What's your favorite completed game?


Active Member
Feb 7, 2017
I am assuming you are asking about adult games, the sort that keeps being released in versions?Truth to be told i used to avoid games like that in the past, because i did not want to get involved in a game story that i could not finish ( i never play just for images ), but the lack of new completed games forced me to change. I don´t have a favorite but the Overwhored comes to mind, its a example in my opinion, the author promised a completed game and actually delivered, in a reasonably timeline too and he did not rushed the end either, i wish more authors followed his example, that way more finished games would be available, there´s so many interesting games around, but almost all of them are not even near completion.


Oct 3, 2017
Play with us 1&2, Emily act 1&2.
Years ago there were a few good ones separated by years on adrift and other even less modern platforms. I come back to adult novels (now games) occasionally when I get bored. I've added f95zone to my permanent list in the hope it doesn't pass away too.
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Nov 9, 2017
Omg, I almost forgot. I used to play this one game called "Whorecraft", about a female Draenei who sold her body, etc. It wasn't finished back then. Looks like it's still around. I think the full name is "Whorecraft: The Chronicles of Alexstrasza". Although, there appears to be an MMO called "World of Whorecraft". Not sure if they are related.


Active Member
May 12, 2017
Milf's Control is up there for me, I'm a big fan of ICSTOR, but that game's my fav of his

I haven't really played too many other completed games out of those from the LoP collection, those are all generally worth a play too