbers they would like to get (hope / wish for),
but no links had been asked for as we know these are yet to be "cracked" and shared comics, some (Slasher etc) are more than a year or even two old!
That's the whole point of this thread right, to discuss and share Dofan comics, or am I missing something?
I wonder if this post will disappear also, or if it's me who will be disappeared, sentenced to death by Minotaur in a dark damp labyrinth that smells like bull semen? (I owe you Tombfall...lol):devilish:
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Deleted member 2514

I think those who shared the previous comics were already banned, because they can place identifying undetectable watermarks.
I would ask the creators to consider, accept patreon and paypal and, maybe, they Will recover the money from piracy. They can do a Tier in patreon for each creator, or maybe Patreon doesn't accept such violent pornography.


New Member
Mar 13, 2019
I think those who shared the previous comics were already banned, because they can place identifying undetectable watermarks.
I would ask the creators to consider, accept patreon and paypal and, maybe, they Will recover the money from piracy. They can do a Tier in patreon for each creator, or maybe Patreon doesn't accept such violent pornography.
It's not that violent ;)

Actually there is some stronger stuff out there. I have seen things where I actually thought "wow, too much!" haha


Sep 5, 2016
Hi, I made a list of comic numbers which I believed were still unavailable, I did not ask for them, nor did I ask for links, etc, As my post which was purely to confirm missing numbers(nothing else) has vanished without even a notification, could somebody please have the good grace, or manners to tell me what, if any rule I broke, thanks in advance.
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Sep 9, 2018
Hi, I made a list of comic numbers which I believed were still unavailable, I did not ask for them, nor did I ask for links, etc, As my post which was purely to confirm missing numbers(nothing else) has vanished without even a notification, could somebody please have the good grace, or manners to tell me what, if any rule I broke, thanks in advance.
Hey j5LDC2TB, so it was you, I, and maybe one or two others who's posts just disappeared without any notice of why.
Yeah we need an Admin etc to explain to us exactly what we did wrong to get our posts deleted?
How do we know what we did wrong if no one tells us?
As you wrote in your post (quoted), and I in my recent one, the deleted posts were just us discussing what are the current unavailable comics in relation to what people have in their collections.
I don't remember anyone directly asking for links in any of those posts!
I have to actually laugh, because our posts were in contrast to a lot of other posts on the thread which constantly ask for links, and a lot / most don't get deleted! A hell of a lot by people posting for the first time!

We were discussing outstanding Dofan comics, that is the whole point of this thread right, and why we come here?
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