DEVELOPER, PAUSED !!! ... Why there's so many bad sex scene game ?

Your satisfy level to sex scene from games available in F95

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Jan 21, 2018
i was curious when i saw the initial topic posted, and decided to read into the comments.
because well yes, some sex scenes are .... not good.
but im also keeping in mind, a lot of there artist are first timers.
trying something new.
and as far as i see 99% ask for feedback.
be it here, or patreon, or their own websites.
because they want to give a good product.
but to actually make it ...
there are developers looking for writers, artist etc etc to work with them on their project.
for rendering alone you need a damn good PC/vid card
i have seen a lot of developers on here, describing the process of a single render.the hours needed,days even in some cases !
being original with their story ,new art, avoiding to be a clone of DMD.MOTH,BB and all other chewed out story lines aint easy,but most of all it takes time.
so if any new artists post something here for the masses,be supportive,atleast they are trying.
constructive criticism will always be more helpfull then bashing people for the work they did,they are only human,and for some a simple 2dcg they spend months of work on alone ,can mean more to the creator ,then 1 of those mass produced big team products that are in it for a fast buck

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
DMD is a perfect example for me of a type of story/porn game i like. I can understand where you coming from, although i think your standards are set very high for yourself.

DMD has been taking us along a story where two people are falling in love and they are both anguished knowing full well that it's actually wrong but cannot help themselves. They may as well have not been family member could have been a good friend of the protagonist who's younger daughter fallen for him and vice versa. In that game it's not all about fuck fuck fuck but rather the journey.
That to me is perfect and over the time MrDotss realized his graphic quality have to improve also.

and yes once the sex scene been reached i feel the game will fall flat for me.

I would love for you to review the game i am currently creating, i think a perspective such as yourself will either deter me or encourage me from creating it. Will I give up, NO as i love doing it. It's up to the user to decide if they like it or not.

For example, a Detective story peak moment was when the hero uncover the story ... and it can be double peak with plot twist. A romance movie peak moment was when the couple finally getting together after a series of build up story full of obstacle. For porn games ?

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Spot on mate... Here's a render from my upcoming game. I have many of these and yes they take a long time to render.

i was curious when i saw the initial topic posted, and decided to read into the comments.
because well yes, some sex scenes are .... not good.
but im also keeping in mind, a lot of there artist are first timers.
trying something new.
and as far as i see 99% ask for feedback.
be it here, or patreon, or their own websites.
because they want to give a good product.
but to actually make it ...
there are developers looking for writers, artist etc etc to work with them on their project.
for rendering alone you need a damn good PC/vid card
i have seen a lot of developers on here, describing the process of a single render.the hours needed,days even in some cases !
being original with their story ,new art, avoiding to be a clone of DMD.MOTH,BB and all other chewed out story lines aint easy,but most of all it takes time.
so if any new artists post something here for the masses,be supportive,atleast they are trying.
constructive criticism will always be more helpfull then bashing people for the work they did,they are only human,and for some a simple 2dcg they spend months of work on alone ,can mean more to the creator ,then 1 of those mass produced big team products that are in it for a fast buck
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Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Well said..

Thats the wrong question. No matter how great your climax it matters not if you don't have a great prologue and rising action to lead to it. If you want a game with a story then you have to accept that story should come first. The art could be better in most games, you'll not find an argument there. What is the problem that we are running into is the limitations of our status as indie developers. With time and money to develop a game, we could create an industry standard for the art. However, because the art in most of these games is made by a single person with a day job and an average system there's only so much that we can do.

Celebrate the great, let the less great fall away. Nothing you say in this thread is going to reach the artists personally. Most of them aren't even here. Those that are are usually contained to their game's thread. There are a handful of devs that are more active in the overall community, but they are far and few between. Hell, even on the Developers Hub, a place where a bunch of us are there to share ideas and ask for help when we can't quite get something the way we think it should look, only about 20% of us are active.

Devs like Palmer, Faerin, GDS, LewdLab, Ptolemy, are almost never on. The reason I bring this up is to reiterate to you, your message isn't going to the right place. If you want to tell a developer that their art could be better, you have to tell them personally. If you want to improve the community overall, you either have to go to each dev, or you need to create on your own. I have a problem with the story in most games. As a result I'm creating 2 games, both in my personal favorite categories, with what I feel is better writing than the normal fare. That is how I plan to change the community.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
DMD is a perfect example for me of a type of story/porn game i like. I can understand where you coming from, although i think your standards are set very high for yourself.

