New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game still has a long way to go but it has a great art style and it's easy to play. Plus the characters are very attractive. In addition, the game promises lots of anal sex in future updates, and it's just fun to play. Things to improve imho would be finding and easier way to know where to click. Overall, a very promising game
    RPGM  Obsessed with Lust (V-7) [v0.0.08] [Lina Games]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I know I'm in the minority when i say this, but I just really enjoy this game. Is it a slow burn? Absolutely but I'm a sucker for slow burn, I get bored if the build up is to fast and I simply stop playing the game if i feel like the game moves to fast. I play these games for the story, the adult content is just a added bonus for me.

    There is a fair bit of grind in this game, again for me that's what i like in sandbox games i feel it's more awarding in the sense you are building towards something, but i can understand that some people don't enjoy that.

    I enjoy the renders i find them very beautiful especially Rosie's character model, i know some may find it a little dated but its refreshing to see that the DEV rendered what they wanted to render and not just what they thought other people may enjoy.

    The erotic scenes are extremely beautiful and rewarding, i also enjoy how sensual the scenes are and not simply driven by lust but by the love you cultivated with the Love Interests throughout the story.

    I've been a fan of Caizer Games for years ever sense i played "My Lovely Sara" i just love their style and pacing of their stories and i hope nothing but the best for them.
    Ren'Py  Happy Summer [v0.6.1] [Caizer Games]
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    Un-ironically one of my favorite gameplay loops of all time. Resource management bitches. Everyone else says it in more words, but the gameplay slaps, the music is killer and the wenches be bitchin.
    Play it properly and you'll find a great game or just download the gallery if your a cowardly degenerate with skill issues
    Others  The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith [v0.82f] [Ason]
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    There are too many bugs, making it difficult to progress through the game.
    Once a bug occurs, further progress cannot be made, so refreshing with F5 does not resolve it.
    By the way, I'm just asking you to use 200 characters to raise a rating.
    If you ask me to write this much for a simple review, who will leave a review?
    Please limit it a bit.
    HTML  The Fapocalypse [v0.1.10] [FAP Online Creation]
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    thats just a trash, sorry. Art is a trash, and everything you do - is just pin some (very small amount) art to an old game. I opened the game files and foundout that its like 5-10 h scenes at all in games.
    Bro, this supposed to be a porngame...
    Dunno how this get 3 stars.
    RPGM  Pokémon 'H' Version [v0.597 C] [Sintax Error]
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The graphics are good and the main characters have a good quality so far as for the animations i still don't know since i only play a portion of it,i just hope they add more fetishes

    sinces this is a game made by DIKGAMES i know it's gonna be great the design are great, the characters are original and it's they are hot and sexy
    VN Ren'Py  FreshWomen [S2 Ep.2 Part 3] [OppaiMan]
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game with a very good amount of content it has just a few things holding it back.

    1. The world map and exploring it, i love the idea and it has plenty of events to discover which is cool. But some of the side quest are just really unintuitive to trigger i have a bunch of them and i have no clue where i should go to trigger them(it shows you what area but not where on the grid). On a side note i think you get way to little actions to discover the map.

    2.Main quests ,although those are a bit more straight forward and easier to complete it could use some polish. Like having the objectives on the map and by clicking it pans to where you need to go maybe.

    3. Like others said art consistency, either have animations or don't. It's a real let down that your favorite scenes are stills and some other random events are very well animated.

    4. This is a personal pet peeve so take this with a grain of salt, but i would like to see even more continuation of events within your castle, even though most characters do have multiple follow up events i would like them to be fleshed out even more. Those events are the coolest events in the game.

    tl/dr : good game that could use some polish here an there.
    Ren'Py  Seeds of Chaos [v0.4.05 Dev] [Vénus Noire]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I just found out about this game(0.3.34) and it's already one of my favourite.
    The writing, the tone, the humour and the visual narration (show don't tell) are really the top of the basket.
    The character are good, for once, even the males, but the girl cast is just awsome. I have peculiar tastes and am very picky, so it's rare that in a game I like more than one or two girls, but here it's the opposite, except for Sloane and the blond lesbian who probably isn't going to be a LI anyway, I like all of them, particularly three absolute cuties (Lane, Seok and Mary).
    The sex scene are greatly animated, with an incredible body physic, the breast jigling and the flesh contacts are the best I've seen in a visual novel, my only regret is that there is no emphasis on the ejaculations, it's probably creampies, but we have no choices and they are not even mentioned.
    The music is great, and I like the setting, even if having stories happening in the US is quite boring, I don't know if the dev is American, but since Americans and Europeans both use the US as their setting most of the time, it's quite boring eventually. I still hope we'll see the conclusion of this one.
    VN Ren'Py  The Hellcat Lounge [v0.3.34] [Wilson Wonka]
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Personally, I think this trainer is a good mix of progression and repetition.
    The models look OK and believable.
    I also really liked Cohabitation.

