Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Aug 22, 2021
je crois que tu veux tirer ton coup
I think you want to get laid

seulement après tes devoirs pour te prouver que c'est toi qui me fais bander et pas ta mère
only after your homework to prove to you that it is you who make me hard and not your mother
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je le vois! je te fais bander! mais en attendant mettons-nous au travaille
I see it! I make you hard! but in the meantime let’s get to work

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45 minutes plus tard pendant que Max se masturbe sur les fesses d'Olivia qui étudie. Diane passa pour savoir si tout ce passé bien et leur proposer une collation
45 minutes later while Max masturbates on Olivia’s study butt. Diane passed by to find out if everything had gone well and offer them a snack

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mon Dieu. espérons qu'ils ne mon pas vus
God, let’s hope they didn’t see me

quoi? la porte s'est ouverte?
What? The door opened?

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qu'est-ce que tu fait?
What are you doing?

je vais voir ce que fait ta mère pour être tranquille
I’ll see what your mother does to be quiet

mon Dieu! mon Dieu! je fais quoi
my God! my God! I do what

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Max je peux tout expliquer
Max I can explain everything

elle est cuite
it is cooked

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tu n'as rien à expliquer Diane j'ai compris. reste plus discrète
you have nothing to explain Diane I understand. stay more discreet

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elle est en bas en train de lire un livre
she’s downstairs reading a book

dépêche que l'on termine les devoirs
hurry up and finish the homework

qu'est-ce qu'il vient d'arrivée
what just happened

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tu as laissé la porte ouverte
you left the door open

c'est pour surveiller que ta mère ne nous regarde pas
it’s to watch that your mother doesn’t look at us
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qu'est-ce qu'il vient de se passer. allons parler à Max
what just happened. let’s go talk to Max

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la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later
Beautiful renders and interesting perspective changes that really help the story progress. Hopefully there is more to this story...


Aug 22, 2021
merde ma fille fait une fellation cachons-nous vite
Shit, my daughter gives a blowjob Let’s hide fast

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je une excitation qui monte. encore un petit coup d’œil.
I’m getting excited. Another little peek.

bingo ! elle a regardé, changeons de position
bingo! she looked, let’s change position

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ho ma fille semble prendre beaucoup de plaisir et Max aussi
ho my daughter seems to take a lot of pleasure and Max too

ouais! regarde bien comment je fais avec ta fille. cela sera bientôt ton tour
yeah! Look how I do with your daughter. It’ll be your turn soon

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Sauvons-nous discrètement avant de me faire repérer
Let’s save ourselves quietly before I’m spotted

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qu'est-ce que je viens de faire ? mater ma fille entrain de baiser
What did I just do? Look at my daughter fucking

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Ça m'a tellement excitée!
It got me so excited!

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je dois m'occuper de max avant que cela devienne ingérable
I have to take care of max before it gets unmanageable

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10 minutes plus tard
10 minutes later

max vient par ici. je voudrais mettre certaines choses au point avec toi!
max is coming this way. I’d like to straighten some things out with you!

Diane s’excusa d'être arrivée au mauvais moment dans la chambre d'Olivia, que Max s'est trompé sur ses intentions et que s'il recommence se iras mal pour lui.
Diane apologized for having arrived at the wrong time in Olivia’s room, that Max was mistaken about his intentions and that if he starts again he will go badly for him.
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putain merde! comment j’ai été aussi con.
Damn it! How stupid I was.
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pendant que Max réfléchis a son erreur avec Diane sur le chemin de retour. Lisa de retour à la maison profite de la piscine où Kira la rejoint
while Max ponders his mistake with Diane on the way back. Lisa back home enjoys the pool where Kira joins her

comment c'est passé ta journée ma chérie ?
How was your day, honey?

Très bien. j'ai remis les couilles à sa place à un garçon
All right. I gave the balls back to a boy
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la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later
Beautifully done, a different and interesting take on this situation....


Aug 22, 2021
il va falloir que l'on reprenne rendez-vous. mais là tu dois y aller j'ai d'autres patient qui attendent
we’ll have to reschedule. but now you have to go I have other patients waiting

ok. tu dois être épuisé en fin de journée
ok. you must be exhausted at the end of the day

petit con
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évite les céréales Max, préfère le café. on continuera cette conversation plus tard
avoids Max cereals, prefers coffee. this conversation will continue later

j'ai hâte
I'm looking forward
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Lisa, Olivia, Lisy et Damien arrive au coffre shop de Vicky pendant que Vicky prépare leurs boissons ils discutèrent de la nouvelle règle de l'école sur la liberté vestimentaire quand Olivia changea de sujet
Lisa, Olivia, Lisy and Damien arrive at Vicky’s safe shop while Vicky prepares their drinks they discussed the new school rule on dress freedom when Olivia changed the subject