DMD has been taking us along a story where two people are falling in love and they are both anguished knowing full well that it's actually wrong but cannot help themselves. They may as well have not been family member could have been a good friend of the protagonist who's younger daughter fallen for him and vice versa. In that game it's not all about fuck fuck fuck but rather the journey.
That to me is perfect and over the time MrDotss realized his graphic quality have to improve also.

and yes once the sex scene been reached i feel the game will fall flat for me.

I would love for you to review the game i am currently creating, i think a perspective such as yourself will either deter me or encourage me from creating it. Will I give up, NO as i love doing it. It's up to the user to decide if they like it or not.
I actually think it's a failure of Mr. Dots' storytelling that he uses sex as the reward the way he does. If I'd written the story D would have lost her virginity before going home. The drama could very well have continued, especially if you came inside of her. The way I would have done it, the sex would have been the moment he realized for certain, he loved her, and therefore getting her back wouldn't have been a question. The story as it continues in her country would be just as viable if they'd had sex. The major difference is that D would be a more mature character.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Very interesting to know that you see it that way.

To me when i watch a movie or play a game, it's the anticipation that i love and once it's reached i always wonder how will the story continue, that to me is the crunch.

That is why in my story i am going to delay showing the main female character fully naked and exposed for a while. It's a gamble i know.

I actually think it's a failure of Mr. Dots' storytelling that he uses sex as the reward the way he does. If I'd written the story D would have lost her virginity before going home. The drama could very well have continued, especially if you came inside of her. The way I would have done it, the sex would have been the moment he realized for certain, he loved her, and therefore getting her back wouldn't have been a question. The story as it continues in her country would be just as viable if they'd had sex. The major difference is that D would be a more mature character.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Very interesting to know that you see it that way.

To me when i watch a movie or play a game, it's the anticipation that i love and once it's reached i always wonder how will the story continue, that to me is the crunch.

That is why in my story i am going to delay showing the main female character fully naked and exposed for a while. It's a gamble i know.
Don't get me wrong, DmD is somewhat enjoyable, but my favorite game is Coceter Chronicles, in which I've had full on penetration sex with my favorite character at least 4 times already. The idea is to keep the drama going. Like I said, with DmD, Mr. Dots was able to continue the drama into a sequel by taking D away from him. In this way, the goal becomes, instead of, getting with D, getting D back. What could have made the story infinitely more interesting is if he'd had sex with her on the "boxing trip" and then been given a choice to cum inside or outside. Then the story could have been about D learning she was pregnant just before MC makes it there, and how not only does she have to hide the fact that she's seeing you still, but also has to find a way to keep her mom finding out she's pregnant.

I'm not even that into impregnation, btw, I just think it would make for a good story. She could decide to abort because she's too young, or MC could encourage her to keep it, if he's into that. But it would have been another layer of drama to hide. Especially because you could use Elena's Father, make him have to hide it, or the other creepy doctor could blackmail MC. So many story possibilities. But instead, Mr. Dots decided to drag the stairway to heaven out indefinitely.


Jan 21, 2018
the thing with DMD is that the D has been raised a sheltered life.
almost impossible if you look at her friends ( Jennifer , Elena ) but in her interactions, and how she develops it kinda makes sense.
her mother/stepfather never take her anywhere.
the only person that ever stood up for her was Elena ( and now the father ) ,and you can see shes actually trying to mature.
as for them having sex, yes it is a slow build up, but also loaded with romance,an actual story with love and not lust.
he has the other female characters to help him with that .
if it was a short lived project they would have had done it within ep 1.
that is what i like about DMD and DfD .theres a plot, not a slam bam thank you ma'am .
could have have done things different ? yeah sure, but he has an end goal, a full story line that we dont know yet.
will probably have to do with finding something to blackmail the ex with, some modeling carreer or who knows .
that makes it interesting to keep playing the second new content comes out ,and not just about how the MC can corrupt more random women for his own lust.
atleast with the other female characters he has some sort of story line that would explain their interest in him .


