Working On A Game


Oct 15, 2016
today was me getting preggo morphs and baby models as well as diapers and things like that for after you knock up the women inn the story (finding baby models is abit of a pain for daz/poser baby luna being the best model i could find).

I'm working on doing more renders for the writing i have so far as well and making side renders for the writing for when we throw in fine details for better writing.

My writer is working on another 2500 words atm we are at like 5992 words in and like 25% of that has renders to it (i am slowed down in renders and animations by having to grab content to fit the writing as well as render out stuff so she has a picture of what to write, plus animations take days to make and some scenes have 3 animations for that single scene etc).

I'll render out a baby later to show you the model and as always i'll keep everyone updated on whats going on with my game and what i am doing :) take it easy everyone.

Babie tests 001.png
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Oct 15, 2016
ok after all the setup bs i am actually rendering out renders going into the game (please note i might make adjustments even after they are in the game, The images are decent but are place holder subtle changes will be made or major changes might be made to help set the tone of the writing or to better match each other and voice acting etc down the road when i get those ready or even to match user advice if it makes sense for a better result)

With all that said i am rendering them out they are getting coded into the game and the game is taking shape atm.

I am not gonna release the game until i reach enough content with at least the 2 of the main characters in the story, so i have no eta atm i am focusing on the story and once there is a break in story where it makes sense to stop is when i will release it.

As it stands atm i think the first break that would make sense is when you as the main character and Sara or whatever you name your wife in the game talk about adding in the 2nd sub into your life.

As always i'll keep everyone updated with what i am doing and how things are going with the game take it easy :)
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Oct 15, 2016
Ok as a content creator and game dev. (I Speak for myself not anyone else ) I have perfectionism issues and like to try to pose models, get the right camera angles & change textures to match the themes in my game.

I think this results in good quality renders and decent content but it also makes me worry about my content seeing as i can see everything that is wrong with it and know what needs fixing.

But due to lack of writing / voice acting for fine details on how the poses and or overall tone for these scenes should go i make general poses and camera angles that convey the basics of whats going on without such fine details.

My point is i worry about the look of the content used as a base line for the first release and what ppl think.

So i'm gonna post some basic stuff that matches up with some of the writing i have coded in the game and see what ppl think.

Please feel free to give me constructive criticism and feed back as well what you think could be changed to better them images or what you think seems off about them if you feel there is something off.

This should help me know what ppl like, what ppl don't like & what they think to make better content before release for the game.

Please note these renders are at random points of the game and at different spots in the game meaning different lighting and camera angles are used.

Blog intro3.png Chelsea after rape 001.png shopping scene 002.png Shower Intro scene tests.png Blog intro05.png


Oct 15, 2016
Trying different 3D render engines to see how they handle things with the same exact settings let me know what you think.

The first image is in daz and the 2nd is lux render tell me what you think between the two ? Also the 3rd render is in lux render using a real world camera filter found on a fuijifilm 400 camera with settings for evening time photo's (you can't get the same level of camera settings or options in daz so its not a apples to apples compare there is detail lost in daz using the same settings even if i tried to render it out)

The 4th one is the same as the 3rd with night time settings instead of evening settings

The file i added it a png of the Image Based Lighting i used for the renders (its too large in res. to put into the box so just dl it to see the tone mapping and why the hue color is as it is in the lux render images )

Daz Compare.png 100% Apples to Apples.png LuxRender Compare.png Sara Test.png
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Oct 15, 2016
Lux is picky with textures and doesn't treat them like daz does with its image layer system so i am working out how to manually assign textures to address the issue that pop up in my renders due to daz layering images to work with each other.

here is a example of texture clash between the two systems note the side walk near the grate on the edge of the grates the texture there isn't using the same as the side walk i adjusted so i have to adjust each section of the textures manually for it work or at least i hope its that simple :)

Ok looks like sadly the model i am using which works in daz just fine with the changes just won't work with lux render it doesn't see the layed image at all which means i can't manually change the texture and i go with the texture that comes with the 3D model it blacks out the layed image.

The way the model was made was as a single piece and the surfaces for it were not sectioned off for each section of the model made, which means i can change some surfaces but sadly not the edge of the grate that makes up a space before the the next tile in the sidewalk its just not a texture i am able to change :( will have to be more careful when buying 3D models or make a UV wrapper for them in the future :)

Ok gonna be lazy and try daz's Geometry Editor and see if i can get it to make a surface for the section and see if it will fix the texture issue in lux for assigning that edge wish me luck :)

Yeah no lux sees the texture but doesn't change it at all it basicly ignores the fact its there and renders out just like before no change at all and i am too lazy to crate uv wrappers for the 3D model and make adjustments as needed to fix the small section that is a issue overall it isn't that bad and while it annoys me it should be fine

Chelsea Shopping Test.png
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Oct 15, 2016
Yeah no matter what i do i can't get it match the textures daz allows me to use and have to adjust them to work with lux but i think the results are worth it.

