VN - Others - Completed - X-Change 3 [Final] [Crowd]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game and story setting, kinda something new and doki-doki I mean the story setting is pretty much interesting. I like the character graphics also the voice actors as well. Thank you for the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great VN Great Upload +++ from me thanks
    I am not a professional reviewer but here it goes:
    As a heads up this is the first x-change I have played
    Story 9.5/10 Great engaging story.
    + I usually skip allot in vns
    to reach the choices this one got me hooked.
    -The repeating scene leading to different endings
    Characters: 9/10
    Almost all characters are likable except one for me
    Art 10/10
    Loved it