New Thread Ratings

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay time: ?
    I guess this is development version, but the thread shown final version? This is the review on current date posted where the version I get.

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    Unity Completed  Sleeping with My Little Sister and Making Her Pregnant [Final] [mikotoshi-dou]
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This gets a star because the renders are high quality, but otherwise it's a swing and a miss. Hard pass.

    Writing is long and cliché, and dialogue is very clunky overall. Lots of people talking about things that happened or are happening without you actually seeing them happen. And when they do talk, conversation doesn't sound natural at all.

    Choices are entirely irrelevant, they might as well not exist

    There are no lewd scenes other than a couple of boobs which really have no reason for existing

    I think the dev is too high on their own supply. Writing something *long* isn't a substitute for writing something *interesting*


    If you really wanted to explore the theme of dealing with terminal diseases and how it affects families, then *show* that happening to this family. Instead we go from mom being perfectly healthy, flash forward a decade and she has stage 4 cancer. Dad is only shown in some black-and-white memory type renders. I don't care about MC. I don't care about Olivia. I don't care about anyone. You haven't *made* me care.

    I suggest taking up a course on creative writing and critiquing a few existing novels to understand what's missing here. Great work on the renders and lighting, but those two alone do not a great game make.

    You could argue it's early days and the dev is going for a "story-first AVN", but if that's the case, why is everyone other than the token friend a super hot female? Why are most girls automatically smitten by the MC? Why should I believe it???
    VN Ren'Py  Beyond Tomorrow [Ch.1] [Dream Games]
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    one of the worst games ever posted on this site, not for the writing, not for the art, not for the animations and not for the plot.
    But by the creator who refuses to serve his audience and publish content regularly in this game.
    updates can take from half a year to 2 years to be released and when they are released they can be a downgrade instead of an upgrade, this game is nothing more than a big money laundering, my rating is 1/10, and it's just not 0 because the arts are good.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Heeey !

    First of all, excuse my English, it's not my native language.

    I'd describe this game as a short horrific arcade game, as it's a "Slender" like game made as a loop. You have to play it at least 6 times to unlock all the Wardrobe.

    The aim of the game is very simple, as a "Slender" like, you just have to get 5 or 8 pages (1st one is free), depend on difficulty, in a short abandoned hospital while escaping a strange man/creature.

    + :

    - The gameplay is good, the loop is well made, we're not moving too fast, nor too slow,

    - The replayability is quite good, having different Good and Bad Ending depending on the clothes you choose.

    - Having the choice between FPS and TPS is nice. (Press C)

    - I know that it shouldn't be a + point, but i didn't see any bugs, at least not any gamebreaking bug or anything making the experience bad or anything.

    - The atmosphere is quite good, good enough to quote it here.

    - The graphics are fine for this kind of game, the girl and creature model are good too.

    - There is some humor, creature running animation made me laugh tbh.

    + / - :

    - The riddles are nice, but there is only 3 or 4 riddles in the entire game, and they're quite simple tbh.

    - Having a flashlight is nice, but we don't need it as the game isn't dark enough and the creature doesn't react to it at all.

    - The menu is well made but it lack something, i can't say what but i feel like it.

    - :

    - The animation, and more specifically the sex animation, it's too basic, only a short 2 seconds loop with no continuity. I'd also point the screamer when you get caught, it's.. strange.

    - The IA of the creature, it's too easy to avoid it, even on hard difficulty. He runs as fast as you but stop chasing you if you leave his eyesight, which happen quite often.

    - It lacks a lot of sound effect, the sex scene feels quite empty, the creature laugh is fine but hearing it every 10 seconds is boring, I wish we could hear his footsteps instead..

    - The size of the game, (+5gb) is way too much for this content.

    - It really lack difficulty, I mean, the only difference between Normal and Hard, is the number of pages, their spawn location and maybe the creature pattern. Doesn't really change a lot when the creature stop chasing you when you leave his eyesight.

    - The Lore with Good Ending are quite short and well.. too slutty for me to justify the scene.

    Some suggestions, if dev decide to update his game :

    - Add some riddles, and make them more difficult.

    - Add more animation to the good and bad ending, with at least 3 stage for the sex scene (Entrance, fucking and cumming ). Change also the animation when you get caught.

    - Change the AI of the creature, make it smarter so she doesn't stop chasing you after 2 seconds, make it less predictable, she only take one staircase and if you take the other one she won't follow you. Make it able to enter rooms.

    - Add some mechanics ( crouch, hide in a locker, lay under the bed.. ) so player can avoid the creature easily. You can also adjust difficulty with that, making the creature paying more attention if the player is standing or crouching, deleting locker and bed on higher difficulty and so much more..

    - Add another level, on a bigger map, maybe a graveyard, a school or in a manor. There is a lot of possibilty.

    - Add another creature, or some customisation on it.

    - Add sounds effect, like footsteps for player and creature, add more sounds to the mob so we don't have to hear his laugh every 10 seconds. Add some ambiant sound too, wood cracking, birds outside and much more.