    What I don't like is the graphic representation of the sperm, which is a bit of a turn-off for me.
    I would also like to see a route that is perhaps a bit more BDSM/slave orientated, so far we can only develop it in the bimbo direction, which is absolutely OK.

    Thanks for reading.

    Translated with (free version)
    Ren'Py  Live in Corruption [v1.2.0] [Dirty Secret Studio]
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very nice short story, it gets straight to the point without having to spend hours tediously reading it because the story drags on like chewing gum.
    The fact that it is a kinetic story is not a bad thing.

    Another advantage is that it is a complete story, no long wait for the developer to release a new update or even abandon the unfinished work.

    The characters are very well chosen and the story is well told in its brevity.
    I would like to see more of the (step)mother and the (step)son in the future.
    The rendered images are also pleasing, only a few good animations are still missing, but that could change in the future.

    I give it a full 5 stars and I am already looking forward to the next short story!
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Unwanted Movie [Final] [DigitalJPlayground]
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    love it ,almost 100% of it,but after playing again since last time,i was being too nice and not fair with the rating[before i gave it a ,45\5 ]now i cant ,.
    the scripts was good enough to keep you in and out from the beggining,but man ,after all this time ,the end fell so rushed,so dissapointed,.
    a harem game wich dont include some of the harem lady's in the end doesnt seem right to me, and to think ,happend the same with his other game, i dont know why ,but maybe is the burnt out ,need to be,bcs dev had good skil for a nice script but not so good with endings,[remind me of games of thrones....yeah i know no need to compare ,but still..that ending]
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Sorcerer [v1.0.0] [Talothral]
  12. 3.00 star(s)



    “Heart Problems”? more like “Amelie and My Uncontrollable Sexual Desire Problems” to me. Don’t get me wrong, I like this game because the animations are one of the best out there, but there are important things that I want to talk about of this game. I’m just gonna jump straight to the points.

    It was great for the first few chapters but it gets worse once you hit chapter five and so on. When you start the game, you’ll meet multiple girls and women. You can flirt with them and you can do stuff. There are multiple choices along the way, but many of them are useless and it becomes a non-existent thing after chapter five. So if you have a question about "is it a kinetic AVN or not?" the answer is yes.

    Anyway, I don’t really like the fact that from chapter five up to eight, the game is 97% about Amelie. What’s the point of Kaylee and Stephanie (or even Mia) if MC’s only desire is to molest and grope Amelie every damn second? Also, I don’t really like the idea that MC dislike Stephanie for being horny all the time because “I’ve seen her grew up and it feels wrong”. Yeah dude Amelie also watched you from a baby to a young adult because you’re her nephew and now you keep molesting her all the time, what a damn hypocrite. MC also becomes an uncontrollable horndog after chapter five, unlike in the previous ones where we actually get choices to control our urges. You’re 21 year old man, buddy… stop using your head like a damn 12 year old teenager who just discovered porns on the internet.

    Also the pacing, holy shit it’s unbearable after chapter five. The most slowburn of non-slowburn AVN right here, fellas. We haven’t get any fuck scenes from Amelie yet after eight chapters despite this game is mostly revolves around her. Stephanie’s and Kylee’s story is also kinda left off… ugh I swear I have no idea where Xenorav is trying to get to the point with this game. Is our mission just to be able to fuck every women? Is our mission to be able to confront Davie about his “business trip affair” in front of his family? Is our mission just to seduce, molest, and have sex with Amelie and forget about anything else that we did with other girls? Or maybe none of them? I can’t even predict where this game leads to despite being a really simple slice of life AVN.

    To be honest and fair, this should’ve been a sandbox game so each girls have their own respectable amount of scenes, one of the good examples is Power Vacuum and Summertime Saga. If you don’t like the idea of sandbox, you can just probably made some kind of paths for each girl so they don’t overlap each other. This is basically just a mediocre game if we see the big picture, I swear I don’t know what to say anymore…..
    VN Ren'Py  Heart Problems [v0.8 Final] [Xenorav]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good sandbox game, with character customization and interesting setting.
    While it's still far from complete, what is here is already quite substantial and allows for a lot of player freedom and replayability, even if the player isn't in full control of the character's choices at all times as the protagonist Sammy (name is customizable) has a mind of her own, these choices can be influenced to a degree by the player managing Sammy's different stats.
    Overall, what's already here is a very entertaining game with a promising future.
    Ren'Py  The Fixer [v0.3.2.39] [Sam_Tail]
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    I have completely forgot what it is like to get motion sickness from a video game, this game has kindly reminded me of how that feels. If you can get past the absolutely horrible camera, then good luck trying to complete the game with the amount of bugs it has. Its an honest infestation at this point.
    Unity Completed  The Crossdressing Detective 2 [v1.00] [FTGirl]
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Unlike the previous update, the "tech update v21" removes too much content to really validate a positive review, or in any case, earn the status of being called an update by itself.
    And Likewise, when you deliver a test in blank, your score is 0.

