New Thread Ratings

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    I have completely forgot what it is like to get motion sickness from a video game, this game has kindly reminded me of how that feels. If you can get past the absolutely horrible camera, then good luck trying to complete the game with the amount of bugs it has. Its an honest infestation at this point.
    Unity Completed  The Crossdressing Detective 2 [v1.00] [FTGirl]
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Unlike the previous update, the "tech update v21" removes too much content to really validate a positive review, or in any case, earn the status of being called an update by itself.
    And Likewise, when you deliver a test in blank, your score is 0.

    In the music side, the game is mute, our characteristic soundtrack is no longer there. And there are no types of sound effects either.

    The artstyle is cute, I think is the only positive thing, although, that would be the case if not for the amount of re-use of all material in this project, and even some downgrades. What a pitty.

    In the gameplay deparment, right now, there is... nothing. So, it is more like a quick erotic light read accompanied by a few clicks from the user's part.

    So, all in all, a very humble.. "something". I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this... waste of money, waste of passion, and most importantly, waste of your time.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
    Likes: GaRbS
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Short Review for Version 0.1

    <--- Visuals --->

    The creator fixation with the weird angles is simply said, stupid. Every still is weirdly proportioned, it may be ignorance or an attempt to look edgy, but, it is really UGLY.

    <--- Writing --->

    Weird English. Bad grammar. Incoherent sentences.

    Either get a decent proofreader to take a hand at this, or, simply don't make an English version.

    <--- Story --->

    Very thin and almost transparent story. None of it seemed even remotely plausible. Every step of it is forced, everything is really weird.

    The sister is weird. The MC is really dumb. The BadGuy is too stupid to be alive. Pearl is just not believable AT ALL.

    This needs to be completely re-written.

    <--- Conclusion --->

    The images need to be scaled, too big for no reason at all, this is a very old engine after all, nothing is gained by having stupidly big images. Especially with this weird angles the Dev is shooting.

    The entire text needs to be wrote again, this time please use an adult brain, this, as it is, could barely pass for a story written by a 12 year old.

    The story has NOTHING in it. Zero. No substance, no depth, no reason.

    If you have loads of time on your hands AND/OR no critical taste whatsoever, this could be for you.

    Otherwise, really NOT RECOMMENDED.

    <--- Rating --->

    I struggle to give this a 1 star, because it seems cruel. But there is simply nothing good here. Consider the 1-star for effort.
    VN Ren'Py  BlueHole Project [0.1] [AhiAhi]
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v0.4, it's impossible to try to give a synopsis of this game, because there's so little there to even describe. You were a man, now you're a woman.
    The quality of the game is immediately apparent in the first scene; Poor renders, exaggerated facial reactions, poor writing, and unlikable characters.
    I feel bad for giving such a negative review to what is clearly someone's first attempt at making a game, but it's glaringly bad.

    My advice to the developer would be to just start over from scratch. Review dialogue from other stories or books and take inspiration from the writing style. Work on your facial features to make them less cartoonish. Maybe take some time learning some Renpy code ideas before making a new public version.

    My advice to players is to skip this one entirely. Not worth the time or the download.
    VN Ren'Py  How I Became a Female [v0.4] [GenderBenderStudios]
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
    Likes: GaRbS
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is real lightning in a bottle here. With some time to cook this could really be *one of those* games. This may actually be one of the best thematic adaptations of Warhammer I've ever seen. The art style is perfect for it. I wasn't so hot on the Disco Elysium thing it has at first but it grew on me very quickly. I really hope this gets finished, it deserves the be known.
    VN Ren'Py  Imperium Bureaucracy Hero [v0.2.1] [Munitions Mori]
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This demo doesn't put up a good impression. Demo is supposed to impress the player, make them eager to see more, motivate to support you, and want to see the whole game; like they say, first impression can be made only once.

    Instead, we get:
    • Buggy ammo reserves that don't replenish when you die; while the enemies do. Only way to get more is to reload from save.
    • Repetitive one-hit-kill environment traps, with no save point after them, so you have to redo them after every death. They rarely work well outside of arcade games, and it's meant to be survival horror.
    • Saves are buggy; you may lose the access cards with no way to reclaim them, and may respawn outside the map with no way to get back. Both would require full restart.
    On the bright side:
    • Good ambient music.
    • Impressive visual design.
    Unity  Cyan Brain [Ch.01 Test Demo] [NEKOUJI STUDIO]
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    With this long awaited, " 5 years +" update, it is now obvious that this has been pushed just to remove that abandoned tag, from greatest porn game out there to straight up patreon scammer, 80K$ PER MONTH MINIMUM by the way.