    - Add some hidden notes, it lack of interactive items and making the pages hidden can also add some difficulty and gameplay.

    - Add some lore, optionnal i mean, so we learn a bit more about our player and the creature (why we're here?, what happened here?, what's this creature? etc..).

    I do not want to be that harsh with this game as i had a good time playing it, but there is a lot of things that could be better. This game has a lot of potential to be a very great game, I'd really love to get more updates.

    3/5 is maybe generous, but I liked this game.
    Unreal Engine Completed  Abandoned Void [v2.1.1] [Escovic Games]
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Inconsistent art style, minimal writing during sex scenes, and very little art overall. 2 stars for having battle fuck mechanics, but they're not great due to frequently shifting styles.

    Of the 2 blue slime girls, Skye is especially bad. In one fight, I saw 4 different styles. Jumping from one artist to another inbetween the climax sequence is just not great. The other blue slime doesn't even actually have unique art for the climax sequence, nor does the pink princess slime.

    Then there's the pointless grinding. You want to do this? Go fight the same enemy 8 times to level up. Want to do this other thing? Repeat. Want to win this story oriented fight? Repeat that 10x.

    The writing is most definitely not special. It's decent at best, mediocre at worst, and far from anything I'd ever even take a second look at. The sequences are also very short, a common trend with these games.

    Just a really, really weak game.
    Ren'Py  Charmed [v2.5] [ImpCharm]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the persistent character development and the sex scenes are rewarding, if a bit derivative.

    Its clear that this project has some limitations in terms of how quickly new versions come out, but the format is good enough to make up for that
    VN Ren'Py  SpaceCorps XXX [S2 v2.7.1] [RanliLabz]
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Where'd all the content go? Where'd all the planned content go? Is it rose tinted glasses that make it so I can't remember why I enjoyed this game or is it the fact that it looks worse and decided to pull a beginner dev excuse of "we're working on the mechanics".

    The other download is worth 4-5 stars depending on how much you value porn over plot, but this one? Needs a new thread for all the honest 1 star reviews and an abandoned tag on the old one.

    I remember big titty goths and other assorted hair colors and said memories have been reworked thanos snapped.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad, but definitely felt basic. Also wish that we could turn the stomache size back after birth. She's basically pregnant every night after the first pregnancy.
    I would like to see a bit more variation in position and her expression? I think there was 3 scenes you could interact with her in.
    And last I would've like to see her actually wake up. Unless I was playing it wrong, she "opened" her eyes and went right back to sleep no matter what.
    Unity Completed  Sleeping with My Little Sister and Making Her Pregnant [Final] [mikotoshi-dou]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is simple, the plot is good, there are many choices, with those choices there will be different results. Anyway ,I love this game so much:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u dev, god bless u
    VN Ren'Py  Celebrity Hunter [Ep.6] [Geiko Games]
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    João pedro

    This game, right now, is as good as Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.
    Graphic are good the kinks are, well, guro, so not great. Gameplay is painful bad hit boxes and poor save spot locations. Sound is fine. The most annoying things are the insta death traps, they can block your path and are everywhere.
    Unity  Cyan Brain [Ch.01 Test Demo] [NEKOUJI STUDIO]
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a decent hentai game, but after a while there are far too many numbers and for some reason the stomach of the sister just stays maxxed out no matter what you do. i dont know if this is a bug or intended, buty either way it's irritating.

    i'd like to see some more things added, maybe the sister comments on what you did, maybe there's an option where she tries to fight you off if you dont have high enough mood stat, things like that. the game's pretty good right now, but it could be much better.

    also, side note; the proprtions get way out of hand very, very quickly, and even i found myself getting put off by the gigantic tits and enormous belly. it can get off-putting.
    Unity Completed  Sleeping with My Little Sister and Making Her Pregnant [Final] [mikotoshi-dou]
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to be one of my most anticipated games when an update came out. Now it is losing content, under the guise of a performance update. I started a new game and what little content is there doesn't seem to trigger properly. I can't get Debbie or Jenny's content to progress the way it used to. It's good that they finally added/unlocked new locations on the map, and the game *does* seem to run better since the engine update, but ultimately there isn't much to do any longer, the minigames are gone, the interaction with other characters is very limited. It doesn't seem like it would take much effort to port the existing content to a new ren'py version, so I'm not sure what is happening there.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 7/10
    Darkest Dungeons-like style combat is pretty cool and satisfying. Currently, it lacks deepness, but that's ok, it's just a beta and I believe it will be improved later.
    Then it comes to management, it's pretty much the same situation. The idea of managing captives and maintaining their lust, fear, and other stats is very good in my opinion, but for now, it's a little too repetitive but still satisfying.

    Graphics: 10/10
    As always, absolutely fantastic. The art style is top tier in my opinion, just as in CK. Every scene brings satisfaction.