Let me know which image you think is better and give me your input :)
Chelsea Shopping Test 2.png shopping scene 002.png


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
As to respond, which color did you intend to obtain ?
As to the first set, for the hair ? Natural one or tinted ? Etc.
As it is, it all depend on that, as the results, are interesting in almost egal values, this while having quite some distinct render.

That said, as to comparing, they are much better option, side by side for example, as to have both image seen at the same time.

Would require for you to either edit the files (assemble) or find a tool/service allowing this.


Oct 15, 2016
As to respond, which color did you intend to obtain ?
As to the first set, for the hair ? Natural one or tinted ? Etc.
As it is, it all depend on that, as the results, are interesting in almost egal values, this while having quite some distinct render.

That said, as to comparing, they are much better option, side by side for example, as to have both image seen at the same time.

Would require for you to either edit the files (assemble) or find a tool/service allowing this.
I think you misunderstood what i said so i'll respond in order to what you typed.

The color near the grate on the side walk ( Chelsea explaining template.png ) The area highlighted inn blue is darker then it should be due to how the model works its not something i can change in lux it does not allow me to so it ends up looking like this ( Chelsea testing.png
I do nothing to her hair at all actually daz and lux both use a different rendering engine and treat the same exact textures including her hair differently (Lux uses PBR reflections and texture samples to make a guess at what real world values it has and daz uses whatever image that is provided including layering the images to make a full picture much like photoshop can) They are different and end up with different results even with the same exact settings.

As for using a different tool to edit the area to fix the issue i am having i could use photoshop to adjust the area by highlighting it in a new layer and then add in a brush and fill it in and adjust the contrast and textures untill it matched.

I could also UV wrap the whole 3D model with different UV wrappers and then it would allow me to adjust each surface with whatever image or shader i wish to use.

Both of these would be time consuming and i am not that good at photoshop so the faster way would be UV wrapping but that would still take hours to do, when in reality i don't care enough about it to make that change not because i am lazy or don't want to but because its alot of work for slightly darker texture which it should be but i can't show depth on the 3D model or texture without heavy edits.

As for which is better thats more for you to decide along with the rest who would be playing the game that's why i asked what ppl liked or disliked about them.

I.E you prefer the image layed hair or the real world value hair, Do you prefer the the real world shaded glass or do you prefer the image based glass or do you prefer the darker clothes on her or the real world color based clothes etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
It would be the first one, more general colors corresponding. Brighter tones, to.

This said, I guess you know that there is no two (even here, while using two screen, I do not have the exact same ratio and so, have quite different results). This as to know that what you produce wont be as 'it' when played on the end user side.


Oct 15, 2016
I'm sorry i have been so busy lately with real life stuff and issues with my submissive i am training atm.

I'm currently talking with my writer trying to increase the word count done per month to speed up my release time if possible i'd be able to get to a safe break point for release sooner so hopefully i'll be able to squeeze 5000 words a month out of her which is double the 2500 she was doing and should be able to shorten when i reach that break point story wise.

I also decided i'm just going to ignore Reality atm is has too many issues for me for it to be of much use due to them and i am just gonna learn more about daz and photoreal textures and materials to improve myself as a 3D artist and get better results.

Since i plan to stick with daz i should be able to put more attention into my work since i am only learning one program atm.

Once i get to a reasonable stop gap with content and renders in my game i'll look into unity and unreal as i'd prefer 3D programs but i need to learn c++ or C sharp for the programs to be able to code in things and make releases more stable as well as have decent camera angles etc or at least know enough to get by and buy what i can't learn before i get into that.

Just figured i'd let ppl know i am trying to get the game out the door not just sitting on my hands doing nothing but 2500 words is just too slow for decent content and context for the story so i am trying to work on that.


Oct 15, 2016
Ok Spoke with my writer and she'll try for 5k words a month so hopefully i can push on with the story faster that way and get more content into the game.

Getting the story wrote means i can match the renders to the story better and i can put out the writing we have for our first release to a 3rd party for proof reading and editing and get a outside pov on the state of the story and how they think it works or doesn't work.

This may or may not increase how fast i can release the game but at the very least it will allow me better quality control over the writing aspect and allow me produce better renders to match the scenes and give me time to render out what is needed.

As always i'll keep everyone updated on my work and how things are going .... and i think i fixed my issues with lux render and daz but don't quote me on that i will work on it in my free time and if it works out cool if not i'll prob. just stick with daz and learning how to make PBR textures and materials untill i can make half decent 3D games :)
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Oct 15, 2016
I fooled around with eyes in daz to try to get them to look more like they do in lux render since daz makes eyes look to much like doll eyes without adjustments and this is my results so far :)

What it makes the eyes look more alive and i added more to my bump map to add in abit of detail.

Side note doing this makes me see how bad my eye textures are for use as photoreal textures since its missing detail in the white part of the eyes that makes it seem off almost painted on the eyes which bugs me abit but i suck at photoshop and searching through all my eye textures seems like a pain.

