RPGM - Completed - Zookeeper Mission!2 [v1.0.4] [Morning Explosion]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is terrible on all fronts of terrible.

    First of all art. Omg the art. Just for the art alone, this game gets -300 points, at least it's 2d and not another 3d crappy render. It's like someone thought of every fetish in a book, thrown them in a blender and vomited this out.

    Translation. MTL here had a stroke. Whatever was used for translating is no longer alive or is at the point of dying. You can't understand anything. It's on the level of "HE LIKE HE LIQUID PHSI SPHIS".

    TLDR: Just don't. It's bad idea on all fronts.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Hoh boy this one is bad.
    The MTL is severe levels of poetry on par with Mario saying, "thank you for to playing my game" only worse and constant.

    The gameplay is also very bad, with even just navigating the menu being horrendous with very loud animal sounds playing on every single button click unless you completely turn them off, and with there apparently being hidden menu options that you can navigate to but not see.

    The art is also something special too, looking like if you took fetish art of every body part and slammed them all together resulting in a ball of flesh that is vaguely humanoid if humans were 90% body folds.

    I couldn't even get past the intro of the game before deciding to back out of the game for the rest of my life.

    Massive red flag of a game, I would completely avoid even downloading it unless you are really desperate for really...odd design choices.