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
he has the other female characters to help him with that .
Kinda ruins the point of the love story if you're fucking around behind her back.

that is what i like about DMD and DfD .theres a plot, not a slam bam thank you ma'am .
I agree with DfD, it does a great job with a slow build, however DmD jumped the shark early. Had I written it the first time any sexual content would have arisen would have been the first day on the beach town when you apply sunscreen to her. That would have been her sexual awakening and it would have added weight to the existential crisis he has that night. All the kissing and tongue and peeping that happens before that would have been removed in favor of a romantic plot. Sex to keep the perverts watching would have been told with third person narration, involving characters like Elena, similar to how she is used, but without the need for a cheating route, though that could also be left in.

When they have sex after 2 weeks of spending every night together, the last week getting closer and closer, it would feel earned. Then, like I mentioned in the other post, CH 2 would also have a plot. You see. The sex in these games should serve the plot, not as a reward. A good explanation of that would be to play Parental Love. The dad and daughter in that game have made it to their second blowjob by this stage already, and I still believe in the romance it's building. You don't have to drag it out, you just have to treat it with respect.


Jan 21, 2018
Kinda ruins the point of the love story if you're fucking around behind her back.
Harem ! :p

That would have been her sexual awakening and it would have added weight to the existential crisis he has that night.
The sex in these games should serve the plot, not as a reward.
i absolutely agree with those options within the storyline, he could have done that to speed things up and avoid the cheating routes.
and yes he might has added it to keep the perv's happy and coming back for more, who knows.
thing is , people are discussing the game more on how it could run, different views,or how they would have it done.
and that is actually what makes the game good.
people arent bashing it,or complaining it, they discuss it.
there is no complaining about grind, or repeated scenes .
it was made as if he wanted people to talk about it ,and not just play it. that on its own , together with DfD ,wicked choices and Dreaming of Dana ( waiting for the final version before playing ) and a handfull of other games is remarkable.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Harem ! :p

i absolutely agree with those options within the storyline, he could have done that to speed things up and avoid the cheating routes.
and yes he might has added it to keep the perv's happy and coming back for more, who knows.
thing is , people are discussing the game more on how it could run, different views,or how they would have it done.
and that is actually what makes the game good.
people arent bashing it,or complaining it, they discuss it.
there is no complaining about grind, or repeated scenes .
it was made as if he wanted people to talk about it ,and not just play it. that on its own , together with DfD ,wicked choices and Dreaming of Dana ( waiting for the final version before playing ) and a handfull of other games is remarkable.
Oh I bash and complain about D all the time. I have an 18 year old mormon raised sister, trust me, there's no way D is that fucking stupid.
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Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
YOU GUYS PLS STOP.. you both are making such good points and im trying to see what i will incorporate in my game ffs :)

I love DMD as it is now and i love darthseductions ideas also.

I guess it's up to the devs to make a game they want to make and we as the user can only give our input or advice.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Harem ! :p

i absolutely agree with those options within the storyline, he could have done that to speed things up and avoid the cheating routes.
and yes he might has added it to keep the perv's happy and coming back for more, who knows.
thing is , people are discussing the game more on how it could run, different views,or how they would have it done.
and that is actually what makes the game good.
people arent bashing it,or complaining it, they discuss it.
there is no complaining about grind, or repeated scenes .
it was made as if he wanted people to talk about it ,and not just play it. that on its own , together with DfD ,wicked choices and Dreaming of Dana ( waiting for the final version before playing ) and a handfull of other games is remarkable.
I know that it doesn't say final, but apparently Ptolemy said the last release was the final. I might have been mistaken, I was reading Kinney's reaction to it, not the actual post.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Quick question, are you guys into this whole oversized tits and butts that some models have in games?
Also apart from story when is it too long to bring in a sex scene or to quick would you say?


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Quick question, are you guys into this whole oversized tits and butts that some models have in games?
Also apart from story when is it too long to bring in a sex scene or to quick would you say?
Apart from story, your last question is impossible to answer. Take for instance Wicked Choices, the game opens at the end of a summer of flirtation between the MC and his Niece when they finally fuck. One of my own games opens with a violent sexual assault on the MC. As for too long, well again that depends. Blooming Love still hasn't had a full sex scene. The older sister did finally go down on the younger sister, but she passes out after her orgasm, and it hasn't carried on from there yet. Personally, I think there's a way to keep sex going in your game without necessarily adding all the more toxic tropes most games have.