    With all the time that it took for so little progress, bro could have made a full unreal engine 5 fully RTX porn game
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The game doesn't even have a savegame functionality. The english text shows up only after the japanese(?). So you have to click double.
    There is no options menu. The game doesn't go fullscreen unless you use borderless gaming to force it.
    Unity Completed  Mai Hasegawa's Maid Sex Training [Final] [Almond & Big Milk]
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    That was very a good ending. This VN is very thought out. Good story simple but is very great. Best LI Valeria she is a package deal best LI path out there. I dont really mind the harem but I think the single paths are better. This is one of the best VN I played and it ends very sweet.
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Bare Witness [Ch. 5] [AlterWorlds]
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Feng Lengshun

    The guy with the 3-star long review is right. It's not great. Just do one run, then grab a full save. Or outright use a full save / switch edit from the start. You'll save time not worth spending on this level of NTR content.
    RPGM Completed  Countdown to NTR [Final] [OneCoin]
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    No interest in playing, hints are useless, very short game, no story... Good thing that this thing has been abandoned. Maybe a test, who knows ? Plase, just deliver games when they are enough advanced.
    VN Ren'Py Abandoned  King's Tale [v0.63] [AdultKing]
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Quality Art here is good, BUT that mostly was not deciding factor for my games to play, but plot and hot content. Currently game is full of disappointments.
    FMC is not even hottest girl here without anything she would stand out except that she is in a relationship with guy in coma.
    Boring gameplay running around to choose getting corrupted or not and in some cases ''forced??'' corruption.
    Plot currently is meh...
    Dev should focus more on FMC getting curse lifted and through that give obscene tasks to do in which she will get corrupted.
    No Antagonist except demon lord? who is far in the background = FMC is not even desired much by people around her who would try to corrupt her and make her personal sex slave or something.
    And Worst of all there isn't any sex sound effects or moans which is most disappointing.
    If some core faults here listed won't change its not worth playing especially sound.
    Overall for this v0.1.22a I give 2-3 stars. 3 stars high only because 90% or more games are not interesting at all or unplayable.
    RPGM  Accursed: Emma's Path [v0.1.22a RC] [MegaloDEV]
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    this game have a potential, with the current progress of the game, this might be one of the best horror side scroller game imo.

    have a good and pretty smooth animation (kinda reminds me of Shadow of Yidhra)
    pretty girls model

    get hit 3 times and you'll die (kinda hope you can get raped more than once)

    when you die, you only have the remaining ammo that you got before you dead

    Gore but its pretty nasty for me idk if this is a cons or pro so ill put it on cons
    Unity  Cyan Brain [Ch.01 Test Demo] [NEKOUJI STUDIO]
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Overrated. Many claim it to be the GOAT of AVNs but Eternum is miles ahead in every aspect except maybe the realism in the renders.

    The story and dialogues in Being a Dik are just boring fillers between sex scenes. Also there are way too many chores to do. Without the console for cheats and guides this game would be unbearable to play.
    VN Ren'Py  Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [Dr PinkCake]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The story starts off on a wild one. Not going to spoil how it happened, but you discover that you are a werewolf. To adapt to this new life, he needs to attend a university full of monsters just like him Who happen to be beautiful women where he can seduce them. Wow, the beginning immediately got me hooked and intrigued. How you meet other women, people and monsters feels nicely paced with a proper introduction to each one. The writing in this game is pretty good, however at times the dialogue does fall short. It is indeed quite a funny game with several references to movies & pop culture. The pacing feels great, I was never too bored with any of the characters and stories. There are so many great stories intertwined with each other and they connect well with everybody in the university.

    The MC is your typical MC. Charming and funny dude who can get any woman if he sets his mind to it. I do like it because he is a werewolf, he is more alpha and dominant in some of the choices that you can make through the game. But what this game excels is the excellent plethora of unique characters in the game. This traditional adult visual novel in a university with the twists of only monsters being enrolled. There are lots of unique monsters in this game such as demons, mermaids, werewolves, vampires, witches, ghosts and etc. Each of the characters you get to know have a great story behind them as well as a quirky personality that matches it.

    There is quite a decent chunk of content in this game. It’s got lots of sex scenes, I believe over 50 sex scenes. Each of these sex scenes is in high quality with its animations and sound. All are accompanied by a gallery which is a nice addition, maybe I just wish the gallery was categorised into the characters for easier access. Just to let you know there are monster sex scenes, where the main characters do have sex with monsters but in their humanoid form. As well as there are scenes where you can fuck them in your werewolf mode. Although I was not excited by the idea of it initially, but the dominance and overpowering of the women were really hot and well done.