Let me know what you think of the new eye look over the old eye look:) Also i hope you can see i am getting better at this not worse at least i hope :p

Daz studio (Trying to Make daz look more like Lux Render).png
Real Lighting For normal Scenes.png

And this is my teeth and hair test with some adjustments to the eyes :)

Teeth and eye test with hair testing too .png

This one is just for fun and titties :)
Naked Sara Just cuz.png
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Oct 15, 2016
Gonna look over the writing i have so far since i didn't get to it the other day and proof read and edit it where needed.

I'm also gonna go over my models and some of my scenes and try to work on scale for models and props to make sure each model is made to scale for more realism and better results on lighting and reflections.

I'll also most likely change the eye settings on my other models now that i know what the right settings are :) assuming i have the time tonight :)

Broke up the writing into sections that go into the game and got it set for now, i'll need to break up the writing again once we reach the break in the story before we proofread and ediit it for pacing and whatever else makes sense then we'll send it off for 3rd party proof reading and edits for quality control and a different pov.

After i did that i went ahead and made fixes to the eyes for each character model to make them look more real and post them up here for you to look at.

Now i'm going to relax abit before i go back to learning how to code since i need to improve on more then just my renders to be a decent game dev. I'm working on coding i'm 100% new to it and it's gonna take me some time but i'm working on it :)

As always i'll everyone updated on what i am doing and what my writer is working on with me take it easy everyone :)
Chelsea Eyes fixed.png Stephanie  Eyes fixed.png Sara  Eyes fixed.png Danny  Eyes fixed.png
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Oct 15, 2016
Ok so i went to setup some animations and noticed issues with the textures for the Stephanie model.

Her shoulders have texture bluring where the texture is being stretched its the same by the knee cap as well as where the texture for the seem under her butt is normally this wouldn't matter for stills but for animation Sex animations its a issue.

Since the model needs to be nude and the body is stretched in these areas during sex i making a character model change she will have the same look and personality and she'll still be a redhead with just alot less freckles since all 3 skin textures i have for v4 freckles seem to have the same issue x.x but i think she looks just as good as before.

I'll upload renders of the model in full later it was a quick fix just sucks that i can't use the textures i wanted due to issues with the skin texture without fixing it myself and again i hate photoshop i'll most likely make one of my goals hiring or conracting out post work in photoshop since i hate it so much and it makes qork flow quicker.

as always i'll keep you updated and let you know whats going on even if its bad news like this x.x

New Stephanie Model
Stephanie Character Model fix.png Stephanie Character Model full body fix.png
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Oct 15, 2016
Awesome work! Can't wait to see it!
Thanks :) trying to speed things up with my writer but quality control for the story such as overall story quality and pacing are gonna take me abit :)

I'm currently working one a Chelsea model without makeup on for later down in the story :) i'll upload that when i am done


Oct 15, 2016
For story reason i have been working on taking off all that make up that chelsea puts on her so you'll get to see her with and without :)
chelsea With make up.png chelsea no makeup.png
Ignore the fact that the eyes don't pop out and shine as much if you view the full 1080 render you'll see there is shine and a reflection map but i toned done the filters for the eye surface to get that look it looks odd from up close compared to the other eyes but its evens out from distance don't worry :)


Oct 15, 2016
I'm working with a another on a trial basis who might be a better fit for work flow then my current writer.

The new writer has promised 7k to 8k words per month which would be about 3x our current word count and is a freelance writer where my current writer is a amateur writer.

We'll see how she works out and if she provides quality work and can keep up on time tables, I will talk with her about maybe doubling up on word count and if money allows later on maybe full time contract if she meets expectations.

As always I'll keep you updated on what's going on and what i am up to with the game
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Oct 15, 2016
i don't think i need lux anymore i manged to figure out some of the textures and how to make PBR settings for them or what shaders to use for realism to match much of lux render does will allow me to render out renders that act alot like luxus renders without using there engine.

Its slightly different the eyes are not the same and have less of a shine to them but still shine abit and i have reflection maps working and refraction index values are there so they match realism alot depth wise, lux render uses glass presets and index values for the surface of the eye which gives it the extra shine but i don't have a architectural glass shader to repeat what they do for eyes so it only comes close.

I have a hair shader that uses real world textures and all i have to do is add in the refraction index values to the hair for the realism there :) and some camera settings on the camera and bam a lux render looking model without lux render issues :)

I'll upload a render of Sara later with her new hair textures and eye values and lighting and see if you like it or prefer daz normal hair shaders :)

Trying to mimic lux render settings .png


Oct 15, 2016
so i just got some music done for me for the main menu as you load up the game and before the start of game.

I tried to keep it basic due to my budget its nothing fancy just some heavy drums and low fx to give it that dominant tone in the main menu.

While its not the best music, its not stock royalty music and it matches the tone of the story for the game well enough for now if its a issue and doesn't match quality of the rest of the game i'll look into contracting a better work in the future :)

I have a meeting with the trial writer on Wednesday so tell her my story for the game and see how that goes and see what she can do in a month after our meeting and her learning the story and fixing it to match her style and we'll be going from there.

As always i'll keep you updated on what i am doing and whats going on with the game :)