    Story: 10/10
    Fantastic writing. Great story which I really enjoyed. Even better than CK story. Dialogues are cool and I never had a need for skipping anything. What's also worth to mention, we actually have a story-driven reason for keeping sex slaves captive.

    Technical quality: 10/10
    No bugs. Great performance.
    Unity Onhold  Eld [v1.0.11] [introspurt]
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Zin Zi

    This.. i don't know what this is.

    I don't have anything good to say about this game other then that its different. I can kind of see where the dev was going with it but he execution is not there.

    • Terrible UI
    • Menus.. Menus everywhere..
    • Resource grind
    • Dated Renders
    • Overly complicated
    The no hand holding nature of this game doesn't work very well when the ui and the overly complicated system are so badly designed. I honestly didn't think I'd ever have a complaint about a game not being hand holdy.. yet here we are. This coming from a Kenshi and CK3 vet.

    I do not recommend this game.
    Unity  World after War [v0.98] [Crazy Forge Studio]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont really drop reviews but i think this game needs more exposure actually interesting story to the point where i came to fap and wasnt really borhered about it by the time i got into it, not just thack but the tension between the characters is great interesting sex scenes in how they come about luciana's sex scene is top tier, lots of potential, i cant see this becoming anyhting less than great for 4 chapters aswell i think theres a decent balance of both story and sexual content, where you constantly feel like youre building towards something either plot wise or for sexual gratification with a pay off that feels worth the build up alot of games mess that up where theres loads of build up and tension in the sake of forgoeing the story and plot and all you gert is a shitty tease scene, this game doesn;t make that mistake, each character feels unique and real, take Enzo, at first his personality quirk seems ver jarring but as the the story immediately shows you it makes complete and total sense as to why he is that way. the story is very big on show not tell which is why the writing in this is some of the best ive seen albeit yes it falls prey to a few VN archetypes, nigh cliche's but the execution and quality of them makes it a non factor in my opinion great game cant wait to see where it goes
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    the way the ghost lady talks to me makes me want to lose on purpose :(

    Although the gameplay gets repetititive in a few rounds, it's pretty well made. The ghost lady is hot and it keeps you hooked on long enough to make you want to grind credits just to unlock content in the shop. The creator made a really good effort to combine the aspect of horror and erotic elemtents. Good game
    Unreal Engine Completed  Halls of the Pale Widow [v1.0.1] [Krasue Games]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, even demo was so challenging, i really had fun while playing, but when you die your ammo doesnt reset so if you spend all your ammo at some point game can become impossible... (maybe when you die at least 1/4 perchenge of full ammo can given back)
    Unity  Cyan Brain [Ch.01 Test Demo] [NEKOUJI STUDIO]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    To me these kind of characters look very generic.
    I can't get anything out of them.

    So why do I give 5 stars?
    Simply because the game is really entertaining.

    You can see that someone invested a lot of effort and love.
    While there is still a lot of pontential for development, everything that has been implemented is not just a work in progress mess but delivers the impression of a mostly finished feature.

    While not finished it's already an enjoyable game. The prospect that it will get even more content alone deserves 5 stars. Overall, this game is far above regular games on F95zone.
    Ren'Py  Adventurer Trainer [v0.1.9a] [PastryIRL]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a review of all of Faerin's work.

    Faerin, to me, feels like one of the most underrated developers on this site. His game may not be as flashy or "big" story/game play wise as say milfy city (pre 0.7), or Being a DIK but the consistency in his work is astonishing.

    Renders are always great, and he keeps them up-to-date with evolving render quality. While going back to man-of-the-house you notice the datedness of the renders when you look at Mystood wood then Midnight Sin you see the evolution.

    One thing I loved about Mystwood that seems to be coming up in this, is there is actual game play in the porn game, something that is often underrated in terms of coming back to the game. Before it's cancellation Battle for Luvia had some amazing game play (for a porn game) and that helped immensely with its success, this is no different from Faerin's works. While yes it's a porn game and thus the game play is not overly complicated it's still important to have.

    Finally, Faerin can do all this because he finishes games, he has a clear plan follows it through and THEN moves on. By doing this his renders never feel dated during the games release, the mechanics are altered or improved upon on his next game and his stories never go off in a million shallow or unfinished directions.

    This is a 5/5 for the developer, and retroactively all his games for being the most: consistent, quality, focused dev on here. Also one of the only ones where donating feels like your money is actually contributing to production. I don't donate to most creators, even the ones I praise, but Faerin gets something from me after proving his abilities as a dev and someone who commits to projects, despite success.
    Unity  Midnight Sin [v0.3.2 Extra] [Faerin]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure why this isn't reviewed better as to me it's one of the top 5 VN's I've played so far. Fun characters, silly but entertaining plot, great LI's with lots of hot sex scenes. I guess maybe the rating reflects the dev's choice to paywall some of the bonus scenes? Personally I'm fine with whatever helps the developer raise funds to ensure quality production, which this certainly this, both in terms of quality and quantity
    Others Completed  Shale Hill Secrets [v0.17.0] [Love-Joint]