VN - Others - Completed - Amazing Grace -What Color is Your Attribute?- [Final] [Cabbage Soft]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I came for the hentai pics and stayed for the story.
    I really enjoyed the story and the mystery it brought that always kept me guessing til the end and was always so thrilling, so much so I didn't mind there was barely any H scenes and alot of story. I don't want to say much else because spoilers.

    Also word of warning, this game is not for those looking for a quick release by a long shot, at most, the 2 girls you can confess to have some h-scenes to tide you over, but the other scenes seem to only be the after epilogue scenes.

    Basically the hentai is 3/5 (the few scenes there are, are pretty good, though ALOT of story between) and the story is 4/5
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    At first the story felt interesting, but was slow. Later on the story really started dragging on and started feeling repetitive. Time travel when done right can be awesome, but here it was really overdone. Too many time travels without really digging into the new timeline, only revealing small bits of pieces during each time travel. The mc is quite generic as well, the art and voice acting is okay. Heroines are cute, so that's a plus.