Damien tu as déjà eu une copine
Damien you already had a girlfriend

vous êtes les premières amies que nous avons
you are the first friends we have

alors tu n'as jamais vu une fille nue même pas ta sœur
so you never saw a naked girl not even your sister

non! c'est ma sœur
no! she’s my sister
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le frère de Lisa la voit tous les matins nus il n'y a rien de mal
Lisa’s brother sees her every morning naked there’s nothing wrong

il lui arrive quoi a votre amie
what happens to your friend

Olivia a décidé de lui donner un cours anatomique
Olivia decided to give her an anatomical lesson
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Arrêtes-tu vas finir par le traumatiser.
Will you stop traumatizing him.

tu es jalouse
are you jealous

non il est tout à toi? mais je te rappelle que tu as Max
no it is all yours? but I remind you that you have Max
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j'ai oublié que Max passe m'aider pour mes devoirs aujourd'hui. Damien reste discret en regardant mes fesses Lisa va être très jalouse
I forgot that Max is coming to help me with my homework today. Damien remains discreet by looking at my butt Lisa will be very jealous

mes fesses sont plus sexy que les tiennes et Max va être seul avec ta mère
my butt is sexier than yours and Max is gonna be alone with your mom

il faut que je me dépêche. bye les amis. À bientôt Damien d'amour
I have to hurry. bye friends. See you soon Damien of love
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je crois que ton frère a sa première copine
I think your brother has his first girlfriend

c'est une bonne chose pour lui
it’s a good thing for him
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pendant qu'Olivia se dépêche de rentrer chez elle, Max lui arrive devant sa porte
while Olivia hurries home, Max arrives at her door

bonjour Max tu es en avance Olivia n'est pas encore là, entre donc
Hi Max you’re early Olivia’s not here yet, so come on in
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tu veux boire quelque chose
do you want a drink

oui ta chatte
yes your pussy

un café s'il vous plaît. mais vous devriez vous habiller avant qu'Olivia n'arrive
a coffee please. but you should get dressed before Olivia arrives
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tu as sûrement raison Max j'en ai pour deux minutes
You’re probably right Max I’ll be two minutes

sa éviteras qu'Olivia nous pète un plomb
That way, Olivia won’t freak us out
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la suite de l'histoire plus tard Peut-être
following the story later maybe
Amazing renders, very beautiful....


Aug 22, 2021
Besties Shopping. Already done Alice and Ann render at the shop this time it's Lisa's turn...

View attachment 54576 View attachment 54577 View attachment 54578 View attachment 54579 View attachment 54580 View attachment 54581 View attachment 54582 View attachment 54583

If you guys wanna see the HD version & my other bb fan art check my signature below..
Besties Shopping. Already done Alice and Ann render at the shop this time it's Lisa's turn...

View attachment 54576 View attachment 54577 View attachment 54578 View attachment 54579 View attachment 54580 View attachment 54581 View attachment 54582 View attachment 54583

If you guys wanna see the HD version & my other bb fan art check my signature below..
Beautiful, sexy and fun...

Lewd Fiction Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 24, 2022
ev dream lsa alc punish 14.png

This is from the sci-fi game, that I'm making which is (loosely) based on Big Brother and I hope I'll be able to release the first proper version of it by the end of November. Currently I've done the intro (you can find it a few pages back in this thread) and the code for the sandbox mode with a little help from a fellow developer from the forum. I've also done a few events that can keep you busy (like spying on the girls in the shower, etc.) but I want to have more for the first version.


Apr 13, 2019
New version of Alice on her Friday night out with Kira.

Despite being one of my all time favourite game characters, I've somehow never tried to make an Alice model until now. I don't use any Gen3 so remade her in Gen8 from a similar looking model and tried to tweak her to get a better likeness. Couldn't find any suitable hair so used one I already had, not perfect but close enough.
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Apr 13, 2019
New version of Alice on her Friday night out with Kira.
View attachment 2155509

Despite being one of my all time favourite game characters, I've somehow never tried to make an Alice model until now. I don't use any Gen3 so remade her in Gen8 from a similar looking model and tried to tweak her to get a better likeness. Couldn't find any suitable hair so used one I already had, not perfect but close enough.
She looked lonely so I had to bring her Aunt to the party
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Apr 13, 2019
Our sweet Alice here looks ten years older than her own aunt.
I think you might be right when I look at them together. Didn't want to make Kira any older because she looked about right so I've made Alice younger and edited the previous post, maybe a bit too young, I'm not sure.
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes