Tads - Completed - XXX-Men, Ch. 2 -- Fast Times at the Xavier Institute [v1.0.0] [Alec Roberts]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    We definitely need more AIF these days, it's a genre that I personally sorely miss. This one is pretty alright, not without its faults, but I hope the series will be continued soon.

    The writing is great, setting is alright, scenes are pretty good albeit they could use a bit of variety when repeating commands. I think I didn't get stuck in any part of the game, plus there's a handy walkthrough included so you won't miss anything.

    Anyway, definitely worth a try if you miss this kind of games. I hope this is the first of many!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Quick, fun, not too difficult. Writing was good, sex scenes were interesting. Fairly linear, but these games usually are. Love to see something that was more open world/ sandboxy though. Also, dunno how possible it is, but some pictures would be cool... Wouldn't hurt anything certainly. Even just ones from around the web.