    In the music side, the game is mute, our characteristic soundtrack is no longer there. And there are no types of sound effects either.

    The artstyle is cute, I think is the only positive thing, although, that would be the case if not for the amount of re-use of all material in this project, and even some downgrades. What a pitty.

    In the gameplay deparment, right now, there is... nothing. So, it is more like a quick erotic light read accompanied by a few clicks from the user's part.

    So, all in all, a very humble.. "something". I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this... waste of money, waste of passion, and most importantly, waste of your time.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Short Review for Version 0.1

    <--- Visuals --->

    The creator fixation with the weird angles is simply said, stupid. Every still is weirdly proportioned, it may be ignorance or an attempt to look edgy, but, it is really UGLY.

    <--- Writing --->

    Weird English. Bad grammar. Incoherent sentences.

    Either get a decent proofreader to take a hand at this, or, simply don't make an English version.

    <--- Story --->

    Very thin and almost transparent story. None of it seemed even remotely plausible. Every step of it is forced, everything is really weird.

    The sister is weird. The MC is really dumb. The BadGuy is too stupid to be alive. Pearl is just not believable AT ALL.

    This needs to be completely re-written.

    <--- Conclusion --->

    The images need to be scaled, too big for no reason at all, this is a very old engine after all, nothing is gained by having stupidly big images. Especially with this weird angles the Dev is shooting.

    The entire text needs to be wrote again, this time please use an adult brain, this, as it is, could barely pass for a story written by a 12 year old.

    The story has NOTHING in it. Zero. No substance, no depth, no reason.

    If you have loads of time on your hands AND/OR no critical taste whatsoever, this could be for you.

    Otherwise, really NOT RECOMMENDED.

    <--- Rating --->

    I struggle to give this a 1 star, because it seems cruel. But there is simply nothing good here. Consider the 1-star for effort.
    VN Ren'Py  BlueHole Project [v0.1] [AhiAhi]
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v0.4, it's impossible to try to give a synopsis of this game, because there's so little there to even describe. You were a man, now you're a woman.
    The quality of the game is immediately apparent in the first scene; Poor renders, exaggerated facial reactions, poor writing, and unlikable characters.
    I feel bad for giving such a negative review to what is clearly someone's first attempt at making a game, but it's glaringly bad.

    My advice to the developer would be to just start over from scratch. Review dialogue from other stories or books and take inspiration from the writing style. Work on your facial features to make them less cartoonish. Maybe take some time learning some Renpy code ideas before making a new public version.

    My advice to players is to skip this one entirely. Not worth the time or the download.
    VN Ren'Py  How I Became a Female [v0.4] [GenderBenderStudios]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is real lightning in a bottle here. With some time to cook this could really be *one of those* games. This may actually be one of the best thematic adaptations of Warhammer I've ever seen. The art style is perfect for it. I wasn't so hot on the Disco Elysium thing it has at first but it grew on me very quickly. I really hope this gets finished, it deserves the be known.
    VN Ren'Py  Imperium Bureaucracy Hero [v0.2.1] [Munitions Mori]
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This demo doesn't put up a good impression. Demo is supposed to impress the player, make them eager to see more, motivate to support you, and want to see the whole game; like they say, first impression can be made only once.

    Instead, we get:
    • Buggy ammo reserves that don't replenish when you die; while the enemies do. Only way to get more is to reload from save.
    • Repetitive one-hit-kill environment traps, with no save point after them, so you have to redo them after every death. They rarely work well outside of arcade games, and it's meant to be survival horror.
    • Saves are buggy; you may lose the access cards with no way to reclaim them, and may respawn outside the map with no way to get back. Both would require full restart.
    On the bright side:
    • Good ambient music.
    • Impressive visual design.
    Unity  Cyan Brain [Ch.01 Test Demo] [NEKOUJI STUDIO]
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The game doesn't even have a savegame functionality. The english text shows up only after the japanese(?). So you have to click double.
    There is no options menu. The game doesn't go fullscreen unless you use borderless gaming to force it.
    Unity Completed  Mai Hasegawa's Maid Sex Training [Final] [Almond & Big Milk]