What I mean is, I think peeking, molestation, and cheating mechanics are usually a cop out. I also think that at least the first two of those are dangerous and kinda disgusting. Cheating can be used to great effect, like in games like Good Girl Gone Bad, but in a romance game, like DmD I feel like it makes the MC into a predator. That said, Parental Love found a way to make the daughter ok with it early, so if you do it right, maybe you can.

That said, there are other ways to have sex in your game without going all the way. In my first game I plan on having both the male and female MC end their day with a masturbation scene wherein they imagine the other one is the one touching them, which means that I'll be able to show you the two characters in a sexual situation on day one, but, they won't be actually consumating their relationship until it makes sense for the story.

As to the oversized proportions thing, I think it depends. I don't really find the mom in Dreams of Desire to be all that sexy, I think its too much. However there are other disproportionate bodies I don't mind, D for example, should look like Elena, but they gave her giant ass and tits. I might prefer her smaller, but she's not unattractive to me either.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
D for me is perfect apart from the ass too obnoxiously big for her body. Elena's tits could maybe twice the size and not more. However her head is way to big for her body, same with Jenifer. Elena's body is killer and in a way better shaped than D's ...

As for the mom in DoD i'll still tap that ass LOL...

As to the oversized proportions thing, I think it depends. I don't really find the mom in Dreams of Desire to be all that sexy, I think its too much. However there are other disproportionate bodies I don't mind, D for example, should look like Elena, but they gave her giant ass and tits. I might prefer her smaller, but she's not unattractive to me either.
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Jan 21, 2018
Quick question, are you guys into this whole oversized tits and butts that some models have in games?
no i hate it, its unnatural,and having dated a girl with large breasts they dont like it themselves,backaches people staring, guys hitting on them,wardrobe issues.
and those large fake butts... sorry not for me.
yes everybody has his own standards, i just like it normal, a balanced body .

I know that it doesn't say final, but apparently Ptolemy said the last release was the final. I might have been mistaken, I was reading Kinney's reaction to it, not the actual post
as for on patreon hes done with DmD he has to focus on Melody also to keep his page open and patreon of his back as far as i remember .
on his own site he was planning to continue,and hopefully finish DmD ,just on his own terms.

That said, there are other ways to have sex in your game without going all the way. In my first game I plan on having both the male and female MC end their day with a masturbation scene wherein they imagine the other one is the one touching them, which means that I'll be able to show you the two characters in a sexual situation on day one, but, they won't be actually consumating their relationship until it makes sense for the story.
excellent idea !
thats a good way to bring in the story !

i havent caught up yet on blooming love, i will wait a bit more on the story development,but like that its in a slow pace.
as fro the girls in DmD . i think he made those proportions on purpose.
to give Elena a small framed body ,but the lust & drive of mainly any teenage boy between the age of 16-19 is to counter D's timid life and to awaken stuff ( i think ) jennifer is a bit in the middle, she wants to be like Elena and is a head of D .
but as with everything, its a personal view on a subject.
@darth ,im giving Coceter a try soon, i normally dont care for 2dg but since you recommended it before im curious .


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
as for on patreon hes done with DmD he has to focus on Melody also to keep his page open and patreon of his back as far as i remember .
on his own site he was planning to continue,and hopefully finish DmD ,just on his own terms.
I was talking about Ptolemy and Dreaming of Dana.


Jan 21, 2018
I was talking about Ptolemy and Dreaming of Dana.
i wonderd about that,"did he post on the DmD thread..??"
i lost track of the conversation :)
i saw ptolemy posting that he might do 1 last version to clean up any last bug.once its the final 1.0 i will download and play it.
think i went halfway into the 0095 version .
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Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I find DoDana difficult to progress and kinda long winded. I must just sit and play it. Ive heard it's actually really good. So far it's ok for me.

I am really liking Life with Mary... but mainly from a very excitement point of view.

i wonderd about that,"did he post on the DmD thread..??"
i lost track of the conversation :)
i saw ptolemy posting that he might do 1 last version to clean up any last bug.once its the final 1.0 i will download and play it.
think i went halfway into the 0095 version .