    It’s just your typical adult visual novel. There are choices throughout the game to access certain character stories. Also as you learn about being a werewolf, you unlock abilities and perks that will help you in certain scenarios to access certain scenes. One of the cool things about this game is the diary tracker of this game. Each character is tracked in the diary tracker, tracking every single choice that the MC has influences or impacts them. It’s a nice addition, that helps me keep on track with the characters I like.

    The visuals are great. All the models look super hot, and the body proportions of each character are perfect. Even the monster models and visuals look fantastic as well. Some of the monster models are incredible like the mermaid and the ragdoll. When you see the textures up close to these models, they just look so photo-realistic. The sex scenes are done well, all the sex scenes have smooth animations.

    The sound design is great! There’s background music that adds the vibe and ambience of the game. Sound effects were a great addition to the game and complemented the interactions throughout the game. The moaning and sex sounds in the sex scenes were also really great, they added a lot to the sex scene.

    My first impression when first seeing the game was it was your typical young guy attending university with a touch and elements of monsters. But I was impressed by the quality of the game. The deep lore of each monster, the great characters in the game, immersive sound design, great visuals and interesting story make this such an enjoyable read. If you’re looking for a fun harem game in a university setting as a young guy with the added flavour of the world of monsters, this game is just for you.
    VN Ren'Py  Monster College [v0.8.4] [Monster Eye Games]
  17. 4.00 star(s)



    Need Uemura route, I want to pamper both of them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    The grind kind sucks at the start. Food doesn't feel like it has too much impact or doesn't show it more clearly.

    The models are great and feel polished.

    Hoping there are more ways to earn more money like passive income or something. The laptop didn't do a thing besides becoming a glorified mp3.
    Ren'Py  My Maid Dreams of Electric Sheep [v0.5.12] [dodongamagnifico]
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    this is a glorified scene viewer where 99% of it is locked behind a paywall
    and the renders are just bad even the most cookie cutter
    renpy games put at least some effort in

    in short
    renders are trash
    animation is non existent
    story? i mean what story?
    how anyone is expected to pay 12 dollar for this is mind boggling
    VN Ren'Py  My Girlfriend Queen of Spades [Demo] [Mina492]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game even without all the sex scenes. It feels like a sci-fi movie with a genuinely interesting and coherent plot and storylines, and every relationship in this game feels plausible. No annoying big tity girls with glasses like every other game does thank god.

    The animations are much more lively than other AVNs I've played. Also the BGMs really make the game a lot more enjoyable.

    Also enjoy the fact that there's a minimal amount of chores to do (like the free roams / sandbox) in this game unlike in many other visual novels.
    VN Ren'Py  Eternum [v0.7.5 Public] [Caribdis]
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Finished Summer's Gone with every path but Jesus Christ what a high quality shit show...hear me out:

    Bella is best girl for me, reminds me of my ex and has every quality I love about a woman. She also has the most content obviously, which puts her a step above the rest, AND the intimate moments are far superior and emotional than the others in my opinion.

    I actually think Nami is the weakest cause while she does care about you, it comes off as a bit too possessive for my taste (obviously due to her crush). To the point where she makes the player feel bad for wanting to date these other characters, almost like a pre established relationship WHICH I LOATHHHHE in games. Let me choose someone without feeling guilty for fuck sake, why do Devs do this shit...and the playful horniness is literally just me irl so I'd rather not be invested in a clone thank you very much.

    Mila is alright but I think her biggest issue is the lack of confidence. Her intimate moments are VERY nice and yet...I just can't find myself connecting with her on any real level. Shit even Zara has a generally better appeal for me. She's just; a solid middle candidate.

    Victoria is my second favorite, I do love me the cute types and I think her model is GORGEOUS. BUT during the intimate adult moments she strikes me as wildly kinky underneath it all just like her sister, or perhaps dominant, I like that a paradox...At first I thought she just felt like a more laced clingy version of Nami, but then I realized she just likes to speak her mind and not give a shit. Her biggest issue is not having ENOUGH content so I can't properly get to know her more.

    I can look past the inconsistency between the Chapters due to the CONSTANT fucking reworks, and even the lack of Sex, but if I had to point out one major flaw in my eyes, it's Chapter 5 SPECIFICALLY.

    I dunno WHAT the fuck the Dev is smoking but you can see my rant about it here and with further pointing out here. The Dev's tell on deep rooted issues is actually something I can relate to on a personal level which is nice, they at least wrote the topic well, not perfect but well. Anyways that's pretty much it, it's a good read, with some good characters, but it leaves a fuck ton to be desired.

    You can do better, you clearly have the skill in every aspect, so DO better.
    VN Ren'Py  Summer's Gone [S1 Steam + DLC] [Oceanlab]