Windows 10 Creators Update ...


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Yo! Most of you who play Japanese games probably already know this, but the Windows 10 Creators Update really messes with Japanese text display on many games. Stuff that worked just fine until Windows automatically updated to 'Creators' without asking you.

You can rollback to the previous version (and I did), but at some future point Windows will, again, update to 'Creators' without asking you. Gates knows best, folks! Lol.

Good news, though: . Possible, but a pain in the butt.

What you do is ...
1. Make windows updates wait for you to manually select them instead of automatically installing them. You do this by telling Windows that you are on a ( ).

2. When you spot the Creators Update in the 'waiting to install' queue you can use a little known Microsoft Widget called (catchy name!). It allows you to 'hide' specific updates from upcoming installs. Hidden updates won't be installed (but you can use the same tool to 'show' them again later).
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